Good Evening, Mr President!

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033

1033 Everything that is hers belongs to him.

After that, the two of them sulked at each other for the whole day, and neither of them took the initiative to talk to the other.

At night, Chi Yi slept alone. Chi zuxu did not come to her room to look for her that night.

This was good, for Chi Yi’s heart was at ease.

However, even though she had calmed down, she still woke up from her sleep many times. Every time she woke up, she couldn’t help but turn around to look at the seat next to her. It was empty.

Yes, it was empty!

She should be happy!

However, the more she knew it was empty, the more her heart felt inexplicably uneasy, so much so that it was even more difficult for her to fall asleep.

Chi Yi thought that she must be worried about the possibility of him coming in at any time. That must be why she kept feeling like something was hanging in her heart, causing her to be unable to fall asleep!

Chi Yi once again forced herself to sleep.

The next day-

When she woke up, the sun was already high up in the sky.

He looked at the quartz clock on the wall and was a little surprised. It was already past nine in the morning!

Chi Yi hurriedly lifted the blanket and got off the bed.

As soon as she opened the door, she was surprised to see aunt Chen cleaning up on the second floor. aunt Chen? ”

aren’t you on vacation? ” asked the girl in surprise.

“Isn’t that so! Young master called me last night and asked me to come back to work. I was also stunned!”

Chi Yi laughed. if you didn’t come back, the two of us might have starved to death!

“AI! Didn’t we agree to go on a honeymoon? Why are you all at home now?”


Unable to answer this question, she awkwardly glanced around and pretended to casually ask, ” “Where is he?”

“Young master?”


him? he left early in the morning. He probably went to the company!


He’s not at home? That would be great!

Chi Yi’s mood instantly brightened up.

Without his s.p.a.ce, even breathing felt much smoother!

“By the way, miss, the young master’s gift is on the coffee table on the first floor! Hurry up and tear it down!”

“A present?”

Chi Yi was surprised.

He subconsciously glanced at the living room on the first floor. As expected, there was an exquisite white box on the coffee table.

What was that?

“Why did you give me a present out of the blue?” Could it be that he was apologizing to her for what happened yesterday?

I’m not sure about that. You should go down and take a look!

Although Chi Yi did not feel particularly happy to receive her uncle’s gift, she was still rather curious about what it was. Hence, she hurriedly went downstairs to the living room to unwrap the gift.

Although it was called a gift, it was actually just a mobile phone!

Obviously, it was to compensate her for the phone she had broken yesterday.

Chi Yi took out the phone from the box.

She had seen this phone before, but it had only been in fashion magazines, and the price was sky-high in China.

She furrowed her brows and curiously picked up the exquisitely-made phone in her hand. She turned it over and over again to take a closer look, only to discover an exquisite ‘Xu’ character engraved on the lower right corner of the phone’s back.

His name!

It was a phone with his name engraved on it.

And he had given it to her!

What did that mean?

Did he want her to remember him when she saw this phone?

Xu Qianqian

“How is it? What’s the present?”

Aunt Chen, who was on the second floor, asked her curiously.

“It’s just a phone.”

he accidentally broke my phone yesterday, ” she answered nonchalantly. he’s compensating me with another one!