God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 509: Even If There Are Hundreds Of You

Chapter 509: Even If There Are Hundreds Of You

What’s that?!

Lin Xiu was obviously shocked when he saw the black-colored object that came onto him.

This was because the black-colored object was able to pa.s.s through his ‘Yuan’ and directly land on his body.

Boom – –

Lin Xiu did not waste too much time on it. He swung his spear and immediately attacked!

However, Shadow already knew his next step and quickly took a step back.

“Kill him.” Zhao Lin’s eyes were locked on the scene before them as he spoke in a cold tone.

Then, hundreds of laser beams and all sorts of weapons were picked up by the members of the Zhao family, aiming it towards Lin Xiu. None of them had dared to move recklessly.

From what they saw earlier, they knew that these laser beams wouldn’t be able to do any damage to Lin Xiu.

The only person who would be able to defeat Lin Xiu was Shadow, who was also a rank 6 warrior!

“What is this?” As the black object slowly crawled all over Lin Xiu’s body, he frowned.

He noticed that his strength and speed were being suppressed.

It was all because of the black object on his body. It was suppressing his strength.

“Hehe….your strength would now be reduced by at least 20%?” Shadow finally let out a cold smile as he looked at Lin Xiu who was at a distance.

20% reduction of his strength was more than enough.

“So this is what it does.” Lin Xiu nodded his head but he didn’t look nervous at all.

Seeing how calm Lin Xiu was, it made Shadow nervous and his facial expression looked awful.

Did he not know what might happen once his strength gets suppressed by 20%? Especially when they are in a fight?

With that, Shadow felt humiliated and angry at the same time. His right hand that held onto his machete suddenly grew big and even the veins on his arm started to pop.

He didn’t say another word and continued attacking Lin Xiu!

Xiu Xiu Xiu – –

As he rushed towards Lin Xiu, his figure was just like his name – a shadow. Other than a black figure, no one was able to actually see his physical body.

Go to h.e.l.l!

It was within a blink of an eye where his machete was right above Lin Xiu’s head, and he was about to chop Lin Xiu’s head into two!

Clang – –

However, Lin Xiu managed to block his attack by just simply swinging his spear to the front.

How is this possible?!

Shadow widened his eyes in shock, filled with disbelief!

Lin Xiu could feel the effect on his own skills and now Lin Xiu’s strength has been suppressed. But, how is it possible that Lin Xiu could block his attack so easily?!

“You’re so weak.” Lin Xiu said bluntly.

“What did you say?!” After hearing Lin Xiu’s comment, Shadow was in rage!

At the same time, there was a loud crackling sound.

As he took a good look, he noticed that the tip of Lin Xiu’s Dark Edge was now changed with a large amount of lightning!

Since his machete was in contact with Lin Xiu’s spear, the lightning immediately got diverted into his body!


Although he has been electrocuted as part of his training, this high current flow still wasn’t something that any normal warrior would be able to withstand.

Right at that moment, he could feel the intense pain all over his body as he was being electrocuted. He felt as if his body was being ripped apart.

The ‘Yuan’ that Shado had activated suddenly disappeared because of the intense pain. He couldn’t hold it any longer.

Lin Xiu did not hesitate. He moved his spear and pierced the tip of it into Shadow’s chest.

“Fire!!!” Zhao Lin shouted.

There was a large number of laser beams that went towards Lin Xiu but his ‘Yuan’ was still activated and all of the beams were completely deflected by ‘Yuan’.

It was completely useless!

As for Lin Xiu’s spear, it was already thrust deep into Shadow’s chest.

Shadow looked down on his own chest. When he saw the spear that was going through his chest, he couldn’t believe his own eyes.

How is this possible?! This is impossible…

“I can’t die…..how is it that I got killed…”

Boom – –

Lin Xiu snorted. He gave a strong kick with his right leg and threw Shadow’s body into the distance.

His spear was now completely covered with blood as Shadow laid on the ground with his body twitching. Soon, Shadow stopped moving.

When Zhao Lin saw what happened, his vision turned dark and he pa.s.sed out.

“Master! Master!”

Those who were behind him quickly caught Zhao Lin and started screaming for help.

Then, there were multiple medical officers that came rus.h.i.+ng and injected a syringe into Zhao Lin’s body which allowed him to slowly regain consciousness.

“That’s impossible….. That’s impossible…”

Zhao Lin mumbled to himself.

The Shadow Squad was his life’s work and they were the strongest force that the Zhao family had but all of them just looked like children fighting with an adult as they battled Lin Xiu.

He was just a young man. How is it possible that he could be so powerful?!

“Drink the forbidden drug and kill him!!!!” Zhao Lin finally came back to his senses and screamed out loud.

The hundreds of men that stood around him were the Zhao family’s warriors. When they heard what Zhao Lin ordered, all of them took out a tube from their pockets and poured them into their mouths without any hesitation.

Lin Xiu raised his eyebrows. He was prepared to see what act they were coming up with when he saw Zhao Xia who was trying to escape!

“You’re trying to run?!” When Lin Xiu saw him, the look in his eyes changed.

He was covered in rage when he thought of how Zhao Xia had kidnapped Ye Shuanger and her parents.

He completely ignored those men that were surrounding him and headed for the only person that he wanted!

‘Without a trace’!

Whoosh Whoosh – –

As for those who took the forbidden drugs, their bodies started giving out loud, bone-cracking noises.

These men, who were already muscular, soon turned much bigger in size than they originally were and their muscles grew tremendously.

“Even if there are thousands of men, I would still be coming for you!” Lin Xiu said as he dashed towards the crowd before him!

The men were shooting their laser guns at him like mad and all of them were aimed onto Lin Xiu’s body!

“Get out of my way!” Lin Xiu roared. He gently moved his spear and the men that were before him were all killed instantly!

“Dad! Let’s go! He’s a madman!” When Zhao Xia saw the horrifying scene of how Lin Xiu was able to kill dozens of men with just one simple move, he could no longer stay calm.