Genius Girl

Chapter 263 - Genius 263: Rotten heart

Chapter 263 - Genius 263: Rotten heart

Genius 263

When the car stopped in front of the storage warehouse, Daniella"s heart pulsated. Jared attempted to hold her hand but she dodged it and walked towards the door.

When she found it locked, her head turned to look at Jared

Jared shook his head, it was not his intention to hold her hand all he wanted was to hand her the keys.

With big steps, he rushed to her and gave the keys.

"Stay here. No matter what you hear don"t come inside."

Jared was stunned to hear it. He thought she would want him inside just like when she asked him to kill the three gang members who hurt Evan.

He sighed and nodded.

"I will be here," he replied and handed her the knife with her name carved on it.

When Daniella pushed the metal door opened, her eyes took sight of a man sitting on a single chair in the middle of the empty warehouse.

The door creaked open as she pushed it wider. Then she closed the door behind causing for the surrounding to be pitch-dark.

Moving forward, the sensor lights turned on revealing the man in the chair staring at her with wide eyes and fear on his face.

"It"s you!"

Daniella"s lips curled upward as she stood in front of Roman Lee. Slowly, she bent with her hands on the armchairs pressing against his wrists.

"My mistake is not killing you, Roman Lee. I should have done it a long time ago," her voice which was flat and emotionless echoed in the warehouse.

Roman Lee snickered to hide his fear, but it was failed since his face was paled like a paper sheet.

"Kill me?" he said with sarcasm, "you don"t kill people Daniella. That is the problem."

Daniella straightened and showed him the knife.

"I actually do now," saying that she swung a hand holding the knife in the air and stabbed his left chest.

A scream loud enough to wake up a sleeping bear roared in the warehouse as soon as the knife scr.a.p.ed and pushed inside Roman Lee"s chest.

When he thought his body would go numb by the pain Daniella made a cut on his chest without pulling the knife.

His mind was clouded with pain, enabling him to think of anything.

There was just pain and Daniella"s glooming green eyes were staring at him with excitement.

When she pulled the knife out of his chest, pain took over his mind once again.

His lips quivered and were itching to beg for mercy but he simply didn"t have the energy to even open his lips.

When he saw her hand in the air, Roman Lee coughed hard. Blood came out together with his spit which landed and stained on Daniella"s white dress.

He coughed hard once again, this time the blood landed on her face.

Danielle wiped it with her backhand but her smile remained.

"Please," he said in a weak voice. There was pain everywhere, every part of his body was in pain. He wanted it to stop, he wanted to run away but seemed like this would be his end.

He watched as her hand entered the wound in his chest. He could feel her warm skin entering his chest, he felt pain after pain. While her hand was making its way into his heart, Daniella"s eyes were staring at his unblinking.

For a moment, he saw sadness hovered across her eyes. Then the face of the young girl in the bas.e.m.e.nt flashed in his mind.

The girl who had the face similar to a fairy from a children"s book. The girl who he thought he would be able to control, the same girl pulled his heart out of his chest so casually while staring at his eyes.

The organ in Daniella"s hand was still warm. The blood dropped from Roman"s heart to the floor.

Daniella sighed and stared at his corpse. She was planning to kill him by slicing his throat but earlier while she was looking at him, all she could see was her past.

He kept thinking about the girl in the bas.e.m.e.nt and how much he didn"t regret all the things he did to her and to her brother.

She needed to make sure he had a heart, that"s why she pulled it out.

Looking at the organ in her hand, Daniella took out a sigh. What she did definitely didn"t bring her brother back but at least she knew that he won"t be around her anymore.

The Roman Lee who had been part of her nightmare chasing her in her sleep was now dead. He"s dead, he was finally dead.

With the heart in her hand, she walked out of the warehouse at the same speed as she came in.

Jared squinted his eyes as he stared at the woman walking towards him. Her white dress was covered in blood and her right arm – she was holding something he couldn"t explain.

When Daniella finally reached him, she showed him the heart in her hand.

"I needed to make sure he had a heart; it turns out its rotten. No wonder he was like that."

Jared didn"t know if he should laugh or be scared. If she was able to pull a heart out of Roman"s body in such a short time, he wondered what else could she do.

He sighed and rushed to the driver seat. He definitely didn"t want to be on a honeymoon with a woman who just pulled a heart out of a man"s heart.

Seemed like she took the saying "break your heart" too literally.

Meanwhile, Daniella held the organ on her lap tightly. She didn"t know what to do with it and it seemed useless to even donate.

As she looked at the side road, she saw her reflection in the mirror.

There was more blood on her face than she expected and all of it was not hers.

Her eyes were calm and peaceful, she felt as if a huge rock was lifted off of her chest making her breath normally.

She rolled down the car window and threw the organ out. There was no reason for her to hold it since it was not her plan to take it from the beginning.

Jared just shook his head. Then he picked up his phone and dialled one of his men.

After saying the address of the warehouse Jared continued, ��clean the body in there and there"s a heart in the highway, clean it too."

When he looked at Daniella, he found her leaning her head with eyes closed.

She was indeed a beauty but that beauty was something he didn"t want to be around with.