Godly Model Creator

Chapter 887: Su Hao gets beaten

Chapter 887: Su Hao gets beaten

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Taihu Territory.

As the flame wars.h.i.+p advanced, there was a hint of mist at a distance that caused them to be even warier. Any change here shouldn’t be underestimated. Fortunately, as the wars.h.i.+p approached slowly, there was no mishap. It was just some water vapor.

“It’s still better to be more careful.”

Without Su Hao having to remind them, the wars.h.i.+p’s speed slowed down actively.

Everyone looked around cautiously because they knew that they would soon step into the central area of Taihu Territory, so they started condensing Rule Force.

“What is at the center of the lake?” Su Hao suddenly broke the silence.

“Not sure.” Chen Ge shook his head.

“Not sure?”

Everyone’s eyes widened. It was at this time that King of Fire interjected to explain, “According to those who managed to leave Taihu Territory in the past, everyone had different experiences. Some of them met beasts, and it ended after the beasts were defeated. There were also some who entered into a torrent of time, and some almost got lost in s.p.a.ce.”

“Any possible situation can occur.” King of Fire finished.

Hearing this, everyone became even more nervous. King of Fire’s disciple said worried, “During our first time, we already encountered the spiritual sea storm. We can’t be encountering anything scary again right?”

“What nonsense are you muttering?” King of Fire glared at his disciple fiercely, “Stop saying nonsense. This place…”

Before he managed to finish his sentence, King of Fire froze.

In the distance, on the misty lake, shadows emerged. A shadow similar to their flame wars.h.i.+p was approaching them, causing everyone’s face to change.

“Prepare for battle!”

“It looks like a wars.h.i.+p.”

“Could it be that there is another entrance?”

“It shouldn’t be…”

Everyone was in high alert while staring at the slowly approaching shadow. After seeing it clearly, everyone took a deep breath. As for King of Fire, he scolded his disciple for having a crow’s mouth because what came close to them was, in fact, a wars.h.i.+p.

Azure blue flame flickered, and there were figures on the s.h.i.+p that they were familiar with.

It was themselves!

“It’s our mirror image!” Everyone was shocked. Even the powerful Yan Tianyu swallowed his saliva, “d.a.m.n it, this time it’s big trouble.”

Mirror image!

No one knew how this thing appeared here, and no one had ever seen this before. There was no doubt that because of the spiritual sea storm, everything had changed. After all, even that terrifying dark fish in the first part had been killed by them.

As for the legend regarding mirror image, they had heard about it a bit.

Every mirror image is made of Rule Force. For example, King of Fire’s mirror image would be made of his own Rule Force. As long as one defeats his own mirror image, he would be able to increase and condense more Rule Force.

However, that was merely a legend.

The strength of the mirror image is identical to the person they are copying, and it doesn’t have to care about Rule Force consumption at all. Thus, the only way to defeat the mirror image is to comprehend and breakthrough while in a fight to succeed, or else you will be toyed to death!

“d.a.m.n it.”

Several old world espers’ faces turned green.

This isn’t a joke!

They had been in the world realm for so long, and there was no progress! It wasn’t an easy thing to breakthrough even if one wished for it. The appearance of the mirror image had forced them to think. Just as they were racking their brains for a solution, they angrily looked at King of Fire’s disciple. This crow’s mouth of King of Fire’s disciple…

That wars.h.i.+p came closer. The blue flame emitted from the s.h.i.+p made their heart feel cold. King of Fire hurried to control the wars.h.i.+p, but he couldn’t avoid that incoming s.h.i.+p no matter what.

That wars.h.i.+p on the other side came at them like a reflection.

No matter which direction the flame wars.h.i.+p evaded to, it would head toward the same direction. If this situation were to continue, they would soon crash into each other. Meanwhile, the mirror characters standing on the opposite wars.h.i.+p were an exact copy of them.

“We can’t escape anymore.” King of Fire finally gave up, “Just be prepared for battle. This time… it’s going to be very troublesome!”

The battle was already inevitable; everyone had given up the hope to escape and began to enter into their fighting mode. At this moment, they were all ready for combat. If they could kill the mirror image, their strength will certainly increase. A crisis would always be accompanied by a chance. This mirror image is indeed dangerous, but why can’t it also be an opportunity?

Under everyone’s watch, those two wars.h.i.+ps approached each other and eventually collided. There was no terrifying impact. The crowd just silently watched them collide together, intertwined, and then fuse into one.


Icy blue flame flashed.

A blue wave swept across the surrounding. When the crowd regained their senses, they noticed that their surroundings had changed. It was still the same Taihu Territory, but there was no one else present around them, only themselves and their respective mirror image!

Just like that, a battle broke out!

When Su Hao regained his senses, he saw his own mirror image that looked exactly like him. In fact, that image was even smirking.

“Interesting.” Su Hao smirked.

Was it created with Rule Force? Then, this mirror image was made with the model force? Kill it, and the Rule Force within his body would increase?

Su Hao licked his lips.

Does he need to improve?

That was never something that he was afraid of.


Xinghe Sword appeared.

Blue light flashed from his hand as a lightsaber full of mysterious power appeared. This was a six-star Xinghe Sword that is more than a hundred times stronger than it used to be! With no one observing, Su Hao could show his full strength without worry.

Opposite of him…

Unsurprisingly, the mirror image Su Hao also revealed the same Xinghe Sword.

Su Hao sneered. He had also built a mirror image world. Thus, he had a better grasp of the mirror image than the others. He also wanted to see how powerful this mirror image of him is.

“Come then…”

“Mountain Breaker!”


With strong momentum, two torrents blasted each other and met in the air. Su Hao held Xinghe Sword and slashed the mirror image Su Hao. Just like that, the sound of metal clas.h.i.+ng could be heard resonating.

“Water Split!”


Su Hao raised his hand into the air and split it with his saber.

Those two confronted again.

Su Hao didn’t slow down. At this time, his wrist turned, and a terrifying moonlike shape weapon appeared flying out from his wrist.


It was yet another collision.

“Phantom Sprint!”

Su Hao’s figure suddenly vanished as he slashed toward the opposite Su Hao. Without any suspense, Su Hao easily killed the other Su Hao on the spot! The place where he vanished, another Su Hao appeared and that Su Hao easily beheaded his shadow! These two men both used Phantom Sprint, and they easily avoided each other.


Su Hao’s blood was boiling.

Since the return of his Model a.n.a.lysis, he had not had such a lively battle for a long time. Because all of his origin techniques had reached six stars, there were even some issues with integrating them. In fact, there was not even room for him to play with his origin techniques.

However, they were now used skillfully.



A loud roar echoed,

Two figures of Su Hao confronted each other in the air. Both vanished and disappeared randomly that one could hardly see them. Su Hao showed all his origin techniques as they went from being awkward to familiar. His strength gradually increased, but he still couldn’t overwhelm his opponent.

“Still can’t?” Su Hao smirked, “Shadowless G.o.d Needle!”


Ten Shadowless G.o.d Needles appeared.

Su Hao didn’t hesitate to shoot out the needles toward the other Shadowless G.o.d Needle, but to no surprise, the mirror image Shadowless G.o.d Needle also summoned ten Shadowless G.o.d Needles. The two forces burst in mid-air, repulsing both of them.

Just as I predicted…

Su Hao took a deep breath.


Ninety needles!

All of Su Hao’s Shadowless G.o.d Needles erupted and collided with the ones from the clone before disappearing into thin air. After determining that the opponent also had no Shadowless G.o.d Needle left, Su Hao simply carried his Xinghe Sword and slashed again. It was a confrontation between absolute physical strength.


Both were separated from each other again.

“As I expected.”

Su Hao finally understood it completely.

They had the same physical strength, origin techniques, and Rule Force. Literally no weakness could be found. As mentioned before, if there is no great progress, only death awaits him! However, that was only applicable to the others. For Su Hao, he had another way.

“Universe Creator!”


A black shadow shrouded him.

Su Hao suddenly felt that he had entered a semi-illusory world, and he immediately realized that when he activated Universe Creator, the other Su Hao also did the same. Where he was at now should be the opponent’s world model! However, Su Hao’s world wasn’t that simple…

Within Kingdom of Heaven, when Li Tiantian and the others received Su Hao’s warning, they saw a dark shadow fall into the sea. It reeked of dense killing intent, and it was none other than Su Hao’s mirror image. From afar, Li Tiantian and the others looked at this scene oddly. Wow, one could actually clone a person this realistically.

“Later, I will ask where we can buy this.” Ping Yang said with a sinister smile, “This daddy will buy one and torture him to death.”

How deep is this hatred?

Everyone wiped off their sweat.

However, Su Hao’s mirror image was too unlucky. He could mirror copy anyone but happened to select Su Hao. Especially when one saw him land within a swarm of dark fishes…

One simply couldn’t bear to watch it.

The mirror image Su Hao was full of murderous intent.

However, in the face of nearly one thousand peak domain equivalent dark fishes, it was useless. His Shadowless G.o.d Needle had been depleted by Su Hao. He could only confront those dark fishes with his physical strength alone.

1 VS 1,000?

Even with Shadowless G.o.d Needle, Su Hao dared not confront them.

Thus, this mirror image Su Hao ended up dying tragically because in Kingdom of Heaven, he didn’t even have any force to use. After exhausting his force, he was. .h.i.t by countless dark fishes’ tails.