God Of Tennis

Chapter 20.3: Andrew vs Choi Yeon Hyuk #3

Chapter 20.3: Andrew vs Choi Yeon Hyuk #3

Translator: Pineapple

Editor: Oer

The short ten minute break went by quickly and the two players came back onto the court.

Even though they both rested the same amount of time, there was a difference in their faces that showed the difference in exhaustion between the player who lead the set to deuce and the one who lost the set.


Choi Yeon Hyuk let out a deep breath and gripped his racket tightly. He didn"t need to think about the set he just lost. He only needs to think about this new set and focus on winning. If he constantly regrets losing that set, then he might lose out on points he can get in the future.

Unfortunately, he"s still human and can"t help but regret. He knew that last set was very close and he barely lost by the skin of his teeth. Choi Yeon Hyuk twisted his neck and stretched in order to get rid of these thoughts and twisted his racket around.

The referee, seeing the two players were ready announced, "Set 2! Players ready!"

Compared to the beginning of the match, the only difference is that they look a bit more tired. It will probably be difficult for them to continue doing the high speed serve games like in the first set. They both look like they can"t play like they did in the first set. At least that"s what Choi Yeon Hyuk determined.

"It will probably be decided by volleys."

Choi Yeon Hyuk remembered Andrew Murray"s previous year"s match recordings and precisely thought back to the three specific skills that he used the most to win points.

First, was his fast and precise serve.

Second, was his fast reflexes that allowed him to receive the ball in weird positions.

And last was his ability to be able to volley from nearly anywhere on the court.

Jeon Sang Shik and Choi Yeon Hyuk discussed this before. They already used the first set to bring out all of his serves, and regarding his last two methods of getting points, they didn"t even talk about it because there was no strategy to counter his pure skills.

However, it"s a different story when it comes to volleys. They can at least decide how to respond in advance. He can choose to move forward and volley as well or he can use lobs to force him back if he comes too close to the net. To put it simply, those were the only two options for him.

Choi Yeon Hyuk thought to himself and wondered if he would be able to contest with him at the net.

"I can do it."

After practicing with Han Woo Jin, Choi Yeon Hyuk suggested two methods to Coach Jeon. One of them was to become an all-rounder or to specialize in one or two specific skill sets.

He chose to specialize.

Choi Yeon Hyuk volley skills improved greatly after practicing. He at least had the confidence to not lose when it came to volleys, even against Andrew Murray.

"Love all! Andrew to serve!"

Even though Andrew won the first set, he still chose to serve first in the second set.

Andrew thought for a little bit and then tossed up the ball.


A fast and forceful serve but with a smooth and quick motion that brought the racket up and down. But compared to the speed of the first set, it was lacking. It still came close to 200 km/h, but it was still within range of something that Choi Yeon Hyuk could return.


He ran forward and hit the ball. The ball was. .h.i.t towards the side of the court in a sharp manner. The audience watching wouldn"t even think about receiving this ball. But the 190 cm tall person on the other side of the court could.


With one step forward.

Whenever he received the ball, Choi Yeon Hyuk stepped forward each time. If he just ran forward without thinking, he could lose a point. The best way was to close the distance without getting his opponent to notice.

On the other hand, as the game progressed, Andrew felt as if his opponent"s figure was getting larger for some reason and the speed of the ball was increasing as well which made it more difficult to return. He was feeling pressured.

"What"s this feeling?"

He hit the ball and as soon as the ball he hit went over the net, before it could even hit the ground, Choi Yeon Hyuk, leapt forward with his racket and returned it.


"Love fifteen!"

He lost a point. Andrew thought that his speed wasn"t that different from the first set but he was currently confused as to why it was getting harder for him to return the ball.

"What did he do just now?"

He was slightly bewildered. As he was still young, he still had some mental weakness and if he focuses on something like this, he wouldn"t be able to focus on the game. The edge of his racket was trembling as he threw up the ball for a serve.



"s.h.i.t." Andrew mouthed. He needed to concentrate. He can"t be arrogant just because he won the first set. The Asian player in front of him isn"t someone that he can look down upon. Obviously, Andrew was the slightly better player but he needs to continue to be vigilant.

His next serve hit the sweet spot of his racket. He was not distracted enough to do a double fault.


It was different from his previous service ace serves from the first set. Both of the speeds of their serves has dropped.

Choi Yeon Hyuk returned the ball with a rising and the rally continued.

The ball flew towards Andrew"s forehand as he barely returned the ball. He specialized in backhands, and so if he used a forehand it didn"t look as natural. Of course, his forehand wasn"t bad, his backhand is just much better.

Choi Yeon Hyuk continued to hit toward Andrew"s forehand on the right side of the court. He knew beforehand that Andrew was a right-handed backhand player which is why this strategy was used.


However, it wasn"t easy to score a point. Andrew and Choi Yeon Hyuk"s forehand levels were similar. If Choi Yeon Hyuk hit the ball toward Andrew"s backhand, then he will basically be shooting himself in the foot.

The rally continued and the distance between the player gradually lessened. And as soon as Choi Yeon Hyuk reached the net, *Pang!*.

Slipper. He suddenly used a technique that he didn"t even know the name of. He lightly turned his wrist and sends the ball to the side close to a 90 degree angle. Which is why, Andrew who was standing far from the net wasn"t able to reach the ball.

"Love thirty!"

That wasn"t a mistake.

Andrew realized what Choi Yeon Hyuk was doing to him after losing two points. His opponent was gradually moving upwards during each rally. That"s why it looked like he was gradually getting bigger and bigger.

"He fooled me…!"

Andrew"s eyebrows made a V shape. He served with an explosive power that suited him. It as a serve that made it easy for the opponent to do a flat serve. He was basically saying to his opponent, "Let"s duke it out."

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