From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 19

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: "Ryunakama"

 Receiving an explanation about the past transportation function, I recall the old days a bit.

 …Can transport skills from the past, huh.

 Since I"m among those who underwent job change, I guess it was determined that I will be able to use this skill and therefore it was given to me.

 Acquisition of skills varies from individual to individual, and how they will be distributed is all in the hands of G.o.ds. There are also G.o.ds who insist on『acquiring by ingenuity or inevitability』but, well, that aside.

「How do you use this feature?」

 Even if you tell me that I can pull the skill from the past, I"d have no idea how to do it. So I asked Marion, who also possessed such skill, and she pointed at my transportation bag.

「It"s a function attached to the bag, just touch the bag and imagine the skill you had in the past. But, well, it"s transportation. Depending on the capacity of the transportation bag, the number of skills that can be pulled out will also differ.」

「I see… Then, I"ll try it out.」

 I looked at the scales of an ancient dragon. And following my gaze Marion also looked at the scales, then, blurting out 「Ah」, nodded.

「…Speaking of trying, I now remember, according to what I"ve heard, before you changed the career you had a combat type job?」

「Well, yes. So I will try to execute a combat type skill at that thing. It will also work as a sideshow. I"ll be back.」

「Eh, eeh, good, luck?」

 And so, I left my seat.

「Master—, go for it—」

「D-don"t get hurt trying too hard, Axel-kun.」

 Backed by Berzelia"s support and Kohaku"s concern I walked up to the store owner, who stood at the center of the store.

「Owner. Let me take up your challenge.」

 When I approached him, he looked at my face and uttered 「Oh?」slightly surprised.

「Isn"t that Flying Carrier. You also want to try?」


 When I confirmed, the shopkeeper made an expression as if he was worried about me.

「We are using real weapons, are you going to be okay? I won"t take responsibility even if you injure yourself being drunk. I wouldn"t want to injure a promising rookie of this town…」

「Thank you for your concern. But it"s fine. I"m fully prepared and already accustomed to this.」

 Hearing my words the shopkeeper tilted his head but it seems he accepted my will to partic.i.p.ate.

「Accustomed? …Hmmm, well, if you say so. The challenge fee is five hundred gold. It is one thousand gold if you break the weapon. The reward is one thousand gold reward if you make a crack, 10,000 gold for successful destruction. Choose your weapon from here.」


 I pick a sword from the shelf designated by the shopkeeper.

 It"s a little used, but it"s still a strong and heavy sword. It appears to be the toughest and the best looking around here, and while I"m looking at the blade—

「Now, a new challenger has appeared. And what a surprise, it"s a person gathering a lot of attention in our city as of late, Flying Carrier!」

 Presentation from the shopkeeper had begun.

「Oh, so that is the rumored Flying Carrier!」

「Got from being a hot topic and now challenging? I don"t hate that, do it, do it!」

 It seems that hyped introduction and presence of alcohol made the audience pretty excited.

 Well, this much shouting makes it more like a side-show, and with those thoughts, I fasten the transportation bag to my waist.

 For now, this fulfills the requirement for touching.

 The rest is the image of the skill to use, but—

 …Now, she was saying what capacity matters, but I have no idea how many I can pull out, for starters let"s imagine a few easy to understand skills.

 In my mind, I imagine a series of basic techniques for a dragon knight.

 An opponent who fights at the same att.i.tude as myself— A technique that can cause damage to a dragon. I struck enemies with it many times, I often used it in the past.

「From【Dragon Claw】to【Dragon Smash】and then【Dragon Cannon】【Dragon Chase】【Dragon Pierce】five skills combo…!」

 As I speak, I swing my sword.

 A moment later—

 A shockwaves were released from the sword.

 Impossible to perform by normal means, a simultaneous triple strike. It goes straight at the ancient dragon"s scales—


 And an explosive impact ran through the store. Then, a mark like that from the claw was engraved in the middle of the scales.


 That is all the shopkeeper, who was looking from nearby, could say before falling silent after seeing what happened.

 And the audience seemed to be astonished as well, the silence filled the store with only sounds of breathing being heard.

 The one to break that silence was the sword in my hand—


 The sword shattered with the sound similar to that of the shattering gla.s.s. It"s wasn"t such a good sword, so it most likely could not endure a dragon knight"s technique.

「…I think with my old weapons I could cut a little deeper and severe it…」

 And around the time I muttered that, the freeze on the audience has finally ended. Then— 



「He put a crack on the scales that hundreds of others could not even scratch!」

 It turned into a huge uproar.

 And the shopkeeper, who was letting out dumbfounded sounds, was tottering closer to me.

「Even though you are a carrier, you are amazing…!」

「I couldn"t break it though. So, since I put the crack it"s one thousand gold, but because I broke the weapon the entry fee is doubled, so does it mean that we are even?

 I speak while showing the sword from which only the handle remained—

「Eh? Ah, n-no, there are three cracks in it, and you put up such a good show. Two thousand gold, take them!」

 The shopkeeper at first looked bewildered, but then he took money from a shelf and shoved it to me with a serious face.

「O-oh? Well, since you are giving them I will take it, but are you sure about this?」

「No, it"s all good, carrier-san! A mere possibility that this thing can be broken is already a huge plus for the shop. Take it!」

 With a nice smile, the shopkeeper pressed the money to me. Since the shopkeeper says it"s okay then I guess it"s okay, and so accepting the money with such thoughts, I return to the seat where Marion and others are.

 There, were waiting for me Kohaku with gaping mouth, delighted Berzelia and Marion, with a slightly troubled smile on her face.

「Welcome back, Axel-san.」

「Well, it"s been a long time since I"ve last seen it, but Master is surely amazing—」

「Y-yes. To think you"d put a crack on the scale that remained undamaged until now…」

「Aah, yes. It was a bit disappointing that I could not break it. But what I learned about past transportation from this is important. As well as what only one skill has appeared.」

 Marion gasped at my words.

「Eh, only one?!」

「Yes, that"s so? Is something wrong?」

「Wrong you say, but there are three cuts?! I"ve never seen such a skill.」

「Well, that scratch is the result of one skill.」

 【Dragon Claw】is a skill that releases three simultaneous slashes in an instant.

 There is no other damage on that scale. Since I imagined four other skills aside from the dragon claw, there should have been four additional marks if they manifested.

 Even the broken weapon shouldn"t change it.

 Because if a dragon knight"s skill activates it can deal damage to dragon scales even with a handle alone.

「I think it"s weird that only one skill appeared considering capacity of your transportation bag, and even harder to believe that such a powerful technique was only one skill, how should I put it, I don"t know what to say…」

「Oh. Such a powerful technique, huh.」

 Marion shared such an impression but the power was actually diminished.

 But it"s not something I need to correct her about, so whatever. And as I was thinking such a thing—

「Fufu. How should I put it… Looking at Axel-san really messes with my perception of carrier. Lately, there are nothing but surprises. Was it not against the manners I would be prying full force into Axel-san"s past job.」

 Marion made an extremely bitter smile.

「Sorry about that.」

「Fufu, it"s fine. I don"t get bored, so it"s fun. Yes, today I saw something amazing, so let"s keep drinking now.」

 Having said that, Marion emptied her cup in one go.

 Impression aside, since I did that for entertainment, if she enjoyed it then it"s all good. Besides, I"m a little excited as well, because of the new feature added this time.

「Say, Marion. You said that it was strange that with the capacity of my transportation bag I could bring out only one skill, but will something change if I take out all the contents of the transportation bag?」

「Eh? Yes, of course. The more you are able to put inside of the bag the more you can transport… Could it be that you had quite a lot inside?」

「There are a few things from my house. So, from tomorrow on I will experiment with the past transportation function a little more.—— I exercised my body by using skills for the first time in a while and now I"m quite hungry, so for today, I would like to enjoy the food. 」

「Yes. I think that"s good. Then, another drink, to celebrate Axel-san"s level up! 」

 And in such a fashion, I enjoyed my dinner with Marion and others.

「Phew, good grief. It was an amazing day.」

 Muttered the shopkeeper while cleaning the store.

 Thanks to the excitement created by the guest, who cracked the dragon"s scale, the profit was considerable.

 Which in turn was that much more exhausting, but being able to earn is a good thing.

 …A dragon"s scales fall from the sky, the store gets more cramped, repairs costs money, there are all sorts of trouble.

 But thanks to that carrier I was saved today. And while thinking, that one day I should properly treat him, I finished cleaning the floor.

「Okay, I guess it"s about time to close the store.」

 And around the time the storekeeper locked away the clearing tools.


 The sounds of something falling came from behind.

「Wha, what?」

 The shopkeeper turned around reflexively. And that moment, the owner of Meteor saw it.


 The sight of ancient dragon pillar breaking down along the marks left by Flying carrier.

 The pillar that so obstinately persisted in staying at this store, was now crumbling with a rattle. 

「W-what is the… How…」

 Panicking, the shopkeeper rushed to take a closer look at the dragon"s scales.

 It turned into the black lump that was too small to be called a pillar. The cross section was broken to pieces.

「This, no way… It crumbled inside with one attack of that flying carrier…?!」

 And as the surprised voice that came from the shopkeeper was still resounding inside the store, the dragon"s scale kept crumbling.

 Presented with that sight, the shopkeeper let out a sigh filled with joy and shiver.

「I"m so grateful. I"m grateful enough to prepare a special reward the next time you come around, but… Is that guy really a beginner…?」