Guild Wars

Chapter 541 - Recreating Heaven 2

Chapter 541 - Recreating Heaven 2

As one might have expected, Plan C involved the duo utilizing both Destruction and Creation Energy in tandem. Actually, the original plan had been to use Destruction and Light Energy to increase the cleansing force, but since Destruction alone was able to do this, Eva switched to using Creation Energy.

The purpose of this was obvious, after the Destruction Energy had its way with the darkness, the Creation Energy would follow after, gently repairing the damage done. Draco and Eva were not sure how much energy this would take nor how much progress they would make, which was why they were doing this in the first place.

Soon, a powerful energy cycle was established between them, and the two energies they specialized in began radiating outward. A harsh black light and a gentle white light intertwined like yin and yang, coursing throughout the area starting from the bodies of the duo towards the darkness.

The moment the two forces collided, it was instantly erased by the Destruction element in this wave, but the Creation element repaired the damaged world itself and not the consumed darkness.

Visually, it looked as if someone was using an eraser to "clean out" the pervading darkness that coating this realm, or like that instance when one used a Flash HM from that old video game series in which people enslaved monsters by throwing b.a.l.l.s at them, to raise them so they could fight each other for some trophies.

By the time the White-Haired Duo had cleared out their energy reserves, they were left sweating and panting, surprised to see that their first attempt had resulted in a great amount of progress. The original safe zone Eva had made had almost tripled by this point, making the two share a look then smile.

Based on the energy drain, the progress made and the time taken… they estimated it would take about a month to cleanse this realm. Just one month!

While this was meager within Boundless, that was still four months in Boundless for one month in reality. As such, Eva and Draco would have to decide carefully when they would embark on this mission, as it would mean they would be AFK for a while.

Draco removed his hand from her back as he opened his eyes in Eva"s bedroom, the Celestial Beauty also doing the same. Draco pa.s.sed a hand through his hair and smiled wryly.

"Don"t worry, I"ll tell them. There"s no way I"m postponing something as important as this."

Eva nodded gently. The duo then headed outside and summoned everyone within the Inner Universe to one of the constructed parks. There, Draco met with everyone and shared some intimacy with his direct family before informing them of his departure.

Most of the ladies were not worried, understanding that this was a crucial period for their Big Sis or Big Mistress. Zaine nodded her head in appreciation for their decision. While Roma and Hikari were excited for Eva, more exactly for what she would become after they were done.

Moved by everyone"s support, Draco and Eva were about to leave until they heard a certain annoying voice.

"Haaah? Where do you think you"re going? When did this Cat Patriarch ever give you permission to leave?" Qiong Qi spoke while checking out his nails idly.

"Quickly roil over here and coo like a baby, then we might consider letting you go." Clarent added while fixing up his new hairdo which was a huge pompadour even bigger than Gavin"s.

Draco and Eva froze in their steps, and every one of the ladies quickly gave the two idiots a wide berth. However, the duo was confident in their actions this time, not even gazing at Draco or Eva with fear.

Draco turned to Eva. "Give me a moment."

Eva smiled beautifully. "No problem babe."

Draco then took a deep breath and turned to face the two troublemakers with a wide smile that was not filled with any positive emotion.

"Hahaha, Qiong Qi! Clarent! Buddies! What are you guys doing?"

Qiong Qi seemed uncaring about the threatening sub-tone in Draco"s words and spoke his mind in a high-pitched voice. "Hmph, let"s forget for a moment that you have tricked me into accepting to become your mount, I am a DIVINE LION and I demand to be treated with the respect that someone of my lineage deserves!!!"

"Exactly! I am a Fire Dragon, with the bloodline of a Divine Dragon, yet from the time you helped me gain a body, you have abused me, despite being your supposed Combat Pet! Just recently, you dared to climb on top of me with your dirty fellows and forced me to act as your flying MOUNT!!!" Clarent added with a rising pitch.

"Hah?" Draco muttered as he gazed at the two with incomprehension.

What the h.e.l.l? Did they actually think he cared? That couldn"t be the case, both of them should be aware that if Boundless had a dignity value his was not only negative but should be approaching infinity. So how come they dared to pull this sympathy/morality ploy with him so suddenly?

"Hmph, acting ignorant! You threaten us to work like slaves every day and then toss us down the void for your viewing p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e! Despicable!" Qiong Qi cried with anger.

"I hereby denounce you, Draco Morningstar! May your work tool never be the right size and may your welds always be ugly! The Heavens shall see fit that every booty you set your eyes upon will be flat!" Clarent added, dealing severe damage to Draco.

Draco"s face became awful as he glared at the two with killing intent. "Hmph, it seems like I have been too tolerant recently. A few hundred loops in the void should teach you some manners."

"There it is! He said it! He threatened us! EXECUTE THE PLAN!" Qiong Qi roared with glee.

Clarent instantly manifested the attire of a lawyer and jumped before Draco, pointing with menacing intent. "I REQUEST AN IMPARTIAL ARBITRATION!"



The silence was deafening.

Draco chuckled and shook his head. "To be honest, your idea was genius. With direct evidence like this, calling an Impartial Arbitration would likely have forced me to treat you two better, whether I liked it or not."

Draco then stretched his body lightly, smiling at the now pale duo with an evil smirk. "However, this Inner Universe belongs to me, in here the only G.o.d there is stand before you. Any big changes require my approval first and foremost. Not to mention that even if I wasn"t the G.o.d here, as an undeveloped universe, it certainly does not have any of such functions."

By this time, the duo was sweating and shaking so strongly that a small puddle formed beneath them.

"B-B-Brother… D-D-Draco… I-I-I…" Qiong Qi could barely spit out with his chattering teeth.

"N-No… P-Please… I-It was…" Clarent tried to speak, but was also too shaken to muster anything cohesive.

"Alright, save it. I shall now beat you to death in honor of your effort. Then send you for 1 million loops into the void or the next four months, whichever one lasts longer. Please enjoy the service." Draco stated evilly as he darted forward towards the duo.




After beating them up severely, Draco then tossed the two who were like slaughtered pigs into the void. They began howling and screaming so loudly that even the concubines blushed on their behalf. Once their first loop had ended a counter appeared that read 0,000,001.

Draco and Eva then walked into the Heavenly Palace where they spent one month of in-game time clearing out Eva"s Abyssal Eye Inheritance world. They decided to still clear the in-game one first because it might yield some benefits in clearing out the real one, as well as give them experience on what comes next.

By the time they were done, the entire realm looked entirely different from how it had in the past. With the ever-pervading darkness, it had looked like a bleak void with monsters that would even make the hardiest man go on his knees in fear.

Now though, it was truly what it should have been, an expansive world that looked like a heavenly paradise, lovely clouds, perfectly measured sunlight, warmth that made one feel like they were in their mother"s embrace…

Just like Draco"s h.e.l.l, Eva"s Heaven was divided into different layers which served different purposes.

The first layer was the Afterlife. Here, all souls that had led neutral lives would spend their eternity, in a world of neutrality and averageness that was neither grand nor dest.i.tute. It was the largest layer and was similar to a normal society, only those souls that came here were not allowed to have a body.

They existed in wisp-like forms able to move and retaining basic sentience, but almost indistinguishable from each other. If one decided to be neutral in life, then remain neutral in death, without form.

The second layer was the Spiritual Haven. This was where the spirits of the dead that were unable to pa.s.s on and lingered on in society would appear when they were finally exercised or able to let go of their burdens.

It was a lovely mist-like world where the spirits would take on an ethereal form. They would never be able to touch, smell or taste anything material, but they could interact with each other and enjoy spirit-related activities.

Unlike those in the Afterlife, at least they had humanoid forms but resembled ghosts in typical media.

The third layer was the Beast World. Here, the souls of animals would come and populate endlessly. It was the second-largest layer after the first, and was styled after an endless prairie full of life and greenery.

Carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores could live here in peace and harmony, enjoying the rest of their eternity indulging their instincts or playing together carelessly.

The fourth layer was the Samsara. Here, souls that had spent a certain amount of time in Heaven would be able to opt to be reborn into the world. To decide what kind of life they would have once reborn, they would be judged based on the actions of their previous life which would be converted into Karmic Merit.

The higher one"s Karmic Merit, the higher their starting point in the next life. Whether one would be born as a pauper in a gutter or a n.o.ble scion of some big corporation would be determined by that value.

The fifth layer was Paradise. This was where those who had lived good lives and had done good during their lifetimes would go. Here, they would retain their full bodies and the entire range of senses, but would have full control.

They could enjoy anything they wanted here, no matter what it was. However, actions taken in excess would result in a reduction of their Karmic Merit in case they wanted to reborn, as well as penalties applied to their range of benefits.

The sixth layer of Heaven was the World of Wors.h.i.+p. This was the place for those who had genuinely believed in Eva as a G.o.ddess and wors.h.i.+ped her from the bottom of their hearts. They would be treated as Eva"s precious followers and spent their eternity singing praises for her.

No different from a group of zealots that lived and breathed her purpose, and they contributed precious Faith Energy to her. In exchange, Eva would pa.s.sively grant them pure Spiritual Energy that would empower their souls greatly.

They had two paths to choose from. One was to wors.h.i.+p Eva fervently for an indeterminate amount of time and become an Angel under her, living for eternity as part of her forces, or be reborn into the world with high merit and a more powerful soul.

Those who chose the first option would start as officers among the angels, Dominions. Those who chose the second option would start life in great positions. Oftentimes, they would emerge as geniuses, psychics or special humans due to their empowered souls.

The seventh and final layer was the Summit. This was Eva"s personal realm and where she would preside over Heaven. It was also where all her Angels would live and train, forming a unique world like no other.

Currently, Eva possessed 9 types of Angels ranked in order of their power and importance. The First Sphere, the Second Sphere, and the Third Sphere housed three angelic types each.

The Third Sphere consisted of Angels, Archangels, and Princ.i.p.alities.

The Angels were the lowest order of such celestial beings, and the most recognized in various mythologies. They were the ones most concerned and involved with the affairs of mortal species.

Within this type of angelic cla.s.s, there were many different kinds and all of them had different functions. The Angels were usually sent out as messengers to humanity, carrying the heavenly orders or delivering news to various prophets on earth.

The most notable branch of these "Plain" Angels were the Personal Guardians, Angels appointed to every living thing to watch over them and doc.u.ment their life to make Eva"s a.s.sessments easier.

Archangels were the rank above normal angels, and were sort of "chief angels". The Archangels were the "guardian angels" of whole nations and countries of various worlds, and were concerned with the issues and events surrounding these states in question, including politics, military matters, commerce, and trade.

They also guided the lower angels and acted as their direct supervisor in all orderly matters.

The Princ.i.p.alities were the angels that guided and protected nations, or groups of peoples, and inst.i.tutions on an international scale. Unlike Archangels that supported specific countries, Princ.i.p.alities sort of took in all countries in a world regardless of the border.

The Princ.i.p.alities also had rule over the lower bands of angels and charged them with fulfilling the divine ministry.

The Princ.i.p.alities usually wore crowns and held scepters of light. Their duty could also be said to be to carry out the orders given to them by the Second and First Sphere of Angels and bestow simple blessings to the material world.

They were the educators and guardians of the realms and were found granting inspiration to living things in many areas such as art or science. They were sort of scholars among angels.

The Second Sphere housed Angels such as the Powers, the Virtues, and the Dominions.

The Powers were given this name because they were Angels who had power over evil forces, which they were able to restrain to keep them from doing harm. They were Warrior Angels that acted as the foot soldiers of Heaven against all the forces of evil, vanquis.h.i.+ng them in order to protect mortals and spread Heaven"s might.

One could say they were the physical cla.s.s of fighters among angels.

The Virtues were known for their control of the elements. They were glowing beings of power and elemental fury, as well as being the Spirits of Motion which a.s.sisted in governing nature and the natural order of the universe.

They were the minimum rank of angels needed to achieve miracles, but they could affect them on their own, and rather could only a.s.sist in pa.s.sing them down from a higher Angel or Eva herself.

One could say they were the magical cla.s.s of the angels, and they also a.s.sisted the Powers in their wars.

The Dominions were the highest order of the second sphere and where the true Officer/Advisor ent.i.ties among the angels began. This was where true authority lay, where Angels could begin making moves without explicitly needing Eva"s approval.

The Dominions regulated the duties of all lower angels. They were sort of the branch managers and they had no combat powers to speak of, only a sort of political power that was unsurmountable.

They also organized the wars, and expeditions for the Powers and Virtues, as well as arranged where Princ.i.p.alities and Archangels would affect their duties of protecting and educating.

Additionally, they acted as middlemen for higher angels of the First Sphere who wanted to send messages to the mortal world. It was almost impossible to see the form of Dominions out of heaven and among mortals.

Within the First Sphere of Angels were the Thrones, the Cherubim, and the Seraphim.

The Thrones were a cla.s.s of celestial beings above all but below two. They were the elders of the angelic species, the fellows who when disrespected, would point at the offender and shout things like "ARROGANT!", "IMPUDENT!" or "DISRESPECTFUL!" with thunderous expressions.

Cough, cough…

Anyway, Thrones were Angels who Eva directly sat over and discharged Her judgments through them. Without their permission, it was impossible for many things to be accomplished and they watched and managed over the entire seven layers of Heaven in Eva"s stead.

They were the ones who kept it running smoothly and usually handled things like calculating Karmic Merit, deciding which soul went where, etc.

Cherubim were the second most powerful Angels in heaven, yet from the beauty point of view of a human they were also the physically ugliest of them all.

Cherubim had four faces, one of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. They possessed four conjoined wings covered with eyes, a lion"s body, and the feet of oxen.

As one could imagine, they were the fellows who would randomly appear in your room at 3 am saying "be not afraid", but would only end up making you s.h.i.+t your pants in horror at the monstrosity before you.

Cherubim had one purpose, which was to guard Eva"s throne. They stayed at the Summit 24/7, always maintaining watch over the physical throne in which Eva sat to prevent any defilers from coming close.

The Seraphim were the highest order of angels and the most beautiful. One look at them would immediately overwhelm the mind of a mortal, wherein their head would explode.

Seraphim were majestic beings with six wings, human features as well as voices of law. They served as the caretakers of G.o.d"s throne and continuously sang praises to Eva of "Holy, holy, holy is the G.o.ddess of the Sun; The whole universe is full of her glory."

They had no combat power and only acted as the "eunuchs" of the palace, while Cherubim were the "palace guards" and the Thrones were the "royal court".