Genius Sword Immortal

Chapter 297

The place to eat was set in a private diningroom near a Chinese restaurant. Xiao Yue drove her red Audi tts roadster sportscar and sent them to their destination.

After entering the Chineserestaurant, Ye Feng with Xiao Yue and Little Yu these two women, each took aposition to sit down, as expected, Ye Feng sat there, the two women sat on hisside, It made him feel like he was surrounded by beautiful women on his leftand right, and the waitress who appeared had despise in the depths of her eyes.

An object that was liked by a maleson like this one, only those women who wors.h.i.+pped money would like him.

Even with the waitress, the waitressalso had some contempt for Xiao Yue and Xiao Yu, but the other three were thecustomers who came to spend, she dared not make her despise too obvious.

“Bring two bottles of sorghumwine.”

Finally, Xiao Yue said this.

When Ye Feng heard this, he feltweird, this Xiao Yue still liked to drink sorghum wine?

He glanced at Xiao Yue, a red-dressedgirl sitting on the left, but saw her fascinating look at it. Her beauty was abit provocative, so he understood it instantly.

Did this beautiful woman want todrink with him?

Ye Feng felt a little funny, theother party’s purpose, he also guessed it straight away,it was nothing morethan wanting to get him drunk, and learn more information about him.Unfortunately, this strategy was useless to Ye Feng. It was certain that YeFeng had not been drunk before and Xiao Yue was no longer able to make himdrunk.

Yeah, let’s play with them and findout what they are interested in…

There were going to serve the winesoon, Xiao Yan certainly doesn’t drink and could only watch Ye Feng and XiaoYue start to battle each other with some envious look. However, Xiao Yu alsoknew that it was best for girls not to drink outside, even if they were with YeFeng, or else if something goes wrong, then they would regret it. She couldhave no good drink like Xiao Yue.

“What is your job in Shanghai?”

Ye Feng drank and sipped his wine andasked Xiao Yue, he was curious about it for a long time. Although it wasirrelevant to him, but it was okay now, he took this question to open thetopic.

“Elder sister,she ismangaka.”

Xiao Yu answered with a smile, theanswer said that going out would make many people think about it.

Ye Feng heard the words, it turnedout to be a beautiful mangaka. It seems that Xiao Yue was also very talented.She could eat with her own skills, and she could earn enough money in two years...o...b..y an Audi sports car.

If she rely on the power of the XiaoClan, it would be too easy for Xiao Yue if she wanted an Audi sports car. Forexample, Xiao Yu, it was like playing a tea restaurant outside Yanda.

With such a family, Xiao Yue stillchose to leave Yanjing and work hard. It seems that she does not have enoughfighting spirit and confidence. That was why she had to make a last resort, soshe had to leave Yanjing.

For drinking the sorghum wine, YeFeng began to show a little reluctant look, making Xiao Yue chuckle in herheart with joy, she thought that Ye Feng would not drink sorghum wine likethis, and it would be easier to get him drunk later.

The two chatted and drank, Xiao Yuinserted a sentence from time to time, not long after, Ye Feng knew somethingabout Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue was four years older than Xiao Yu. Both womenwere the daughters of Xiao Decheng. In the Xiao family, they could be said tobe the star and the moon.

Xiao Yue, even earlier, showed herartistic talent and was sent to a n.o.ble high school which paid more attentionto art.

Just at the time, Xiao Clanencountered a little difficulty in business. The rich second generation of then.o.ble high school saw Xiao Yue, letting his family come out to help XiaoClan solve these difficulties and gotout of the storm.

Originally this was normal, Xiao Clanand the other family would not interfere too much with Xiao Yue and the richsecond generation, but it was followed by the rich second-generation family whosuffered from Waterloo and went bankrupt in January!

Xiao Decheng had always been a personwho repayed kindness. When he saw this situation, he let Xiao Yue, who did notagree with it, try to communicate with the “rich second generation”.If the two could get married in the future, Xiao Clan would not owe them.

At that time, Xiao Yue was veryobedient. Although she was not willing, she finally reluctantly accepted XiaoDecheng’s arrangement. After the end of the college entrance examination, shebegan to interact with the bankrupt “rich second generation.”

To be honest, the rich secondgeneration wzs very handsome. He used to be the most popular school guy intheir n.o.ble high school. Because of this, Xiao Yue was not too repulsive to theother party. After all, everyone had a time when they were crazy.

Unfortunately, during that summervacation, Xiao Yue quickly saw the true face of the other party.

That guy was a sissy man! After thefamily went bankrupt, he changed directly from Gaofushuai to hanging wire! Allhe knew was to take money from Xiao Yue every day! Then stay in the rentedhouse and eat lazily, eat and drink all day, no matter what Xiao Yue said hedoes not listen.

Therefore, originally she had anagreement with Yanjing University, Xiao Yue had temporarily renegade andapplied for an art school in Shanghai during the volunteering.

Since then, she has left Yanjing andwent alone to Shanghai to go to university.

It was also in the four years inShanghai that Xiao Yue’s whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes. Fromthe original pure little sister, she became the most popular s.e.xy sister in theentire Shanghai City Art School!

Even her fame spread to the extreme,so many so-called social success people have sent news, said that they wantedto send high-priced packages to her. In this regard, Xiao Yue was of coursescornful.

During these four years, Xiao Yueunderstood Xiao Decheng’s thoughts and still regularly payed the bankrupt richsecond generation for his life and study. At the same time, she bitterlypersuaded the other party and hoped that the other party could change.

It’s a pity that after four years,Xiao Yue found that the other party not only did not change in the slightest,but it was even worse!

Even asking for money from Xiao Yuehad become a habit and a matter of course. At the same time, there are stillmany rumors that the guy used Xiao Yue’s money to play in motels with girls,and lived a life of flowers and wine.

Xiao Yue was completely desperate. Inorder to make Xiao Decheng not so embarra.s.sed, she decided to find a job in theShanghai. Taking advantage of the network acc.u.mulated during the university,she quickly found a job in a comic book club, and became the focus of trainingand promotion, and her career development was smooth.

It’s just the thing of Yanjing, it’salways a thorn in her heart…

“I didn’t think you had such a story.”

Ye Feng’s face was a little red andhe smirked.

Looking at Ye Feng’s appearance, XiaoYue suddenly felt almost similar. After she finished her work, she should starttalking to Ye Feng. What she wanted to know about Ye Feng was a lot.

“Well, unfortunately, I was in trouble inthe East China Sea. w.a.n.g Shaodong didn’t know how to luck, so he was given ashark…”

Xiao Yue was pretending to be drunk,complaining about it, and then wanted to ask about Ye Feng. Something, but justthen, the private door was suddenly opened from the outside.

“Little Yue, did you comeback?”

The voice of a very nice young manpa.s.sed from the door to the private room.

Ye Feng doesn’t have to look up, hecould use his divine sense to sweep the other side. It was a handsome young manwho looked very graceful. When he listened to the other person’s words, hethought that he won’t be so smart. The guy who came was Xiao Yue’s fakeboyfriend. The Bankrupt rich second generation?