Guild Wars

Chapter 338 - Legendary Skills Galore 1

Chapter 338 - Legendary Skills Galore 1

「Paragon of Fire - Divine Cla.s.s

Skills: Paragon"s Aura (Pa.s.sive), Essence of Fire (Pa.s.sive), Universal Heatwave (Pa.s.sive), Sun Flare (Active).

Starting Stats: Str 50, Dex 50, End 50, Int 70, Spr 70, Cha 50, Lck 50

Exp gain rate: 10%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Cla.s.s weapons: All magical.

Cla.s.s skills: Any fire.」

Riveting Night took a moment to digest what she saw. Now that everyone was collectively out, and she had seen their cla.s.s details, she finally felt her heart settle somewhat.

Rina"s Divine Cla.s.s was similar to Draco"s but much weaker. If it was an average Divine Cla.s.s, then the Abyssal Prime was a pinnacle one, just inches below Paragon of Destruction.

She also had the horrible exp gain rate, so it meant that all Divine had this cap. Thinking of the horrors Rina would have to suffer to Rank up in the future, Riveting Night felt pity.

However, she decided to finally get down to what she put off earlier, which was to a.n.a.lyze the skills of the core members of Umbra. Riveting Night started with Rina and then worked her way to the others.

「Paragon"s Aura – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Suppress all enemies. Defense and Damage are reduced by 50% for enemies and increased by 50% for the Paragon.」

「Essence of Fire – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The user no longer uses mana when casting fire magic. The User"s fire magic cooldowns are reduced by 70% for all skills below Divine.」

「Universal Heatwave – Active skill

Effect: Send out a wave of intense fire that covers an Area Zone, dealing 500% fire damage to all enemies.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Sun Flare – Active skill

Effect: Strike a single target with a beam of condensed and concentrated flame, dealing 1,000% fire damage.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

Riveting Night"s eyebrows rose at the sight of Rina"s basic cla.s.s skills. They were almost as tyrannical as Draco"s, which meant that Rina would not have any problem slaughtering thousands of monsters for experience.

Seeing this, Riveting Night focused on the others, starting with n.o.ble Writer, who was now a Wordsmith.

「Speed Writing – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: When performing any literary skill or Tradeskill, writing speed is boosted by a factor of 3. This speed is maintained, but the accompanying stamina drain is also maintained.」

「Verbosity – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User"s written text will always possess a "verified" effect, making it legal and true. For Tradeskills, it will increase the effect of the written work by 20% for consumers.」

「Writ of Summons – Active skill

Effect: Forcibly bring one or more parties into an Impartial Arbitration, where you are the plaintiff and possess a compelling case despite the situation.

Note: Only effective on players and NPCs.

Cooldown: 7 days.」

「Ledger of Accountability – Active skill

Effect: Forcibly audit any faction or power and obtain a complete copy of their finances. If any foul play is found, the party pays out their debt to the User regardless of the amount.

Cooldown: 1 month.」

Next was Happy Saint, who had become a Ferromancer.

「Metallurgy – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is able to sense the presence of metals within a range of 1 mile. The User gains the knowledge about all the properties, characteristics and possible transformations/combinations of all metals.」

「Metalmancy – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: User can manipulate any metal at will. This can be used as an offensive or defensive method for combat, or to a.s.sist in crafting for Tradeskills.」

「Tradeskill Form – Active skill

Effect: Switch to the Tradeskill mode of this cla.s.s, which increases the speed and quality of crafting by 20%.

Duration: continuous.

Cooldown: none.」

「Combat Form – Active skill

Effect: Switch to the Combat mode of this cla.s.s, which increases the defensive and offensive power of manipulated metals by 20%.

Duration: continuous.

Cooldown: none.」

Next was Sanji the Information Broker.

「Manipulative Words – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Spoken words from the User are able to mislead all listeners when divulging matters of intelligence or secret information.」

「Tight Control – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Information agencies managed by the User will never have slip-ups in regards to information or overflows. In addition, other agencies will not be able to infiltrate the agency managed by the User.」

「Department Setup – Active skill

Effect: Instantly create a department of an intelligence agency in a claimed and populated zone.

Cooldown: 1 month.」

「Information Acquisition – Active skill

Effect: Steal precious information from other information agencies without an Information Broker at the helm.

Cooldown: 1 week.」

Then came Akainu, the Conglomerate Manager.

「Branch Management – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is able to easily micromanage all branches of the conglomerate with ease. This can be done remotely through an interface or directly through presence.」

「Business – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: User is adept at all matters of business, able to manage any company, and bring it from the bottom to the top with ease. Companies managed by the User never go into the red or break even.」

「Branch Setup – Active skill

Effect: Instantly create a branch of a company in a claimed and populated zone.

Cooldown: 1 month.」

「Summon Secretary – Active skill

Effect: Call forth the head secretary of the company at any time and at any place. Secretaries can manifest in different forms, either as a bodyguard or an aide, depending on the person appointed.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

After this was Jada, the Fire Lord.

「Burning Aura – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is permanently surrounded by an aura of flames, dealing 10% fire damage per second to all enemies within a 1-mile range.」

「Ice Immunity – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Due to the synergy between the Ice Lord and the Fire Lord, the User is immune to all frost damage.」

「Extreme Implosion – Active skill

Effect: Create a resounding explosion by concentrating intense fire energy at a single spot. This deals 300% fire damage within a range of 1 mile.

Cooldown: 3 days.」

「Searing Flames – Active skill

Effect: Release a whip of flame that severely lashes a single target, dealing 700% fire damage to them.

Cooldown: 3 days.」

Naturally, her twin Jade was next as the Ice Lord. Her abilities were practically the mirror image of Jada.

「Chilling Aura – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is permanently surrounded by an aura of frost, dealing 10% frost damage per second to all enemies within a 1-mile range.」

「Ice Immunity – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Due to the synergy between the Fire Lord and the Ice Lord, the User is immune to all fire damage.」

「Persistent Blizzard – Active skill

Effect: Create a powerful blizzard that the area of 1 mile, dealing 50% frost damage per second and freezing all enemies.

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 3 days.」

「Absolute Zero – Active skill

Effect: Shoot a beam of purified frost energy that deals 700% frost damage to a single target.

Cooldown: 3 days.」

After Jade, was Loving Aunt, the toxic Enchantress.

「Extreme Attraction – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User exudes an endless amount of pheromones, enthralling sentient, and non-sentient beings alike. Enemies affected hesitate to attack the User.」

「Toxic Supremacy – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User emits a toxic mist that takes away 0.5% HP per second of all enemies within 1 mile of them. All toxic skills and techniques are boosted by 20%.」

「Subjugate – Active skill

Effect: Submerge a chosen target in a mist of pheromones, forcing them to obey your wishes for eternity.

Note 1: Only one ent.i.ty can be subjugated at a time.

Note 2: Only non-sentient beings can be subjugated at Rank 1.

Cooldown: none.」

「Poison Ivy – Active skill

Effect: Summon a forest of vines to trap and lash out at every enemy within a 1-mile radius. The damage of the vines depends on the location of the cast.

Cooldown: 3 days.」

Next was Silent Walker, the contemporary Lord of Shadows.

「Nightwalker – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is completely intangible during the night, possessing 100% damage immunity. They are immune to all darkness damage.

Note: Damage Immunity is turned into Damage Susceptibility in the case of light or fire-based skills or spells.」

「Perfect Manipulation – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is able to freely manipulate all shadows and patches of darkness with their mind. All offensive and defensive moves created through this skill are buffed by 20%.」

「Dark Barrier – Active skill

Effect: Create a power barrier made of darkness energy that negates 30% of incoming damage.

Duration: 30 seconds

Cooldown: 10 minutes.」

「Endless Night – Active skill

Effect: Cover an Area Zone in a veil of darkness, buffing all darkness skills and techniques by 200%.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 1 day.」

After that was Warm Spring, and her line-up made Riveting Night"s breath hitch. A Demi-Angel was no joke.

「Holy Aura – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User emits an aura of healing and purity, curing all illnesses and extending the lifespan of allied and neutral parties within an Area Zone of them.」

「Damage Immunity – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is immune to all forms of damage beneath the Divine Rank.」

「Light of Hope – Active skill

Effect: Send out a wave of pure benevolent energy that inspires all allies nearby, increasing their damage, defense, and stats by 40%. It also allows all targets to gain 2% of their HP per second.

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Mercy – Active skill

Effect: Cleanse an enemy of their evil, edifying their soul and turning them into a devout follower. Each follower increases all stats by 0.1%.

Note 1: Can only be used on sentient beings.

Note 2: Can only be used on NPCs.

Note 3: Only a maximum of 30 followers at Rank 1.

Cooldown: none.」

After Warm Spring was the even more taciturn Dreary Traveler, who was now a Lich.

「Undead Lord – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User can command any undead species below the Rank of Lich to do his bidding. They are unable to rebel.」

「Undeath – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The User is resistant to all forms of damage by 70%, except for light or fire-based skills or spells which deal 150% damage. The User is also unable to be sent to resp.a.w.n, and will only be put into a period of recuperation upon defeat.」

「Rise Up – Active skill

Effect: Command every corpse within an Area Zone to rise up from their graves and fight for you under your banner.

Cooldown: 1 week.」

「Promotion – Active skill

Effect: Forcibly promote one undead soldier under you by one Rank.

Note 1: Can only be used on undead that were created through the "Rise Up" skill.

Note 2: The undead chosen by this skill must have been under the User for a minimum of 1 week.

Note 3: Promotion can only be up to the Death Knight Rank.

Cooldown: 1 month.」

After him came Slim Fatty, with her Sword Supreme cla.s.s.

「Sword Mastery – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Equip any sword without facing any penalties. The attributes of the sword are magnified by 10% and its weaknesses are suppressed by 10%. Can also seize swords from the hands of others and bind them.」

「Sword Supremacy – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: All sword damage is increased by 30% and sword skills and techniques drain 50% less Stamina. The User can also remotely control up to two swords in battle.」

「World Slash – Active skill

Effect: Swing your blade through the essence of the world, cutting through all defenses and barriers to strike one"s foe. This attack deals 1,000% sword damage.

Cooldown: 1 month.」

「Overpowered Wave – Active skill

Effect: Send out a wave of sword lights that attack every fie within a 1-mile radius. This deals 500% sword damage.

Cooldown: 7 days.」

Then came Rambunctious b.u.t.tlover, who now had an Orator cla.s.s.

「Deceptive Words – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Speak a string of lies and half-truths at all times, making all listeners subjectively feel like your words are pure truth.」

「Sweet Talker – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: All enemies who listen to the speech of the User are slightly charmed, and their hostility reduces as they fall into a short daze.」

「Endless Speech – Active skill

Effect: Speak an unending stream of nonsense so stupid that all enemies within hearing distance lose 1% of their HP per second.

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Inspire – Active skill

Effect: Sing a song of camaraderie and brotherhood, inspiring all allies within hearing distance to do their best. All damage, defense, and speed for allies are increased by 70% while damage, defense, and speed for all enemies is reduced by 70%

Cooldown: 1 days.」


Author"s Note: The wait is finally over. The recalcitrant and rebellious editor Devil"s Advocate has finally been beaten into submission and is obediently working again.

As such, the chapter release rate would return to 2 a day from now on... which means less free time for me...
