Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1561: One Ladle Is Enough

Chapter 1561: One Ladle Is Enough

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What’s going on here?”

The crown prince sucked in a cold breath as he looked at the Soul Demons who were burned to death in the distance. The Soul Demons, who had so menacingly pursued him just now, were burnt to ashes in an instant.

“Why is the stinky tofu so strong? Is there… something special in them?”

Then, he remembered the serious expression on Bu Fang’s face when he forced the bowl of stinky tofu into his hand, and he suddenly became very excited as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

“This stinky tofu is the Soul Demon’s nemesis!”

In the distance, the Soul Demons were eating the stinky tofu, but their bodies were slowly burning.

A Numbered Soul Demon also grabbed a piece of stinky tofu. He ate it, and his body also began to burn. However, he was not burned to death like the others. Although his flesh was covered with flames, his strength was strong enough to allow him to resist the flames and not turn to ashes like the others.

This showed that while Bu Fang’s stinky tofu had a remarkable effect on ordinary Soul Demons, it was not as effective on Numbered Soul Demons.

“There is a price to pay for tasting delicious food…” Looking at the Numbered Soul Demon, who was struggling and screaming, the crown prince roared. “I have to take advantage of his weakness!”

If the crown prince did not act at this time, then he would really be too stupid!

Without hesitation, he swung out the dragon knife. The knife, s.h.i.+ning with its utmost brilliance, drew a long stream of light in the air and shot toward the distance, closing in on the Numbered Soul Demon with great speed.

The Numbered Soul Demon’s eyes flowed with blood. Although he was burnt to the point of dying, he was still very fierce. “You d.a.m.ned human! Scram!” he growled.

The crown prince’s heart skipped a beat. He was still under a lot of pressure when facing a Numbered Soul Demon. If this was a Numbered Soul Demon in his peak form, he would have turned and left at once. However, this one was not at his peak and was about to be burned to death, so this was the crown prince’s chance.

He rushed toward the Soul Demon, who was badly wounded, and viciously swung out the dragon knife. A fierce battle instantly broke out. For a moment, the sky was filled with the glare of fire and the light of the knife.

After a long time, the crown prince made a brutal slash. Accompanied by a dragon’s roar, a head shot up into the sky, emitting wisps of black smoke. Suddenly, a plume of black smoke, which was the true form of the Soul Demon, darted out of the body and tried to escape. However, the flame quickly spread and burned it into nothingness as well.

The crown prince gasped fiercely, his eyes wide. The death of the Numbered Soul Demon filled him with excitement. He clenched his fists and could not help but raise them in the air, shouting. He was so excited!

Although he did not kill the Numbered Soul Demon alone, the satisfaction that filled his heart was still overwhelmingly intoxicating.

The death of a Numbered Soul Demon was a major loss to the Soul Demon army. To storm the capital, the Soul Demon had just sent one bone wars.h.i.+p this time. Many Numbered Soul Demons followed, yes, but for every one that died, there was one less.

Suddenly, a terrible explosion erupted in the distance, generating energy waves that caused everything to tremble violently.

The crown prince’s heart skipped a beat, and he jerked his head around to look at the explosion. That was where the Divine Emperor and the Keepers fought.

He was greeted by a brilliant light as if a star had just exploded, blinding and dazzling. At the same time, powerful energy waves were rippling out in all directions.

“This…” The crown prince froze. The next moment, his pupils constricted as he saw a figure flying out of the center of the explosion. Glowing blood kept spurting from the figure’s body, which glittered beautifully under the starry sky, but it looked sad at the same time.

“You really deserve to be the Xiayi Divine Emperor… You’re tough!”

A monstrous plume of black smoke towered to the sky and transformed into a huge shadow of a vicious beast. That was the true form of the Soul Demon who possessed the Keeper.

The Divine Emperor’s robe was torn, and he had several wounds on his body that were bleeding. On his pale, old face, his cheeks were s.h.i.+vering. After wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, he let out a deep, long breath.

His hands, which he dropped beside his waist, were shaking. During the battle, he had been wary of Soul Thirteen, who Bu Fang had told him about. However, that guy never showed up. Instead, he was wounded by one of the Keepers!

The Soul Demon had used the power generated by the self-destruction of his flesh to forcibly injure the Divine Emperor. These Soul Demons could be very determined to achieve their goals! However, even without the flesh, they could still fight. This was the most frightening thing about them.

The last Keeper rushed toward the Divine Emperor. He was extremely fast, and he came with such a great force that it made the faces of the surrounding people change dramatically.

Was the Divine Emperor going to be defeated?!

However, just as the Keeper, whose body was still intact, approached the Divine Emperor, a look of horror suddenly pa.s.sed over his face.

“You’re crazy!” He yelled and hissed, but the only response he got was the Divine Emperor’s cold, stern gaze.

The Divine Emperor Seal was lifted, and it shone brighter than ever. With its appearance, the fierce beast that could damage it immediately shot over, wanting to corrode it again. This time, however, The Divine Emperor was not just using it as a weapon.

With a thought in his mind, the seal exploded with a rumble. Raging energy gushed out from it like a volcanic eruption, engulfing everything in an instant.

The destructive energy generated by the self-explosion of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty’s divine artifact swallowed the Keeper, wiping out his flesh and even his true form in just a flash. It seemed to have destroyed half of the starry sky as it bloomed with blinding light. Even the whole capital was shaking from the shockwaves produced by the horrible explosion.

Cough… Cough…

The Divine Emperor coughed up some blood. His face became a little pale, and his complexion appeared to be very unhealthy.

These Soul Demons were just too scary. The Soul Thirteen who Bu Fang had mentioned had not yet appeared, but with just two of the top Numbered Soul Demons, he had been seriously wounded and was even forced to detonate the divine artifact of his dynasty.

“Why hasn’t Soul Thirteen appeared? According to the Immortal Spirit Divine Empress, there was no sign of that guy on her battlefield, so she guessed that he was probably here… But why didn’t he show up?

“If he isn’t here, then…”

The Divine Emperor covered his mouth, and his pupils constricted suddenly.

“Oh no!”


The explosion turned the whole sky extremely bright.

Bu Fang stood on the top of the skysc.r.a.per, watching the battle in the starry sky. No one knew what he was thinking.

At some point, Luo Sanniang had come to his side. She looked anxious and scared because people from her family had joined the battle as well. The explosion made her even more uneasy and frightened.

“It’s alright… These Soul Demons can’t cause any serious trouble,” Bu Fang said faintly.

Looking at his back, Luo Sanniang seemed to be influenced by his confidence and became much more at ease.

Suddenly, the whole capital began to shake. People cried out in shock as they all looked up at the sky in disbelief. There, a huge black shadow was slowly descending, emitting an extremely terrifying aura!

It was the true form of a Soul Demon. He looked twisted, grotesque, and as disgusting as ever. The temperature in his path dropped sharply—snow fell, and even hailstones kept falling.

This was a fearsome Soul Demon! He was the same Soul Demon who had seriously wounded the Divine Emperor with a self-explosion! And now he was going after Bu Fang!

“d.a.m.n chef! You’re dead this time!”

Soul Thirteen had said that this chef would be very weak for a long period because he had used a significant amount of energy to perform a major move. However, once he survived this period, it was not good for the Soul Demon.

So, this Keeper was going to kill him while he was seriously injured! That was one of the objectives of their incursion into the Xiayi Divine Dynasty’s capital at great cost.

Their first objective was to seriously injure the Xiayi Divine Emperor, and the second objective was to kill this chef. They had achieved the first objective. Although the cost was much greater than expected, it was still within the acceptable range.

As for the second objective… He was now about to complete it.

The people of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty did not expect this Soul Demon to turn around and attack here! He was a top-ranking Numbered Soul Demon, and his strength was not much weaker than that of Soul Thirteen. In fact, he could even be called an Emperor-grade existence. After all, he could fight the Divine Emperor.

For ordinary people, a Soul Demon of this level was simply a nightmare. Even though he only had his true form left, he could still kill a high-grade G.o.d King easily!

As the Keeper drew nearer, the weather in the capital began to change. His form was constantly changing in midair, sometimes transforming into a ferocious beast and sometimes a human.

With great speed, he descended from the sky toward the Luo Family’s skysc.r.a.per, intending to kill Bu Fang!

Luo Sanniang felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. Her whole body seemed to be frozen stiff, and her blood was flowing very slowly.

At this moment, one figure after another shot up into the sky from around the skysc.r.a.per. They were the experts the Divine Emperor had placed here to keep Bu Fang safe. Now, they were going to carry out the Divine Emperor’s order: fight the Soul Demon.

However, in just the blink of an eye, these experts were all beaten up and thrown flying away. Each of them turned pale and kept coughing blood.

The true form of this Numbered Soul Demon was just like a great demon, intangible and without physical shape. He was so formidable that even ordinary high-grade G.o.d Kings were no match for him!

“Hehehe…” The Keeper’s scarlet eyes gleamed eerily. He saw Bu Fang. Naturally, he recognized Bu Fang, the chef who managed to leave intact after going to the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty and causing trouble.

The chef was the target of his operation this time!

“We meet again… d.a.m.n stinky chef! If it weren’t for you, we would have been able to develop quietly for much longer, and when we emerge, this Chaotic Universe will become the Soul Demon’s world!”

The Keeper growled, transformed into a human, and then shot toward Bu Fang.

The entire capital seemed to be enveloped in a layer of darkness. Under the might of the Soul Demon, the surrounding houses kept blowing up and collapsing completely. Only the Luo Family’s skysc.r.a.per stood unbroken.

Bu Fang put his hands behind his back and stood on the top floor of the skysc.r.a.per, looking indifferently at the approaching Soul Demon. He recognized it as the Keeper he had met before. The latter’s killing intent made him narrow his eyes slightly.

He had no idea that these Soul Demons would go to such lengths to kill him. It seemed that they had finally realized how terrifying stinky tofu was to them.

Unfortunately, this Keeper was wrong about too many things. If it had been Soul Thirteen, Bu Fang might have been a little nervous. However, the one sent to kill him was only a Keeper who had lost his flesh and was left with his Soul Demon’s true form.

Now that Bu Fang had collected all the G.o.d of Cooking Sets, he was no longer afraid of such an opponent at all. He did not even need to use the supreme Laws of the Universe.

“To deal with this Soul Demon…” The corners of Bu Fang’s mouth twitched slightly. While all the people around him were s.h.i.+vering under the Soul Demon’s might, he was sneering.

Nethery’s ghostly green hair fell loose, and her pupils turned ghostly green. However, just as she was about to make her move, she was stopped by Bu Fang.

“Let me handle this…” Bu Fang said faintly. Then, as Nethery watched in surprise, he took off the black ladle that was hanging on his waist.

“One ladle is all you need to deal with this kind of fellow…”