Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1356

1357 The Real… Nether Puppeteer Patriarch

“A slash… Cutting Immortal Style.”

Bu Fang’s voice seemed to come from the sky and echoed throughout Earth Prison in an instant. A colossal figure emerged behind him, looking like a fiend overlooking the whole world as it held a knife in its hand, as if it wanted to kill all immortals.

The next moment, a knife came from the sky, cutting straight down and splitting everything into pieces in a flash. Even the void in front of Bu Fang seemed to twist and distort by the cut.

The energy beams shot out by Nether Puppeteer Patriarch, as well as his body full of muzzles, were all cut into pieces at this moment. A line appeared on his waist, s.h.i.+ning dazzlingly, then spread out and split his body in half!

All those who watched the fight in the distance were stunned. What did they just see? How could this happen? That was Nether Puppeteer Patriarch, the second strongest man in Nether Prison! Even a Nine-revolution Great Saint could not cut him in half, let alone Bu Fang, who was just a Nine-revolution Little Saint!

Even Nether King Tian Cang had failed to do that when he attacked Nether Prison years ago! And yet, what he had not achieved was accomplished so easily by Bu Fang!

Was Bu Fang too strong, or was Nether Puppeteer Patriarch too weak? The question hung in everyone’s mind, leaving them in a daze.

High up in the sky, some Nether Prison experts were keeping an eye on the battle going on in Earth Prison with various methods. Fire Demon Patriarch, Nether Chef Patriarch, and other mighty experts were watching calmly.

They knew that the outcome of this battle would determine the fate of Earth Prison. Once Earth Prison lost the battle, the defeated Nether Prison army would make a comeback and turn it into their territory. On the other hand, if Nether Puppeteer Patriarch lost, they would need to rethink their plans to attack Earth Prison.

But even if they had considered the possibility that Nether Puppeteer Patriarch would lose, they had never thought that he would be cut in half! As the second strongest man in Nether Prison, he was second only to Di Ting Patriarch, who was now breaking through the supreme realm in seclusion!

And yet, that was what happened in front of their eyes. Nether Puppeteer Patriarch, a mighty expert of Nether Prison, was cut in half by a chef with a kitchen knife!

Er Ha, Ice Saint, and the others on the ground all gaped in shock. To them, what just happened was simply frightening and as incredible as a fable.

Nether Puppeteer Patriarch’s eyes widened. As he looked at his waist, where the knife had cut him in half, a look of disbelief came over his face, and he seemed puzzled and a little confused.

“You… You have a power that doesn’t belong to you!” he growled resentfully, his hoa.r.s.e voice ringing through the skies.

Bu Fang clutched the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife with an expressionless face, his Vermilion Robe flapping noisily in the wind. The divine power liquid drop was indeed not his power, but it was what he could control. To him, no matter what kind of power it was, as long as he could kill Nether Puppeteer Patriarch with it, it was a good power.

With his waist cut through, Nether Puppeteer Patriarch soon fell from the sky, smashed into the ground already full of holes, and created another huge pit. When the smoke and dust cleared, everyone could see his contorted body at the bottom of the pit and what appeared to be his blood flowing out of his body.

Bu Fang hovered in midair with a calm face. The divine power liquid drop was very powerful. If he had not used it, he would probably have been riddled by the scarlet energy beams, and the number of b.l.o.o.d.y holes on his body would likely be the same as the number of muzzles Nether Puppeteer Patriarch had.

It was a horrible way to die. Bu Fang didn’t want to die, so he had to cut Nether Puppeteer Patriarch with the kitchen knife.

He felt a sense of loss as the power of the divine power liquid drop began to slowly fade away. He was somewhat addicted to it. A pity that it was not endless, and it did not belong to him. Nevertheless, he quickly adjusted his mood and returned to his usual frame of mind.

On the ground, a flash of white light sped past, approaching the huge pit where Nether Puppeteer Patriarch’s body was lying.

Bu Fang landed in front of the Black Temple. Looking at the white light, he felt a little confused. “Whitey?”

He could understand why Whitey wanted to collect puppet hearts just now. But what was it running to Nether Puppeteer Patriarch’s body for? Even though the Patriarch was a Great Saint, his Cutting Immortal Style should have wiped out all the vitality in his body, so he should be dead now.

‘Is Whitey going to give him the last hit? He’s already dead, so there’s no need to do that… Wait…” Bu Fang suddenly thought of something. ‘It looks so exciting… No! There’s another possibility!’

He thought of all the terrifying muzzles that covered Nether Puppeteer Patriarch’s body and how they had rumbled when the scarlet energy beams poured out of them…

‘Could it be that… the man I just killed is not Nether Puppeteer Patriarch?! The only thing that can attract Whitey is a puppet heart, so… What I just killed was actually a puppet?!’

Bu Fang was horrified at the thought. He sucked in a cold breath, then squinted toward the huge pit in the distance.

The smoke in the pit had dispersed. Whitey dashed down to the spot where Nether Puppeteer Patriarch’s body was lying. A clunking sound soon rang out from the bottom of the pit. Suddenly, an explosion broke out over the body with a deafening rumble. Whitey’s body flew backward out of the pit like a cannonball, but its mechanical eyes were flas.h.i.+ng as it held an oval object that looked like a colorful gem in its hands.

Even as it rolled for hundreds of meters across the ground like a ball, it still tightly clutched the oval object.

Finally, after being thrown far away, Whitey sat up, leaned against a small mound of dirt pushed out by its body, raised its huge hand, and scratched its round head with a blank look.

Bu Fang glanced at Whitey, then turned his eyes to the huge pit in the distance.

At the bottom of the pit, Nether Puppeteer Patriarch’s blood flowed all over the ground and drew an array. When the last lines were joined, a powerful burst of energy exploded from it. The next moment, a b.l.o.o.d.y column of light rose from the center of the array, in which a hazy figure slowly emerged.

It was a lithe and graceful figure. Her features were not very beautiful, but she was young and lively. Her hair has the color of blood, and her body was clad in a fitted metal jacket, which wrapped her proud bosom. She had a perfect bottom, and her legs were slim. All in all, she was a very attractive young girl.

Who was she?

Everyone was stunned, including Bu Fang and those Nether Prison Great Saints who were watching the battle.

The girl who emerged from Nether Puppeteer Patriarch’s body looked somewhat similar to the Earth Nether Puppet, but her figure was slightly less voluptuous than the puppet. However, she had a lively face, which showed that she was a real person, not a puppet.

The b.l.o.o.d.y column of light disappeared. The girl’s blood-colored hair fluttered in the wind, and she blinked her charming, big eyes. Then, she slowly stuck out her little tongue and licked her red lips.

“It’s been years… I have almost forgotten this body of mine,” she said.

Unlike her appearance, she had a mature voice with an attractive accent.

“Little chef… You are indeed the inheritor of that man. You have been sabotaging what I’m trying to do,” the girl said, looking at Bu Fang with a smile. “You have destroyed my Earth Nether Puppet and Human Nether Puppet. Do you know they are all my masterpieces?”

She seemed a little upset, pouting with a sad look on her face. She then continued, “And Heaven Nether Puppet… It has taken me great effort to make it, but you’re still going to destroy it…”

The girl sighed. After a moment’s silence, she rolled her eyes and fixed them on Bu Fang’s face. A horrible killing intent suddenly exploded out of her, and her pretty face became hideous, terrifying to look at.

“Why are you so annoying?!”

With a loud rumble, terrible pressure burst out of her body and spread in all directions. At the same time, a small world emerged over her head, full of puppets.

In a flash, the girl sped across the air and appeared in front of Bu Fang, bending her fingers like a claw and thrusting them toward his chest as if to dig out his heart.

The sudden burst of her aura and her transformation from an attractive girl to a vicious woman was so shocking that everyone gasped.

She was so strong! Her aura was at least one or two times stronger than that of Nether Puppeteer Patriarch!

Bu Fang’s pupils constricted. He moved slightly to one side to dodge, but her hand was too fast and managed to grab his chest.


Suddenly, a loud bird cry rang out. The invincibility of the Vermilion Robe was triggered.

The atmosphere froze abruptly at this moment.

The girl’s face was ferocious, and her eyes were full of madness. She looked at Bu Fang, somewhat stunned as if wondering why she had not been able to gouge out his heart.

“You broke my Earth Nether Puppet and destroyed my Human Nether Puppet! I want to see how black your heart is?” the young girl said, resuming her cloyingly sweet expression.

Bu Fang gently exhaled a puff of turbid air, fixed his eyes on the girl’s face, and said, frowning, “Are you… Nether Puppeteer Patriarch?”

‘What I’ve just cut in half is… the Human Nether Puppet?’ he thought to himself.

Nether Puppeteer Patriarch once said that he had three puppets he was most proud of: the Heaven Nether Puppet, Earth Nether Puppet, and Human Nether Puppet. Now, it seemed that the Human Nether Puppet was the puppet that had been used to hide him, or her!

The girl seemed a little shy when her ident.i.ty was revealed by Bu Fang. A blush came to her cheeks, and her hand holding his chest was gently stroking him. Suddenly, she leaned over and whispered in his ear with a cold voice, “Yes… I am Nether Puppeteer Patriarch, and you can die now.”

With a sneer, her terrible aura erupted again, as if to push Bu Fang to the ground. She then thrust her hand toward his chest once again.

This time, Bu Fang was not protected by the Vermilion Robe’s invincibility.

Just then, in Bu Fang’s spirit sea, a loud, melodious bird cry rang out, echoing through the skies.

“This little wh.o.r.e! Let me fight her, Little Host!” the Vermilion Bird said.

Bu Fang was slightly taken aback. He had not yet seen how the Vermilion Bird would fight after possessing him, and he didn’t expect that she would volunteer this time. Therefore, he didn’t refuse her.

Outside, the girl’s face was full of madness as she stuck out her tongue, licked her lips, and threw her claw-like hand at Bu Fang’s chest.

Suddenly, a hand rose and caught her hand. She paused, then looked up and saw Bu Fang’s black hair turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, a feminine look came over Bu Fang’s face.

“Little wh.o.r.e… let this old lady fight you.”