
Chapter 4

"That thing just roosted there?" questioned Dania, the only person in CGTSS that Lina considered a friend. At the very least, with Dania, she could tell her about the things that had been disturbing her ever since last week.

"Yep. It stayed there, doing nothing in particular. That"s why I was able to last for a week," answered Lina.

"That"s really brave of you weyh! Why didn"t you tell me earlier?"

"Even if you know, what can you even do? It"s not like you"re going to accompany me in my room. You"re just a scaredy cat," said Lina.

"That"s right isn"t it?" replied Dania with a dumb smile on her face. This was why Dania was able to befriend Lina. She"s the only one who could stand Lina"s direct personality. If it were others, they"d have long felt offended, pulling faces. Teenage girls… especially during their periods, it became easier to be agitated. That"s why Lisa can"t be bothered with them. Becoming a lone ranger was better.

"Why don"t you request for a room change?" Dania suggested.

"Who"d even want to…"

"That s your problem. Who told you to be so antisocial?  It becomes hard at a time like this."

Lina sighed. What socializing? She came here because she wanted to stay away from home. Her parents kept arguing with each other day and night. Her brother was hopeless, an addict - what does he know? Complaining to him was like talking to a rock, "Chill!" Chill his face! It"s easier staying in the dormitory. n.o.body would disturb her. At first, that is… now it"s this thing that"s troubling her.

"Well?" asked Lina.

"Well what?" Dania returned.

"Do you want to stay with me?"

Dania became quiet, thinking. "Once that thing appears, I"ll be the first to bolt off," Dania decided.

"You do that. It’ll follow you to your room then."


Lina laughed. Not knowing that later she wouldn"t be able to even chuckle.

"What"s taking your time in there? Weren"t you just changing your pad?" Lina questioned when Dania came back that night.

Dania was silent. Lina looked at her weirdly, then sighed.

"You did it again, right?"


"Yep! You washed your pad, right?"

Dania kept her silence. Hmmph, I was right.

"Dania, I told you… you don"t have to wash your pad la!"

"But last week, after the group discussion[1], that senior sister sounded me. She said if I don"t wash my pad…"

"What happens if you don"t? The devil would come to suck on it? Lina guessed. It"s not like had never been told something like that.

""She said that there"s a senior, her face was always pale. Always lethargic. It turned out that she didn"t wash her pad - the devil that suck on the blood could tell whose it was, and then just directly suck it from her! That"s why she always lacked blood!"

Lina"s mouth hanged open after listening. "Okay. One, that devil sure was something else, being able to detect whose blood came from a pad - why don"t the police hire him? CSI would definitely lose. Two, the devil sucked it directly from her? From where? I bet the b.i.t.c.h was tired but euphoric, right?"

"Huh? Tired but euphoric? Why?"

Lina just laughed lightly while shaking her head. Dania was a bit slow regarding adult matters. It"s fine. "Just go to sleep, Dania. Wash your pad properly tomorrow, okay?" Lina spoke sarcastically.

Dania glanced at her while Lina pulled the blanket over her head, and then giggled under the blanket.

That night, Lina suddenly woke up. It"s not something outstanding that she woke up in the middle of the night, but it"s what caused her to wake - that"s what"s weird. If as usual, Lina would awake when that fan ghost started messing around with her. But tonight, Lina woke up because of another sound.

The sound of someone washing clothes.

Who the h.e.l.l is washing clothes in the middle of the night? Even if it is so, why is it that I can hear it? My room and the washroom is too far apart!

There"s a sink in each room. One small sink - at most used for brushing teeth. It"s impossible to wash clothes there. What Lina saw was the figure of Dania at the room sink.

Dania"s back was facing Lina, and from the body movements, it really looked like she was washing. This idiot. Is she seriously washing her pad at this time?!

"Dania? Dania!"

Dania didn"t turn. Lina snorted and threw her blanket aside. This kid"s asking for it. Just as she was about to go slap the drowsy Dania awake, Lina realised something.

Her feet can"t move. Why? Because it was nicely tied to the bed"s end.

"What the…? Dania, not funny!" Lina said while wanting to open the knot on her feet.

Second problem - her hands couldn"t move. Her hands that had been freely moving earlier was now cuffed at the bed"s head.

"What…?! What"s this!"

Lina tried escaping, but, well, it"s called a cuff for a reason. It"s impossible for her to escape. s.h.i.t, I"m dreaming. I"m having a nightmare. Wake up, wake up, wake up!

A figure started appearing on the side of her bed. The figure was laughing, and Lina was still cuffed, tied.

Wake up, Lina! Wake up!

Lina hated this dream. Although she had never experienced a dream like this before, she hated it! Because this was not just a dream - it"s something she experienced every time she went back home. It was of her own desire. Not upon anyone"s coercion.

Then what"s this?! My subconscious? Wanting me to realise something?! Screw this! Let me go!! Lina screamed - but her voice didn"t come out. The figure kept on laughing. Lina struggled.

"Lina? Hey, Lina!"

Lina awoke - drenched in sweat. The surroundings were still dark. Dania stood up, holding her shoulders.

"You! Don"t scare me! Dania stated.

"Sorry, I…" Lina suddenly heard something.

The sound of someone washing clothes.

Lina looked towards the sink. Dania"s figure was still there. Lina looked to the bedside, Dania was there too!

"Dania… that… you… see what I see?" Lina asked, pointing to the sink.

And Dania smiled, "I see it…"

Lina got the gooseb.u.mps. Why is this b.i.t.c.h smiling?!

"The thing is, Lina… which do you think is the real me? That one, or this one?"

Lina awoke - and only she was in the room.

There was no other figure there. Next to her pillow was her handphone, blinking, a sign that a message was received.

Dania: Lina, I didn"t wake you up. But I"m returning to my room lah eh? I suddenly feel scared.

Lina sighed. This can"t be happening…

[1] Usrah. Anyone knows the English equivalent for this?

Well that’s that. Thus the plot thickens… or is it? Anyway, hope you enjoyed the read.