From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 32

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: "Ryunakama"

After landing while tearing off the ancient dragon"s wing, I ran over to the tattered Marion and Dort.

「…Looks like we arrived at the last minute. Are you two okay?」

「Y-yes, I"m fine.」

「I"m good as well, I still can stand. But, Axel-kun, why are you here…?! Weren"t you supposed to be in the primordial forest…」

「Yup. So I came back early to deliver battle force. Everyone, come out.」

 I opened the transportation bag that I carried. Then, the slightly pale faced members of Starlight came out from the inside.

「UUgh… My head, it hurts so bad…」

「Yeah, but thanks to that we arrived here this fast, and it took much less energy than dashing to the city at full speed, so pretty soon we will be able to move…!」

 Members of Starlight were weakened only momentarily and soon regained their senses. And—


「Mh, W-what are you doing…!」

 And then they carried away Dort and Marion.

「There is a protective wall over there, that"s where we"ll evacuate. Leader, is that the right direction?」

「Yes! Then, just as we agreed, we s.n.a.t.c.h injured and entrust them to Berzelia, then we secure the perimeter! And Axel-san will deal with the ancient dragon.」

「Yeah, roger that. Berzelia, are you good with that?」

「Leave it to me! I will protect them well!」

 Then, after seeing off Berzelia and the members of Starlight, who were moving away from the ancient dragon, carrying off Marion and Dort, I turn to the dragon and trust my hand into the transport bag.

 From there I pull out dragon knights" spear and sword that until now were slumbering at the bottom of the bag.

 I always took them along when I left the house but—

「With this the transportation bag is completely empty… Now, I can use the past transportation to its fullest.」

 I leaned the spear and the sword on my shoulders and fastened the transportation bag on my waist.

 In this state, I confront the ancient dragon.

 Such nostalgia.

 Such thoughts ran through my head.

 It"s been a long time since I last fought against an ancient dragon.

「I have a different job and position… Yet what I"m doing stays the same…」

 Yes, even if my job is different, what I should be doing now hasn"t changed.

 All I have to do is use my experience as a dragon knight, exploit everything I can as a《Carrier》and simply complete my work.

「That"s right. Ancient Dragon. I came to deliver you a defeat…!」

 And then I bring out techniques from my past.

「Past transportation,【Dragon Blade】…!」

 All in order to defeat the opponent in front of me.

 Dort, along with Marion, were carried by the members of Starlight, and now they retreated to the open area with a slight elevation that was at a distance from the battlefield. There, the witch was drawing a huge magic circle—

「Done, Leader, I formed【Protective Circle of Recovery】so it should be okay for now. Submaster or Marion-san should be able to recover by resting just a few minutes within it.」

「Then, the next is the people evacuating in the rear. Make an even stronger protective circle.」

「Sure, thanks to Axel-san I saved plenty of magical power. Just in case, let"s make a magic circle that can last for half a day, Leader!」

 After those words, the members of Starlight started running around the city.

「Then, Berzelisan, we entrust this place to you!」

「Yup, got it! I shall protect those two, so take care of everyone else.」

 Behind remained Dort and Marion, who were resting inside the magic circle.

 And also Berzelia, a dragon, with scales the color that was a mix of gold and red, who now was cheerfully shouting. Only those three.

「are you really Berzelikun?」

 That dragon"s name and voice were very familiar to Dort.

 That is why he asked, to which the red and gold scaled dragon gave a gentle laugh—

「Yes, I am. You wouldn"t recognize me in this form, right?【Transform】.」

 She returned to the human form. That appearance truly belonged to a girl that he knew. That was Axel"s partner.

 And after seeing her dragon form a while ago, he now was completely convinced.

「I— see. So he really was《Invisible Dragon Knight》. And you, Berzelikun, is his dragon partner.」

 When he said that, Berzelia"s eyes went wide.

「Oh, Uncle Dort, so you know about Master"s previous job?」

「Of course I do. I was hesitating if I should confirm it, but there is no one who wouldn"t know the invisible dragon knight! …But …Is this okay?」

「What exactly?」

「I-I mean Axel-kun! He is a dragon knight? Should he be fighting while riding you, a dragon?」

 Presented with that question, Berzelia scratched her cheek.

「Hmm, Uncle Dort, you"re misunderstanding two things, so I will correct you, okay? …First of all, Master is《Carrier》right now.」

「T-then, isn"t that even more of a reason for you to fight beside him?」

 If he isn"t a dragon knight, then fighting an ancient dragon alone is just reckless.

 So I said that suggesting that he might need help but Berzelia shook her head with a smile.

「And this is another misunderstanding. Master is stronger without me.」

「What… did you say?」

「See, just look over there.」

 In the direction where Berzelia pointed her finger while saying those words. There was Axel.

 He could be seen freely flying around the ancient dragon with a lengthy long sword and spear in his hands, tearing off dragon"s flesh and limbs.

「W-what, what is that speed…!」

 That speed was several degrees higher than the one he usually had when he operated as a carrier.

 Even though they were watching him from afar, the eyes couldn"t keep up with his speed.

「Seeing that I think you understand, we decided that I will be moving around and protecting everyone because in such a battle I will just be getting in the way of master"s movements.」

「Getting in the way? You? A dragon?」

 Berzelia nodded to that question. At the same time, her gaze was fixated on Axel. And in those eyes, absolute confidence in his safety could be seen—

「Of course. Dragon knights are supposed to be riding dragons …But at the same time, they are also supposed to be hunting dragons. Although at the moment he can use only a fraction of those skills. ——But even so, an ancient dragon of that caliber is not an opponent for Master.」


「Don"t move. You are making yourself hard to cut.」

 The ancient dragon was thrashing around trying to get me away from his giant body.

 However, that much is not enough to blur my aim.

「【Dragon Claw】」

 The power of the skills was surely chipping away dragon"s body parts and acc.u.mulating the damage.

 Covered in blood, the dragon turned his hateful glare towards me.

「Ra, Grrraaauuaa!!!」 

 Following the roar, it tried to mow me down with its huge tail.

 However, I have no reason to get hit by such a straightforward attack.

 Jumping up, I kicked off from a part of the building and got closer to the dragon.

「——Throwing version【Dragon Bite】」

 Transporting the dragon knight"s skill I throw the sword in my right hand.

 That alone created two slashes around the dragon"s neck and in one go destroyed the scales protecting it.

「Raa, Oooo…!」 

 The ancient dragon raised a scream of pain. But it seems that this ancient dragon is not as simple as it seems—

「……Neck wounds around the core are recovering?」

 Even if an ancient dragon bears a wound, it can regenerate its scales or flesh by expending magic power acc.u.mulated in its body.

 Perhaps, this dragon had a beast-like feeling. Even though its whole body is covered in wounds from this battle, it immediately regenerated critical wounds only.

「In order to defeat it, I have to either cut off its head in one hit or force it to deplete its reserves of magical power. There are a lot of options but…」

 Even by using dragon knight"s skills separately it"s possible to deal damage to it and gradually wear it down. So, there is an option of continuing the prolonged fight and waiting until it runs out of magic power. However—


 Using magic power, it goes into a further rampage, seeking to replenish expenditure.

 ……I"m really against it destroying even more of the city.

 So I decided.

 In order to protect the people and this city, I will settle this quickly. For that—

「I will use《Carrier》past transportation to its fullest and bring it down…!」

 Right now I can use two of the dragon knight"s skills at the same time. In that case—

 ……I shall bring the highest possible destructive power from the combination of two skills.

 I"ve done it many times in my days as a dragon knight. Well, since it"s decided, I only have to execute it.

「【Wings of Flying Dragon】(Dragon Boost)……!」

 The first thing I used is the skill that provides a free air maneuvering for a few seconds by enveloping the body in magic power.

 Magical power emitted from the body forms black and white wings of light on my back.

 Making it look like dragon wings have grown on a human"s body.

 Then, the ancient dragon caught me with his rage-filled gaze.


 Looks like it has been drawn by the dense magic.

 Filled by a mix of anger and hunger it opened its jaws and charged at me.

 ……Aah, how nostalgic.

 Back then and now, I would bait dragons just like this.

 While appreciating that I still can make use of that experience, I brandish my spear—

「Then, here we go. Boost…!」

 Matching with the movements of the approaching dragon, I flapped with【Wings of Flying Dragon】and plunged in at full force.


 I used on the dragon, that had its mouth wide open, the skills that back in the days killed many ancient dragons.

 A compound technique, used after accelerating with the Wings of Flying Dragon, that bears the name of the dragon G.o.d.

「——【Dragnir Break】(Lightning of the Dragon G.o.d)」

 The wings of black and white shone, as I charged forward in a straight line like a lightning bolt.

 And that attack, like a strike of lightning, pierced the head of the ancient dragon—

 And without even letting it raise a dying scream, it blew away half of its body.

 By losing the core located in its neck, the ancient dragons lost its strength—


 And fell on the ground which was greatly damaged by the impact from the skill.

 And after confirming the result, I, while cooling my body, that acc.u.mulated a lot of heat due to the excessive speed, by waving my hand—

「Phew……And this marks the end of overtime for this transportation request. I"m glad that I was able to finish it properly.」

 Then, I would head to report on finishing the request to Marion and Dort, who most likely were waiting in the rear.