Gone With The Bustling World

Chapter 6

Xiao Qingyu both sneered and sighed, "The high-rank officers are as timid as chicken. The descendants of generals get worse generation after generation. The court lacks military talents, and our troops aren"t strong enough to maintain peace. The country"s future is gloomy."

Fang Junqian agreed and laughed out of anger, "This morning, I submitted to the emperor Twelve Strategies to Promote Officers, yet it was acidly criticized by those old ministers, claiming that this would destabilize the country"s foundation and predicting that I would be the one destroying the country. They would die to prevent the implementation of it."

Xiao Qingyu was stunned, "Twelve Strategies to Promote Officers? Is it the one popular among the folks which says that anyone creates military feats should get rid of slavery and that any soldier, regardless of his origin, should be granted t.i.tles according to his military achievement?"

"Exactly." Fang Junqian"s face was as calm as still water, and he satirized himself, "Do you also think it outrageously disrespectful? Currently, all nations follow the hereditary system. The n.o.bles lay the foundation of a nation and cultivate elites. All the generations of generals are selected among n.o.bles, who are loyal to the imperial family for hundreds of years. If this strategy is carried out, the power of n.o.bilities will be greatly reduced and the imperial power will have no supporters, which will absolutely lead to the destabilization of the imperial authority. Meanwhile, the talented people of humble origin will join in the compet.i.tion against the n.o.ble sons to stand up to them as an equal… By then, I"m afraid the country will undergo a dramatic change!"

"Ridiculous!" Xiao Qingyu clapped his hands, eyes sharp as lightening! "This strategy will benefit the country and its people for centuries!"

Fang Junqian was astonished. He quietly stared at him for a while, and something inexplicable rose in his eyes.

He smiled, bitterly, and his expression depressed, "Only you…support my advice! …"

Xiao Qingyu picked up the teacup and said sincerely, "The action is beneficial to both our country and people. If carried out, duke"s contribution will be long-lasting. As for those short-sighted people, don"t take them seriously. Tonight, please allow me, using tea as wine, to make a toast to you."

"No, I should thank you. You"re the only one who truly understand my strategies!" Fang Junqian lifted his cup and drank up, "Even my father hates these twelve strategies…"

"What did prince say?"

"He said only a dragon gives birth to a dragon. The stupid folks would be stupid forever. There aren"t talented folks at all. It would be a reverie to select a phoenix from a group of sparrows…"

Xiao Qingyu gently stroked the smooth surface of the porcelain teacup with his slim fingers, "Prince really jumped to the conclusion. There"s an old saying, a hero is a hero regardless of his origin." "Right!" Fang Junqian momentarily burst into laugher and patted the table with his palm, praising, "A saying right to the point. Haha, Xiao Qingyu, only you can speak such excellent words. I"ve always wanted to make a summary of the gait of my twelves strategies, but the words were either too elusive or lengthy. Great that you make it simple and clear." Gazing at Xiao Qingyu, he was immersed in the joy of knowing a friend understanding each other.

Xiao Qingyu continued, "Duke"s brilliance lies in the purpose of these twelves strategies."

Fang Junqian became stern, "Please elaborate on it."

"Your starting point and the purpose doesn"t merely focus on our own country, but also on the bigger question as to how to select talents for an emperor!"

These words made Duke Fang touched again!

Xiao Qingyu"s expression remained calm and quiet, "The method expands the scope of selecting officers to include low-level soldiers and folks and gives the country a chance to enroll more excellent people… If it was implemented, I"m afraid besides our own countrymen, people from all nations would swarm up. By then, without costing a solider or horse, without bleeding or suffering, our country will become the center of the world."

"It"s weird… We just met each other a few days ago, but I feel we"ve known each other for a life time…" Fang Junqian gazed at Xiao Qingyu and said seriously, "It"s said that people with certain connection feel familiar on the first encounter. I didn"t believe it before, but now I do…"

When he took off the careless smile, a glimmer of charm instantly filled his eyes. He chatted and laughed in a relaxed manner, eyebrows stretching out naturally. The whole person seemed to turn into a flame burning with fascinating glamour.

Even Xiao Qingyu couldn"t help admiring Fang Junqian in such a demeanor.

Probably, his playfulness was only a mask and guise.

"The so-called meritocracy meant the significance of talented people. As long as people give full play to their talents, then the country flourished naturally…" To Fang Junqian, Xiao Qingyu was a rare listener. He found it a pleasure to chat with him.

In the past, Duke Fang had also mentioned his political views and proposals, but those people weren"t a bit interested in his opinions. They had either snorted or pretended to be confused and replied him with some irrelative things. Some even didn"t care all at what he was talking but only interrupted in an indifferent tone and then s.h.i.+fted to the topics which could satisfy their poor false pride. What they needed were audience, and what they hated most was to be one.

At such a moment, Duke Fang would follow with the conversation flow to become a listener—only because he didn"t want to waste one more word on them.

But Xiao Qingyu wasn"t one of those people. He almost knew everything but rarely cut in to display his learnings. For most of the time, Xiao Qingyu played the role of a listener with a smile, but this listener didn"t only nod but also made insightful remarks and comments on the key points. The two could chat from political and military issues to anecdotes and gossips among the folks.

Fang Junqian knew that Xiao Qingyu couldn"t walk but was surprised that his knowledge covered such a wide scope including the stories about the imperial family, the secret hidden power among the folks and that he told these stories in such an interesting and easy way. Fang Junqian suddenly felt that this young man had a special charm that enabled people to trust him unconsciously, and a special quality that made you feel respected when he carefully listened to your speech. Also, when he discussed over certain issues, you felt you had found a bosom friend.

A bosom friend…

It was late at night, and the moon leaned above the wall. Peach blossoms fell in the small courtyard and filled it with faint fragrance in the moonlight.

Fang Junqian gently stroked the teacup and looked mildly and earnestly right in the eye of Xiao Qingyu, "I thought you were a friend," he said, "but in fact, you"re a bosom friend."