God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 521: One Hit KO

Chapter 521: One Hit KO

Boom – –

At that moment, with a huge sound – the huge rank 7 Unicorn Thunder Cow was directly kicked away by Lin Xiu!

Koong Loong – –

The creature fell onto one of the huge rocks behind him and made a really loud noise.

“It’s not dead.” Luo Yue had also taken out the sword that she was carrying on her back. She notified Lin Xiu as she carefully looked at the rank7 evolved beast that was lying on the ground.

Lin Xiu nodded his head. This was a rank 7 evolved beast after all and it wouldn’t be that easily defeated.

As for the warriors, they were shocked as h.e.l.l.

“Did… did he just kick the creature?!”

One of the warriors stuttered as he spoke. He was in disbelief as he asked his companion.


As soon as he was done, the rank 7 unicorn thunder cow stood up once again.

Those huge eyes were now blood-red and there was white gas emitting from its nostrils. It looks like the creature was now in a rage.

It ground its forehoofs on the ground and then rushed towards Lin Xiu!

Crackling – –

Suddenly, there was a large amount of lightning that gathered on the creature’s horn!

As it tried running towards Lin Xiu, the lightning on its horn scattered and flew in every direction.

Boom Boom – –

As the lightning hit the ground, the entire ground shook and there were cracks formed on the ground as well.

The warriors, who were hiding behind Lin Xiu, were now filled with horror.

They’re doomed!

However, the scene that happened next caused them to turn dumbfounded.

This was because Lin Xiu remained on his spot and allowed the lightning front the creature to hit him. He wasn’t moving at all.

It seemed that all the lightning bolts were completely harmless for Lin Xiu.

Some of the warriors started rubbing their eyes as they couldn’t believe what they just saw.

Xiu – –

At the same time, Luo Yue was on the move.

She was just like a white shadow that suddenly appeared next to the evolved beast and she thrust the sword in her arms into the creature’s body!

The sword gave out a bright glow and it was surrounded by a powerful energy.

Clang Clang Clang – –

As the sword pierced through the creature’s body, there was a loud sound that was similar to metals colliding with each other.

The scales on the body of this one-horned thunder cow were like the most powerful defensive armor and the long sword couldn’t penetrate its body.

Luo Yue remained unchanged and as the bright glow appeared on her sword, she found another position and stabbed the creature like mad.

The scales may be tough but with Luo Yue repeatedly stabbing in the same spot, the scales broke and there was blood spurting out of the wound.

Roar – –

The Unicorn Thunder Cow roared. He raised his forehoof high up in the air and it was just about to stomp on Luo Yue.

Luo Yue was just about to move when there was a bright flaming figure that appeared next to the creature.

It was a flaming phoenix that collided with the huge body of the creature and managed to send the creature flying onto the other side.

The huge body of the creature rolled on the ground before getting up on its feet again.

It roared with frustration and its large eyes turned even redder than before.

The evolved beast turned towards Lin Xiu and its eyes were filled with rage.

“Attack it on the wound that I created.” Luo Yue told Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu nodded his head, narrowed his eyes, and found the b.l.o.o.d.y wound that was formed on the creature’s body after being repeatedly stabbed by Luo Yue.

“Do it!”

As he said it, the both of them rushed towards the Unicorn Thunder Cow from two different directions!

When the evolved beast saw that they were attacking him from two different directions, it was confused as it didn’t know who to attack first.

‘Torrential Storm of Rose Flowers’!

The black spear in Lin Xiu’s hand shook and the tip of the spear instantly turned into a mult.i.tude of shots, all of which slammed into the body of the Unicorn Thunder Cow!

ROAR – –

This time, the roar from the Unicorn Thunder Horn was different from the one before. It sounded more like the dying cry of the creature.

Lin Xiu’s tympanic membrane almost ruptured as he stood close by to the creature as it roared.

Once again, there was a large amount of lightning that gathered in the horn of the creature.

Then, the lightning traveled across the creature’s entire body and it obviously spread towards Lin Xiu and Luo Yue as well.

Lin Xiu didn’t feel a thing since he has been strengthening his body with lightning. His entire body was now immune to these lightning.

The ground below them started turning black after being roasted by the lightning but Lin Xiu only felt a gentle numbness across his body.

As for Luo Yue, she frowned as she felt the lightning but did not back down. The creature decided to attack her once again but with the sword in her hands, she aimed it towards the wound and pierced her sword into it!

Boom – –

The long sword pierced right through the body of the Unicorn Thunder Horn!

ROAR – –

The creature opened its mouth wide and let out a loud cry as its body started shaking uncontrollably.

Lin Xiu took one step back. When the creature opened its mouth, he held the spear in his hand and pierced it directly into the mouth!

The spear was covered in flame and because of the scorching flame, the air around seemed to be distorted as well.

Go to h.e.l.l!

A sharp look appeared in Lin Xiu’s eyes. The tip of the spear was directly pierced into its mouth and went straight through its brain!

“Hu –” When Lin Xiu was done, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Coincidentally, Lin Xiu had already used all the strength in his body to complete the blow.

ROAR – –

The creature trembled and its eyes that were blood-red slowly dissipated as well.

Then, the huge body immediately fell onto the ground.

Koong Loong – –

Dust rose from the ground as it fell.

Boom – –

Lin Xiu took a deep breath and removed the spear from its head which caused blood to splatter all over the ground.

Luo Yue looked at the corpse of the Unicorn Thunder Cow on the ground. She swiped the sword in her hand and slashed off the head of the beast!

The beast might be dead but the body was still extremely tough. Luo Yue gathered all her strength onto the sword and only managed to cut its head off after a few tries.

Then, there was a dark blue odd crystal that appeared in the air as she slashed the creature and it flew towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu reacted immediately and grabbed onto the odd crystal that had been thrown in its way.

This was a rank 7 odd crystal and there was a large amount of energy coming from it.

“Where are they?”

Suddenly, there were noises that came from the other side.