Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1735: Hiding

Chapter 1735: Hiding

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The void froze. A dream-like figure hovered in midair, surrounded by what looked like nightmares. The person had a graceful figure but was also emanating an air that could fill one’s heart with terror.

She flicked her finger, and a stream of black energy fell, crashed into the ground, and reduced a large area in District B to ruins. Suddenly, a wretched figure shot out of the ruins at great speed.

“Although the relations.h.i.+p between Void City and the Soul Demon Universe is not very good, we have been going our own way without interfering with the other. Your behavior has seriously affected our relations.h.i.+p, and it will lead to war,” the nightmarish woman said coldly.

She was the third duke of District A, d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare. She was cultivating in seclusion when the Queen’s order reached her. A marquis was killed. Not daring to take the order lightly, she came here as fast as she could.

It turned out that her target was a Soul Demon. d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare’s hatred for Soul Demons went bone-deep. To her, such beings were simply the parasites of the universes. Unfortunately, the Soul Demon Universe was very powerful, and even Void City did not dare to go to war with it.

But this time, a Soul Demon had devoured a wounded marquis. This had infuriated the Queen of Curses, so she had ordered d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare to capture and kill the Soul Demon.

Among the exiles in Void City, few were Soul Demons. However, since the Queen of Curses opened the city to all universes, Soul Demons could still be found here.

Holding his arm, Ezra ran as fast as he could. His eyes were filled with a savage look. He kept running wildly through District B. He had devoured a marquis, and even though he had not yet fully digested her, she was enough to restore his strength to the level of a Chaotic Saint. All he had to do now was to escape the pursuit of this d.u.c.h.ess!

He had unleashed almost all the potential of this fleshly body. Coupled with the sinful power, he managed to escape the d.u.c.h.ess’s capture for a moment.

Ezra knew very well that once he fell into the d.u.c.h.ess’s hand, he was as good as dead. Her strength was more than enough to kill him, not to mention the Queen of Curses behind her.

He ran desperately.

d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare was not in a hurry. She floated behind Ezra like a cloud of black fog, chasing her prey playfully. A stream of energy fell from her hand and struck Ezra, stripping him some of his scales. In Void City, Ezra could not escape, so she was not in a hurry to kill him.

Soon, they approached the rus.h.i.+ng black River of Curses. The power of curses tumbled in the river, filling the air with a rumbling sound that shook one’s mind and soul.

Running through the entire city and encircling District D, some said the river was the source of the power of Void City, and some claimed that it was the incarnation of the Queen of Curses.

Whatever it was, one thing that everyone knew for sure was that it was a forbidden zone of life. Anyone who fell into it would die. Even the dukes would not dare to jump into the river.

Now, Ezra was forced to the edge of the River of Curses in District B. He had come to a dead end.

d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare hovered in midair. Her dream-like face kept emerging. She was very beautiful, but she only had a face. The rest of her, including her hair, was just a cloud of roiling black fog.

“Surrender now,” she said indifferently.

Suddenly, Ezra roared, turned, and jumped into the River of Curses with a splash. In the blink of an eye, he sank into the water.

“You’re heading for your doom.” d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare shook her head.

Suddenly, she paused. To her surprise, she found that Ezra, now bobbing in the River of Curses, was not turned into bones by the corrosive power of the water. One of his arms was emanating strange energy that wrapped up his body, protecting him from the corrosion.

The water splashed as Ezra swam as fast as he could in the River of Curses, rus.h.i.+ng away in a flash like a speedboat. Moving down along the river, he soon left Void City.

“How dare you!” d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare narrowed her eyes as a menacing aura surged around her. The next moment, she stomped her feet, turned into a cloud of black fog, flew past District B, District C, District D, and out of the city.

Outside District D, the huge River of Curses turned into a magnificent waterfall that rumbled down into the starry sky. The sound was deafening.

Hovering in midair, d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare squinted around. Suddenly, she saw a crocodile-like figure leap out from the rumbling waterfall. “Found you.” With a cold smile on her face, she flew toward Ezra, who was rus.h.i.+ng out of the Waterfall of Curses.

Corroded by the water, Ezra was covered in blood and looked miserable. The arm did offer him protection, but it was said that the River of Curses contained the Queen’s power. The fact that he managed to survive this power proved that he was extraordinary.

Standing in midair, he swung his crocodile tail and was about to flee. However, just as he was about to fly away, he felt a chilly aura close in on him.

“Dammit! Why doesn’t this woman just give up?!” Ezra growled, turned into a beam of black light, and sped through the void. Some bone wars.h.i.+ps approached him, but they were all crushed by him with the arm.

As he fled, he kept digesting the marquis’s power. Soon, however, he was despairing. Links of cold, black chains fell and blocked all the possible paths he could take, while a menacing aura was closing in on him. On top of that, powerful Chaotic Energy weighed down on him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

In Void City, the dukes were the supreme experts second only to the Queen of Curses. How could he run away when one of such mighty existences was pursuing him? Ezra was hopeless.

d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare was cold, indifferent. She lifted her hand, and energy was gathering and surging on her finger. With a flick of the finger, the nightmarish power shot out to pierce Ezra’s soul and kill him on the spot. Although the energy beam was only as wide as a finger, the power unleashed from it was enough to destroy heaven and earth!

Ezra raised his arm, roaring.

Suddenly, d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare’s pupils constricted. As the energy beam was about to hit Ezra, the void behind him was torn open, and a monstrous wave of sinful power gushed out of it. Then, an ugly paw with sharp claws and covered with scales thrust out of the opening and collided with her attack.

A deafening rumble echoed out. At this moment, the starry sky began to shake. Countless stars exploded, and numerous bone wars.h.i.+ps were pulverized, but the arm was unscathed.

“A Great Soul Overlord!” d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare took a deep breath.

The hand grabbed Ezra and pulled him into the rift, beyond which was another universe, the Soul Demon Universe.

“Do you really think Void City is where you Soul Demons can run amok?” d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare’s eyes turned scarlet in an instant. The next moment, she screamed and raised her hands. Two huge dark rings appeared in her grip, then she flung them hard toward the rift. She tried to make Ezra stay.

However, the hand in the rift lightly flicked its finger, and a huge finger, which seemed powerful enough to pierce the universe, appeared and collided with the two rings.

“Please send my regards to the Queen of Curses. This little guy is crucial to the awakening of the Soul G.o.d, so… Please excuse me.”

A faint, gentle voice rang out from the rift as the hand pulled Ezra into the rift. As the opening gradually healed, the voice said again, “When the Soul G.o.d awakens, I will come back to Void City to greet the Queen in person…” The voice trailed off as the rift closed up completely.

d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare’s face was grave. Looking at the spot where Ezra and the hand had vanished, she took a deep breath. She felt a tremendous amount of pressure from the hand just now. She knew it must belong to a supreme existence among the Soul Overlords of the Seven Sins, who was very likely to be the strongest Great Soul Overlord.

“It looks like things are getting serious… That Ezra is actually so important that a Great Soul Overlord had taken the risk to intrude Void City to bring him away. Aren’t they afraid of the Queen’s wrath?”

d.u.c.h.ess Nightmare muttered. The next moment, her figure flickered, and then she vanished from where she was. She had to report this incident to the Queen of Curses at once.

Bu Fang stepped into District A with Whitey, Foxy, and Shrimpy. As the most prosperous and n.o.ble place in Void City, District A was less populated than District B and District C. However, its atmosphere was the strictest.

Bu Fang had already thought about it. He was going to open a restaurant in District A. Since the Queen of Curses loathed chefs, he would open a restaurant right under her nose. He raised his chin.

Unlike District B, Bu Fang did not attract anyone’s attention after entering District A. Everyone was minding his or her own business, just like what was expected in a busy and beautiful city.

The streets were not very wide, and there were vendors selling things on both sides. When Bu Fang went up to them and glanced at the things they were selling, his eyes narrowed. Those were not ordinary items. He saw star cores, claws of ancient cosmos beasts, and many strange things, which could only be used by Saints of the Great Path and above.

District A was one rank higher than District B, but it could not be inhabited only by high-ranking experts. In fact, the numbers of experts here were about the same as that in District B.

There were G.o.d Emperors among the n.o.bles and G.o.d Kings among the common people. Perhaps the biggest difference was that the top fighting forces in District B were weaker. After all, District A was led by dukes.

Of course, the residences of the three dukes were in District A as well, and so was the palace of the Queen of Curses. The most magnificent building in the depths of District A was the Queen’s dwelling place.

When Bu Fang stood in the street and looked up, he could see the crown of the palace and sense a terrifying aura. It was as if a supreme existence was watching him in the dark.

While in a daze, Bu Fang suddenly felt an aura approach him. That gave him pause. He turned and found that a blond girl had come to his side.

“Are you Bu Fang? A chef?” the girl asked, glancing at him.

Bu Fang nodded, wondering who this girl was.

“Come with me… District A is packed with Soul’s people now…” After saying that, she spun and bolted into a dark alley.

Bu Fang sensed the girl’s strength. She was not strong, at most a G.o.d Emperor. He followed her, taking Whitey, Foxy, and Shrimpy with him.

Once they stepped into the alley, it was as though they had entered a maze. The alley ran between buildings, and it was very narrow. The girl moved through it quickly. Bu Fang’s body was larger than hers, so it was a little bit more challenging for him, but it was not too hard either.

It was easier for Foxy and Shrimpy. As for Whitey, it left deep scratches on the wall as it walked because it was fatter than them. It had to struggle to barely keep up with Bu Fang.

Finally, after the alley, they came to a broad street. The girl squatted at the end of the alley, poked her head out, and looked around. Then, she dashed and ran toward the broad street like a slippery mudfish.

“Follow me!”

The girl’s voice drifted over. Bu Fang’s brows raised slightly, but he followed her.

With a creak, the girl pushed open a door, pulled Bu Fang and Whitey into the room, then quickly closed the door. The moment the door was closed, the clatter of hooves rang out in the street. A team of cavalry was thundering past outside the room.

The girl leaned her back against the door. She panted for some time before looking up at Bu Fang and said, “Come with me. Her Excellency Nethery is waiting for you.” After that, she walked toward the depths of the room.

Bu Fang’s brows furrowed. ‘Why do we have to move in stealth and hide like thieves? It seems Nethery is not having a good time in District A…’