Gone With The Bustling World

Chapter 54

Translator: Antonia
Below the distant starry sky, Xiao Qingyu looked up at the milky way.

“What are you looking at?” Duke Fang walked to him.

Xiao Qingyu was silent for a while, “Through observing the constellations, I found the Victory disappeared while the Greedy Wolf appeared. I guess in three days, the war will come to an end.”

Fang Junqian also looked up, “Will we will or lose?”

“Hard to tell.” Xiao Qingyu"s voice was chilly as icy water, as if the world became quiet for him.

“I guess we will probably lose.” Fang Junqian smiled open-mindedly, “Qingyu, would like you to say more to me?” Or, there might not be a chance in the future.

Xiao Qingyu nodded.

On that night, Fang Junqian said a lot—funny stories in his childhood, worries in his p.u.b.erty and isolation at the court…

Sitting upright in the wheelchair, Xiao Qingyu quietly listened to Fang Junqian, crystal eyes glistening with brilliance.

His head bowed quietly while Fang Junqian talked, expression suggesting neither joy or sorrow. From time to time, he lifted up his head to quietly peek at his young face and the bright eyes, knowing that he would never forget this night.

At last, both of them were silent.

The night flowed forward with bright stars. Millions of constellations s.h.i.+ning loudly in the sky and lit up the ground.

The huge round full moon silently hung up there, gauzing the battlefield with a milky film.

Fang Junqian no longer talked.

He had finished all his life stories.

Yet, the last sentence was impossible to be expressed by words.

It was a taboo between them. Once spoken out, there was no way back…

But even if I don"t say it, you still understand, right?

If it"s you…

Clever you…

The last sentence in my heart is—Qingyu, I love you.

Under the starry sky, in the moonlight, the two youths gazed at each other, listening to the start and end of wind, to the low and thin breathing, watching how the red scarf flying in wind and how the white clothes turned milky in moonlight.

“Right, Qingyu, what"s your biggest wish in this life?”

A seventeen-year-old talented and successful youth would usually be arrogant and self-centered and brag about his own heroic success or touching sorrow. They usually didn"t tend to listen to others under the starry sky.

But Fang Junqian was no ordinary people. He prepared to listen.

Xiao Qingyu didn"t hesitate, “I wish I can stand up!”

Duke Fang saw the longing and expectation in his eyes and couldn"t help replying in a serious voice, “You will. Someday, I"ll obtain the biggest power and let you stand up.”

Childe Wushuang was stunned and cracked a smile, seeing he wasn"t joking. Then he gave him the comment, “Waste of energy and money.”

Duke Fang also laughed, “Qingyu, you really don"t give me the face. I"m going to waste energy and money all for you!”

They smiled at each other.

On a high slope on the Sukesa Plain, there were two peerless youths, one in white and the other with a red scarf, one standing and the other sitting.

“Fang Junqian, we"ll win.”

“Yes, we will.”

We are no longer lonely in this life.

Fang Junqian glanced at Xiao Qingyu beside him.

His attachment towards Xiao Qingyu was already beyond the earthly romantic dependency.

They were both away from home, struggling all the way since childhood; they had the same unparalleled wisdom and talent, as well as the loneliness deep into their bones.

Besides him, who else could understand him? Who else could stand hand in hand with him?

Meeting him in the bustling world was probably a gift from heaven.

Qingyu, how lonely Junqian would be without you?