Genius Daddy in the City

Chapter 656: Stop Struggling, Just Accept Your Fate!

Chapter 656: Stop Struggling, Just Accept Your Fate!

“Your humble mortal body does have some secrets. When I capture you, I’ll study you thoroughly!”

He squinted as he looked at Ye Chen. The ferocity in his eyes intensified.

“Demonic Finger!”

At the next moment, he raised his hand and absorbed all the black energy at the tip of his finger, causing it to turn black.

His fingertip trembled slightly!

The air around him was completely torn apart.

s.p.a.ce began to vibrate.


A black gleam that was roughly the size of an arm shot out from his finger abruptly. The black gleam tore through the sky as an extremely terrifying power erupted from it.

“Divine Consciousness Saber!”

Ye Chen was unmoved. His Divine Consciousness surged out of his mudball palace. As the s.p.a.ce trembled lightly, a golden long saber consolidated from his Divine Consciousness.

As soon as the golden saber appeared, it erupted with a saber intent that could cut through the surroundings and destroy everything.


Ye Chen snorted coldly when he saw the gigantic black finger that was piercing through the air. The golden long saber that was hanging in front of him slashed at him while emitting intense saber qi.


The gigantic black finger was severed on the spot. Under the tremendous impact of the explosion of energy, the h.e.l.l Demon could not help but take a few steps back with a m.u.f.fled groan. His face was filled with shock as he said, “H-How could you have such a powerful Divine Consciousness?!”

After two consecutive exchanges, his heart was in turmoil!

Divine Consciousness!

It was something exclusive to cultivators!

Especially for spirit cultivators like him who specialized in mental strength. However, when Ye Chen condensed the Divine Consciousness Saber, he was shocked to discover that Ye Chen’s Divine Consciousness was much more powerful than his!

“My methods aren’t something that you can imagine!”

Ye Chen smirked coldly and leaped into the air with a loud rumble. The earth was beneath his feet and the clouds were above his head. He stood with his hands behind his back like a G.o.d looking down on all living beings.

An extremely oppressive voice came from his mouth, “Come here, fire!”

Following his words, Yins.h.i.+, Chana, and the rest saw a scene that they would never forget!

Dozens of fireb.a.l.l.s suddenly appeared out of thin air. Each fireball was about the size of an adult’s head and had a golden spark on them. Even though they were so far away, the heat they emitted made them sweat!


Dozens of fireb.a.l.l.s shot toward the h.e.l.l Demons in a square formation.


The h.e.l.l Demon’s pupils shrank as if he had seen a ghost. He let out a furious roar as black mist erupted from his body.

The black mist transformed into a black spear and shot towards the dozens of fireb.a.l.l.s with a deafening sound. A series of explosions sounded in the air as the black spear was shattered by the fireb.a.l.l.s.

The remaining fireb.a.l.l.s immediately shot toward the h.e.l.l Demon.

“Oh, no!”

The h.e.l.l Demon’s expression changed. His palm, wrapped in thick black energy, slapped towards the fireb.a.l.l.s as if he wanted to scatter them.

However, to his surprise, when his hand touched a fireball, the fireball exploded as if they had been nourished by something, and a flame started to spread from his hand to his body.

He glared at Ye Chen who was in the air after putting out the fireball with great difficulty. He was exasperated, “Who are you? How come you can perform the Fireball Tactic?”

“Come here, thunder!”

Ye Chen looked calm as he threw a Five Thunder Talisman into the air.


A bolt of lightning as thick as a baby’s arm descended from the sky with a destructive aura and struck the h.e.l.l Demon.

Lightning was something extremely yang that specialized in subduing evil.

Let alone a spirit cultivator like the h.e.l.l Demon!

“I-I get it now!”

h.e.l.l Demon finally remembered something. He looked at Ye Chen suddenly, “Y-You’re a cultivator too. Y-You don’t belong here…”

Before he could finish, the bolt of lightning struck him!

With an incomparably shrill scream, the h.e.l.l Demon’s body was completely covered in lightning as he fell to the ground and struggled.

After the screams ended, a charcoal-like corpse appeared on the ground!

A few seconds later, Chana and the rest in the distance snapped out of their shock and could not help but exclaim, “H-He’s dead?”

Yin s.h.i.+ was also dumbfounded!

He knew how terrifying the h.e.l.l Demon was exactly!

However, he was still killed by Ye Chen!

This showed just how terrifying his master was!

“Is he a human or a G.o.d?”

Chana took a good look at the figure in the air. Those somewhat ordinary facial features were now filled with disdain and dominance, like a G.o.d high up in the sky.

Ye Wen glanced at the corpse on the ground after Ye Chen landed. She mustered her courage and asked, “Brother, is he dead?”


Ye Chen lifted his head and looked at the peak, “No, he’s not dead. I only killed one of his clones!”

Ye Wen and Yin s.h.i.+ were shocked when they heard that!

Just when they were about to ask something else, they saw Ye Chen move. He dashed toward the peak of the mountain like an arrow.

At the same time, in a deep well full of formations on top of the mountain, an extremely shrill scream was heard, “d.a.m.n it! d.a.m.n it! I actually met a cultivator who masters the Lightning Method!”

An illusionary shadow stood beside a red coffin.

Who else could it be but the h.e.l.l Demon from before? However, his body was a little dispirited at the moment. He said with lingering fear as he looked at Su Yuhan who was lying quietly in the coffin.

“Thankfully, he only killed one of my clones. I originally planned to let this woman absorb enough yin energy to possess me, but it seems like I can’t wait any longer!

When the possession is done, the brat out there will be helpless. I’ll find a place to hide and recover in seclusion for a year or so. It won’t be too late to kill him by then!”

He gritted his teeth as he thought to this point. He forcefully separated his purest soul and shot it into Su Yuhan’s glabella as a streak of dark gleam.


In Daoism, it was an act of using another person’s body to return to life. Even in modern times, there were powerhouses who said that the body was just a spiritual sh.e.l.l and a residence.

The reason why people died of old age was because their bodies were exhausted, and their bodies could no longer rely on their souls. If a person’s soul did not die or their consciousness was not destroyed after death, one could continue to live in another body.

Of course, one’s personality and memory would change.

For cultivators, possession was perfectly normal. If their bodies were destroyed and their spiritual consciousness escaped, they could choose a body with a spiritual root to possess and re-cultivate.

Li Tieguai was a cla.s.sic example from the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea. Li Tieguai’s original name was Li Xuan, and he used to be a refined scholar.

Due to the corruption of the imperial examinations, Li Xuan lost his reputation and lost his will. In a fit of pique, he went to seek the Dao. Later on, he learned the Dao from his father. One day, when he was out traveling, he heard immortal music resounding in the sky. It was dazzling. It was none other than Taishang Laojun riding a green ox.

Li Xuan knelt and begged Taishang Laojun for guidance. Taishang Laojun thought of his cultivation talent and agreed to take Li Xuan out for a trip. He requested that Li Xuan’s soul leave his body ten days later to meet him.

After Li Xuan returned, he said to his disciple, Yang Zi, “The grandmaster invited me on a trip. My soul will leave and my physical body stays here. You have to take good care of me.

If you don’t see my soul return seven days later, it’s enough to prove that I’ve become an immortal. You will then incinerate my body. With seven days as the limit, remember this!”

With that said, Li Xuan sat cross-legged as his soul floated away.

His disciple remembered his instructions and held on until midnight of the sixth day. He fell asleep due to exhaustion, and he dreamed of an old immortal telling him that his mother was dying, “Go back and prepare for her funeral.”

After Yang Zi woke up, he missed his mother and wanted to get off the mountain. However, due to his master’s instructions and seeing that the seven days were almost up, Yang Zi thought that Li Xuan had already become an immortal. He hurriedly dealt with him before leaving the mountain to visit his mother.

When Li Xuan’s primordial spirit returned, he realized that his disciple had cremated him…

He could not return to his body, and his soul was about to dissipate. In his despair, he accidentally discovered a person who had just starved to death by the side of the road. He hurried into the person’s body.

Who knew that the person was a cripple…

As he cried, Taishang Laojun showed himself and said, “This is heaven’s will, we cannot go against it!”

He also brainwashed him, instilling the idea of the eight immortals.

Only then did Li Xuan change his name to Li Tieguai.

The so-called heaven’s will was merely a scheme and a game between the powerhouses…

When the dim gleam that h.e.l.l Demon turned into entered the depths of Su Yuhan’s ocean of consciousness, in the midst of the chaos, he saw a green dot swimming aimlessly like a firefly.

Compared to the h.e.l.l Demon’s gleam, the green dot was tiny, as if a gust of wind could extinguish it.

“As long as I devour you, this body will belong to me!”

The h.e.l.l Demon transformed into a dim gleam that shot toward the green dot of light. The green dot jumped and subconsciously dodged around in the chaotic sea of consciousness.

“Stop struggling, just accept your fate!”

The h.e.l.l Demon frantically chased after the green dot of light. When he saw that it was impossible for it to escape, he was so excited that he rushed forward to devour it. Suddenly, a golden ocean suppressed his entire sea of consciousness.

It was a drop of blood!

Golden blood!

Although it was only a drop, it was incomparably huge in the mysterious sea of consciousness. It was vast like a golden ocean.

The drop of blood emitted a thick emperor’s aura!

It was like an angry Vajra that could suppress everything!

The speck of gleam that the h.e.l.l Demon had transformed into was suppressed on the spot, and he was unable to struggle. It was as if he had seen something shocking, “Emperor blood! It’s actually the emperor blood! d.a.m.n it! How could this woman have emperor blood in her body?!”

However, what scared him even more was…

The green dot of light that had given up hope earlier was stunned for a moment before it charged at him in a daze and devoured him instead…

“No, don’t eat me…

I’m unwilling, unwilling…”