From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 1

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: " Ryunakama"

「Axel Granz-sama. This is really… Really difficult to say but as of today your job shall be beginner-tier《Carrier》.」

 At the temple where the change of jobs is performed, those were the words I received from a shrine maiden serving G.o.d of New Jobs.

「Beginner《Carrier》you say.」

「Yes! Yes, G.o.d of New Jobs detected apt.i.tude for the job of《Carrier》 in Axel-sama……Even though there are thousands of other jobs, I am really sorry…!」

 The face of the shrine maiden who was actually performing a job change was drenched in sweat as she was talking in a very apologetic tone,

「Okay, okay. There is no need to apologize. Thank you very much for the job change. Shrine maiden of the Temple of Job Change.」

 When I casually replied like that, the shrine maiden looked at me with a surprised expression.

「…Axel-sama is not fazed by this at all. Even though it is an outrageous downgrade from top-tier job of《Dragon Knight》.」

「Well, I have no regrets. Rather, I feel relieved. I finally will be able to take off this dragon knight"s helmet.」

 With those words, I removed the helmet from my head.

 A grand helmet colored in black and silver.

「Phew, my head feels so light. It"s the first time in years, I took it off.」

 As I was shaking my head, the shrine maiden was eyeing my helmet.

「To think you really would discard top tier job of 《Dragon Knight》… You are the only person who changed from《Dragon Knight》to《Carrier》, Axel-sama.」

「Oh really?」

「Yes. Normally, one would gradually rise up through the job tiers. …In the first place, there are no precedents of being unable to stay《Dragon Knight》due to knocking out the Dragon G.o.d that governs over 《Dragon Knights》.」

 I make a wry smile to her words.

「It can"t be helped. It was necessary in order to stop the Demon Lord. Because of that I was told『You already exceeded my power, so you graduate from《Dragon Knight》! Resign as a dragon knight within one month! 』by the crying Dragon G.o.d, which led to my current change in career.」

 A job is one of the talents given by G.o.ds, by following that talent and cultivating it, one can acquire a whole array of various skills.

 When one comes of age, one will receive the most fitting job for that person at the Temple of the G.o.d of New Jobs. The number of occupations is rumored to be several thousand or even tens of thousands.

 However, this time I have beaten the G.o.d who was the foundation for my job, so I couldn"t keep it. Hence, I"m visiting the temple to change my job.

「I kind of feel like it is a very roundabout way to say 『You are banished』. Why would you even hit a G.o.d…」

「I"m telling you, it was force majeure. But, well, the job of《Dragon Knight》is something that basically was pushed onto me, so I don"t have any particular attachments.」

「…As the rumors said, you suddenly became《Dragon Knight》by using【Helm of The Dragon Knight King】the ancient relic owned by the royal family? 」

「Yes, yes. It"s this helmet. It"s really heavy and obstructs your view. Since I couldn"t take it off until I cease being a dragon knight I grew reluctant to even appear in public.」

「S-so far…」

「Well, I can finally bid farewell to both this helmet and being《Dragon Knight》. …So, my job is《Carrier》, right?」

 The moment I said it, the shrine maiden"s expression once again turned dark.

「Hey, what"s wrong, why such a long face. Is this such a terrible《Job》?」

 Since in my whole life I have only ever been a dragon knight, I lack in knowledge about other jobs. That"s why I asked, and—

「N-no… It"s not that it"s terrible, it has its own advantages but the disadvantages are fairly big.」

「Is that so? What are those advantages?」

「For the advantages there are skills for transportation of goods between settlements or for supporting adventurers or mercenaries.」

「Oh, sounds interesting. …By the way, where can I see my skills after job change?」

 When asked, the shrine maiden turned around with a startled look.

 Behind her was a large arbor desk, on top of which was a single piece of paper.

「Ah, I am sorry.  Just now, the skill sheet from the G.o.d of New Jobs has arrived, I shall give it to you…!」

「Ah, so that is the skill sheet. Let"s see…」

 On the skill sheet received from the shrine maiden—

 ・Level 1 Skill【Transportation Bag】

 ・Level 2 Skill【Not Yet Acquired】

 Were written the following lines. And below them it continued, level 2, level 3 and so forth in the order. All of the following lines had not yet acquired on them.

「Hm, so I barely have any skills learned.」

「Yes… You have just changed a job and you became level 1, so you only have the starting skill of the beginner-tier job 《Carrier》.」

「I see. What is the effect of this Level 1 skill『Transportation Bag』…」

 The moment I said, a small rucksack appeared nearby.

「…This is my skill?」

「This is the skill【Transportation Bag】. There is a different dimension inside of this bag so you will be able to store in there much more than it would look. Previously, a《Carrier》belonging to the shrine tried to measure it with water and it was concluded that internal s.p.a.ce is approximately several dozen times larger than it appears from outside. 」

「Ooh. It"s nice to have such a convenient skill at level 1. It seems much easier to use in everyday life than a dragon knight"s skills. What"s more, I will be able to learn other skills by leveling up?」

「Yes. And《Carrier》is a beginner-tier job, so leveling up at first is very easy.」

「I see, I see. So I will gradually acquire more and more skills……From what I"ve heard so far, I feel like its advantages are quite good though?」

 And upon asking the shrine maiden, if maybe there are even bigger disadvantages, she hangs her head looking downwards.

 And bit by bit, she began to talk in a depressed tone.

「…Certainly, it has many useful skills. However… There is one downside to it. This is the job to support adventurers, so its skills are useful but the ability scores are very low. Low enough to make it impossible for a person that got this job to adventure alone.」

「So they are depressingly low?」

「Yes… As an example, let me show you the status of Jean Colt, the《Carrier》that belongs to the temple.」

「Isn"t it against the manners to look at the status of another person?」

「Displaying an individual status of those belonging to the temple during an explanation following the job change is permitted.」

 Having said that, she turned to the desk behind her.

「This is the status of a person who trained as a carrier for ten years.」

 Then, she pulled out a single doc.u.ment from the small rack on the desk and showed it to me. There…

 Colt Jean 《Carrier》Level 40

 Strength I
 Magic power K
 Endurance J
 Speed K
 Abnormal Status Resistance J
 Luck K

 The personal status was fully described.

「Ooh, this is… Even lower than I imagined.」

「Yes, they are mostly on the lowest K rank, even those that have grown are merely two ranks above. They are really low… Even another beginner-tier job《Villager》has average scores of G, and《Adventurer》on average has ability scores between E to D.」

「I see. With this, it would be tough to go on an adventure alone. …Speaking of which, what about my status? 」

「Axel-sama"s status is currently pending from the G.o.d, I think it should soon arrive but…」

 At the same time as the shrine maiden said that, the large arbor desk beside her lit up.

 And then, a single sheet of paper descended.

「…And, here it is.」

「…The previous skill sheet was also there, so that"s how you get them.」

「Because this desk is connected to the seat of G.o.d of New Jobs. And this is the status sheet for Axel-sama. Please accept it.」

 Being told so, I gave a look to the paper pa.s.sed to me by the shrine maiden. There, my name and status were properly stated. However…

 Axel Granz 《Carrier》 Level 1

 Strength ○
 Magic Power ○
 Endurance ○
 Speed ○
 Abnormal status resistance ○
 Luck ○

 Skills: Transportation Bag

 Oddly enough, most of my status was covered by white circles.

「…Hey, shrine maiden, I can"t see most of my status, was the paper dirty or something?」

 When I asked the shrine maiden about it while showing my status sheet to her, she also was pretty surprised.

「Eh…?  Oh, really. W-what might this be. This is…」

「Hm, So you don"t know?」

「Y-Yes. Something like this has never happened before… However, Axel-sama, your change in jobs is unprecedented so G.o.d of New Jobs may have made a mistake…」

 After uttering those words with an uneasy expression, the shrine maiden shook her head.

「I will make an inquiry to the G.o.d right now. When the corrected version comes, should it be delivered to your residence?」

「I will wait at the City of stars nearby. I live there.」

「Y-Yes! It should arrive in a day or two but I will deliver it as fast as possible!」

「Well, I do have money, so I"m not in a rush for work. Just be careful and do everything properly, because I plan on taking a request after that and leaving the town.」

 To begin with, for defeating the Demon Lord I have received a reward from the country, so I had funds to spare.

 So when I said that was the case and there is no problem, the shrine maiden let out a sigh of relief.

「Un-understood. Thank you very much…」

「No no, it is I who is thankful for your consideration… Or rather, although it"s dirtied I was able to understand one more thing. My Luck is E so it"s pretty decent.」

 Although the average should be something around J or K there is E. I think this is quite fortunate.

「But… Weren"t all of your abilities S rank when you were a dragon knight? It was so incredible… Axel-sama, your thinking is way too positive…」

 Said the shrine maiden with a somber look.

 I let out a bitter laugh, wondering, why is it her who is so regretful about my previous job.

「Well, what can I say? There is no point in fretting about the past. Besides, there is no need to fight with this job. I don"t hate fighting, but it"s not like I"m doing it because I like it. I think it would be best if I could lead a peaceful life. So, Shrine maiden, you don"t have to look so sad.」

「Is that, so.」

 Perhaps relieved by my words, but the shrine maiden"s expression became a bit more relaxed.

 And it"s fine since this job change is my problem, there is no need for her to concern herself this much over it.

「…Well, I have changed my job and got the skill sheet, so I guess I"ll switch the mood and head to the city.」

「Ah, y-yes! Should I call for a magical carriage?」

 Between the city and the temple of job change was a vast gra.s.sland.

 Thus, walking to my home in the city would take a bit over ten minutes, but it still was the distance one could cover on foot. There is even a highway pa.s.sing through it. That"s why I refused by shaking my head.

「You don"t have to trouble yourself that much. For that, I have an escort.」

「An escort?」

 Without paying a second look to the shrine maiden that was tilting her head puzzled, I head towards the entrance of the temple.

 There, after stepping outside of the temple I shout towards the sky.

「I"m finished here, Berzelia.」

 And after a few seconds pa.s.sed since my shout—

『I"ve been waiting, master…!』

 There, came down a dragon with scales the color that was a mix of gold and red.

 Seeing that dragon who had red jewel-like eyes, the shrine maiden behind me opened her mouth wide in amazement.

「Is that person the esteemed dragoness monarch, who Axel-sama was riding during his days as a dragon knight?」

「Though she is a dragon monarch she is still a child. …Then, I"ll be going, see ya, shrine maiden. I"ll be waiting for the status sheet.」

「Y-Yes! See you soon!」

 After nodding upon hearing shrine maiden"s reply—

「Yeah, well then, let"s go, Berzelia.」

「Roger that!」

 I called out to Berzelia and together we began to walk towards the town.

 In the meantime, I look at my new《Job》on the skill sheet that I received earlier.

 …Carrier, huh. It"s the first time I have such a beginner"s job. The disadvantage is a bit large, but I"m excited about what kind of skill I will learn next…

 With that in mind, I was heading home with my companion monarch dragon.

 A few hours after seeing off Axel.

「F-finally, a revelation with Axel-sama"s status has arrived…!」

 The shrine maiden of the temple of job change discovered a stack of papers on the desk that was connected to the seat of the G.o.d.

 On the first page of that bundle of papers were written『Axel Granz Status Revised』. And furthermore—

『Sorry!  The previous status is a lie! The development was too abnormal so I just put random stuff there!  This is the real one.』

 Such a comment was attached.

 …Even though something like this has never happened before…

 And while thinking that even G.o.d of New Jobs can make a mistake, the shrine maiden looks through the first two pages sent by the G.o.d. And there, was written Axel"s real status.

「…This is…?!」

 Normally, your ability scores would go down after changing a job.

 And while《Carrier》has an advantage of being able to carry big loads, in exchange it had lower ability scores compared to other jobs.

「All abilities remained S rank…?!」

 《Graduating》from dragon knight, he retained his abilities.

「…G.o.d of New Jobs…Was it really okay for us to change his job? A really outrageous beginner was born…」

Revised Version, Axel Granz 

《Dragon Knight》→ Graduation →《Carrier》Level 1 

 Strength S
 Magic Power S
 Endurance SS
 Speed SS
 Abnormal Status Resistance S
 Luck EX

 Skills: Transportation Bag