Gone With The Bustling World

Chapter 38

Translator: Antonia
Concubine Yu a.s.sa.s.sinated the Xiongye King and leaped to her own death. Everybody saw Murong Zhan bleeding crazily on the observation terrace, either alive or death. Instantly, the Xiongye troops panicked and turned into a mess!

An opportunity not to miss! Fang Junqian leaped up, bore with the pain and broke the arrow! Carrying half of the arrow in his body, he mounted his horse and marched ahead! “Fight, Bafang—!”

The soldiers around him were touched by his bravery and cheered up, “Fight, Bafang—!!”

The allied troops, lost its general commander, already became a bird on a wire and quickly began to flee when Bafang soldiers, led by Fang Junqian, started fighting back.

On the tower, Xiao Qingyu waved flags, in various colors, again, in an elegant yet cold gesture.

Bafang troops took their places on his orders and didn"t stop killing all the way to the destination.

The was a game using earth as the chess board, soldiers and horses as chess pieces. The aim of the ferocious game wasn"t a matter of win or lose, but life or death.

Xiao Qingyu"s command was a graceful art, branches of troops dividing, cropping under the guidance of his slender fingers, leading to disaster, despair, blood and death.

Yuyan, if you knew in heaven, you would bless me peace and triumph, wouldn"t you?

In the year 324, Zhenxiong Battle ended with the victory of Bafang Army. For the battle, Tianbin and Xiongye deployed altogether two million soldiers to attack Bafang, while Yingwu Duke Fang Junqian and Childe Wushuang Xiao Qingyu firmly guarded the town under orders.

From either the strategic or tactical point of view, Bafang Army was undoubtedly the winner of this battle.

The town now was filled with celebration screams loud as thunders. Here and there, the warriors, still in the blood-stained armors, were cheering and hugging and crying in excitement.

Some excited warriors even got s.h.i.+rtless, waved their blood-soaked s.h.i.+rts and shouted proudly in quaking voice, “Hurrah! Invincible Bafang! Hurrah!”

Generals or soldiers, n.o.bilities or folks all deeply felt that they were all Daqing people at the moment they were embraced by victory.

The tough men hugged each other, beat their own chests and snarled. The men who only shed blood should all tear up. The sounds of celebration and joy could be heard everywhere. They seemed to have burning fire in their chests which needed to vent out. After a person started it, the soldiers began to sing loudly in unison, creating a voice reaching far into the clouds, “With upright spirit, our men fight without worry. The world is always there, mountain forests thriving and waters rolling on. The life of swords keeps fighting against eternity. Let"s make blood storm gentle…”

This was the most glorious day for Bafang! The 700,000 soldiers defeated a powerful two million strong allied army of Tianbin and Xiongye, a revenge for countless brothers who were killed before!

They built a most tenacious defense line with their flesh bodies. Outside this line, the two million allied army couldn"t make a step forward; the legendary invincible iron cavalries were crashed down and finally tasted the bitter of being defeated.

Who said Daqing was a coward? After Zhenxiong Battle, the fame of Bafang Army began to be known across the world!

Xiao Qingyu didn"t join the carnival crowd.

When Fang Junqian found him, he was hiding in the tent, the pair of hands that had held all kinds of hidden weapons in the world now holding a carving knife, cutting on a piece of boxwood. White wood sc.r.a.ps scattered on his white clothes.

Fang Junqian watched him quietly and didn"t disturb him. Childe Wushuang at battlefield was clam and inexorable, and at this moment, he was still expressionless like still water. But somehow, looking at him, Fang Junqian had an impulse to cry…

Xiao Qingyu"s pain was like his love—buried in the heart forever, deep and long-lasting, unknown to others, but never to be forgotten…

He would never let others know—

The outline of the sculpture got clearer—a beautiful woman, hair tied up high, face in a light gauze, eyes loving and hazy.

“It"s like Miss Mo.” Fang Junqian said.

Xiao Qingyu replied softly, “So what? She wouldn"t come back…”

He put down the knife, opened the cabinet, and put the sculpture of Mo Yuyan into it. Fang Junqian took a glance at the cabinet and found there were around twenty others, old or young, pretty or ugly, n.o.ble or folk men.

Xiao Qingyu closed his eyes to cover his sorrow, “They are all men of sacrifice who died for me.”

Then he leaned over and shut the door of the cabinet, as if shutting the door of another world.

A world of secrets.

Fang Junqian just peered at him with boundless care but couldn"t step forward to comfort him, because he understood: Xiao Qingyu didn"t want it. — He never wanted others to see it when he felt fragile and helpless. Nor would he let others help him!

How could a man proud like him accept others" pity?

Hence, Fang Junqian just watched, without talking.

In fact, Fang Junqian was a little envious of Mo Yuyan, because he knew that Xiao Qingyu wouldn"t forget her for his life! Wasn"t it a happiness to be remembered by him as such? …

At the sight of Xiao Qingyu"s absent-mindedness, Fang Junqian waved the wine in his hand, “She"s gone already. No point making yourself sadder! Why not get drunk with me?”

“As you wish.” He smiled, still n.o.ble, impeccable, elegant as usual, “Let"s just get drunk!”

For the first time, Duke Fang saw him lost control and boozing like this.

He didn"t stop him.

He had been used to his proper and elegant manner of tasting wine or toasting to colleagues. Just let him get a bit out of track. How many times like this one could get in one"s entire life?

At the end, both of them were drunk.

Xiao Qingyu said, he didn"t deserve Mo Yuyan"s love.

Fang Junqian said that he was more miserable because he fell in love with a person whom he shouldn"t love.

Xiao Qingyu said, I would make your name engraved in history.

Fang Junqian said, I hoped you were there by my side by then.

The consequence of that night"s unbridled drinking was the quick worsening of Duke Fang"s wound!

Only then did Xiao Qingyu know that Fang Junqian hadn"t even picked out the arrow in him before rus.h.i.+ng back and drinking with him…

When the arrow was taking out of him, he heard Duke Fang, facing the opposite, ask him, “If I died, would you shed a tear for me, Qingyu?”