
Chapter 13

They arrived at Fara"s aunt"s house at 9 p.m. It was a bungalow that was quite isolated at the town"s edge. Buying a cheap land, then build a huge house. That night, for some reason, Gibbs felt like sleeping there.

The story was that the gentlemanly and gracious Gibbs had sent Fara right in front of the gate. Mothers would usually have a good feeling when seeing Gibbs" face, so when Fara"s aunt welcomed her from the gate, she felt that she should be compa.s.sionate - and thus Gibbs got his wish of staying the night. Oh yeah, what happened to Fara"s sick cousin? They were admitted into the ward. So tonight, there won"t be anybody disturbing. Ngehehe…

10 o"clock, after dinner, Fara"s aunt said that she had prepared a room for Gibbs. "It"s upstairs, 1st door on your left."

Before Gibbs was able to thank her in a perfect manner, Fara interrupted, "Seriously?!"

Fara"s uncle smiled. Her aunt gave a sidelong glance.

"What? What"s up?" Gibbs asked.

Fara smiled mischievously. "That room…"

"Fara…!" her aunt let out a warning.

Fara closed her mouth, but the impish smile was still there, and Gibbs was enjoying the smile that rarely appeared on the lips of the girl that he had gone crazy for. Who would"ve though that he would sleep under the same roof as he tonight?

Just sleeping? Hmm…

Normally, Gibbs found it hard to sleep in a new environment. His body just won"t stay still - his eyes can"t close. He felt like peeing and his throat became dry. When Gibbs went downstairs to the kitchen, he saw Fara in the living room. She sat with her back facing Gibbs. The TV was switched on, but Fara seemed like she was talking with someone.

Who was she talking to? There"s no one beside her.

Hish, this kid!

"Hey," Gibbs greeted while sitting on her right side. It wasn"t close. There"s a slight distance between them. That"s fine. If it was up to him, he"d just jump at her.

"Oh, hi. Couldn"t sleep?" Fara replied.

Gibbs shook his head.

"Huh, that"s weird," Fara commented.

"Nah, it"s normal for me to be unable tp sleep in a different place."

"Oh. I thought… because… never mind."

"You thought what?"

"Nothing, it"s weird if you can"t sleep since…"

"Since, what?"

"Since… Jat is here," Fara explained, while pointing to her left. Empty. There"s no one.

"Let me guess. He was the previous owner of the room?" Gibbs guessed.

Fara nodded.

"He… didn"t suicide, right?"

"Hish! My family wouldn"t have stayed here if someone did," replied Fara.

"Who knows."

Fara shook her head. "He had leukaemia and didn"t want to do the final treatment at the hospital. He wanted to go home, staying there until he died."

"So what"s his unfinished business then?"

"Nothing. It"s just that he didn"t want to leave this place. There"s too many precious memories," replied Fara.

"That"s troublesome. How can he move on then?"

"Sometimes, if during our lifetime we"re too attached to a certain place, or a certain person… it"s hard for us to leave it," said Fara.

Gibbs nodded. Suddenly, he voiced out his thought, "We… talking about him, won"t he feel anything?" It"s not that I believed her fully, but I need to take a precaution.

Fara shook her head. "What I understand about them… is that they see what they want to see. Hear what they want to hear. For some, there are unfinished businesses. Those are the type that knows they are dead. But for others, like… I don"t know.  There are even those in denial," Fara explained.

"Then, if it"s like Jat… you can talk to him, right? It can"t be that he don"t know who you are? He"s not curious why you"re in this house?"

"He didn"t call me Fara though. He cal me… Syasya."

"Oh G.o.d. Now, who"s this Syasya?"

Fara lightly laughed hearing Gibbs" complaint. Why is it… that every time she laughs like that, I feel like biting her. It"s so frustrating.

"Syaya is his little sister. I know because that girl came her once, she left something. So every time Jat chats with me, it"s not me that he sees, it"s his little sister," Fara explained.

"That"s quite complicated," Gibbs said. "So then if there"s any paranormal activity like people usually say… it"s just the souls that don"t limit their boundaries, right? That"s why there are items that move by themselves, hearing voices, right? Something like that?"

"Yeah, something like that. It depends on what kind of person they were when they were alive. If it"s a short-tempered person, they"d throw things. If it"s a happy-go-lucky kind of person, they might just whistle from time to time."

"Throwing things and whistling, no matter which of the two, they"re just as scary. You say that the ghost is happy-go-lucky but when I start hearing things but can"t see where it comes from, I"d definitely be frightened," Gibbs replied.

Fara let out a laugh again. Gibbs stared at her. Her laughter then slowly receded. Gibbs was still staring. Fara tucked her hair behind her ear - a cla.s.sical move of an anxious person.

"So… you"re not afraid of ghosts, right? Because you can see them. You"ve removed the fear of the unknown element," Gibbs surmised.

"Hm… yeah. I guess you can put it like that."

"Interesting," Gibbs exclaimed.

It was Fara"s turn to stare at Gibbs. Gibbs pretended to see something from afar, while there was only one thing in his mind - You"re really interesting, Fara. And you"re pretty too. Beautiful, interesting, attractive… you"re da"bomb!

Again, Fara lightly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Amused. With you. In your mind, I must be crazy, but you"re just going with me, right?" Fara answered.

Gibbs smiled while shaking his head. "You said you only believe what you see, right? You didn"t see what"s in my mind so why are you so trusting of your a.s.sumption?"

Fara pouted. "Eleh, anyone would think that I"m crazy…"

"Maybe I"m not the same with other people," Gibbs cut her off.

Fara was silent.

"You still haven"t answered my question," Gibbs reminded.

"Which one?"

"Your real though of me."

Fara was silent. A small smile appeared, like someone who was guilty of something.

"Just say it. I promise that I won"t be mad, I won"t keep it to heart."

"Well… you"re like… used to getting everything you want. It"s like you don"t understand what it means to  tolerate," Fara said. Ha! Take that! You wanted it, right?

"Why do you say that? Because I brought a bike to school?"

"Well, that… among other things. I mean, it"s the school"s rule that students can"t bring their own vehicle. Why must you bring it? Why can"t you follow the rules like other people?

"It"s not like I was the one fighting to bring that bike. It"s my parents that forced me to. Listening to one"s parents; isn"t that what a child should do?" Gibbs replied. Don"t, Fara… I might just out all the hadith and sunnah.

Fara wanted to voice her opinion but paused. Gibbs took this chance to interrupt her, "Do you know? My parents are rarely home. They"re always outstation. My only brother is staying overseas. If I have my own vehicle, wouldn"t it make things easier when there"s an emergency?"

"What, other people could get emergency too. They could still live without their own ride. There"s taxi, bus…"

"Yeah… like the bus earlier that broke in the middle of the road, right?" Gibbs interjected.

"Another bus did come! What"s wrong with experiencing a bit of hardship?"

"And what"s wrong with not troubling other people? With my bike, I don"t have to trouble the bus driver, the taxi driver, the school van"s driver. It"s not wrong, right?" Gibbs questioned back. Debating like this is dangerous, the energy is spiking. If it"s channelled to another activity, then…

"Hmphhh… but it"s not like you"re using your bike for emergencies. You played hooky during prep, going to a coffee shop. What"s your excuse for that?" Fara replied.

"Gibbs smiled this time. He rubbed his neck, his hair was intentionally ruffled - a cla.s.sic mischievous guy style. "I told you…"

"You want stories to tell your kids?"

Gibbs smiled again. A bit mischievously, a bit sheepish. "But… it didn"t trouble anyone, right?"

"What"s wrong with telling your kids that you"re a good kid at school?"

"Aah, that"s boring! The mother"s geeky so there"s no way the father should be one. There"s no variety like that," Gibbs said.

"Oh, so there"s a candidate for the mother?" Fara leered.

"There is…" Gibbs smiled.

"Hmm… who?"

Is that jealousy I see?

"It"s you of course! Who else is geekier than you?" Gibbs teased.

"Eeiii, who"d want to be your wife?! And I"m not geeky, okay?!"

"Eeh, you"re the queen of geeks you know?" Gibbs kept on teasing.

"No, I"m not!"

"Heh, talk is cheap, my dear. Any proof that you"re not geeky?"


"Have you skipped prep? Ever fly?[1]"

"That"s not…"

Gibbs let out a mocking laugh. "That"s not what? Isn"t that the proof that you"re a geek? If you"ve never even done that, then you"re definitely the queen of ge…"

Suddenly, Gibbs felt both his cheeks being held with two hands. Smooth yet firm. Gibbs" face was turned to the hands" owner"s, and before he could even take a breath… Gibbs felt Fara"s soft lips touching his. Gibbs felt something erecting. His heart beat wildly, but his hands moved skilfully. He embraced Fara"s waist but made sure they weren"t creeping towards other places. Though this was certainly a moment he had been waiting for, his brain was still stable, thinking how to play the situation. I need to look willing but helpless.

Their lips separated. Gibbs had a smile on, but confusion filled his eyes.

"There. I"m no longer geeky, right?" Fara gave an enchanting smile.

Then, she got up and walked away. She stopped on the stairs and turned to Gibbs. "Sweet dreams," she said and moved to her room.

Gibbs looked at his pants. There was something eagerly waiting. Demmit!

[1] Fly here means going out of the school without permission.
Flying over the gates!