
Chapter 6

"Teacher, I can"t stand it anymore! Please let me change room!"

The request came from Lina towards the counselor of CGTSS that evening. The evening prep that was supposed to be done in the cla.s.s was spent by Lina in the counselor"s room. Even if she"s in the cla.s.s, it"s not like she would be studying anyway - she"d definitely sleep! She hadn"t slept since last night.

"Why are you talking to me? I"m not the dorm manager," said the counselor.

"Because I already did, and he aid he could do nothing to help!" Okay, this was a lie. Lina didn"t say anything yet to the dorm manager. Why? Because she knew doing that would be a waste of time. The manager would definitely not listen to her request.

So why was she disturbing the counselor? Because as a counselor, Lina felt that it was her job to listen to her rants.  Then? Just go with it lah…

The counselor sighed. "Why do you want to change room, really?"

"Even if I tell you, you wouldn"t believe me."

"Try me."

Lina sighed. Just great. Not enough with her having only Dania as a friend (even then, she"s categorized as useless), this counselor would treat her as a weirdo. Who knows, one day she might just be admitted into psychiatry ward somewhere.

"Before that, you should know that I have no record of being a mentally disabled person," Lina started.

The counselor smiled, probably entertained.

"I"m serious here! You should know this. I never had schizophrenia, bipolar or any kind of mental problem that would give me delusions." Lina continued, serious.

"You"re quite knowledgeable on mental problems huh? Once you graduate, I recommend you taking psychology." Ehhh… she even made a joke! It"s a good thing she"s pretty. And it"s fortunate that I"m straight.

"Go on," said the counselor.

Lina sighed. "I… was disturbed in that room."

The smiling counselor changed her countenance. "What kind of disturbance?"

"There"s a fan ghost and a ghost washing clothes. Which one do you want to hear first?"

The counselor stared at Lina.

"I told you that you wouldn"t believe me. I sa…"

"You"re in room 108 Teratai Block?"

Lina was stunned. She had yet to tell her room number. "Haah."

The counselor looked perplexed. "Are you willing to stay in my room?"

Lina went silent. That sounded drastic. It"s like she really wanted her out of the room.

The counselor waited for Lina"s answer. Okay, this teacher is serious in wanting me to stay with her. Is there a hidden agenda?

"That"s… kinda awkward if I, we stay in the same room."


"Yeah… since I"m a student…"

"You"re worried about what your friends will say?"

Lina burst out laughing hearing the counselor"s question.

"Why should I care what they say? Not that they ever cared about me."

"Good. I mean… sorry to hear that, but that means you can stay in my room, right?"

"Can I really?"

"I"ll talk with your dorm manager later," the counselor said seriously.

"Hmmm… okay," Lina agreed.

It"s probably fine. Compared to not being able to sleep at night. Lina stood up, said thanks and went out of the counselor"s room.

"h.e.l.lo? Can I speak with Khalil Abdullah?"

"Speaking. Who is this?"

"It"s me…"

At the other end of the line, a deep breath was heard taken. "What do you want?"

"Are you free?"


"Khalil, please…"

"Look, you haven"t contacted me in 10 years. And now you suddenly called me asking whether I"m free or not? If I say no, could please accept my answer with an open heart?"

"Khalil, I know you"re a busy man. But I won"t contact you if it"s nothing important."

"What is it that"s so urgent?"

"It"s about him, Khalil."


"He"s back. In a different form. Here. In CGTSS."


"He hasn"t moved on. Please, Khalil, I need your help."

Again, a deep breath was taken on the other side. "This isn"t my field. Isn"t this your specialty? Don"t tell me you can"t settle it without me?"

"If I could, I wouldn"t have called you."


"Please, Khalil. You know how he listens to you." A cynical laugh was heard from the other end.

"Khalil, please. Things have gotten much worse."

"When do you want me?"

"As soon as possible."

"I"ll see what I can do."

Dun dun dun. Who’s this teacher now? Why is she contacting that Khalil guy?

Hope you enjoyed it.