Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1565: Oh? He Survives a Single Blow of My Ladle?

Chapter 1565: Oh? He Survives a Single Blow of My Ladle?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The crown princess was eager to join the fight and help Ah Mo against the enemy. However, she knew very well that although she had comprehended four supreme Laws of the Universe, she was still no match for top-grade Numbered Soul Demons.

If she joined the fight, she would definitely become a burden to Ah Mo, as the latter would be distracted from protecting her. Besides, there were too many Numbered Soul Demons present and even a Soul Demon Dragon behind them. With her DemiG.o.d strength, she could not do anything now.

Ah Mo was already in despair, and the crown princess sighed. Neither of them felt that there would be any miracle.

Would the Xiayi Divine Dynasty’s army come to rescue them? Maybe they would, but there was no way they could get here so quickly. The capital was so far from the Dragon Valley that even if the army noticed them as soon as they arrived at the border, they would have been torn apart by the Soul Demons by the time the army arrived.

It was at this moment that a dark s.h.i.+p emerged from the void, surprising Ah Mo and the crown princess.

Ah Mo was not too shocked, but the crown princess’s jaw dropped when she saw the man who came out of the cabin. Even through the veil, Ah Mo could feel her shock.

‘Could this man be an acquaintance of Her Highness? Are we saved?’ Ah Mo clutched her chest with one hand, coughing up blood, and felt a rush of excitement in her. ‘Has help come at last?’

The Numbered Soul Demons present also locked their gazes on the dark wars.h.i.+p, while the huge Soul Demon Dragon roared madly toward it. For a moment, the air was filled with the sonorous roar of the dragon.

Foxy, who was jumping up and down a moment ago, came to the side of the s.h.i.+p immediately. With her fur all standing up, she opened her mouth and growled at the demon dragon. Of course, the dragon simply ignored her, for she was just a tiny thing in its eyes.

Bu Fang lazily stepped out from the deck. He saw the seriously injured Ah Mo, then he rested his eyes on the crown princess for a few moments. The latter’s face was veiled, so he did not recognize her, but he felt a sense of familiarity in her. At the moment, however, he did not think too much.

Finally, he turned his eyes away from the crown princess and looked at the demon dragon.

“Hmm… A five-clawed divine dragon possessed by a Soul Demon?” Bu Fang’s eyes flashed. “Has even the Dragon Valley been invaded by the Soul Demons? These creatures are really aggressive… I wonder if the flesh of this divine dragon will have any strange changes after being possessed by the Soul Demon?”

Bu Fang rubbed his chin and pondered about the feasibility of cooking this dragon meat…

Ah Mo saw Bu Fang. However, when she sensed his aura, her face turned pale, and the glimmer of hope that had risen within her shattered instantly.

‘A DemiG.o.d? This guy is just a DemiG.o.d? Could it be that these people just got lost and accidentally came here, and not a miracle to save us?’

Ah Mo was so desperate that she could hardly breathe. She could not see through Nethery’s aura, but it was not too strong. So, she reckoned this beautiful girl should not be much better than the man. Such a combination could not bring them any hope.

She raised her hand, once again holding the crown princess’s soft hand, and closed her eyes. Her face was covered with blood, and her body was riddled with wounds. She resigned herself to her fate…

“It is… him…” The crown princess was no longer in shock. Her gaze, however, became somewhat complicated. She muttered a few words, causing Ah Mo to open her eyes. “Ah Mo… we’re saved,” she said, sighing with relief.

That startled Ah Mo. “We’re saved?” She turned to look at the crown princess. ‘Is Her Highness scared out of her wits? Did she really think that a DemiG.o.d could save us?’ she thought to herself. However, when she saw the confidence in the crown princess’s complicated gaze, she was confused.

‘Why does Her Highness put so much trust in this strange wars.h.i.+p? She’s never trusted me this much before!’

Bu Fang yawned. Those Numbered Soul Demons had long noticed him. After all, he was considered a famous person among them!

Not long ago, he had gone into the Soul Demon’s lair alone. During that trip, he not only took away the t.i.tan’s Heart, but also survived Soul Thirteen’s attack and even took the delicious crown prince away with him!

So, as soon as he appeared, the scarlet eyes of all the Numbered Soul Demons present lit up!

“It’s that chef…”

“The chef who Soul Thirteen can’t stop thinking about! I didn’t expect him to come here to die!”

“I never thought we’d have such a surprise! Soul Thirteen will definitely value us more if we catch the chef!”

All the Numbered Soul Demons began to stir, but the huge Soul Demon Dragon felt nothing. After all, it did not know Bu Fang.

“Soul Fifteen, Soul Seventeen, you two deal with the chef. Leave this crown princess to me… Make it quick and don’t draw the Xiayi experts here,” Soul Sixteen said icily.

They were all Numbered Soul Demons with incomparable strength. The two named Soul Demons sneered. The next moment, as their black insect scales began to glow, they turned around and shot toward the Netherworld s.h.i.+p where Bu Fang and Nethery were. As Numbered Soul Demons with strength comparable to top-grade G.o.d Kings, their speed was as fast as lightning.

Ah Mo’s face turned bloodless at the sight. ‘Sure enough… These Soul Demons won’t spare the people on this wars.h.i.+p. They will all die!’

Soul Sixteen’s face became extremely savage. In the blink of an eye, he turned into his true form. Then, with black smoke constantly spreading from his body, he rushed toward Ah Mo and the crown princess. A monstrous murderous aura erupted from him, sweeping out in all directions.

Ah Mo closed her eyes again in despair and clutched the crown princess’s hand.

Soul Sixteen enjoyed this despairing emotion of hers. To him, a Soul Demon’s food should show such emotions when facing them. This was the destiny of human beings!

As he drew nearer, he swept out his claws, which were so sharp that they cut through the void easily.

Ah Mo could already feel the sharpness approaching her body. ‘Looks like I’m really going to die this time…’

The crown princess’s eyes widened. Her eyes were large and beautiful as if they were pure gems, so clean that one could not bear to profane them. As she stared at the sharp claws that were falling toward them, her eyes showed a hint of hope and expectation.

She did not expect that she would meet that man here. Now that he was here, the miracle must be on their side.

“What are you expecting?! Foolish humans!” Soul Sixteen snarled, his scarlet gaze tearing through the void like two beams of light. The next moment, his sharp claws fell viciously.

Rumbling filled the air as the terrifying aura erupted from him shattered some of the fragments of the stars in the surroundings.

Suddenly, the void not far in front of Soul Sixteen was torn apart, and the power of the Law of s.p.a.ce poured out of it. Then, a slim figure came out of the rift.

Soul Sixteen’s pupils constricted. “It’s that chef!”

In the distance, Soul Fifteen and Soul Seventeen were closing in on the Netherworld s.h.i.+p.

Looking at them, Nethery’s eyes suddenly burst into a green light while streams of ghostly green light swirled around her. After fusing the power of the ancient female corpse, she was now very powerful.

The next moment, the cursed snake emerged, then circled and rose around her body, exploding with an extremely dazzling green light. When it rushed to the top of her head, it opened its mouth, bared its fangs, and hissed at Soul Fifteen and Soul Seventeen.

Then, it darted forward and locked the two Numbered Soul Demons in a fierce battle. It was a very frightening scene, for Nethery seemed to be able to fight two fearsome enemies alone!

Soul Fifteen and Soul Seventeen felt chills run through them, their scarlet eyes narrowing slightly. This was the Cursed G.o.ddess! Naturally, they knew Nethery’s ident.i.ty. For these Soul Demons, the curse power was a very deadly force that could corrode their bodies and power, so they dared not to touch it easily.

For a moment, Nethery actually locked the two Numbered Soul Demons in a fierce battle.

Ah Mo, however, was not paying attention to the fighting here. Her gaze at the moment fell in front of her.

Bu Fang, wearing his striped red-and-white Vermilion Robe, floated quietly in the starry sky in front of them. When she looked at his seemingly weak body, she was surprised that she actually felt a little calmer.

She actually felt at ease in the presence of a DemiG.o.d? This was just… too weird! She was not an ordinary person, but a top-grade G.o.d King, the Protector of the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty!

As Soul Sixteen was closing in, he thought, ‘It’s good that this chef showed up here! He can go to h.e.l.l with these two women! Soul Thirteen said he had used up all his trump cards and tricks… So this time, he will die for sure!’

The black smoke that was Soul Sixteen transformed into a ferocious beast and roared as it approached Bu Fang!

Ah Mo could not help but tremble when she sensed the Soul Demon’s might, and she cried out to warn Bu Fang, “Run! Run for your life!”

The crown princess, too, became nervous with a look of worry in her pure eyes. ‘It’s been so long. Can he still create a miracle this time?’

With a strange look on his face, Bu Fang glanced over his shoulder at Ah Mo, who told him to run away. Then, he turned back and raised his hand. As his Vermilion Robe fluttered, he took the ladle hanging from his waist. It was time for him to show the true power of the Qilin Transmigration Ladle.

Soul Sixteen was roaring. He was confident that this chef would never be able to stop him. After killing this chef, he would become a meritorious servant, and once Soul Thirteen became a Soul Overlord, he would be the latter’s right-hand man. Soul Thirteen might even help him become a second Soul Overlord! In his eyes, everything seemed to be rosy in the future.

As he was closing in, he saw the chef take out a ladle and seemed to be making a last dying struggle. Then, as he drew nearer, he saw the chef thrust the ladle at him. ‘He’s courting death!’ Soul Sixteen’s mood was fluctuating wildly.

“Hmm?” Suddenly, Soul Sixteen’s pupils constricted. Looking at the black ladle, his heart began to beat faster for no apparent reason. He felt as if a terrible being was lurking in it, making him feel extremely uneasy.

However, when he thought of Soul Thirteen’s words, he felt his confidence return. Without hesitation, he swept out his claws and collided with the ladle.

The next moment, an extremely bright light erupted from the center of the collision. Soul Sixteen finally felt the horror in that ladle. As it hit his body, the black smoke around him was immediately dispersed, and the insect scales on his body were crumbling.

This was completely different from what he had in mind! The ladle seemed to contain great terror. Although it had merely touched him, his body had begun to disintegrate.

With a rumble, his claws broke. The ladle continued to fall and then lightly hit him on the head. Soul Sixteen’s mind went blank. All he heard was a deafening chime that made his head buzz, and then everything in front of him started spinning rapidly.

Soul Sixteen was knocked flying backward.

When Ah Mo saw Bu Fang take out a ladle to fight the Soul Demon, she felt that this man was really stupid!

‘He’s just a DemiG.o.d, and yet when he’s fighting a Numbered Soul Demon, he pulls out a ladle? Why a ladle? Can it crack the sky?! He didn’t even respond to my kind reminder! He’s going to regret it later!’

Ah Mo coughed up blood again. She was even more hopeless now. She did not expect that the man who came to save them was actually… a r.e.t.a.r.d!

However, the crown princess’s eyes lit up. They looked as bright as the moon in the night, full of surprise and shock.

‘What’s the matter?’ Subconsciously, Ah Mo looked over her shoulder, and then she saw the man smacking the Soul Demon’s head with the ladle and knocking him away.

“Oh? He survives a single blow of my ladle?”

A faint voice resounded through the void, lingering in Ah Mo’s ears, causing her already shocked face to become completely dumbfounded.