God Rank Upgrade System

Chapter 553: Jumping off the Cliff

Chapter 553: Jumping off the Cliff

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

There was a hideous expression on the young man’s face.

He finally realised what Lin Xiu had done. The only reason why Lin Xiu had released those flaming birds was so that he could block the young man’s vision to create an opportunity for Lin Xiu to run!

“Where do you think you’re going?”

As he screamed, there were cracks formed all over the ground.


Lin Xiu was running in the opposite direction with his spear. He was unhappy about how it turned out, the rank 8 warrior was much scarier than he expected.

With his abilities now and with no ‘Rage’, it was impossible that he would be able to win this man.

This was why he chose to run!

Lin Xie quickly ran in the opposite direction but before he knew it, he realised that he ended up at a cliff.

That guy wouldn’t be after him right?

There were lots of huge rocks behind him and it would be highly unlikely that the man had seen where he ran to.

The only thing that he could do now was to absorb the energy from the rank 8 odd crystal. Then, with the power from ‘Rage’, he may have a chance in fighting the young man.

“Did you really think that you could run away?”

Just then, a familiar voice rang inside Lin Xiu’s head.

When he heard the voice, Lin Xiu was shocked. He turned around and saw the rank 8 warrior from before, standing on top of one of the huge rocks and was looking down at him.

How did he follow him?!

Lin Xiu did not have the time to think about these. For him, it was a life or death situation.

The man had his eyes locked onto Lin Xiu. Then, he placed his fingers on his lips and gave out a loud whistle. With that, a long, loud, ear piercing whistle ran throughout the area.

With the loud whistle, the ground beneath them started shaking.

Then, the shaking grew and it was getting stronger.

What was that?!

Lin Xiu was stunned. At the very next moment, there was a huge, black figure that appeared from afar.

Evolved beasts!

Lots and lots of evolved beasts!

The ranks of these evolved beasts were quite high as well. Not only were they coming at a terrifying speed, they were all running towards Lin Xiu and surrounding him.

“I will chop off your limbs, one at a time.” The rank 8 warrior, who stood on top of the rocks, laughed at Lin Xiu.

When he was done, the rank 8 warrior jumped off the rocks and headed towards Lin Xiu!

Lin Xiu stood by the edge of the cliff with an awful look on his face.

With the situation that he was in now, he would only be able to use ‘Mirror Image’ for another two more times but for some reasons, this young man was able to summon all these evolved beasts at once.

There was no way that he could escape in such a situation.

What should he do?

He took a look at the cliff behind him and it was an abyss down there. It was completely covered with a thick layer of clouds and he had no idea what was at the end of it.

The young man looked at Lin Xiu with a fierce, murderous look in his eyes. He held onto his sword and was continuously swinging it around. The terrifying sword aura was headed towards Lin Xiu!

He had no other choice!

Lin Xiu bit onto his lips before jumping off the cliff!

“Roar – – ”

The evolved beasts that got summoned by the young man’s peculiar whistle all rushed towards Lin Xiu and all of them jumped off the cliff along with him.

“He jumped?!”

The rank 8 warrior stood by the cliff and looked at the scene below it, looking extremely angry.

He didn’t think that Lin Xiu would have chosen to jump off the cliff.

From where he was seeing, he had no idea how deep the cliff was; even if he was a rank 8 warrior, he still didn’t dare to just jump off the cliff.

“But, if you think that you would be able to run away from me like this, you’re wrong.” The young man sneered and blew another whistle. A huge evolution beast flew next to him.

At the same time, Lin Xiu’s body was falling off the cliff at a very fast speed!

While he was in the air, Lin Xiu activated his ‘Yuan’.

He may have activated his ‘Yuan’ but it wouldn’t be able to very much reduce the impact from the falling, it was the only thing that he had.

He was surrounded by a thick layer of cloud and Lin Xiu could not clearly see what it was beneath him. All he could see were just white clouds.

Plus, the cliff was actually quite tall as Lin Xiu would still feel himself falling and his body hasn’t reached the ground.

Boom – –

Then, Lin Xiu felt his body landing on top of a hard surface and it let out a loud explosion. His entire body was in pain due to the large impact from the fall.

His body did not suffer any serious damage, he even continued sinking into the ground.


This was a river!

If it was anyone else who jumped off from such a height and landed on the river, they would have died.

As for a warrior like Lin Xiu, he only suffered minor injuries.

Ku loong – Ku Loong – –

When Lin Xiu’s body continued sinking into the water, he let out a breath of relief. If he had landed on the land, he would definitely suffer much more injuries than he did now.

But, as his body continued falling downwards, Lin Xiu was completely surrounded by a vast amount of evolved beasts in the river!

Although he was deep inside the river, Lin Xiu had already unlocked his Gene Lock. His body had evolved into a state that was similar to an underwater creature.

Seeing as to how the evolved beast were rus.h.i.+ng towards Lin Xiu, he tried to focus and let out a ‘Yuan’ that had lightning bolts that were much scarier than before.

As soon as the evolved beasts touched Lin Xiu’s ‘Yuan’, they immediately got toasted.

This river was different compared to the other rivers. The water here was much thicker than the rest which made it much more difficult for him to swim.

Lin Xiu ignored the evolved beasts that were around him. After swimming around for his Dark Edge, he went to the surface.

As soon as he stuck his head out on the surface, Lin Xiu could clearly see the black evolved beast falling out of the cliff.

These evolved beasts were the ones that came rus.h.i.+ng towards him after being summoned by the rank 8 warriors.

Boom Boom Boom – –

The evolved beasts slammed heavily into the rivers, smas.h.i.+ng them into pieces and there was a large amount of blood that spread into the river. This also attracted even more evolved beasts from the river and all of them swam towards the bodies of the evolved beasts that were sinking into the river.

The entire river turned into an uproar and there was a large amount of river-evolved beast that went to the surface. With their mouth wide open, it showed their horrifying, sharp teeth.

The evolved beasts that fell into the river were immediately eaten up by those from the river.

Lin Xiu did not want to spend any more time here and quickly swam to the sh.o.r.e.

As soon as he got on the sh.o.r.e, Lin Xiu took a good look at the area around him.. He noticed that the areas around him were both surrounded by cliffs. There was only a small piece of land that he could stand!