Good Evening, Mr President!

Chapter 840

Chapter 840

840 Chi Yi is waiting for him in the office?

“President Chi, do you want Imperial goblet hotel to send you some takeaway?” Shi Rong walked over and asked Chi zuxu in a low voice.

He was always afraid that the great president Chi would not be used to their commoner food.

“No need!”

Chi zuxu rejected her indifferently and glanced at his watch. hurry up and finish your meal. We’ll continue with the meeting.

It would probably be very late by the time the meeting was over. Perhaps that little girl would still be waiting for him at home!

At this point, he had long forgotten that Chi Yi had said that she would bring him food.

He only remembered that he had told her not to wait for him at home!


Shi Rong silently retreated to the side.

The service staff in the meeting room poured everyone a cup of hot tea.

Within a few minutes, the meal was over. The staff cleaned up the table and continued with the meeting.

Chi Yi, on the other hand, was still waiting alone in Chi zuxu’s office.

At this moment, her stomach was growling from hunger, and her phone battery was almost completely drained.

Forget it! He stopped playing with his phone and read a book instead.

She randomly picked a foreign novel from Chi zuxu’s bookshelf and started reading it out of boredom to pa.s.s the time. She did not know if it was because the book was too boring or if she was really too tired, but she fell asleep in a daze as she curled up on the sofa and hugged the thick book.

She didn’t know what time she slept.

At 11 O ‘clock-

The meeting was finally over.

“Everyone has worked hard today!”

Chi zuxu announced the end of the meeting.

He led Shi Rong out of the meeting room and glanced at his watch. It was almost 12 o ‘clock!

That little girl should be asleep by now!

Chi zuxu did not return to his office but instead strode to the parking lot on the bas.e.m.e.nt first floor.

He drove the car out of the parking lot and rushed home as fast as he could.

At midnight.

Chi zuxu returned to the old residence.

Almost everyone in the house was already asleep, except for the uncle who was guarding the door.

“Young master, you’ve been working so late!”

He opened the door for Chi zuxu while showing his concern.

“Uncle li,” Chi zuxu greeted her courteously and looked at the mansion, which had already turned off its lights, before asking, ” “Is everyone asleep?”

“Yes, they’re all resting! The old lady was still nagging before she went to bed, why haven’t you and Little Miss returned yet! Eh? Where’s little Miss? didn’t she come back with you?”

“Chi Yi? She’s not at home?”

Chi zuxu stopped in his tracks.

“Didn’t she go to your company to bring you dinner?” Uncle li had heard the old lady and aunt li mention it before.

“You’re bringing me dinner? You should die!”

It was only then that Chi zuxu belatedly recalled this huge matter.

This is terrible!

He had actually forgotten such an important matter!

The little girl had clearly said that she would bring him dinner, but he had actually thrown this matter far away.

He was really too busy with work!

“The young lady hasn’t returned yet?”

“He didn’t reply!”

Uncle li shook his head.

Before he even entered the house, he ran out of the house with the long windbreaker in his hand.

“Young master, where are you going now?”

Uncle li called out to him from behind.

But where was his shadow?

He rushed into the car as fast as he could and drove to the company.

Along the way, he tried to call her, but her phone was off.

Her phone had run out of battery.

Chi Yi did not know how long she had slept for as she woke up groggily and subconsciously mumbled, ” “Little uncle Yingluo.”