Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate

Chapter 1003  Gifting Race Divine Artifacts! Fanatic believers—

Chapter 1003  Gifting Race Divine Artifacts! Fanatic believers—

True G.o.d Sheng Huo!

At this moment, True G.o.d Sheng Huo flew in front of the True G.o.ds.

When the other True G.o.ds saw "Him" coming over, even though they did not seem to reject him on the surface, they were still a little wary.

Only Zhou Zhou looked at True G.o.d Sheng Huo with a smile. He didn"t seem to be wary at all.

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

"Greetings, True G.o.ds."

True G.o.d Sheng Huo respected Zhou Zhou from the bottom of his heart, but he was very humble to the other True G.o.ds.

"Welcome, True G.o.d Sheng Huo, to the Blazing Sun Kingdom."

"We can communicate more in the future." The True G.o.d-Tiers smiled and nodded. True G.o.d Sheng Huo replied in a neither servile nor overbearing manner.

"True G.o.d Sheng Huo," Zhou Zhou said. "Let"s watch this genocide with me and the other G.o.ds."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

True G.o.d Sheng Huo nodded respectfully. Then, he walked behind Zhou Zhou and looked down at the battlefield with a calm expression.

"True G.o.d Sheng Huo, don"t you want to plead for your clansmen?" Zhou Zhou suddenly said after watching for a while.

"I"m a surrendered subject of the sinful country. I dare not make any more requests." True G.o.d Sheng Huo said respectfully.

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly and said, "Don"t worry. Even though I have ordered the extermination of your clan, I will still leave behind the Fire Cry Race members who are willing to surrender and continue living in the Crimson Fire Domain."

"It"s just that their name is no longer the Fire Cry Race, but the Fire Cry Human Race."

True G.o.d Sheng Huo fell silent.

The history of the Fire Cry Race was broken with this one sentence.

From then on, the Fire Cry Race disappeared, and the Fire Cry Human Race became a branch race of the Human Race.

However, it was better to have their spine broken than to lose their life.

Becoming a branch race was better than not existing in the forest of thousands of races.

At this moment, Zhou Zhou did another shocking thing.

"After I completely take down the territory of the Fire Cry Race, this area and the Fire Cry Race will be handed over to you to manage."

After "He" finished speaking, "He" extended "His" right hand, and the Fire Cry Origin Core appeared in "His" hand.

"He" looked at the Fire Cry Origin Core and threw it at True G.o.d Sheng Huo without hesitation.

This action immediately stunned the G.o.ds.

Even True G.o.d Sheng Huo was taken aback. He hurriedly caught the divine artifact and looked at Zhou Zhou in bewilderment.

"I"ll leave this race divine artifact—Fire Cry Origin Core to you."

"This will also make it easier for you to rule the Crimson Fire Domain"s Fire Cry Human Race." Zhou Zhou asked.

"Your Majesty… This is a race divine artifact? Are you really willing to give it to me?!"

True G.o.d Sheng Huo said excitedly after regaining his senses.

This was a race divine artifact that was even more precious than True G.o.d-Tier Divine Artifacts.

"He" naturally knew the effects of this race"s divine artifact especially since "He" was once the candidate for the Patriarch of the Fire Cry Race.

With it there, there was still a glimmer of hope for it to advance to the True G.o.d-Tier Advance Grade or even the Master G.o.d-Tier level and become a super expert that could suppress a race.

Moreover, this race divine artifact could allow him to become the king of the Fire Cry Clan that he had always been looking forward to. Moreover, it was undoubtedly the king of the Fire Cry Clan.

His Majesty could be said to have given "Him" what he wanted the most.

How could he not be excited!?

"There you go. Perform well in the future. Remember, if I can give it to you, I can naturally take it back easily." Zhou Zhou said calmly.

It was just a racial divine artifact that was not very useful.

Wasn"t it just the ability to bestow a life form Master G.o.d-Tier Elementary Grade potential and the ability to become the king of the Fire Cry Race? It wasn"t like his territory didn"t have talents with Master G.o.d-Tier potential.

As for the effect of becoming the King of the Fire Cry Race, Zhou Zhou, who had the Lord Talent of the Peaceful Times, looked down on it even more.

In addition, the Chaos Dao Sacrificial Cauldron only had five times left to transform the people of foreign races into divine artifacts. Zhou Zhou did not want to use the precious transformation times on this useless divine artifact.

Since that was the case, why not hand it over to True G.o.d Sheng Huo?

In any case, the other party was already affected by his Lord Talent. It was almost impossible for him to betray him in the future.

If he wanted to get it back in the future, he could just get it back.

"I will not let you down, Your Majesty!"

True G.o.d Sheng Huo excitedly performed the highest etiquette of the Fire Cry Race to Zhou Zhou, expressing "His" supreme reverence for Zhou Zhou.

The next second, a text notification appeared in front of Zhou Zhou.

[The loyalty of your Subject Sacred Fire Tubas Anlie (True G.o.d-Tier of the Volcano and Sacred Fire) has been raised to 100. He has become your fanatic believer!]

Zhou Zhou was stunned.

"He" became a fanatic believer so quickly?!

"He" looked thoughtfully at True G.o.d Sheng Huo, who held the Fire Cry Origin Core in his hand as if he had obtained a treasure.

It seemed like this newly joined True G.o.d Sheng Huo had a strong obsession with this race divine artifact.

Otherwise, with the True G.o.d-Tier"s willpower, even if he hadn"t reached the Will-like Light realm, he wouldn"t have become another G.o.d Spirit"s fanatic believer so easily.

His act of gifting the other party"s race divine artifact must have touched the depths of the other party"s heart to achieve such an effect.

"Your Majesty, with this Fire Cry Origin Core, I"m confident that all the Fire Cry Race… no, all the Fire Cry Human Race will surrender and become your Subject, Your Majesty!"

"Actually, the Fire Cry Race lost the name of their race and became a va.s.sal of your race, Your Majesty. In the eyes of the outside world, this situation is equivalent to the extermination of their race."

"These living Fire Cry Human Race should be of greater use to His Majesty."

True G.o.d Sheng Huo suddenly said seriously.

"Then go and try."

Zhou Zhou raised his eyebrows. After some thought, he decided to let the other party give it a try.

"He" originally did not plan to slaughter all of the Fire Cry Race.

The suggestions provided by the other party not only showed that "He" and the human race were not to be trifled with, it also added a large number of Subjects to "His" kingdom.

It was beneficial but harmless. Why not give it a try?

"Yes, Your Majesty."

True G.o.d Sheng Huo nodded solemnly. Then, with the Fire Cry Origin Core in hand, he forcefully stuffed this racial divine artifact into his heart.

Immediately after, "His" divine body suddenly shook as wisps of fire appeared on "His" body. Soon after, a bright red ancient volcano mark slowly appeared on "His" forehead.

Everyone could feel it.

True G.o.d Sheng Huo didn"t seem to have changed much on the surface, but his aura seemed to have undergone an extremely deep transformation.

This made "Him" look even more extraordinary.

Zhou Zhou had only seen such a feeling on Xiao Xuan, Nezario, Geralt, Tathagata, and the others.

They were all possessors of Master G.o.d-Tier potential without exception.

The other True G.o.d-Tiers couldn"t help but look at "Him" in surprise and envy.

Especially Patriarch Lu and Bai He.

This was a future Master G.o.d-Tier seed!

There were only a few humans with the potential of a Master G.o.d-Tier looking at the entire human race.

The most famous among them was naturally their Imperial Lord Pangu.

With the help of Zhou Zhou, the Common People"s Regal who had created countless miracles, it was very likely that he would reach the same level of strength as Imperial Lord Pangu in the future.

A moment later…

True G.o.d Sheng Huo had just woken up from the deep transformation of his divine body that the Fire Cry Origin Core had given "Him".

"Is this what Jing Ming felt like?"

"No wonder "He" broke through to True G.o.d-Tier Intermediate Grade in such a short period of time."

"I, Sheng Huo, can do it too now!"

True G.o.d Sheng Huo was extremely excited.

However, "He" naturally didn"t forget what "He" had to do. "He" bowed respectfully to Zhou Zhou and said, "I"ll be back soon." Then, "He" flew straight for the Ancestral Fire Holy Capital.

"It seems like this True G.o.d Sheng Huo still has some feelings for "His" clansmen."

"Of course, I can"t rule out the possibility that he wants to manage more Fire Cry Human Race in the future."

"Haha, that"s human nature."

Bai He and the others discussed via voice transmission.

True G.o.d Sheng Huo"s act of protecting his clansmen wasn"t that repulsive.

In any case, he had already become a member of the Fire Cry Human Race. In the future, he could be considered one of them.

Even though Zhou Zhou heard their conversation, he did not interrupt and only watched the scene quietly.