From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 3

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: " Ryunakama"

For a bit over dozen of minutes, we"ve been walking from the temple of job change to『The City of Stars』Comet where our home is.

 We were already approaching the city but—

『Master~ I"m not going to fly anymore, so can I turn into a human? Or rather, I will do it now~.』

 After saying that, Berzelia, who was walking next to me in her dragon form, stopped.

 Red light enveloped her body and a few seconds later—

「Pheew. Transformation complete.」

 At the same time as the red light faded away, a red-haired girl with dragon horns on her head appeared.

 It is the human form of the Monarch Dragon Berzelia. She stretches as if trying to emphasize her voluptuous chest.

「Walking is easier in this body.」

「If it"s that exhausting you should have just come in your human form from the beginning.」

 To my words, Berzelia makes a wry smile.

「Hmm, but you know. It was the was last day of Master as a dragon knight, so I wanted to properly witness it as a dragon. And also, it"s hard to carry your luggage in this form. I want to be helpful to you.」

 While saying that, she showed the sword and the spear that she was carrying under one of her arms.

 The weapons that I was using in my days as a dragon knight. I don"t have anywhere to equip them since I"m not wearing dragon knight"s armor at the moment, so I entrusted them to Berzelia.

 Strapping them on her back when she is in dragon form was also an echo of my days as a dragon knight.

「So what are we going to do with this spear and the sword? Should I keep carrying them?」

「Ah, no, hand them to me. Coincidentally I"ve got【Transportation Bag】skill, so I"ll just put them in there.」

 I"m 《Carrier》now, not a dragon knight. So I should use what I can use as《Carrier》, and thus I said these words while taking in my hands the backpack that I was carrying on my back.

「Hmm, the weapons are quite big though, will they fit into that《Carrier》-san"s bag?」

 Berzelia tilted her head.

 Indeed, the sword handed to me by Berzelia had more than one meter in length and the length of the spear was far exceeding my height.

 Even I had my doubts, would they really fit into the transportation bag that was merely an arm length in size. Nonetheless—

「We"ll know if we try.」

 I open the bag and thrust the sword and the spear in there. Then—

 Both the long sword and the spear easily went inside the bag like they were sucked in.

「It, it, it really went in!」

 Berzelia exclaimed with her eyes wide open in surprise. I understand that feeling really well as I just put the weapons inside the bag myself.

「Even though it looks just like a normal backpack….So this is the power of the skill【Transportation Bag】?」

 Checking the bag revealed a pitch black s.p.a.ce inside, with handles of the spear and the sword slightly sticking out at the center of it. It"s a completely different dimension.

「They went in even though they were obviously too large to fit inside. To think that Master now can freely use such a skill, amazing!」

 Berzelia was clapping happily.

 I as well found this power quite welcome and fascinating. However—

「Even though I can use it freely, according to the shrine maiden, its capacity has its limit, so I certainly should be careful.」

「Oh, really?」

「Yea, I"m also not familiar with its usage.」

 As I was thinking about investigating after we get home on how much could be stored—


 Berzelia tilted her head once again. And—

「Master. Your pocket is glowing.」

 She was pointing at the pocket on my pants.

「Hm?  Ah, really.」

 While wondering what might that be, I took out the contents of my pocket, and it turned out to be the folded paper with the skill sheet that was shining.

 That was a light that I"ve also seen a number of times during my days as a dragon knight.

「This… Could it be…?」

 As soon as I opened the folded paper while mumbling those words, the light focused in one place and engraved letters of white light.

【Fixed distance movement completed. Condition Achieved——《Carrier》Level Up!】

「So it really was a level up.」

 Yes, this is the light that can be seen when a job gets a level up.

 I"ve seen it many times in my days as a dragon knight, but I didn"t expect to see it so soon as a carrier.

「Wow, Master, you already leveled up as《Carrier》?!」

「Looks like it.」

 As I nodded after seeing the sentence on the skill sheet, Berzelia happily grabbed my shoulder.

「To think you"d grow as《Carrier》so fast, that"s just like you, Master!」

「No, I just walked around for a bit, I didn"t do any work as a carrier at all. …Or rather, I"ve heard about this, but beginner-tier jobs really do level up insanely fast.」

 Given what is written here, it seems that traveling a certain distance was the condition for the level-up.

 …Though conditions for a level up are different for each level of every job…

 For example, to raise a dragon knight"s level from 1 to 2, one is required to kill a hundred monsters of the specified weight and size.

 As a top-tier job it had quite difficult conditions right from the level one, compared to it, leveling up with this beginner-tier job was extremely easy. Anyway—

「But simply moving a specified distance, this is way too easy…」

 If leveling up was difficult from the very beginning then it can"t be called a beginner-tier job, so it"s indeed only natural, but it exceeded my expectations.

 The shrine maiden did say that at first, leveling up is a lot easier for beginner-tier but I honestly didn"t think that it is so much so.

 …Moreover, generally, level up conditions are often quite similar to what you get on your first level.

 The condition for a dragon knight to level up from level 2 to 3 was to kill 110 monsters with the same specified characteristics.

 Going by that flow, for a while I will be able to acquire《Carrier》abilities just by roaming around.

「…Ah, that"s right. Since I became level 2 I"ve got a new skill.」

 I look at the middle of my skill sheet. Up until now, 【Not Yet Acquired】was next to the line that had level 2 written on it, but now it has changed. 

「The skills for level 2 is【Transportation Bag Rank 2】… Is it an improved version of the transportation bag?」

 And, when I voiced my question—

 Small letters have appeared under the level 2 skill. This is a supplementary explanation from the G.o.d that appears only when you acquire a new skill. That"s just one line of text—

『Transportation bag level 2 effect – internal storage expanded 100%』

 That consisted of one simple sentence.

「I see. So by simple math, I can now carry twice as much?」

 As I remember that shrine maiden was saying that it is several dozen times bigger on the inside, and now it"s twice that. It seems that from now on it will be able to hold a considerable amount of items.

 Berzelia smiled delightfully looking at me with that backpack.

「Even after retiring as a dragon knight, Master is still terrific. You underwent the job change a few minutes ago, yet already advanced considerably.」

「But I haven"t done anything《Carrier》-like! …Although I"m happy that transportation bag became even more useful.」

 Surely I will continue to level up and learn new skills from now on, so I don"t think there is any reason to make such a big deal of it but—

「Somehow, thinking about being able to learn new skills fills me with motivation. I guess I"ll just keep leveling up like this. For now, let"s start today by walking some more.」

「Yes, got it. I also want to help, so if there is anything I can do please tell me, Master!」

 And so, by walking around with my partner, the Monarch Dragon girl, I would acc.u.mulate experience points as《Carrier》.