Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate

Chapter 1173 - 1173 Support, Arrangements, Retreat

Chapter 1173 - 1173 Support, Arrangements, Retreat

He never expected that to happen.

This Common People’s Regal actually did not hesitate to personally come to the battlefield and even partic.i.p.ated in the battle.

If they were to tell their king and Your Excellency Aus, they would probably immediately stop their march and surround and kill this Common People’s Regal with all their might, right?

After all, their goal in going to the Blazing Sun Empire was to destroy the Common People’s Regal. Since their goal was here, they might as well deal with the other party here.

However, now that the war had already begun, “He” could only wait for the war to end before reporting to his king and Your Excellency Aus.


“He’s already using a Master G.o.d-Tier technique so quickly?!”

The True G.o.d-Tier leader looked at the scene revealed by the Nine Worlds Divine Demon Dreamfall Array with a serious expression.

Zhou Fight took out an Elementary Grade Master G.o.d-Tier treasure and used a Master G.o.d-Tier secret technique. Then, he started fighting with the 100-odd scarlet True G.o.d-Tiers.

With a Master G.o.d-Tier treasure in hand, Zhou Fight looked arrogant. In less than a moment, he slaughtered half of the 100-odd True G.o.d-Tiers.

However, when he saw this scene, not only was this Dark Gloom Scarlet Empire True G.o.d-Tier not angry, he even smiled.

This was because according to “His” experience and knowledge, the Master G.o.d-Tier mystic technique used by this Common People’s Regal was a method to forcefully unleash one’s strength by expending one’s potential and state. Furthermore, it did not last long.

After this period of time pa.s.sed, not only would the other party’s strength greatly decrease, but “He” would also become extremely weak before “He” used the mystic technique.

Wasn’t it the best time to deal with the Common People’s Regal when he was too weak to fight?

As for the True G.o.d-Tier Scarlet who had died in battle?

In any case, not many of them were worshipped by the Dark Gloom Scarlet Empire’s True G.o.d-Tier. Why would “He” care if they lived or died?

What “He” did not know was that the scene “He” saw was all fabricated by the Nine Worlds Divine Demon Dreamfall Array. Its goal was to deceive the scarlet factions to hide the true strength of the Zhou Fight.

Soon, after Common People’s Regal killed all the scarlet True G.o.d-Tiers in the array formation, he “weakly” dispelled the Nine Worlds Divine Demon Dreamfall Array.

“He” looked down at the True G.o.d-Tier battlefield, the G.o.d Spirit battlefield, and the soldiers’ battlefield. “He” took out the corpses of more than a hundred scarlet True G.o.d-Tiers and floated them in the sky. After dealing a blow to the morale of the scarlet factions, “He” flew towards Cosmos Emperor without looking back and flew into the s.p.a.ceship without coming out again.

This scene made the scarlet True G.o.d-Tier leader’s eyes light up.

It seemed that the Common People’s Regal was indeed too weak to continue fighting.

Otherwise, why didn’t “He” stay behind to continue fighting and help his soldiers and G.o.d Spirits?

But when “He” saw the battle situation on “His” side, “His” expression changed slightly.

This was because “He” had discovered that on the True G.o.d-Tier battlefield, most of the True G.o.ds on the Blazing Sun Empire’s side had actually obtained victory and killed the Scarlet True G.o.d-Tier on their side.

On their side, it was one thing for them to not be able to block the other party’s attack and be killed, but they actually did not even kill a True G.o.d-Tier of the other party!

At most, he would only injure the True G.o.d-Tier of the Blazing Sun Empire.

In the blink of an eye, these injuries were healed by the True G.o.ds of the Blazing Sun Empire with True G.o.d-Tier medicine.

After watching for a while, “He” quickly understood why.

That was because they were equipped with six True G.o.d-Tier Divine Artifacts!

A total of six True G.o.d-Tier Divine Artifacts was enough for a True G.o.d-Tier Elementary Grade G.o.d Spirit to face a True G.o.d-Tier Advance Grade G.o.d Spirit without a True G.o.d-Tier Divine Artifact without being at a disadvantage.

In addition, there was an endless supply of True G.o.d-Tier potions to replenish their divine power.

The attack, defense, and endurance of the True G.o.d-Tier were all maxed out. It was naturally not surprising that they could achieve such results.

“He” looked at the battlefield of the G.o.d Spirits and soldiers, and his expression improved for a while.

This was because “He” saw his G.o.d Spirits and soldiers suppressing the other party’s G.o.d Spirits and soldiers.

This was because “He” saw his G.o.d Spirits and soldiers suppressing the other party’s G.o.d Spirits and soldiers.


A strange look appeared in “His” eyes.

“They” were clearly suppressing the other party, but why didn’t the other party’s military strength and number of G.o.d Spirits decrease?

He had clearly seen the other party die in battle?


“He” suddenly widened his eyes.

This was because “He” had just seen a human High-Tier Deity-

level G.o.d Spirit that had clearly died fly out of Cosmos Emperor and rejoin the battle.


“That’s right, the intelligence did indeed record that the Blazing Sun Empire has a certain level of resurrection ability.”

“However, the other party actually continuously revive their troops and G.o.d Spirits to rejoin the battle?!”

“Are the G.o.ddess of Life and the Master G.o.d-Tier of Death related to each other?!”

“He” said in disbelief.

Then, “He” pondered for a moment and quickly made a decision.

“He” did not believe that the other party could resurrect his forces indefinitely.

Since the other party wanted to fight a war of attrition, “They”, who had the advantage in numbers and the advantage of G.o.d Spirits, had no reason to reject such a thing.

Comparing consumption?

They were not afraid at all.

Let’s see what the Blazing Sun Empire can do once their revival resources are used up!

Therefore, under the decision of this True G.o.d-Tier leader, the scarlet army continued to fight the army of the Blazing Sun Empire.

During this period, the True G.o.d-Tiers of the Blazing Sun Empire, who had killed all the True G.o.ds of Scarlet, also joined the G.o.d Spirit-level combat zone and helped their own G.o.d Spirits salvage some of the situation.

However, in the face of more than eight million scarlet G.o.d Spirits, they were still suppressed.

Time pa.s.sed slowly.

Another half an hour pa.s.sed.

A scarlet attendant suddenly ran over and said respectfully to the scarlet True G.o.d-Tier leader,

“Reporting to Your Excellency, the Black Capital Scarlet Empire and the Scarlet Red Empire have led more than 800 trillion soldiers, more than 12 million G.o.d Spirits, and more than 500 True G.o.d-Tier worshippers to provide support.”

“They will be here soon.”

True G.o.d-Tier Scarlet frowned slightly.

This was troublesome.

He had delayed for too long. Even those who were trying to steal the credit were here. It seemed that he could not take all the credit for himself.

“Don’t worry about them.”

“He” waved his hand helplessly.

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

The scarlet attendant retreated.

Inside Cosmos Emperor.

[Your Majesty, a new enemy has appeared and is rushing towards us.]

The voice of the intelligent life form of Cosmos Emperor sounded. Then, a map appeared in front of Zhou Fight, who was leisurely drinking tea. It was marked with the two high-level Scarlet Empires, as well as the other seas of Scarlet G.o.d Spirits and True G.o.d-Tiers.

“Get two Star Alliance Masters who have grasped Legendary-

Tier Incite Defection to instigate these two high-level Scarlet Empire factions. Also, get the Incite Defection personnel to hold back and pause for the next orders.”

“Then we retreat.” Zhou Fight said.

The combined strength of these three factions and the number of G.o.d Spirits was not something “He” could deal with “His” current strength.

He still needed to take it slow.

“Oh, right.” Zhou Fight suddenly believed of something and said, “Didn’t the Chaos Scarlet Empire send many high-level Scarlet Empire subordinates to the edge of the Scarlet Army to guard against our sneak attack?”

“Next, when Bai Yun and the others go to launch a sneak attack, they can specially find the defensive positions of these high-level Scarlet Empires to launch a sneak attack. Then, they can get the Lords of the Star Alliance to use the Incite Defection and incite all 93 high-level Scarlet Empires.”

“Remember to hand over the Chaos Scarlet Empire to This Emperor.”

Zhou Fight was very interested in this Chaos Scarlet Empire as he wondered if the other party had anything to do with “His” Chaos human bloodline?