Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1719: The Popcorn Eater, Bu Fang

Chapter 1719: The Popcorn Eater, Bu Fang

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The news that a cloth-stripping puppet had mixed in with the contenders to strip opponents of their clothes swept out like a storm, spreading throughout the entire fighting pit in an instant.

Bu Fang had won five matches in a row, and he was climbing up the rankings, reaching around five hundred. However, he did not care about his ranking.

He took a short break. The main reason was that he was tired of eating and needed to take some time to digest. He had been sitting and eating spirit fruits when Whitey was fighting, so he had decided to eat something else later. If he just kept eating spirit fruits, his mouth would soon become numb.

After having enough rest, he once again fed his mental force into the array. With a buzzing sound, the array operated and began to help him choose his opponent based on his ranking. A few moments later, his opponent was determined.

Bu Fang took Whitey, Shrimpy, and Foxy to the battlefield. This time, the battlefield was no longer a dead planet, but a planet primed for life and covered with green vegetation.

Whitey, with its metal spear in its hand, was impatient to fight. Bu Fang patted its belly as if to encourage it. After that, he walked to the side with Foxy and Shrimpy sitting on his shoulders.

Bu Fang took out the Black Turtle Constellation Wok and began to prepare something to eat. He changed the shape of the wok. In just a few short moments, the wok became cylindrical.

In the distance, Whitey’s opponent had appeared. This time, its opponent was also a Saint of the Great Path from District B. Of course, this expert’s aura was stronger than the average Saint of the Great Path. But Whitey was undaunted. Clutching the spear tightly, it rushed forward.

The name of the Clothes-Stripping Crazy Demon had already spread through the fighting pit, so the expert naturally did not dare to take it lightly. Soon, he fought Whitey in a fierce battle, causing mountains to collapse and the sea to rise in tsunamis.

The battle was broadcasted through the projection array, and many people in the fighting pit saw it.

“That’s Zhao Yu from District B, who is ranked one hundred and third!”

“Zhao Yu is a fearsome expert… He once won eight consecutive victories and had shattered the dreams of many n.o.bles of District C.”

“This is the end of that Clothes-Stripping Crazy Demon! Zhao Yu’s not that easy to be defeated!”

Those who watched the match through the projection array thought Whitey was bound to lose. However, Bu Fang did not care about that. At this moment, he was dealing with the food in front of him.

The Black Turtle Constellation Wok had transformed into a cylinder shape, and he placed it across the air. With a flick of his finger, the divine flame jumped out and landed around the wok. It began to emit blazing heat, causing the wok to rotate continuously.

In the distance, the battle was in full swing, while on this side, Bu Fang was quietly cooking a meal.

When the wok reached the desired temperature, Bu Fang took out an ear of corn. This was no ordinary corn—it contained a large amount of divine energy. He peeled off the kernels one by one, put them in a blue and white porcelain bowl, and then used a cloth to soak up the moisture from their surfaces.

While Whitey was fighting, Bu Fang threw the corn kernels into the cylindrical wok and began to turn it, causing the kernels to tumble continuously inside.

Suddenly, popping sounds rang out. It was as if someone had set fire to firecrackers. The ground shook violently with each pop. Bu Fang had not expected the explosion to be so loud.

Foxy scurried behind him, grabbed his hair, and stared nervously at the wok. Shrimpy, on the other hand, was dumbfounded because the bubble it was blowing had burst.

Meanwhile, Zhao Yu, who was fighting with Whitey in the distance, was startled by the popping sounds. He thought someone was backstabbing him. However, when he jerked his head around, he found nothing unusual.

His aura fluctuated a little, and then he was back in the thick of battle with Whitey. Nowadays, Whitey was also somewhat famous in the fighting pit. Zhao Yu thought that if he could defeat it, it would be a great honor for him.


Another loud explosion rang out. Zhao Yu’s heart gave a shudder. He jerked his head to look into the distance, where the sound of the explosion came from. Then, he saw a young man happily opening a black cylinder, from which tiny white things kept rolling out.

‘What the f*ck is that? I seem to smell a rich fragrance…’ Zhao Yu was somewhat dumbstruck when he saw that.

Looking at the white popcorn, Bu Fang could not help but lift the corners of his mouth. The Black Turtle Constellation Wok changed back to its original shape to contain all the popcorn. Bu Fang took the wok in his hands, sat cross-legged down, picked up a piece of popcorn with two fingers, and stuffed it in his mouth.


A thick, creamy aroma burst in his mouth. The popcorn tasted good. Bu Fang also prepared a small bowl for Foxy, which was filled with popcorn.

After that, they sat on the ground, eating popcorn and watching Whitey fight in the distance. They had evolved from the standard pumpkin-seed-eating crowd to the popcorn-eating crowd.

“You guys continue,” Bu Fang said expressionlessly, his mouth stuffed with popcorn.

The corner of Zhao Yu’s mouth twitched. However, just when he was momentarily distracted, Whitey’s slap struck him. Immediately after that, all his clothes were ripped. Tattered clothes were scattered all over the place, surrounding a naked man. The familiar sight made many people sigh.

The Clothes-Stripping Crazy Demon had once again displayed its amazing clothes stripping skills…

Six victories in a row! Bu Fang felt a little bored. He had only eaten a few mouthfuls of popcorn when the fight was over. “How come there isn’t even an expert who is better at fighting…” Shaking his head and holding the wok filled with popcorn, he left the battlefield with Whitey, Foxy, and Shrimpy.

Countless people who watched the battle through the projection array were stunned, not knowing what to say. The battle ended faster than they expected.

“Zhao Yu was distracted by that young man!”

“I thought it was some kind of sinister trick. If I were Zhao Yu, I would probably fall into the same trap.”

“Is that food? Is that youth a chef?”

Many n.o.bles were dumbfounded. The next moment, they broke out into an uproar.

With Bu Fang coming off a six-game winning streak, his fame slowly began to spread.

At the Countess Residence, Countess Xia Qiu calmly watched the images in the projection array. When she saw the popcorn Bu Fang had made, her eyes narrowed slightly. At that moment, she wondered what would happen when this chef stood in front of the Queen of Curses.

In a luxurious mansion in District A, Nethery sat on a couch made with the skin of some divine beast and looked at the projection array in the distance. It was showing the battle between Whitey and its opponent.

“He’s a very interesting little chef,” said the n.o.blewoman, chuckling.

Nethery’s face remained unchanged.

“But there’s one thing that makes me curious… This guy is cooking in front of everyone, and yet he’s not getting the Queen’s attention…” the n.o.blewoman said, crossing her long, fair legs.

“I didn’t believe this little chef when he said he would come to Void City to look for you. Now, it seems he might actually succeed. Of course, it’s still too early to tell…”

Bu Fang activated the array again. With a buzzing sound, it began to rotate. Soon, they came to another battlefield. This time, however, the battlefield was not on a planet, but in a nebula.

As usual, Bu Fang sent Whitey to the fight, while he continued to eat the popcorn he had not been able to finish in the previous match.

Whitey’s opponent this time was unusual. After all, Bu Fang had won six matches in a row, so the difficulty was gradually increasing. The expert was a mid-tier Saint of the Great Path.

Bu Fang watched the battle as he ate the popcorn. He even clapped his hands and cheered now and then.

The fight was fierce and exciting, but Bu Fang’s behavior made many people hate him. He had a look that made many people wish they could rub his face against the ground a hundred times…

The mid-tier Saint of the Great Path was naturally no match for Whitey. In the end, he threw in the towel. That was the seventh victory.

Then, they won the eighth match as well. When Whitey defeated its eighth opponent, Bu Fang also finished his popcorn.

Finally, a late-stage Saint of the Great Path appeared in the ninth match. The distortion of the void caused by this expert as soon as he emerged shocked everyone.

This time, Bu Fang watched the fight while frying oyster pancakes. The rich fragrance wafted out of the Black Turtle Constellation Wok was an even greater distraction to Whitey’s opponent.

Many people were fuming with anger. For them, the smell of food was a fatal temptation that would distract them!

“Dammit! Why does smelling this scent make me feel like I’m back in my childhood?!’ The Saint of the Great Path who was fighting Whitey felt a jolt in his heart. The next moment, he noticed a huge palm growing larger and larger in his vision.


The expert, who had a momentary trance due to the scent of the oyster pancake, was stripped naked by Whitey.

Many people were shocked. They could not believe that a late-stage Saint of the Great Path had been defeated too!

“Why… Why doesn’t the Queen punish this chef? Are chefs allowed to freely cook in Void City now?!”

They could not figure it out, but that did not stop them from getting angry. For many n.o.bles, these matches were not just contests, but also gambling games! Many of them had bet their entire fortune on it.

Soon, the person in charge of the fighting pit, a Chaotic Saint, sent a voice transmission to Bu Fang and forbade him to continue releasing any aroma. Bu Fang could only curl his lips at the injunction.

“He has won nine matches in a row!” The n.o.bles suddenly realized that. If the Clothes-Stripping Crazy Demon won one more match, Bu Fang would complete ten consecutive victories and have the chance to fight for the qualification to enter District B.

As the gatekeepers of District B, these n.o.bles would not let Bu Fang advance so easily. And the person in charge of the fighting pit was not ready to let Bu Fang win the tenth match so easily as well.


A clamor broke out among the n.o.bles when a disheveled, barefoot teenager stepped out of the void.

“It’s Aohen! He’s Viscount Aohen who is ranked fiftieth with a record of eighteen consecutive victories!”

At the sight of the teenager, all the people who had bet on him became extremely excited.

With a buzzing sound, Bu Fang, Whitey, and the two little ones appeared on the battlefield. As usual, Bu Fang let Whitey fight, while he set up the stove and wok and prepared to cook.

All those who watched the match through the projection array could not help but frown.

“Didn’t the person in charge of the fighting pit forbid this guy from releasing the aroma of food to distract his opponent?”

“He’s doing it again?! He simply has no regard for the rules!”

“How dare he openly defy the will of a Chaotic Saint?! This ignorant chef is courting death!”

The n.o.bles were in an uproar. However, they were also very excited to see what would happen.

Aohen, the disheveled young man, had an indifferent gaze. To him, nine consecutive victories were nothing at all. Meeting him on the battlefield was a disaster for his opponent.

‘Perhaps this Clothes-Stripping Crazy Demon is too aggressive, so the person in charge of the fighting pit wants me to suppress it a little… In that case, I will destroy this puppet first, then kill that chef! I will defend the dignity of the contenders for the t.i.tles from District B!’

He raised his hand. Bright light bloomed in his palm, rotated rapidly, and condensed into a golden sword.



A loud rumbling sound rang out of Whitey’s body. The flags behind it fluttered in the wind. Clenching the metal spear in its hand, it charged toward Aohen.

Keeping his indifferent expression, Aohen held the hilt of his sword with both hands, ready to cut Whitey in half. Suddenly, his nose twitched. The next moment, his face became extremely dark, and he jerked his head to look into the distance.

There, a monstrous stench was pouring out from Bu Fang’s Black Turtle Constellation Wok. He took out a pair of chopsticks, picked up a piece of stinky tofu that was fried to golden brown, stuffed it into his mouth, and began chewing happily.

The person in charge of the fighting pit only forbade him from releasing any aroma of food, so it should not be too much for him to cook stinky tofu, right?