God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 540: Green Dragon!

Chapter 540: Green Dragon!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

A loud roar resounded through the entire s.p.a.ce at this moment.

In this turquoise lake, a green creature in the shape of a giant snake rushed out!

At first glance, it looks a bit like a dragon.

But it had no horns on its head and its eyes were fixed on everyone.

It’s a bit like… a legendary dragon!

Lin Xiu directly used the a.n.a.lytic Eye at this time, but found that it couldn’t be a.n.a.lyzed!

This thing, could it be rank 9!?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiu’s body couldn’t help but tremble.

“Green Dragon!?” Wan Lu also swallowed secretly at this time, then opened his eyes wide and said aloud.

At this time, the people around were shocked. This green dragon was really too big. Just looking at it like this gave people a lot of pressure.

The rank 6 warriors behind were all taken aback at this time.

They never thought that such a terrifying evolved beast was hidden here.

“This is the top evolved beast of rank 8… It should be close to rank 9…” At this time, Lao Bai’s hand holding the long sword also trembled.

This is really terrifying.


This Green Dragon, looking at the warriors around, rolled his huge eyes, then let out a huge roar again.

The entire cave shook at this moment.

Lin Xiu, who was closest to the green dragon, had the deepest impression. At this time, the green dragon looked at Lin Xiu here with its eyes wide open. Inside its mouth, there were two sharp fangs. It was terrifying.

Lin Xiu looked at it and it looked at Lin Xiu.

In the next moment, it was like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole, biting towards Lin Xiu!


Lin Xiu cursed secretly, turned around and dodged.


The huge stalact.i.te was smashed to pieces by the green dragon.

Lin Xiu, holding the Dark Edge spear, dodged frantically.

Who is it attacking…

Wan Lu was stunned when he saw that Green Dragon didn’t attack him but he quickly came to his senses.

“This kid is indeed here!”

Wan Lu roared loudly and when he was about to make a move, he found that Green Dragon opened his mouth wide and there was a terrifying lightning energy gathering in his mouth.

Lin Xiu saw this scene in his eyes and rushed towards Wan Lu and the others!

And that Green Dragon was also attacking Wan Lu and the others.

“Get out of the way!!!”

Wan Lu looked at Lin Xiu who was rus.h.i.+ng over and he wanted to kill Lin Xiu directly, but if he didn’t leave now, the green dragon would attack him!

d.a.m.n it!

In the next moment, a terrifying ball of lightning energy spewed out from the sky from the green dragon!

Lin Xiu turned around and saw this scene. At the critical moment, he rushed to the left and dodged!


As the huge lightning ball hit the ground over there, the ground exploded in an instant and the terrifying lightning energy spread around.

Some rank 6 warriors who were caught off guard were directly killed.

Boom boom boom —

At this time, the whole s.p.a.ce was shaking wildly and the stalact.i.tes above them fell down.

Although some warriors avoided the impact of the terrifying energy body just spat out by the green dragon, they were directly penetrated by the huge and sharp stalact.i.tes that fell from the top of their heads.

Their deaths were very tragic.

These stalact.i.tes above were so sharp that they could even penetrate the body of a rank 6 warrior.

Wan Lu and Lao Bai reacted quickly and wanted to leave the place, but the huge explosion blocked the entrance of the cave with a lot of stones.

They couldn’t leave!


The Green Dragon let out a huge roar again and continued to attack the surviving people!

“That kid is dead!?” At this time, Lao Bai looked at Wan Lu who was standing opposite him and said aloud.

“Who knows!” Wan Lu was annoyed, but seeing that many rank 6 warriors were killed by the stalact.i.tes that fell from the top of their heads, Lin Xiu was also likely to be pressed under those boulders.

But now he couldn’t think so much, that Green Dragon treated all the people here as his target and now he’s attacking him too!

A bright light flashed from Wan Lu’s body as he unfolded a ‘Sphere’, then dodged the attack of the green dragon.

Like a poisonous snake, this green dragon opened its mouth wide and bit these people frantically!


A rank 6 warrior couldn’t escape and wanted to unfold the ‘Sphere’ to resist the bite of the green dragon, but he didn’t expect that his ‘Sphere’ would be bitten by the green dragon and he was shredded in half.

Blood splattered everywhere, it was extremely b.l.o.o.d.y.

“Lao Bai, now we can only kill it, otherwise we will all die!!!” Wan Lu looked at his subordinates and Lao Bai’s subordinates, all of them were dead, wounded and at this time, he could not help but grit his teeth and say.

Now that the pa.s.sage is blocked, it is not so easy to leave, not to mention that the green dragon was frantically attacking them.

As soon as Wan Lu finished speaking, the Green Dragon rushed over again and its sharp claws were about to grab onto his body.


However, Wan Lu quickly reacted, then quickly dodged.

And while dodging, he slammed a punch on the Green Dragon’s body!


The Green Dragon’s body was smashed by Wan Lu and it flew directly to the back, hitting the wall heavily.

Although the power of this punch seemed to be very powerful, at this moment, the Green Dragon shook its head and seemed to be getting up again.

“Do you want to die!” Wan Lu roared as she looked at Lao Bai who was standing over there and didn’t move.

“d.a.m.n it!” Hearing Wan Lu’s roar, Lao Bai also came back to his senses, holding a long sword and attacking such a green dragon.

Now there was no other way, he could only deal with this green dragon together with Wan Lu first, otherwise, they will die!

Boom boom boom —

As Wan Lu and Lao Bai attacked the Green Dragon at the same time, the terrifying power emanating from those skills made the entire s.p.a.ce vibrate continuously.

But even though their skill were very strong and their combat experience was rich, they still fell into a hard battle in the face of such a terrifying green dragon.

“Cough cough…”

The battle on this side continued and at the same time, a hand came out from the pile of rocks on the other side.

Soon, Lin Xiu, whose hair and cheeks were covered in mud, slowly crawled out.


Lin Xiu spat out the dirt that had entered his mouth, then shook his head and swept the dirt off his head.

When he looked to the front, he found that Wan Lu and Lao Bai were fighting frantically with the green dragon.

And at this moment, a sound suddenly sounded in Lin Xiu’s mind.
