God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 818: Out of the City!

Chapter 818: Out of the City!

Luo Yue’s eyes were. The sword in her arms was sharp as the wind as well and with one sweep, she instantly killed a few of them.

“d.a.m.n it…”

When Huang Zhen noticed what had happened, he had a bad feeling about it.

He didn’t think that Lin Xiu’s abilities would be at this level.

If he knew about this, he definitely would have called for help from the royal guards in order to kill Lin Xiu.

“Go to h.e.l.l!!”

A few of the warrior masters headed towards Lin Xiu while Huang Zhen had a twisted expression on his face. The foldren source mark appeared on his forehead and following after that, there was a huge halogen arm that was headed towards Lin Xiu!

He no longer cared about the warriors who were fighting Lin Xiu at the moment. He wanted to kill Lin Xiu even if it meant sacrificing them.

Koong loong – –

With the loud sound that rang across the place, there was a huge explosion that occurred on the ground as well.


The warriors who were surrounding Lin Xiu were all killed by the source energy that came from the gigantic golden arm.

Fortunately, Lin Xiu reacted face enough and quickly released his ‘Yuan’!

Plus, Huang Zhen noticed that his giant golden arm that was formed by his source mark energy immediately melted away as soon as it came into contact with Lin Xiu’s ‘Yuan’!

How was this even possible?!

When Huang Zhen realised what was happening, he had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

As Huang Zhen was still confused, Lin Xiu quickly dashed towards him.

With the long spear in his arm, Lin Xiu wanted to kill Huang Zhen immediately.

“Stop him!”

Huang Zhen’s pupil shrank as he saw the spear coming to him and he immediately roared to his men.

The rest of the warriors belonged to the royal family and were supposed to listen to Huang Zheng’s commands but when Huang Zhen killed their comrades in order to kill Lin Xiu, they felt betrayed. This was why they reacted a few seconds slower.

Although it was only a few seconds, it was sufficient for Lin Xiu to appear right in front of Huang Zhen!


When he saw how close Lin XIu was, Huang Zhen screamed as he released his ‘Yuan’!

At that moment, Lin Xiu’s spear was glowing as it looked at a purple gold crystal.

At the tip of it, there was a dark blue flame.

‘Clean Sweep’!!

As Lin Xiu roared, he swung the spear in his arm.

A long piercing sound appeared in the air and Huang Zhen’s ‘Yuan’ was instantly destroyed by Lin Xiu!

“I am part of the royal family! You can’t kill me!!!!”

Seeing how Lin Xiu was about to continue his attack, Huang Zhen finally looked afraid.

He really did not expect Lin Xiu to have such strength!

‘Torrential Storm of Rose Flower’!!!

Then, the spear was thrusted forward and it splitted into thousands of figures.

There were multiple b.l.o.o.d.y holes that appeared all over Huang Zhen’s body.

Huang Zhen’s eyes widened in shock as he couldn’t believe until the moment that he was dead that Lin Xiu was such a powerful man.

“Kill him!!!”

Lin Xiu managed to defeat Huang Zhen in a matter of seconds.

When the other warriors saw what happened, the look in their eyes changed drastically.

Haung Zhen is dead?!

This meant that even if they return now, they will be severely punished.

They had no other choice but to try and defeat Lin Xiu!

Xiu xiu xiu– –

Just as they surrounded Lin Xiu and were about to attack him, there were countless terrifying sword aura that came toward them.

Luo Yue was the one who gave out these aura with her sword as she rushed towards Lin Xiu.

Luo Yue has become a master warrior as well?!

Seeing how Luo Yue was moving swiftly with her overpowering sword aura, Lin Xiu was shocked.

Luo Yan was only a rank 9 warrior which was why she couldn’t join the fight.

However, as she looked around, she looked anxious.

The event that happened with Lin Xiu and Luo Yue would have already spread to the Luo family.

The Luo family would definitely send men to capture Luo Yue!

What should they do now!?

“You’re dead!”

Lin Xiu noticed that the warriors weren’t only attacking him and had started to aim for Luo Yue as well and he was furious.

He tightened his grip around the spear and his attacks became even more powerful.

In a blink of an eye, he managed to kill a few more master warriors that surrounded them.

With Luo Yue by his side, they managed to kill all of the remaining warriors!

“We should go! Quick! We wouldn’t make it if we waited any longer!”

Luo Yan was still looking around and noticed that there was no one coming after them.

As she let out a breath of relief, she quickly nudged Lin Xiu and Luo Yue.

“There are still guards by the gates!”

Luo Yue frowned as she said to the both of them.

In order to prevent Luo Yue and Luo Yan from leaving, the Luo family had already sent men to the city gates. It would be impossible for them to get out of here.

“We can just rush out of here!”

Luo Yan thought about it before saying with her jaw clenched.

As they walked towards the gates, Luo Yue briefly told Lin Xiu about what happened previously to the both of them.

“I will not allow anyone to take you away from me.”

Lin Xiu said to Luo Yue as they ran towards the city gates.


“Both of you should stop with the public display of affection. Otherwise, we might not be able to make it.”

Luo Yan couldn’t help but warned them.

She suddenly felt as if she was a huge third wheeler.

As they got to the gates, there were lots of guards who were checking those who were leaving the city.

All of them were warrior masters.

Their leader was definitely a warrior king.

“I’ll release one of my warrior skills and we will rush out of here together.”

Lin Xiu quickly gauged the scenario ahead and told the Luo sisters.

Both of them nodded their heads as they got closer to the gates.


As they were at the gates, Lin Xiu screamed as he gathered all the source energy in his body and released all of them at once.

Xiu – –

His entire body immediately rushed forward!

“Who is it?!”

The rest of the warriors reacted quickly as well and shouted to inform the others.

‘Awe of the Phoenix’!!!

Lin Xiu swung his spear around and released a large number of flamin birds!

‘Fire Refining Starlit Sky’!

Lin Xiu did not stop and continued releasing the large scale warrior skills.

At that moment, there were dark blue flames that appeared all over the skies. These flames were in the shape of a ball and were headed towards the ground like meteors!

All of the warriors were shocked and they tried to hide from it.

This was because they could clearly feel the terrifying power that was in those flames.

It was strong enough to threaten their lives!

Koong Loong – –

As for Luo Yan and Luo Yue, they took the opportunity and ran out of the gates!!


Lin Xiu continued his strategy as planned and shouted at Luo Yan and Luo Yue.

With his large scale warrior skills, the leader of the group who was a warrior king, had to run as well and he was not aware of those who managed to run out of the city.


Lin Xiu said to the girls.

From what Luo Yan told him earlier, it was obvious that the Luo family was only using Luo Yue for the marriage with the royal family.

Now that he had killed Huang Zhen, those men who never let it go so easily if they found out about him.

As for the Luo family, they definitely wouldn’t allow Luo Yue and Luo Yan to leave as well.

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

Just as they left the city, they thought that everything was over.

But, there was a loud voice that came from the sky like a thunder that was directed towards them!