Genius Aberrant: Prodigious Miss Overturning The World With Her Aberration

Chapter 24

The next day, Zi Hua went back to the dungeon and found a piece of paper, she had fed that sh*t a truth rotting pill, it"s different from the blood pool pill she gave to those from General"s Manor, those that consume it will be forced to expose the truth and then once it is done they will decompose.

She read the piece of paper Next to the piece of paper was a map, there was an X at some place near Dong Ting Empire"s capital.

Zi Hua had planned to head to Moonlight Continent after she had dealt with Xing Wu Xun"s matter since he couldn"t go with her on her future journeys but it seems that she would have to stay a little longer.

She had Xiao Hong burn the map after she memorized the location.

She pa.s.sed down the orders to allow everyone to have a week off and after the break the Light Phantoms and a new batch of people, which included the new recruits, will go back to the Light Phantom Halls, so that the people will see proof of Light Phantom Sect"s recruiting exam.


In a small inconspicuous alley Xing Qiao Min, was being ganged up on by a richly donned young man and a bunch of ruffians.

The Four Empires" imperial family all have the same surname since the Four Empires used to be a single empire.

"Hmph, let"s see how you can be proud now! Don"t think that just because you got into Light Phantom Sect you can act all high and mighty, you"re still nothing but the trash of the imperial family" The Second Prince had wanting to enter Light Phantom Sect but instead the one who he constantly made fun of got in, how could he deal with this kind of face slap?

He wanted to make trouble for Xing Qiao Min but he was warned not to by his imperial father and the guy had been with the Light Phantom Sect members so he didn"t dare to.

But when he saw Xing Qiao Min in the Light Phantom Sect uniform with people staring at him from the previous ridicule to admiration, envy swelled up in his heart.

Xing Tang Ji then hired some ruffians to gang up on him once he left Light Phantom Hall.

Which led to the current situation, Xing Qiao Min lay on the floor bruised up with the ruffians kicking him.

Even though he got into Light Phantom Sect, being a former trash he had no cultivation until he entered Light Phantom Sect so how could he face so many ruffians who had years of cultivation.

"Let"s leave" Xing Tang Ji flicked his sleeves as he turned around and left with his hired "mercenaries".

Xing Qiao Min slowly got up and staggered out of the alley once Xing Tang Ji and his entourage was out of sight.

He tried to look as presentable as possible and not look so unkempt as to hide the fact that he was beaten up from his brother and sisters, it was already his blessing to be admitted into Light Phantom Sect, he didn"t want to cause trouble for them by letting them know he had a "conflict" with the Second Prince.

When he entered Light Phantom Hall, his brother and sisters rushed to him worried for why he would be in such a state.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I just fell over and injured myself a bit" Xing Qiao Min flashed a smile to rea.s.sure them.

Although skeptical, they didn"t pry further since the guy didn"t seem to have any intention of telling them, they respected his privacy.

"Okay, but we"re here for you if you need us, go and get some pills to heal yourself" Xing Qiao Min was so moved by their concern that he almost couldn"t hold his tears back, Light Phantom Sect was full of good people thanks to Zi Hua and they were no different from a ma.s.sive family.

"Thank you"

Meantime, Zi Hua had gotten herself an inn using her previous life"s appearance, she had to hide her looks in case some other people from Moonlight Continent had also come, she had appeared in the banquet with her true appearance so she didn"t want to be recognized, "Lady Hua" and "Xia Fei Yan" has been seen by a lot of people too so she couldn"t use them either.

She ran out of ideas so she just a.s.sumed her previous life"s appearance, her creativity will need a while to restore after all that stress.

Zi Hua didn"t bring Anemone or Gardenia either since she didn"t want to endanger Light Phantom Sect in case other people see them, it"s a pity that she can only transform herself and not others or else she would have disguised them whenever they were with her, not to mention that the destination will probably be extremely dangerous or difficult to reach, having a group may be disadvantageous instead.

In addition, after that dream of the past she cannot disguise her eyes anymore so they stayed purple, making her easily recognizable due to the distinctive feature.

Why didn"t she use the magical transformation substance called makeup you ask? Because her makeup skills are as bad as the author"s.