Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1586: Possessed by the Qilin

Chapter 1586: Possessed by the Qilin

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Faced with this Gluttony Soul Overlord, whose weakness could only be found in the stomach, Bu Fang chose to attack from within. He thought the explosion inside the body could do the monster some damage.

It was not easy for Bu Fang to attack the weak points from the outside. After all, the Gluttony Soul Overlord was an existence on the same level as a HeavenG.o.d.

“Explode!” Bu Fang said, raising his hand.

The Soul Overlord had swallowed a bowl of divine flame river snails rice noodle, a Peris.h.i.+ng Pot, and a Crazy Sword Pot. These dishes were not only delicious but also contained unparalleled destructive forces, especially the two pots. With the advancement of Bu Fang’s strength, their power had increased significantly.

Once they exploded together, perhaps even a star would be blown to pieces.

A m.u.f.fled rumbling rang out, sounding as if it was coming from the depths of the universe. All of a sudden, the Soul Overlord’s belly shook, then it expanded abruptly, grew extremely huge in an instant, and kept expanding and twisting…

All the people looked up at the scene in disbelief. Now, they could only pin their hopes on Bu Fang, as he might be the only person who could resist this Gluttony Soul Overlord. After all, he had comprehended the five supreme Laws of the Universe, so everything was possible with him.

Many people clenched their fists tightly. They were hoping that the explosion could kill this huge Soul Overlord, even though he was a HeavenG.o.d-level existence. However, they were soon disappointed.

The Gluttony Soul Overlord was not blown apart even with such a powerful explosion. It merely made him squirm uncomfortably. As a being who could devour many things, including even one whole star, this Soul Overlord was not that easy to be defeated.


In the sky, the Soul Overlord’s body was recovering, while he opened his mouth and gave a burp. The puff of air that came out of his mouth was filled with a foul stench and smoke from the explosion.

Bu Fang stood in midair with his hands clasped behind his back. He did not expect that this trick could not hurt the Gluttony Soul Overlord even for a bit—it showed how strong and tough his defense and flesh were.

For a moment, Bu Fang was somewhat clueless as to how to deal with this monster.

The Gluttony Soul Overlord opened his mouth and bared his sharp, pointy teeth, while the Soul Demons on the ground all cheered loudly.

“The Soul Overlord is invincible!”

Once again, the Soul Overlord’s tongue shot out, darting toward Nethery. To him, Nethery’s cursed body was just as, if not more, delicious than the divine flame river snails rice noodles, so he ignored Bu Fang. In his view, the latter was not much different from ordinary human food ingredients. That was why Nethery was still his target.

The tongue was as sharp as an arrow that broke through the air. The void was constantly pierced by it and kept exploding. Its power was rather terrifying!

‘How am I going to defeat this Gluttony Soul Overlord?’ Bu Fang felt a little headache, and he could not help frowning. He had used up almost all his tricks, but they all seemed ineffective against this thick-skinned monster. If he allowed the Soul Overlord to continue acting wantonly like this, the whole Chaotic Universe would soon be in a mess.

Facing the tongue that was shooting toward Nethery, Bu Fang reached out his Taotie Arm and caught it once again. Then, he produced the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife and hacked the tongue hard with it. However, when the knife struck the tongue, it only managed to produce a clanging sound as if it had hit metal.

Suddenly, the tongue lashed out and struck the ground, leaving a seemingly bottomless trench behind. The power was incomparably terrifying!

In the sky, the Gluttony Soul Overlord was snarling. He seemed to be angry because he was repeatedly stopped from enjoying the delicacy. His mouth, full of sharp teeth, was wide open as he roared, sending powerful air blasts that swept out in all directions. Then, as his scarlet eyes flashed with killing intent, his body dipped a little as if he was about to charge.

Bu Fang took a deep breath. The power of the five supreme Laws swirling around him converged on his arm, then he took a step, appeared in front of the Soul Overlord in a flash, and threw the latter up slightly with a powerful punch in the chin. However, the attack could not hurt the Gluttony Soul Overlord. Instead, it further provoked the savage monster.

Bu Fang was having a headache. He had no idea what other tricks he could use when even the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife had failed to break through the Soul Overlord’s defense.


A tail lashed over suddenly, and Bu Fang raised a hand to block it. With a bang, he was knocked flying away, cras.h.i.+ng through the air and smas.h.i.+ng hard into the ground. The Gluttony Soul Overlord’s strength was too strong—the power of that tail lash was enough to instantly smash a G.o.d Emperor to pieces.

All the people on the human side turned pale. What should they do? How were they going to stop this monster?

The sound of debris falling into the pit rang out as Bu Fang sat up in the ruins and flicked his sleeves to sweep away the dust. He picked up the Qilin Transmigration Ladle hanging from his waist, focused his mind, and went into his spirit sea.

The G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu hovered quietly over the spirit sea, with the divine sense’s true form sitting cross-legged above it. Not far away from them, the huge Qilin could be seen lying in midair.

Upon sensing Bu Fang’s arrival, the Qilin opened his eyes, slightly curled the corners of his mouth, and said, “You’re here so that I can possess your body, aren’t you?” It was as if he could tell what was in Bu Fang’s mind.

In fact, apart from crus.h.i.+ng the G.o.d of Cooking’s divine power liquid drop, Bu Fang still had the Qilin as his trump card. As a perfected Artifact Spirit, the Qilin’s strength was unfathomable. Once he possessed Bu Fang’s body, the fighting prowess Bu Fang could unleash would be increased several times, which should be enough to defeat the Gluttony Soul Overlord.

Bu Fang nodded expressionlessly.

“Possession is not a good means. The limitations are too great, and I can’t really fight with my actual strength. So, in general, I don’t like possession,” the Qilin said, shaking his head.

Suddenly, he rose to his feet. His body was enormous, so much so that he seemed to blot out the whole sky.

“But… I sense an attractive smell from the big guy out there, so I accept your request…” said the Qilin. After that, he lifted a paw, which rumbled as it slapped toward Bu Fang. Eventually, it lightly patted Bu Fang on the forehead.

Outside, Bu Fang stood up from the ruins. The look in his eyes changed in an instant, and his hair color changed as well, turning from black to…purple. He threw his head back, causing his hair to flutter. With an evil grin, he lifted a hand, looked at the palm, then twisted his neck.

“It’s been a long time since I possessed someone… The feeling is still quite strange,” said the purple-haired Bu Fang.


In the sky, the Gluttony Soul Overlord seemed to be infuriated by Bu Fang. At this moment, he fixed his eyes on Bu Fang and was growling. Although he was mindless and witless, his strength and fighting instinct were enough to crush everything. This was the terror of the Soul Demon.


Finally, the Gluttony Soul Overlord struck. His body was not very large, and it seemed clumsy to move around. But when he moved, he appeared in front of purple-haired Bu Fang as fast as lightning. He then thrust out a paw with all his sharp claws to crush Bu Fang.

“I sense it now… The smell emitting from the depths of your soul intoxicates me,” purple-haired Bu Fang said, grinning. The next moment, he raised a palm.


The Gluttony Soul Overlord’s paw and Bu Fang’s palm collided. The ground caved in once again and rubble flew in all directions, but purple-haired Bu Fang remained hovering where he was, unmoving. The Soul Overlord’s mighty blow did not force him back even for a bit.

The scene shocked everyone.

“I, the Qilin, love to convince others by kindness. If you smile, I will spare your life,” said purple-haired Bu Fang as he c.o.c.ked his head. Being able to get some fresh air put him in a good mood.

The Gluttony Soul Overlord roared, then opened his mouth, swooped down, and closed his jaws around purple-haired Bu Fang.

Purple-haired Bu Fang shook his head and sighed. Clutching the ladle with one hand, he swept it out and hit the Soul Overlord on the mouth with a thump.

The blow landed squarely on the savage monster’s chin, stunning him and throwing him up into the sky. In just the blink of an eye, he flew through the clouds and rushed into the starry sky. The force that came with the ladle was somewhat out of everyone’s expectations.

As purple-haired Bu Fang’s fingers danced, the Qilin Transmigration Ladle began to spin in his hand. “The Qilin Eighteen Ladles,” he said.

The next moment, a terrible aura spread from his body. Then, with a b.e.s.t.i.a.l roar that seemed to come from the distant past, Bu Fang rushed into the starry sky. As he was ascending, the shadow of a huge ladle emerged behind him. Grabbing its handle, he began hitting the Gluttony Soul Overlord in the distance.

The Soul Overlord howled miserably whenever he was struck by the ladle. He was so furious that he wanted to swallow the annoying weapon, but when he opened his mouth, the ladle thrust into it and cracked a few of his teeth.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Purple-haired Bu Fang kept hitting the Gluttony Soul Overlord with the ladle, stunning the latter with every blow. The spoon with the long handle seemed to have some kind of magic power, as whenever it struck the savage monster’s indestructible body, it always sent a stab of pain through him.

The Soul Overlord was like a raging lion, but after countless blows from the ladle, he had turned into a meek kitten, lying in the starry sky and not daring to move.

“This fellow’s skin is really thick and tough…” purple-haired Bu Fang murmured, holding the Qilin Transmigration Ladle in one hand with a frown on his face.

Suddenly, the Gluttony Soul Overlord jumped forward. His mouth kept expanding until it appeared to be large enough to swallow the whole starry sky.

Purple-haired Bu Fang turned around with a blank face. In just a flash, he was enveloped by the mouth and swallowed by the savage monster.

That gave everyone pause. Nethery’s pupils constricted, while the Xiayi Divine Emperor shuddered.

“What is going on? Was Bu Fang swallowed by the monster?!”

Many people cried out in shock, and some even began to wail…

“How did Bu Fang… get eaten?! That’s the Gluttony Soul Overlord! There’s no way he could survive now!”

Meanwhile, the Soul Demons were all cheering excitedly.

“That d.a.m.ned chef’s been eaten at last!”

“Without that troublesome chef, we, the Soul Demons, will surely be victorious!”

“The war is finally coming to an end!”

The Gluttony Soul Overlord seemed to be very happy after he had eaten Bu Fang with one swallow. He roared in the starry sky to show his mighty prowess. Then, to completely kill Bu Fang, he even sped through the starry sky, crushed many stars, and devoured them.

Everyone despaired. This was the end of humanity… Or was it?

The Gluttony Soul Overlord’s long tongue unrolled from his mouth. With a savage look in his eyes, he shot out the tongue toward Nethery. Now that the troublesome guy was gone, he could finally enjoy his meal.

However, just as his tongue was about to touch Nethery, the Soul Overlord’s eyes went wide, and his tongue froze in midair as well.

He heard an indifferent voice ring out from inside his stomach.