From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 6: I resigned as Dragon Knight but it"s not like I can"t ride a Dragon.   

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: "Ryunakama"

Volume 1 Chapter 6: I resigned as Dragon Knight but it"s not like I can"t ride a Dragon.   

 In front of my house, among the night illuminated by the city lights, we were discussing our plan while making preparations for the princess"s transportation.

「…I took a look. As expected, goblins and orcs are scattered in all directions around the town. And in the forest that we have to pa.s.s to reach the City of Winds, there is a whole horde of them.」

 I asked Fang to scout the situation around the city, but it seems that the number of monsters was even higher than I suspected.

 There is a barrier covering the whole of the town, so low-level monsters such as goblins and orcs can"t get inside, but we certainly will come under attack if we leave the barrier.

「Well, I understand the situation. Then, I will start the transportation of Princess Luna, is there anything you might have forgotten?」

「I"m good. What about Princess Luna?」

「I"m fine as well….Though the mental impact from what has happened earlier still remains.」

 Saying that Luna was holding a hand on her chest.

 It seems that she is a bit disappointed about the fact that I became《Carrier》.

 She looks slightly dejected.

 …Well, since we are about to run through hordes of orc and goblins it would be better if she kept quiet anyway.

 Goblins and orcs are diurnal, so they can"t see that well in the night, but they are sensitive to sounds and smells.

 While I was thinking so—

「By the way, Axel-san, since you are not a dragon knight anymore, it means that you cannot use dragon knight"s combat and riding skills, right?」

 Is what Fang asked.

「 Hm? Well, probably. My skill sheet has only《Carrier》skills on it.」

 Just when I thought that I didn"t actually try it, from the house came Berzelia with a torch in her hand.

「Master"s dragon knight skills are a bit tricky. Being bound by the contract I have a good sense for those skills, but at the moment I can hardly sense them from Master. Though, since they can be felt at least faintly, it might be possible to use them.」

「As you heard. Well, since a dragon says they are gone, I guess I can"t use them after all.」

 When I followed-up on Berzelia"s words, Fang made an obviously disappointed expression.

「Is that so. Which means, you won"t be able to do those wide area attacks from atop of a dragon anymore. Like showering the ground with spears.」

 What Fang is talking about is most likely the skill called 【Dragon Star】that I have learned in my time as a dragon knight.

 It was a throwing attack, that used magic to split a spear thrown by me into hundreds of spears, making them pour upon enemies all at once.

 This skill would be extremely useful right about now when there is a lot of goblins, but there is no point in lamenting over something that I can"t use anymore. I should use the means that are currently available to me to make the transportation as fast as possible.

「First of all, I came up with a plan. …Fang.I"m pretty sure you were able to use protective magic, right?」

「Yes, I can use it. But it will expire in a few minutes. In which case it"s hardly possible for me to protect Princess, and that"s why we decided to rely on you but… 」

「Ah, yes, that"s not a problem. —If you use it we certainly will be able to transport her.」


 Hearing my words, Fang gulped.

「Eh?  Eeh, y-you found such a marvelous way of transportation already?」

「Yes, but, it"s a bit dangerous. That"s why I want Princess Luna to choose.」

「I, have to choose?」

 I show two fingers and ask Luna, who was tilting her head.

「So far there are two possible paths we can take. The first one is moving on the ground while exterminating goblins, it is questionable if we will make it in time. But with me, Berzelia and Fang we almost certainly will be able to pull it off. 」

 Fundamentally, Fang won"t lose if he was left one on one with monsters.

 So I think this is the path we should have taken if there was no time constraint, but—

「That method will take quite some time. The other method what I"m about to tell you will surely take us there in time, but it"s a bit messy, scary, and painful. So I want to ask you, Princess Luna, which one would you prefer——」

 And before I could even explain what the latter method was—

「I don"t even have to hear the details, I choose the latter. As if I would care about appearances!」

 Luna boldly declared.

「…Are you sure about that?」

「Of course! A princess doesn"t go back on her words.」

 As expected of the princess proficient at foreign affairs. She is very brave.

  Then I shall answer that bravery.

「Then, let"s not waste time on explanations and get to the action immediately. We are going to the north city gate that leads to the City of Winds.」

 With those words, I head northward with everyone.

 North Gate of the City of Stars.

 There is a highway leading to the City of Winds, and then, slightly ahead there are woodlands, separating one city from another.

 Luna who saw those woodlands caught many monsters in her sight.

 Most of them were goblins and orcs—


「Guh… Uu… The smell… Of female…! Eee, eat her up…!」

 Most of the monsters that Luna saw were showing signs of excitement, that can be hardly contained, in various parts of their bodies.

 Is this the power of【Charm Rank 8】?

 It created an even more intimidating atmosphere, funneling the fear.

 …So those are goblins that underwent abnormal outbreak…!

 Luna has seen monsters before, but it was the first time in her life that she experienced such primal malice.


 Even though it was pitch dark, even though it was a safe zone from which she could easily return inside of the barrier, she felt scared of the monsters that she sensed ahead—

「Hmmm…As expected from an abnormal outbreak. Quite a lot of goblins seems to have gathered already.」

「Seems so. Ah, Master. There is something big other there. Is that a commander cla.s.s? Wow, even such monsters came out.」

 Right next to me, the《Carrier》that was supposed to be weaker than me job-wise, did not show any signs of fear.

 …What"s with this invisible former dragon knight-sama?

 I don"t get a thing. How can he be so calm?

 Luna looked at Axel astonished, even though he had high ability scores, it"s amazing how he can maintain such composure despite this being his first day in the beginner-tier job.

 Then, he shifted his gaze towards what was lying ahead. There, stood Fang.

「Hey, Fang, are you ready?」

「No problem. I already finished the magic circle for protective magic.」

 Fang was drawing a magic circle on the ground with his sword.

 The same magic circle was drawn at my feet.

 Luna has seen this magic circle several times.

「Magic circles for【Body Strengthening】,【Body Protection】and【Preserve Life】?」

「Yes, you are quite knowledgeable. Those are the only effects he can bestow on others. Even though he keeps dozens of times more buffs on himself. But suiting for a hero his spells are powerful enough, let"s get you buffed over there.」

「Ah, huh, I understand that, but… W-will you really get me to the City of Winds?」

 Perhaps it was not something I should have said to the dragon knight that I admired so much, but I grew a little uneasy, and around the time I thought that—

「Well, then, do it.Fang.」

「Un-Understood, Axel-san.」

 With Axel"s shout, Fang infuses magic circles with magic power, lightning them up.

 With that, those on top of the magic circle—— Luna and others, received magic protection.

「Gii… Fu-Found…!!」

「Our, Female for us…!!!」

 Forest goblins reacted to movements accompanying that illumination.

 They were bustling and creeping and crawling from the forest in front of us just like a swarm of ants.

「Axel-sama?! They have come, what do we do?!」

「Hm? Ah, yeah, coming now they won"t reach us in time anyway, so it"s fine.」


 The moment Luna raised her voice in doubt—

「Then, here we go,【Transformation】.」

 Berzelia changed into a dragon.

 A small dragon that didn"t reach even ten meters in length overall, but with extremely beautiful bronze scales.

 Then, Berzelia, who now was a dragon, lay down in front of us. Almost like urging us to get on her.

「Well, let"s go.」

 And Axel, as a matter of course, straddled on the back of Berzelia.

「Eh? Axel-sama?! Didn"t you resign as a dragon knight…」

「I did and I also can"t use the skills, but I never said that I can"t ride her. I didn"t think that my experience of riding her without the skill back when I was a dragon knight will be useful at a time like this.」

 Luna was stunned by those words.

「J-just what is this?! I have never heard of《Carrier》who can ride a dragon?!」

「Oh, is that so? Then I will be the first one. Ah, you go over here.」


 Axel grabbed my hand.

 And positioned me in front of him like in an embrace.

「Sorry about this. I"m the only one who can ride Dragon Monarch Berzelia, so you will have to ride on top of me, as I will ride Berzelia. So please hold on firmly with your arms and legs.」

「Eh, EEEH?!」

「Come on, if we don"t hurry goblins will reach us.I"m sure Fang will fend them off, but this might get troublesome.」


 Ah, whatever happens, happens. So Luna acted as was urged.

 As the result, she was firmly holding onto Axel"s body with her limbs.

「Good, good, just put a little more strength into it. Don"t fall off. …Berzelia, takeoff.」

「Aye aye, sir.」

 After confirming my grip, Axel gave an order to Berzelia, who then spread her wings and took off from the ground.

 At this point, Luna had already understood the plan that Axel had.

「Oh, I see. So your plan was to ride the dragon and fly over the goblins!」

 I hadn"t thought of that. Since he doesn"t have dragon knight"s skills anymore I thought it won"t be possible to use a dragon, to think that he actually had such a trick up his sleeve.

 That"s why I gave my honest praise to Axel, but—

「Aah… I"m sorry to say this but you are a bit wrong there, Lunsan.」

 Axel puts his hands on my back and tightly grabs me.

「Axel-sama?! S-such, embracing me so boldly while we are so so high in the air… Just what are you… 」

「I have no idea what you are talking about… But you will fall unless I do this.」


 Looking closely, Axel had a rope in his hands and now was tying it around our bodies.

 In addition, while holding me in place with his upper arms, he was grabbing onto the dragon.

「Expecting me to ride a dragon and control it without dragon knights skills would be asking for the impossible. So I"m currently riding on Berzelia through brute strength and manual effort.」

 As Axel was saying that, the muscles on his arm were greatly swollen.

 To such an extent that I felt pain just from his upper arms that were holding me in place.

「E-ehm, you are putting so much force into it…」

「I can"t control a dragon after losing the dragon knights skills. So I have to cling to Berzelia by force… And Berzelia is the dragon that goes on extreme speeds and trajectories. Naturally, the burden it puts on the body is no joke.」


「I had Fang put powerful magic on you, so you shouldn"t die. But… Just keep holding onto me. I will do my best to support you, I"m used to holding onto Berzelia with my legs alone, but without control she is… Fast enough to break human bones.」

 The instance I was told that.

 *—— Don, Don*

 A sound resembling explosions resounded.

 That was the sound of Berzelia"s wings flapping in the air.

 And that alone caused clouds of dust to rise, ground to shatter and also evoke great gusts of wind.

「Well, if merely hovering causes this. Wouldn"t it be amazing if she showed her real speed? The speed of that level might spell death for an ordinary human without protection spells.」

「Amazing you say, ehm, wait… Wait a moment…」

「Well, Princess Luna will be fine. You have Fang"s protective magic. —That being the case, Fang! We will be going ahead! If you are alone you will be able to break through those guys and chase after us, right?!」

 Axel shouted towards the ground, then—

「Of course! Leave it to me, Axel-san, I will catch up to you in no time!」

 Came Fang"s reply, full of enthusiasm.

  Hearing that, Axel nodded.

「How reliable. Well, this is fine then. See you. Go, Berzelia.」

「Yes, Master…I will be going at full speed…!」 

「Yes, I"m counting on you, Berzelia. …And sorry about this, goblins, even though you went through great trouble to a.s.semble here. Be blown away without doing anything just as you are.」

 With those words as a signal, Berzelia plunged forward fast enough to cut through the wind.

 And that explosive wind pressure alone scattered the goblins that were approaching us. And—


 The screams produced by Luna were way slower than the advance of their owner, not allowing them to ever catch up with us.

 Several dozen seconds after the departure from the City of Stars.

「Arrival! Master, are you alive?」

 We arrived at the City of Winds.

 Then, at the entrance, that was the first thing Berzelia, who returned to her human form, asked looking at my face.

「Alive and in one piece, Berzelia. And good work.」

「Don"t mention it, you did a good job as well, Master. Your hands hurt, don"t they?」

 While appreciating my effort, Berzelia looked at my arms.

 Though I was merely grabbing onto Berzelia across Luna, my hands have greatly swollen.

「In less than a minute, it got like this? Looks like without skills ten minutes is the limit」

 It was the same when I tried to ride without skills as a dragon knight. 

 I went for it since I had the same S score in Strength as when I was a dragon knight, however…

「Yup, riding a dragon without skills is hard after all.」

「No, no, Master, you are the only one who can ride me for ten minutes without any skills. Even my fellow dragons can"t withstand my speed! So it"s amazing enough!」

「Haha, thanks for a compliment, Berzelia.」

 Indeed, in just a few minutes we covered the distance which usually takes hours. Even if I hurt my arms a bit, this result is more than worth it.

 Berzelia slightly smiled hearing my sincere words.

「Ehehe. Master is amazing, it makes it worthwhile for me to do my best as well.」

「That"s good. Although, I just keep borrowing the strength of various other people. Now as well, without Fang"s protective magic this girl would"ve been in serious danger.」

 I looked behind me while saying that.

 There was Luna, almost unconscious, half crying, and with a dumbfounded expression.

「Uh, uuh… My head is spinning… Too fast…」

「…Since she is in a worse state than me even though she had the protective magic on her.」

 Since I was covering her while riding she shouldn"t have been hit by the wind.

 In addition, she had Fang"s excellent, despite its short duration, protective magic on her. Still, it seems that Luna took considerable damage.

 She kept shaking her head behind my back.

「Hey, are you okay?」

「…Is this…Heaven?」

「This is no good. Should we carry her to a hospital?」

「No, let"s wait a little more.」

 I thought of sprinkling her with a restorative potion, that I had In my bag if after waiting for a while she was still out of it, but after a short while, her eyes started to regain energy.

「Huh, eh…? T-this is…?」

「Yes, it"s the City of Winds, your destination, Princess Luna. We arrived without any problem.」

[Winds, City… Eh, the City of Winds?! We arrived already?!」

 In response to the words「the City of Winds」, Luna jumped off my back and looked around.

 Seeing the scenery, Luna once again looked at me and Berzelia with an amazed expression.

「It"s, It"s really the City of Winds. In addition, we arrived already but it"s still nighttime. This is too fast.」

「Haha, as per your request. Well, it probably has been a bit painful and hard, but please bear that much.」

 Luna took a deep breath and then laughed as if saying that it couldn"t be helped.

「Fufu, you are right. It was me who chose this method, and as the result, it was a great success. Thank you very much, both of you.」

「If we were able to live up to your expectation then it"s all good. We will continue to operate. Please come to us with a request if you"d need anything again.」

 And thus, my first job as《Carrier》, the transportation of『Enchanting Princess』was over in just a few minutes, but with a great success nonetheless.