From The Strongest Job Of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes Are Depending On Me

Chapter 9

Translator: "Pink Tea" Editor: "Ryunakama"

 After returning to the City of Winds, we first visited a guard station.

 Because the victim, Natalie, was also with us, it was easy to describe the crimes of the bandits.

 After handing over the bandits, Natalie bowed in front of me and extended words of grat.i.tude.

「Thank you for saving my life, Axel-san. It is all thanks to you that I"m even able to speak right now.」

 With hands on her chest, Natalie speaks words of relief.

 Probably, she finally was able to relax after the bandits were thrown in jail by the guards.

「Anyway, it"s great that it didn"t turn into anything serious.」

「Yes. Although some of the luggage was ruined, it"s nothing compared to my life or my body. I will have to just do my best again.」

 With a wry smile, Natalie mutters as if talking to herself.

 Well, it seems a bit forced, but if she was able to recover then it"s fine.

「Be more careful in the future. —Then, I"ll be going.」

「Eh, Axel-san, are you leaving already?」

「Yes, I only came here for work. I live in the City of Stars.」

 The shrine maiden from the temple of job change was supposed to come tonight.

 I wasn"t in a hurry but it"s better to return earlier.

「Even though I"m yet to give my grat.i.tude to Axel-san…」

「It all happened by chance so you don"t have to worry that much.」

「But for a merchant… That is…」

 And while I was talking with Natalie in front of the guard station—


 From the side, a well-dressed old gentleman jumped out.

 And with that momentum, he ran up to Natalie and embraced her.

「Uphuh, G-Grandfather?!」

「Ah, Natalie. My heart almost stopped when I heard that you encountered bandits, thank goodness you are safe…!」

 Apparently Natalie"s relative.

 Looking at it, they do have some similarities, like hair color or facial features.

「Grandfather. It"s embarra.s.sing.」

「What did you say! I was about to become unable to meet my dear, dear, granddaughter ever again! Please allow me this much…!」

 However, more pa.s.sion could be felt from his demeanor than from Natalie"s. He looks very energetic, unfitting for his age—

「So you are the young man who is said to have saved my granddaughter?」

 The old gentleman turned to me. And after looking at my face and transportation bag on my shoulders, narrowed his eyes.

「That backpack, you are a carrier… Aren"t you?」

「Well, yes. That"s right. I only recently have changed my job though.」

 To my words, the old gentleman frowned even further.

「Beginner that only recently changed his job… And《Carrier》on top of that, just how could you save my…」

 And after saying that much the old gentleman shook his head.

「No, it doesn"t matter right now. What matters is the fact that you saved my granddaughter. I"m the submaster of the merchants guild of this town, Dort Kaufmann. Concerning this incident, you truly have my unyielding grat.i.tude. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.」

「It"s fine. I was only pa.s.sing by, you don"t have to concern yourself that much.」

 I repeated what I have told Natalie, stressing the point even further, but Dort shook his head again with a serious expression.

「It won"t do. You protected my granddaughter. I will be a failure of a merchant if I won"t appropriately compensate for the favor.」

 Words filled with power. Not even a hint of a doting grandparent was left in his eyes, only a strong pride as a merchant.

「Is there anything you would like to have? If it"s within my power and authority I would like to help you. Our guild is the greatest in the City of Winds, no in this whole country. Almost anything can be arranged.」

 Said Dort while looking at the tower that stood in the center of the City of Winds. That were the headquarters of the merchants guild of this country.

 And as it"s submaster, he had a degree of control over its stocks.

「Sorry, but I can"t think up of anything at the moment.」

 I couldn"t find anything that I particularly wanted. Now that I have just changed my job I am too busy learning about it, and can"t be bothered by greed too much.

「Is that so…Then, would it be possible to have dinner together when you have time? And then we can have a proper talk.」

「Ah, that"s fine. Tonight I already have a prior arrangement. I have to go back to the City of Stars.」

 I had some interest in the merchants guild.

 Since I became a《Carrier》I would like to learn about commerce. I"m glad that I"ve got an opportunity for a conversation.

 Thinking so I answered and the old gentleman replied after a slow nod.

「Oh, really…! Then, I would like to properly thank you in the future. Hence, can I hear your name?」

「Yes, I"m Axel. She is Berzelia.I"ve just changed my job and thus we are pretty busy as of late, so it"s not like I"m always in the City of Stars, but I will be looking forward to it.」

「《Carrier》from the City of Stars Axel-dono and Berzelidono? Okay, I got it. I shall visit you in a short while. …And I"m usually at the merchants guild of the City of Winds. When you come to this town the next time, by all means, please pay me a visit. I will show you the greatest hospitality possible!」

 Saying that he reached out his hand for a handshake. Appreciating his friendly approach I shake his hand.

「Well then, see you again.」 

「Ah, really thank you for this, Axel-dono.」

 And after the handshake, I left the place together with Berzelia.

「However, Axel-dono… huh. That is some name to call yourself…」

 Walking away from the old man, who was muttering such words.

 When I and Berzelia were heading for the south gate again after finishing our conversation with Dort—

「Master. It"s shining again.」

「Aah, I leveled up again.」

 My pocket was glowing as usual.

 Before even a few days have pa.s.sed since the job change, I"ve already seen this so many times that I"ve got way too used to this.

 Anyway, I ought to confirm it first, thus we sat on a bench in a nearby park and looked at the skill sheet. There—

【Designated amount of people transported——Level up!】【Transportation bag rank 5, Storage s.p.a.ce expanded 100%, Freshness preservation 100% function added.】

「Wow, the transporting bag got improved again!」

「Though I don"t understand it at the moment, I have to check side notes….Hmm『Extended preservation of fatigue, life and magic energy of those stored inside is possible. Thermal energy preservation is governed by warmth preservation and cooling function.』 Does it mean that if I put something in the living state inside, I will be able to pull it out in the same condition?」

 Taking the explanation literally, that would be the case. In other words—

「I can carry fresh food as it is?」

「Waah.——So it means that no matter where, even during a journey, there is easy access to fresh ingredients so we will be able to eat master"s food any time we want?!」

「You are really honest with your appet.i.te, Berzelia. But well, though there is a function for thermal control already. We have no idea how effective that is. It became even more suited for travel. Also, it seems safe to put humans in there if needs be.」

 By putting some twist into it, like this time, it can also be used to restrain a target.

 It can also be used to normally carry creatures. Perhaps, when there is nowhere to stay, it can also be used instead of a tent or sleeping bag. Although it is necessary to have an experiment before we can get in there ourselves.

「Yeah. I feel like the range of things that can be transported has nicely expanded.」

「Yes. With these conditions, you will be able to transport pet animals or even souls. Master, you are becoming more and more amazing as a《Carrier》!」

「The only thing I"ve carried for now were humans though. Well, I appreciate that it"s getting handier.」

 I completed an unexpected task.

 Apparently, on the second day after the career change, I already reached the next stage as《Carrier》