
Chapter 34

KJ went to Teratai block again that night. His desire to prank people had skyrocketed lately; especially when Gibbs started becoming so restless. He could understand it if Gibbs was worried for Ray, but even then, he shouldn"t spoil the mood. It became annoying.

On his arrival outside room 108, KJ smiled by himself. Of many rooms, this was his favourite one. The kid in this room was just begging to be pranked by KJ. A loner without any friends - but has their own secret. KJ knew that this kid had a kind of "sickness". There would be certain nights where they would go out looking for the "cure" for their "sickness". From what he heard, many people in the town had become their "cure". Clever - they didn"t look for the "cure" inside CGTSS. They knew how to protect their reputation.

KJ didn"t know why he was really too excited wanting to prank this kid. Maybe because the kid reminded him of Deepa - the b.i.t.c.h that destroyed his senior year in CGTSS. Thinking about it only made him angry. d.a.m.n it all.

KJ entered the room. The kid was sleeping… but there"s one thing different that shocked KJ - the kid had a roommate. And the roommate was a male.

Which guy did she bring back now? She"s becoming more daring in looking for her "cure"! …Ah, whatever! The project is still on.

Lina couldn"t sleep that night. Her eyes were closed but she just couldn"t fall asleep. Her brain spun - thinking of the new script Jeremy received. After dinner, Lina and Jeremy examined the script page by page. As a fiction, the story would be categorised as an amazing one.

But according to Khalil, it wasn"t a fiction. The story was based on something that truly happened in this school ten years ago. And from the characters that appeared, it"s not impossible for Khalil to be one of the main characters.

And if it was true that Khalil was a main character, that meant…

Suddenly, the door opened by itself. A ray of light entered from the corridor. s.h.i.t, I locked it earlier!

Lina left it alone. Too lazy to bother. It must be the prankster ghost again. Lina pulled her blanket to her neck and kicked Jeremy whose back was facing her. The Jeremy who had long fell into the dreamland. He was even snoring. Useless. He"s supposed to be here to protect me!

"My… My!" Lina called.

"Hmm…" Jeremy"s drowsy voice was heard without him turning.

The door which was slightly opened earlier suddenly closed. Lina"s room became pitch black without the light from the corridor. Lina was unsure - whether to get Jeremy or just stay on her bed, pretending that nothing happened.

Lina decided to get up and move to Jeremy"s bed. It doesn"t matter if he accuses her of wanting to pounce on him - what"s important was that Lina didn"t want to face this prankster ghost alone. Lina pulled the blanket away and placed her legs on the floor - cold. Lina can"t stand the cold.

Lina started walking towards Jeremy"s bed - then she realised something. Her legs can"t move. It was tied neatly at the end of her bed. She didn"t know when, but she was lying on the bed again and her hands were cuffed to the head of the bed.

No! No! No!

"My! Jeremy!!"

But her scream was only as loud as it was in her head. Her mouth was covered by duct tape - again, without her knowing when. When she realised it, she was already unable to vocalise anything. Lina tried struggling but that"s the most she could do.

I… I know why this is happening…!

Lina suddenly felt that there"s something… heavy placed between her legs. The weight was similar to a normal human. Lina raised her head slightly to see - a creature was positioned between her legs!

Lina struggled to remove the creature. Success. The creature really moved.

Right beside Lina"s face.

Lina screamed but a pity that what came out were only soft moans from the duct tape. The creature stroked the crown of Lina"s head where cold sweat started appearing.

In a blink of an eye, the creature vanished. Immediately after its disappearance, all the clothes on Lina"s body too disappeared. Lina was stark naked - cuffed, tied and laid down on her bed.

Wake up, Jeremy!

As if the screams of her heat was heard by Jeremy, he was startled awake from his sleep and immediately rushed to Lina"s bed. "Lina! Lina! What"s wrong?"

Lina was startled awake - she realised that she was fully clothed and her limbs were free to move. Sweat was covering her body.

"What"s wrong?" Jeremy was now sitting next to her on the bed.

"A dream… I… just like…"

And Lina suddenly remembered - the same thing had happened with Dania. And the person she thought was Dania was actually not her.

So this Jeremy…

"Err… I… I"m going to the toilet," said Lina while immediately getting up.

"Alone? I"ll accompany you. Let"s go," replied Jeremy. His face looked worried. Sincere. But in this room, Lina doesn"t easily trust everything.

"It"s fine. I"ll go alone," Lina quickly rushed out of the room.

And Jeremy was suddenly between her and the door. Lina screamed to the top of her lungs.

KJ went out of room 108 with a satisfied smile.

But his smile didn"t last long. While walking in the corridor, he suddenly saw Fara"s figure coming from the opposite direction. She said she wanted to sleep early? Is she playing Gibbs? He, I told you, Gibbs. Your girlfriend can"t be trusted.

Fara stopped walking and stared at KJ. KJ ignored her and walked past her. He can"t be bothered with her.

"You already know about it, right?" Fara suddenly spoke to KJ.

KJ"s steps stopped. He turned to Fara. "Know what?"

"I know you know, Khairil."

KJ snorted. "I don"t know what the h.e.l.l you"re talking about."

"It"s not good to lie to him, confuse him like that…"

"What nonsense are you talking now?!" KJ snapped.

Fara closed to KJ. KJ took a step back. "Don"t make me hurt you, Fara," threatened KJ.

"We both know that you won"t hurt me, Khairil…"

"Like h.e.l.l I can"t! You didn"t see how I got that kid? I can get you too!"

"And if I tell Gibbs the truth?"

"Gibbs won"t believe you!" the words escaped KJ"s mouth, and he regretted it immediately.

Fara was silent. "So it"s true. You already know about it,  right?"

"Yes! I know! Satisfied? But Gibbs won"t believe what you say! Who are you when compared to me? How long were you even together with Gibbs? He"s been friends with me for years! He will choose me!"

KJ"s voice felt like it resounded through the whole Teratai block - filled with anger and resentment. Fara"s mouth seemed like she was muttering, reading something, and KJ became more anxious. He felt he needed to get away from Fara at that moment.

KJ went away.