Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1569: The Inheritance of the Ancient HeavenG.o.d

Chapter 1569: The Inheritance of the Ancient HeavenG.o.d

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bu Fang wiped the water off his hands with a clean white cloth. His long, slender fingers were fair and straight, and the skin on them was still somewhat moist and s.h.i.+ny from the water.

Coming out of the kitchen, he looked at the three people sitting in the restaurant.

At last, the two crown princes and the crown princess met. Xiao Yanyu was the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty’s hidden crown princess, and this was the first time the three had met.

The t.i.tan crown prince and the Xiayi crown prince had met a long time ago, so they were quite familiar with each other. As for Xiao Yanyu, this was her first meeting with both of them.

Xiao Yanyu was very quiet and shy, which made her very different from the hot-tempered Xiayi crown prince and the domineering t.i.tan crown prince. Her face was covered with a veil, as was customary for the Immortal Spirit crown princess.

The two crown princes kept scanning her with scrutinizing and aggressive gazes, causing her to squirm a little uneasily.

Bu Fang came out just in time to see this, and the corners of his mouth twitched. On a rare occasion, the iconic geniuses from the three divine dynasties met in his restaurant, just enough people to play Fight the Landlord1.

After all, the three divine dynasties were tens of millions of miles apart. In normal times, the three would never have met. So it was interesting that they could meet here now.

“Well, don’t scare her,” Bu Fang said faintly.

The two crown princes immediately withdrew their gazes. The t.i.tan crown prince was more respectful of Bu Fang because if it were not for him, he would have died in the Soul Demons’ hands and become their food. The Xiayi crown prince had also been taught a lesson by Bu Fang many times, and now he had long lost the courage to fight the latter.

Bu Fang pulled over a chair and sat down. After a hard day in the kitchen, he finally had time to have a little chat with Xiao Yanyu.

He had asked Xiao Xiaolong about his elder sister in the Heaven and Earth Farmland, and the latter had naively thought that his sister was still in the Light Wind Empire. The main reason was that since Bu Fang had connected all his restaurants to the farmland, Xiao Xiaolong’s daily activities were confined to those two places.

In fact, Xiao Yanyu had been taken away a long time ago.

It was only after Bu Fang and Xiao Yanyu started talking that the two crown princes learned that she was an old acquaintance of his.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Yanyu left the restaurant and went back to the place the Xiayi Divine Emperor had arranged for her.

Bu Fang, too, left the restaurant and went to the Divine Chef Temple. As soon as he stepped into the building, Summer appeared in front of him in a ghostly manner.

“You finally remember that you’re the Lord of the Divine Chef Temple…” Summer’s faint voice rang out.

She had wanted to leave the capital to look for Mu Hongzi, but with Soul Demons wreaking havoc in the Chaotic Universe now, she chose to stay in the dynasty for the time being.

Bu Fang glanced at her, twitched the corner of his mouth, and then continued to walk deeper into the Divine Chef Temple.

As he made his way, some of the Divine Chefs on the side of the street nodded and greeted him when they saw him. He was, after all, the Lord of the Divine Chef Temple, so no one would dare to be impolite to him.

Moreover, his cooking skills should have reached the level of a Heaven Divine Chef by now. This gave him some authority in the Divine Chef Temple. If it was in the past, it would have been difficult for him to convince others since he was just an Earth Divine Chef. But now, he had already shown his amazing cooking skills.

It was he, the Lord of the Divine Chef Temple, who invented the stinky tofu that could restrain the Soul Demons, and it made everyone at the Divine Chef Temple walk out in the street with his head held high.

The effectiveness of stinky tofu had been proven. The experts who bought it from Bu Fang’s restaurant all carried the stinky food to the battlefield in those great worlds that served as the front lines. Whenever a bowl of stinky tofu was thrown out in a battle, it always caused many Soul Demons to burst into silver flames and then be incinerated to ashes.

Stinky tofu had become the easiest way to deal with the Soul Demons. As a result, the situation of the battles in which the Soul Demons had the upper hand was instantly reversed, and the humans could finally launch a counterattack.

Even the divine dynasty’s army was winning, with frequent reports of victories coming from the front.

Bu Fang came to the place where the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s inheritance was located. He had already broken two seals, and he was now going to continue to crack the next one. He was strong enough to take up the next challenge.

Summer stood behind the railing and watched him with rapt attention. She was looking forward to what benefits and cooking skills he would gain after completely breaking the seal.

Many Divine Chefs also gathered around to watch. It was a rare opportunity for them to watch the Lord Temple crack the seal with their own eyes. After all, Bu Fang was now a Heaven Divine Chef.

Bu Fang stood straight like a spear and released his divine sense to touch the seal. In just the blink of an eye, his body merged into the seal and became somewhat blurry.

All the watchers were breathing fast. Even Summer narrowed her eyes. The third seal was extremely dangerous, and quite a few Divine Chefs had been killed by it in their attempts to crack it. She just hoped that Bu Fang would not end up in their shoes.

Bu Fang narrowed his eyes. He felt a blazing wind blowing head-on toward him. All around him were rolling and surging heat waves, and the solid ground beneath his feet felt very realistic. If he had not remembered that he was cracking the seal, he might have thought he had been teleported to some unknown place.

In front of him was a huge, circular crater with a pool of reddish, boiling lava. The crimson light of the lava reflected on his face, and wave after wave of heat blew toward him, causing him to feel a blazing heat.

“So the test is… in that crater?”

Suddenly, boiling lava poured out of the crater, bubbling with steam. The next moment, column after column of flames shot up from the crater.

Bu Fang’s divine sense spread out and instantly rushed into each of the flaming columns.

“Could this be the test? Do I need to control every single flame column? The first test was my knife skill, the second was my wok tossing technique, and this time it is testing my skill in controlling fire?”

For a chef, controlling the fire was also a very important skill. So, without thinking too much, Bu Fang started to take the test.

“It has begun…”

Outside, the pupils of all the divine chefs constricted as they cried out in surprise.

Summer clutched the railing so tightly that she crushed it. Looking at the counter that floated over the array and the numbers that slowly increased in it, her heart was also starting to become agitated.

The seal had already killed too many Divine Chefs, and she wondered if Bu Fang would succeed in cracking it. However, even if he could not, then no one could.


Bu Fang stood in front of the crater. One after another, flaming columns rose from the red lake that seemed to be boiling, each rus.h.i.+ng toward him. He was using his divine sense to control and steer them away from him.

So far, he was able to handle it. However, the number of these flaming columns was increasing. He was now controlling nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine columns, but the lava in the crater did not seem to reduce—it was still spewing flaming columns toward him.

He frowned and kept releasing his divine sense to control every single column. His aura was fluctuating, and the white breaths coming out of his mouth were evaporated by the intense heat in an instant.

Soon, he was controlling nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine columns…

The number was still increasing, just as it was when he was practicing his wok tossing skill. He was already beginning to feel the strain. After all, his divine sense was only at the DemiG.o.d level.

“Twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine…”

“Thirty thousand…”

“Forty thousand…”

“Dammit… Lord Temple is really strong! His ability to control his divine sense is just amazing!”

“Is Lord Temple going to break the record again?”

The Divine Chefs watching in the surroundings sucked in cold breaths, each with a look of horror on his face. Suddenly, their hearts were filled with expectations for Bu Fang.

Summer’s breathing became rapid. As she looked at the numbers that kept jumping on the counter, her mood became very excited.

“Seventy thousand…”

“Eighty thousand…”

Bu Fang’s forehead was already covered with beads of sweat. His gaze was focused on the front, where countless flaming columns rose to the sky, almost filling the entire crater. Each flaming column was like a roaring dragon, which made him feel great pressure and caused his expression to change slightly.

A bead of sweat trickled down his cheek and fell to the ground. It caused ripples to spread, like a drop of water had fallen into a calm lake.

“Ninety thousand…”

Bu Fang narrowed his eyes. The pressure on him was building up. It was not just the pressure from his divine sense, but also the scorching heat from those flaming columns that seemed to have taken a physical form, causing him to tremble slightly inside.

The whole Divine Chef Temple was alerted as the news that the Lord Temple was cracking the seal of the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s inheritance spread quickly. Soon, countless Divine Chefs came to the place where the inheritance was stored to watch.

At the moment, the pressure brought by the Soul Demons weighed on everyone’s mind. If the seal of the HeavenG.o.d’s inheritance in the Divine Chef Temple could be broken, and the Lord Temple could get the treasures left behind by the HeavenG.o.d, it would surely boost the morale of mankind.

There were five HeavenG.o.ds in the Chaotic Universe. However, even though the Soul Demons had almost taken over half of the Chaotic Universe, these HeavenG.o.ds still had not shown up. This had led to many people feeling disappointed with this generation of HeavenG.o.ds.

Of course, the HeavenG.o.ds were not for ordinary people to judge. So, although they were disappointed, they did not show this emotion.

The news that Bu Fang was cracking the seal even alarmed the Xiayi Divine Emperor. With the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s relic emptied now, perhaps the inheritance in the Divine Chef Temple was the only real legacy left behind by the ancient HeavenG.o.d.

Of course, Bu Fang did not know what was happening in the outside world. He was still working hard to crack the seal, and the pressure was mounting on him.

“Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety…”

He was as wet as if he had just stepped out of a pool of water, but his sweat was soon evaporated by the intense heat. As a result, he seemed to be enveloped in a cloud of steam.

He had only nine flaming columns to control. However, each of these remaining columns was extremely difficult to control, as if his divine sense was moving mountains that weighed millions of tons. They were so heavy that even his soul creaked.

The seal was extremely difficult to crack. If it did not give him something good, Bu Fang swore that he would never do anything this exhausting again!

His eyes were shot with blood. The crater in front of him was so packed with flaming columns that it seemed to be on the verge of bursting. Finally, the last column rose into the sky, and the entire sky burst into brilliant light.

Outside, everyone gasped. When they saw the number on the counter jumped to ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, they felt their hearts skip a beat.

Bu Fang had cracked the seal! He did it! The last seal was finally broken!

At this moment, the whole Divine Chef Temple became silent. The Xiayi Divine Emperor stood at Summer’s side with his hands behind his back. Even his eyes lit up.

“Mu Hongzi found the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s inheritance, but it was cracked by the man he had chosen… Is this the legendary karma?” the Divine Emperor muttered.

He actually kind of missed Mu Hongzi. That was an extraordinary man who had stirred up a storm in the Xiayi Divine Dynasty, but in the end, he suddenly vanished like a bubble, leaving no trace behind.

Bu Fang and Mu Hongzi were different. Bu Fang was very serious, while Mu Hongzi was very provocative. Yet, the Divine Emperor saw Mu Hongzi in Bu Fang. Was this an illusion?


Finally, Bu Fang slowly emerged. As the inheritance’s seal broke, his figure, already soaked with sweat, was fully revealed in front of the crowd.

The divine power he had just comprehended was surging in his mind, but that was not what stunned him the most. What surprised him most was what was sealed in the inheritance.

After breaking all three seals, Bu Fang finally saw what was in the inheritance. The legacy of the ancient HeavenG.o.d was actually… a seven-colored fruit, one that Bu Fang was quite familiar with.

“Hmm? Is that the… Fruit of Law?!”

Bu Fang wiped the sweat from his brow as a queer look came over his face.