Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1578: The Ultimate Punch, the Emergence of the Divine Flame

Chapter 1578: The Ultimate Punch, the Emergence of the Divine Flame

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Bu Fang had long known that anything a.s.sociated with the G.o.d of Cooking must be extraordinary, like the G.o.d of Cooking Sets and the G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu, which were all extremely powerful.

The divine ability he comprehended was called the G.o.d of Cooking’s Eye. Just the name alone already sounded formidable. It would be interesting, he thought, if this was a terrifying ability that could make one pregnant with one glance…

A dreadful aura filled the air, and the humans had fallen into utter despair.

The Gluttony Soul Overlord was the equivalent of a HeavenG.o.d, so as his aura and pressure enveloped the entire capital, everyone felt a wave of despair rising from the depths of their hearts.

Why didn’t they fight back? Well, how could they resist when their opponent was a HeavenG.o.d?

There were only five HeavenG.o.ds in the entire Chaotic Universe, and no one knew which hole they had gone into. Perhaps they would not show up even when this universe was destroyed. They were completely useless!

The Xiayi Divine Emperor closed his eyes in despair. He thought he was very close to the HeavenG.o.d level, but after sensing Soul Thirteen’s aura up close, he realized he was still far from it.

Before this, Soul Thirteen was merely teasing him. If the Soul Demon really wanted to kill him, he would probably be dead by now.

“Ai… Perhaps this is the destiny of mankind. It is all predestined from the moment the Soul Demons appeared…”

With the ancient HeavenG.o.ds gone and the present HeavenG.o.ds hiding somewhere, perhaps this was all destined to happen long ago.

With a cold smile on his face, Soul Thirteen unleashed his aura. At the same time, the three huge black dragons he summoned were also emitting an incomparably terrifying aura that was at the G.o.d Emperor’s level.

How could humans fight against such forces?

Just Soul Thirteen alone was enough to drive humanity to despair, and with the presence of the three black dragons, it was simply a nightmare for everyone.

Bu Fang stood on the roof of the skysc.r.a.per, his Vermilion Robe fluttering.

Suddenly, the three black dragons pounded on him with their mouths wide open, trying to kill him with one bite.

Nethery’s pupils constricted, and Whitey’s mechanical eyes flashed. Obviously, the attack of these black dragons worried them.

“The G.o.d of Cooking’s Eye.”

A somewhat cold voice rang out. At this moment, the world seemed to fall silent.

Hovering in midair, Soul Thirteen folded his arms over his chest with a faint sneer on his face. As far as he was concerned, he had everything under control.

Once he wiped out the last divine dynasty, the humans in this universe would have nothing to rely on. Then, he would be able to completely control this world and keep and breed the humans in captivity! He was confident that no one could stop him!

Soul Thirteen grinned. His teeth were silver, too.

Down below, the three black dragons pounced on the skysc.r.a.per under his control. Plumes of thick black smoke surrounded the whole building in the blink of an eye. It seemed to many that no matter how st.u.r.dy the building was, it should soon be completely ruined by the attack.

The Luo Family’s skysc.r.a.per was located in the commercial center of the capital. It was very tall, and there were many stores in it. As the black smoke continued to swirl around it, its surface began to crack and become very fragile.

However, to everyone’s surprise, it stood firm as a rock, unmoving, as if no attack could bring it down. It was extremely tough, which was quite a miraculous sight to behold.

The people of the Luo Family were a little confused. When did their property become so st.u.r.dy?

Looking at the humans s.h.i.+vering on the ground, the Soul Demons in the sky began to laugh with excitement. They knew they were about to follow Soul Thirteen and take control of this universe! The Soul Demons were about to become the masters of this universe!

All of a sudden, every Soul Demon stopped laughing and froze. Even the confident Soul Thirteen frowned and looked down at the skysc.r.a.per below him.

The Luo Family’s skysc.r.a.per had been completely wrapped by the black dragons. However, their bodies suddenly exploded with a boom, then a dazzling light burst from the top of the building, causing the black smoke to dissipate like melting ice and snow.

Soul Thirteen was startled when he sensed the black dragons’ aura had disappeared. “How is this possible?!”

Standing on the roof of the skysc.r.a.per, Bu Fang put his hands behind his back. His face was indifferent, and his hair was waving as the velvet rope had broken.

His eyes were wide, s.h.i.+ning dazzlingly, and as he blinked, the light flickered. This was the G.o.d of Cooking’s Eye, which could not only see through all the falsehood but also reveal the weaknesses of everything!

Yes, it could reveal the weaknesses, or entry points, of any food. A good chef must know the right entry point for each ingredient to cut it perfectly.

Soul Thirteen frowned as he looked at Bu Fang and those eyes. “The chef’s at it again! What does that look in his eyes mean?!”

Soul Thirteen focused his eyes, then raised his hand, palm-side down. The next moment, black energy that was his sinful power quickly gathered in the palm.

The next moment, he violently jerked his hand up. With the gesture, the ground suddenly broke apart, and three new black dragons rushed out of it and rose into the sky.

“Kill the chef!” Soul Thirteen said coldly, controlling the dragons.

On the roof of the skysc.r.a.per, Bu Fang raised his head and glared at the dragons. A brilliant, almost blinding light immediately burst out of his eyes. At that moment, his eyes looked like a pair of eyes opened from the depths of chaos, staring straight through all the falsehood.

Before they could even approach Bu Fang, the three dragons melted like ice and disappeared completely.

The Soul Demons were stunned.

Bu Fang rubbed his somewhat sore eyes. It was indeed exciting to kill enemies with just a glare, but it was exhausting to use such a divine ability.

He looked up at Soul Thirteen. The Soul Demon was not qualified to be a food ingredient, but for a G.o.d of Cooking, everything could become an ingredient. Even a stone could make a pot of delicious soup. A G.o.d of Cooking must have such confidence.

So, after looking at Soul Thirteen as a food ingredient, three red dots appeared on his body in the G.o.d of Cooking’s Eye. Yes, three red dots, which were the entry points for the knife if he were an ingredient. Under normal circ.u.mstances, these would also be his weaknesses.

One of them was in the eyes, the second was in the armpits, and the last one was in that indescribable position at the root of his thighs, which was a little deep. All three of these weaknesses were located in rather odd places.

Bu Fang could not believe that Soul Thirteen, a HeavenG.o.d-level Soul Overlord, had three weak points. That made him somewhat less qualified to be an existence of such a supreme level. However, even with so many weak points, Bu Fang did not think he could kill him.

“Even the dragons formed by my sinful power couldn’t kill you?” Soul Thirteen’s eyes narrowed, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. “In that case, I myself will grant you death,” he said.

The next moment, he flashed across the sky, leaving countless afterimages in midair, each one shaped like a ghost. In just the blink of an eye, he was closing in on Bu Fang.

In the sky, the Soul Demons began to roar madly once again. They did not wait idly, but burst out with a shocking demonic aura and rushed toward the humans on the ground.

“The Soul Overlord has dealt the humans a great blow that they no longer have their former fighting strength! These humans are just swine at our mercy now! Let’s kill them!”

Countless Soul Demons soon approached the ground from the air, accompanied by pale bone wars.h.i.+ps and huge ancient beasts. Rumbling filled the air as the Soul Demons took the lead to strike.

The human experts were all too frightened to move. They could only watch as the Soul Demons closed in to slaughter them all…


Suddenly, accompanied by a roar, a topless expert shot into the sky, rus.h.i.+ng into the battlefield like a raging beast!

“Kill! Kill these filthy, disgusting Soul Demons!”

The t.i.tan crown prince’s eyes were bloodshot, and his barbaric glyphs were twitching violently. Like a frenzied beast, he plunged into the midst of the Soul Demons and began to madly kill the foes. He kept throwing out punch after punch, killing many Soul Demons.

He felt his blood was boiling.

Soon, countless Soul Demons were attracted to him and surrounded him in the middle.

With monstrous hatred in his eyes, the t.i.tan crown prince waved his hand and flung out a big pot of stinky tofu! As Bu Fang’s apprentice chef, he had prepared a huge pile of stinky tofu!


Numerous stinky tofu spread out in midair, looking like an exploding firework from a distance. Meanwhile, the stench of stinky tofu almost turned into a black substance, drifting out in all directions.

“Come on, d.a.m.ned Soul Demons! Eat! Eat as much as you like!”

The t.i.tan crown prince hissed and growled. At that moment, he seemed to see the t.i.tan Divine Emperor smiling benevolently at him, as well as many of his acquaintances in the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty waving at him. However, the strong stench that suddenly rushed into his nostrils made him fall to his knees and throw up in midair.


For him, this was an internecine attack…

As the stinky tofu was thrown out, they turned into numerous streams of light and flew away in all directions. The Soul Demons went after the foul-smelling food like crazy. Soon, these Soul Demons were in flames and turned to ashes while enjoying the stinky tofu.

This sudden turn of events cheered the humans. At that moment, they realized that they were not powerless! Without hesitation, countless experts also flew into the sky, each holding a bowl of stinky tofu in his hand, and rushed frantically toward the Soul Demons…

Soul Thirteen flashed across the sky, leaving countless silvery afterimages in midair, and then appeared in front of Bu Fang.

Bu Fang felt a terrifying aura coming toward him, which was as dreadful as when the HeavenG.o.d slapped out at him. He exhaled deeply and focused his eyes. Then, with a thought in his mind, his Power of Law exploded out.

One, two, three… A total of five Wheels of Law quietly rose from his back to the top of his head. The next moment, one stream after another, the Power of Law poured into his body, making his aura rise.

He had only just stepped into the G.o.d realm, yet he was not the least bit afraid to throw a punch at Soul Thirteen’s approaching fist. The power of the five supreme Laws wrapped around his Taotie Arm, making him feel that his fist was able to smash a hole in the sky.

At this moment, Bu Fang’s head even swelled a little!

This punch embodied the power of the five supreme Laws, so he decided to call it the Ultimate Punch, which meant the ultimate of the Laws!

The next moment, the two fists clashed together in midair. The void instantly exploded, the entire sky cracked into countless fine lines, and a tremendous amount of spatial turbulence kept pouring out of the rifts!

The Xiayi Divine Emperor’s eyes were wide open, and his whole body was shaking violently. Nethery and Whitey had long been forced by the tremendous pressure to retreat into the restaurant.


Powerful waves of air erupted from the center of the collision, and then a figure could be seen moving back continuously…

Everyone stared with wide eyes as Bu Fang staggered backward like a drunken man and ended up sitting down on the stone steps in front of the restaurant.

The Xiayi Divine Emperor’s eyes darkened. ‘He’s still not strong enough…’ He thought Bu Fang was capable of creating a miracle, but now it seemed that the latter was still not Soul Thirteen’s match.

After all, Soul Thirteen was a Soul Overlord, an existence equivalent to a HeavenG.o.d. It was natural that Bu Fang was no match for him.

Soul Thirteen hovered in midair, unmoving, his wings beating slowly behind him. He squinted at his fist. The silver insect scales that covered his fist had cracked, and tiny fragments were falling off.

A punch that combined the power of the five supreme Laws was indeed very powerful. Soul Thirteen could feel the aura of a peerless genius from Bu Fang, which was exactly like the peerless genius in the Soul Demon Universe that almost led the human race out of its desperate situation.

However, Soul Thirteen would not let history repeat itself! His eyes lit up, and the third eye on his forehead shone brilliantly.

In the distance, Bu Fang stood up. He rubbed his wrist and exhaled deeply. Then, focusing his eyes, he snapped his fingers.

With that, a silver flame quietly bloomed in front of him.

Since he had broken through and become a G.o.d, the Divine flame also reached its state of great perfection. There had never been a better time to show its might…