Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1556: The Qilin Transmigration Ladle

Chapter 1556: The Qilin Transmigration Ladle


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The roar was deafening, like the roar of a ferocious beast that shattered mountains and rivers! It was the most terrible roar!

At this moment, Bu Fang’s whole spirit sea became completely tumultuous as if it were about to burst apart. His pupils instantly constricted, and he sucked in a cold breath.

As he watched with shocked eyes, the HeavenG.o.d’s power, which remained in his spirit sea like a parasite, was ripped apart by the roar of that ferocious beast! Huge waves rose and swept across the vast surface of the spirit sea, and then the water parted to both sides!

The HeavenG.o.d’s power had wanted to resist, but the great power contained in the b.e.s.t.i.a.l roar made it impossible for it to do that.

Bu Fang hovered next to the G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu, inhaled deeply, and looked at the huge figure that covered the sky. The pressure emanating from this newcomer was much more powerful than the previous four Artifact Spirits. Even if the four Artifact Spirits joined forces, they might be no match for this big guy who had just emerged from the mist.

That was a Qilin. The scales on his body were dark in color, but strangely, they seemed to be emitting a l.u.s.ter. When the l.u.s.ter reflected in one’s eyes, it made the Qilin look awe-inspiring.

The Qilin had hair on his body. Around his neck and behind his ears were fluffy hair, and there were more on his ankles. Those fluffy hair were constantly fluttering and looked as if they were burning flames.

His eyes were as sharp as knives. The strangest thing about him was that one of his limbs was a claw, like a dragon’s claw, and one of his limbs was a hoof, like a deer’s hoof. Whenever his tail lashed, he caused the void to emit a burst of sonic booms.

‘Qilin! He really is a Qilin!” Bu Fang stared at the behemoth that came out of the mist. ‘Is this the Artifact Spirit of the last G.o.d of Cooking Set?!’

The Qilin’s body was enormous. As soon as he appeared, he caused the spirit sea to clamor. Suddenly, he raised his head and rested his gaze on Bu Fang.

Bu Fang immediately felt that the world around him was sealed off.

“Little Host?” the Qilin said. His voice was loud but gentle, as pleasing to the ear as a spring breeze, which was somewhat inconsistent to his fierce appearance.

Looking at him, Bu Fang was a little excited. Yes, he was excited. The last G.o.d of Cooking Set had finally… appeared! He opened his mouth and was about to say something when he suddenly felt that the HeavenG.o.d’s power that had been shattered by the Qilin’s roar had made a comeback at this moment.


As if a storm had come, the whole spirit sea was plunged into darkness at this moment. With a terrible noise, the HeavenG.o.d’s power quickly coalesced and transformed into a vague human figure.

“The HeavenG.o.d’s power!”

Bu Fang took a deep breath and looked at the HeavenG.o.d’s power that gave him a great headache. Before this, he had tried to expel it, but he was unsuccessful.

It was hiding right inside his spirit sea. Even if he forcibly obliterated it, its great resilience would bring it back after just a while. That was the most annoying thing. The Qilin’s roar had shattered it, but it had now coalesced again and was even more ferocious than ever.

The Qilin’s eyes rolled and fell on the human form materialized of the HeavenG.o.d’s power. ‘What the h.e.l.l is this?” he said, his voice shaking the air.

With a booming sound, that HeavenG.o.d’s power once again rushed forward, exploding with the aura belonging to the HeavenG.o.d!

“Oh, the aura of a HeavenG.o.d…” The Qilin narrowed his eyes. The next moment, he opened his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs and letting out another roar. He looked like a raging lion now, very violent and fierce.

The shadowy figure transformed by the HeavenG.o.d’s power flickered, trying to evade the Qilin’s roar. However, it only just moved a little to the side when a dragon claw appeared in front of it and grabbed it.

“I knew you would dodge…” the Qilin said as he clenched his five claws. The shadowy figure looked as if it was about to be crushed. “You have a strand of the HeavenG.o.d’s will… I see… So this HeavenG.o.d is coveting Little Host’s fated chance.”

The Qilin’s eyes narrowed. The next moment, he threw the shadowy figure up, opened his mouth, and swallowed it. The HeavenG.o.d’s power never recovered this time.

In a trance, Bu Fang looked at the Qilin, who had swallowed the HeavenG.o.d’s power in one gulp. ‘He truly is the big boss…’ he thought to himself.

The Qilin stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, looking somewhat satisfied. Finally, he rested his gaze on Bu Fang. His enormous head lowered, causing a terrible tumult.

“We finally met,” the Qilin said. His voice was so loud that Bu Fang’s eardrums kept buzzing.

Bu Fang opened his mouth. There were so many things he wanted to say, but in the end, they all just turned into a ‘Yes.’ For a moment, he did not know what to say.

“I’ve heard the Vermilion Bird and the Black Turtle talk about you… Among the Hosts of all generations, only a few of them were able to see me. You’re considered very good,” said the Qilin with a grin.

Bu Fang could see teeth that were even bigger than his body in the Qilin’s huge mouth. ‘He means there aren’t many Hosts who can collect all the fragments of the G.o.d of Cooking Sets… Why, I felt somewhat flattered…’

He twitched the corners of his mouth, snickered, then nodded and said, “It’s just something very normal for me,” he said.

“Aha, ha, ha, ha!” No sooner had Bu Fang said that than the Qilin burst out laughing. His laughter was in cadence and sounded somewhat infectious.

“Can you fix the other G.o.d of Cooking Sets?” asked Bu Fang, frowning.

That was what he was focused on. The System told him that as long as he collected the last fragment of the G.o.d of Cooking Set, he would be able to restore the other G.o.d of Cooking Sets. The System would not lie to him.

“I, as the big boss, can certainly fix them.” The Qilin raised his head. His every move always caused a violent clamor. “But why should I help you fix them?” He looked sideways at Bu Fang.

Bu Fang froze for a moment. He had not expected the Qilin to say that. ‘Why doesn’t he want to help me? Doesn’t he want the Vermilion Bird, the Black Turtle, and the other Artifact Spirits to come back to life?’

“I know you’re anxious to fix the other Artifact Spirits… But I don’t know you well. Why should I help you?” the Qilin said. He had a point. He and Bu Fang had just met for the first time today.

Bu Fang took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and calmed his mind. ‘So this Qilin is hard to please!’

“Aha, ha, ha, ha…”

Suddenly, the Qilin burst into his infectious laugh again. This left Bu Fang dumbfounded. He found that this Qilin was probably a psychopath!

“You’re so cute, Little Host! I’m just kidding with you…” The Qilin chuckled, the fluffy hair on his body fluttering gently.

Bu Fang was at a loss for words. ‘This Qilin… is really a psycho!’

“It’s not difficult to restore the other G.o.d of Cooking Sets if you just want to restore them to the state they were before. However, if you want to restore them to their perfect state…” The Qilin’s gaze locked on Bu Fang.

Bu Fang paused. ‘The perfect state? The Artifact Spirits have a perfect state? Were they all flawed before this? Hmm… Maybe that’s why they were destroyed by the HeavenG.o.d…’

“Aha, ha, ha, ha…”

Looking at Bu Fang, the Qilin once again let out his infectious laugh, making Bu Fang want to roll his eyes.

“Little Host, do you think the Vermilion Bird and the others were in a perfect state before this? Do you know why I’m the boss? That’s because I’m in a complete state! They were all… flawed and incomplete!

“But even if they are complete… I’m still the boss!” The Qilin once again looked askance at Bu Fang.

Suddenly, he lifted his hoof, which was as huge as a house, and slammed it down toward Bu Fang. The next moment, he touched Bu Fang’s head lightly with it.

It was as if a drop of water had fallen on the mirror-like surface of a lake, and ripples spread out one after another. A vast amount of information poured into Bu Fang’s mind in an instant. The information was so vast that it almost burst his head!

“This is the method to restore the Artifact Spirits to their perfect state… I hope Little Host can bring me some surprises,” the Qilin said with a smile.

After that, he lay down in the middle of the spirit sea and fell asleep. The fluffy hair on his body still seemed to be burning like fire.

‘This Qilin is such a character…’ Bu Fang thought, frowning. The swelling feeling in his head made him inhale deeply. After glancing at the Qilin, who was lying there and would not respond no matter how he tried to control him, Bu Fang left the spirit sea.

Since the HeavenG.o.d’s power was devoured by the Qilin, Bu Fang’s spirit sea once again returned to a peaceful state.

In the kitchen, he opened his eyes. There seemed to be a storm sweeping underneath them, and his vision was somewhat confused.

Suddenly, Bu Fang’s eyes turned and rested on the G.o.d of Cooking Set that was emanating a strange aura in front of him.

There was a rotating white array before him. It was formed by the convergence of thousands of light dots and looked similar to a teleportation array. However, it had some different patterns, resulting in a completely different effect.

Rumbling filled the air. Soon, an object slowly rose from the array, accompanied by a deafening b.e.s.t.i.a.l roar. A strong wind suddenly kicked up, blowing at Bu Fang and making his robe flap noisily. He raised his hand and slightly bent his arm to s.h.i.+eld himself from the wind.

Finally, he got a clear look at the object that emerged from the array—the last G.o.d of Cooking Set. “Oh?” Bu Fang’s pupils constricted, and his expression changed. “This is…” His breathing became a little rapid as he stared intently at the object.

Soon, the brilliant golden light quietly faded away, revealing an ordinary… ladle. Yes, it was a ladle!

It had a long, straight handle made of a unique wood that ended in a deep bowl. There were strange patterns on the wood, and if one looked carefully, they could see that the patterns were actually a cute Qilin head.

In fact, without that brilliance, it looked just like an ordinary ladle.

Bu Fang opened his mouth slightly, his heart beating fast. As a chef, he could not leave his kitchen knife and ladle. The kitchen knife was used to process the ingredients, while the ladle was the cooking utensil that came in contact with the food during cooking. Their importance was unquestionable.

Bu Fang raised his hand and grabbed the ladle by the handle. An invisible spiritual wave spread at once and swept through his whole body. He felt as if the cells and blood in his body were boiling and cheering at that moment, and he felt the urge to roar.

His emotions were actually affected by this ladle in this instant!

“It’s not the same… It’s totally different!”

Bu Fang’s breathing became very rapid, and sweat even trickled down his forehead. This last G.o.d of Cooking Set gave him a completely different feeling.

The Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife could not give him this feeling, nor could the Vermilion Robe. This last G.o.d of Cooking Set was affecting his emotions! He just held the ladle, and his emotions had involuntarily become strange, as if he wanted to laugh.

He even heard the sound of laughter in his ears.

“Aha, ha, ha, ha…”

It was an infectious laugh, and Bu Fang could not help but want to laugh along with it. He hastily covered his mouth with a hand, and his eyes widened. When he held the ladle, it was as if he was possessed by an Artifact Spirit, and he felt that his cooking skills had advanced further.

At this moment, his mind, spirit, and soul were on the verge of boiling, and a lot of things that he did not understand before became clear in an instant.

He put two fingers together and hooked them around the handle, causing it to spin in his hand.

‘I finally got the last G.o.d of Cooking Set!’ Bu Fang really wanted to laugh at this moment.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp, stabbing sensation in his head as the System’s serious voice rang out. The next moment, the introduction about this ladle began to pour into his head…

‘Congratulations to the Host on getting the G.o.d of Cooking Set, the Qilin Transmigration Ladle.’