Guild Wars

Chapter 608 - Group Tournament 1

Chapter 608 - Group Tournament 1

Amber hovered above the arena with a light of excitement in her eyes. "Similar to the Individual Tournament, there will be a total of 4 groups, each with 50 countries. The top 8 in each of these groups will move on to the Round of 32, where the eliminations stages will begin!"

"To determine the top of each group, the various countries will send out 3 representatives to unleash their strongest skill or technique and have it graded! Techniques grant more points, so try and stick to those!" Amber finished as she clapped her hands, turning the arena into a testing area similar to the one in the Individual Tournament.

Amber then waved her hands, showing a screen for the group stages" listings.

「First Inter-Player International Compet.i.tion

Individual Tournament Group Stages.

Group A:

1. j.a.pan

2. Brazil

3. Portugal

4. India

5. Nigeria

6. Australia

7. Alaska

8. Czechoslovakia

Group B:

1. Central Country

2. Ghana

3. France

4. Argentina

5. United Arab Emirates

6. Korea

7. Canada

8. Scotland

Group C:

1. South Africa

2. Mexico

3. Colombia

4. Germany

5. Ukraine

6. China

7. Isreal

8. Hawaii

Group D:

1. Russia

2. England

3. Uruguay

4. Spain

5. Philippines

6. Egypt

7. Ireland

8. Italy」

The listings looked quite interesting. Soon, the various countries chose their representatives, with many h.o.a.rding some of the best three. The notable ones were;

Mexico - Essence Stalker, Tunder Power, and Uno.

Central Country - Slim Fatty, Deployed Soldier, and Warm Spring.

Canada - Rambunctious b.u.t.tlover, Gentle Flower, and Cold Summer.

England - Silent Walker, Sublime Notion, and n.o.ble Soul.

France - Cobra, Bella, and Young Duel.

j.a.pan - Hera, Keira, and Panty King.

The other countries had one or two notable core members, but the others were usually Advanced Members or less of Umbra, not notable enough to have much fame outside the game.

One shouldn"t forget, apart from the Technical section which had unknown members, every country had fought over the members from Umbra for the Combat and Tradeskill, hence why the player base had half-jokingly dubbed it the "Umbra Internal Compet.i.tion".

Once done, these fellows took turns to do what Amber requested, and their points were tabulated and displayed to show the world those who would be proceeding to the Round of 32.

「First Inter-Player International Compet.i.tion

Individual Tournament Group Stages.

Group A:

1. India - 20,500 points.

2. j.a.pan - 17,350 points

3. Brazil - 10,590 points.

4. Portugal - 7,210 points

5. Nigeria - 6,940 points

6. Australia - 6,780 points

7. Switzerland - 6,660 points

8. Singapore - 6,450 points

Group B:

1. Central Country - 18,990 points

2. France - 17,820 points

3. Canada - 17,650 points

4. Ghana - 14,340 points

5. Korea - 11,120 points

6. Turkey - 8,230 points

7. Argentina - 6,540 points

8. Scotland - 6,530 points

Group C:

1. Mexico - 25,000 points

2. China - 12,250 points.

3. Colombia - 9,740 points.

4. Germany - 9,400 points.

5. Ukraine - 8,690 points.

6. South Africa - 8,320 points.

7. Morocco - 8,110 points.

8. Vietnam - 7,930 points.

Group D:

1. England - 19,350 points

2. Italy - 13,460 points

3. Russia - 9,890 points

4. Spain - 7,540 points

5. Egypt - 7,200 points

6. Philippines - 6,660 points

7. Croatia - 6,120 points

8. Poland - 5,980 points」

Once the top 32 were revealed, it was time for them to be shuffled into matches for the elimination battles.

1st Match: Vietnam vs China

2nd Match: Colombia vs India

3rd Match: Central Country vs Australia

4th Match: Nigeria vs Poland

5th Match: Argentina vs j.a.pan

6th Match: Egypt vs Ghana

7th Match: Croatia vs Russia

8th Match: Philippines vs Mexico

9th Match: Switzerland vs Canada

10th Match: Spain vs Korea

11th Match: France vs Turkey

12th Match: Germany vs Morocco

13th Match: Italy vs Portugal

14th Match: Singapore vs Brazil

15th Match: Scotland vs South Africa

16th Match: England vs Ukraine

Seeing the lineup, the various countries" citizens continued to cheer, feeling the hype. Unfortunately, the "day" was over, so Amber ushered them out of the stadium.

After another 12 hours, they trudged back in, with the stadium capacity boosted by 20%! Since there were already hundreds of millions in attendance, such an amount was not small!

The betting houses especially were busy at this time as they took in fresh bets for the group tournament. It was different from the individual one where individual power was supreme.

In the Group Tournament, they were bound to be skills, tricks, and synergies that would make those who toppled the Individual Tournament unable to use those same tricks.

It had basically gone from a battle of power to a battle of strategy and means. Not to mention, with the increased attendance, the AI had to fortify the stadium a bit more to prevent a repeat of what happened during the Kiran VS Essence Stalker match.

Today, Amber was wearing a lovely sundress that was a mixture of white and gold. It was loose enough to remain picturesque on her, but unless she wore ballooned clothes, it was impossible to hide those shapely b.r.e.a.s.t.s and that protruding rump.

However, the number of fellows still h.o.r.n.y for Amber was at an all-time low, even with the injection of new blood. It didn"t help that it was dropping by the day as they witnessed her cruel and manipulative nature. Most had their hard-ons shrink as they didn"t fancy the idea of dealing with this troublesome woman.

Of course, for some others with special preferences, their tents had only become firmer in light of this.

"Today is the 5th day of the First Inter-player International Compet.i.tion, and we have the Group Tournament"s Knockout stages for you today, along with the Quality Battle and the Picking Game afterward."

"Without further ado, let"s get the contestants back on the field and the events underway!" Amber exclaimed as she clapped her hands, bringing the 32 countries onto the arena in their groups of 5 fighters.

The moment they appeared, they began eyeing each other warily, their battle intent high. This Group Tournament would go a long way in deciding the final placement of the various countries, so there was no need to hold back.

Amber then created the battle stage wide enough to fit two groups of fighters easily, then snapped her fingers.

"Let the Group Tournament Knockout Stages… begin!"

1st Match: Vietnam vs China!

The five fighters for Vietnam appeared on the left side of the stage while those for China, led by Ao Potian, appeared on the right.

When Amber called for the match to begin, both sides immediately clashed fiercely.

As everyone was a part of Umbra (mostly), their skills were not whack even if they were unnamed. Even the weakest member had a Rare cla.s.s with many having Semi-Epic

Vietnam fought valiantly, but were still unable to defeat China thanks to the nonsensical power of Ao Potian"s bloodline, which allowed him to regenerate from anything they dealt.

Coupled with his fierce strength, they were eventually beaten to death. However, they made sure to take 3 of China"s members down with them, leaving Ao Potian and one other alive.

First match winner: China!

2nd Match: Colombia vs India!

Colombia"s fighters jumped up on the left while India came up on the right. India had Kiran and Slight Breeze, the two leading their team to easily decimate the opposing country"s fighters.

Colombia put up a stern defense, fully aware that their chances of winning against the leader of the Five Generals were next to nonexistent.

Kiran did not enter his Super Warrior form for this fight, only activating Internal Force and n.o.ble Energy, in other words, his Base Warrior Form.

Even then, it only took 2-3 hits per player to end their lives, Slight Breeze and co didn"t even get the chance to contribute much in the end.

Second match winner: India!

3rd Match: Central Country vs Australia!

The team from the Central Country calmly climbed up on the left while the Aussies came up on the right with chipper expressions. They didn"t look bothered or pressured that they were fighting the second/third strongest team in the compet.i.tion, rather seeming invigorated.

"G"day mates, let"s av a good as gold sc.r.a.p!" Their Team Captains greeted them.

Deployed Soldier and co were surprised, but smiled. Despite having a good impression of the Aussie, they were still cut to death by Deployed and Slim Fatty with ease, who were unable to take down even a single Central Country member thanks to Warm Spring"s healing.

Third match winner: Central Country!

4th Match: Nigeria vs Poland!

The Naija lads entered the stage from the left while the Polish climbed up from the right. Both sides exchanged some casual greetings before getting down and dirty.

This match lasted a full 3 minutes, as both sides fought violently.

As such, by the time the clock ran out, Poland won by having 3 surviving over Nigeria"s 2.

It was an enjoyable match for onlookers to be honest, as neither side had any clearly overpowered players, making it more even and full of surprises.

Fourth match winner: Poland!

5th Match: Argentina vs j.a.pan!

The Argentinians charged up the stage bravely, even though they were going up against a crowd favorite: j.a.pan. j.a.pan had Hera, Keira, Panty King, and Loli King.

They were already dead.

Fifth match winner: j.a.pan!

6th Match: Egypt vs Ghana!

The Egyptians calmly climbed up the left side of the stage while the Ghanaians came up from the right. Led by Boyd, another member of the Five Generals, and Shani with her Legendary Cla.s.s, the battle was quite predictable.

Unlike the usual fare of Egypt thras.h.i.+ng Ghana in most compet.i.tions, here in Boundless, they were too weak!

Ghana was able to claim the well-deserved win and right the injustices suffered for decades!

Sixth match winner: Ghana!

7th Match: Croatia vs Russia!

Croatia met Russia on the stage, both sides clas.h.i.+ng furiously. At first, it seemed like Croatia were actually going to beat Russia and eliminate them in the Round of 32!!!

However, the Russians seemed to have reached a new point of power as they gathered together and roared: "Cyka Blyat! Babushka, vodka, medved"!"

The Russians seemed to have gained a second wind after invoking these lines, eventually beating out the Croatians by having 4 men to 2 by the time the 3-minute duration ended.

Seventh match winner: Russia!

8th Match: Philippines vs Mexico!

The Filipinos…

Ah c.r.a.p, who am I kidding? Even if they came up valiantly, the end result is clear, so let"s just skip to the end.

Eight match winner: Mexico!

9th Match: Switzerland vs Canada!

The Swiss came up on the left while the Canadian came up on the right. The latter team had Rambunctious b.u.t.tlover, Gentle Flower, Cold Summer, and Joker.

Surprisingly, or perhaps as one should expect, Ramb.u.t.t jumped on stage, tied and gagged by his own team.

Still, even with such a "handicap" the Swiss were ruined by Canada"s power and cleared from the stage without losing a single man or woman.

Ninth match winner: Canada!

10th Match: Spain vs Korea!

The Spaniards approached the stage confidently, led by Maple Forest who wore a dangerous frown. Korea came up, led by Kicked Bucket who was still aggrieved by his loss in the Individual Tournament and was desperate to use this chance for redemption.

Both sides had one Expert member of Umbra leading them with relatively the same power, so the ensuing clash was hot and interesting. Maple Forest and Kicked Bucket clashed and clashed over again.

One was an Oracle, a healing cla.s.s with some light offensive abilities while the other was a Battle Bearer who had equal parts offensive and defense, but no support.

Their battle was legendary!

Eventually, Kicked Bucket managed to the win as he thrust his blade into Maple Forest"s stomach. As the s.e.xy Latina bled out from her mouth, she leaned into Kicked Buckets ear and whispered:

"Not bad, Hermoso. Instead of a sword, how about you pierce me with something else after this, eh?"

Kicked Bucket trembled as he felt her sultry voice in his ea, even as she turned to pixels. He realized that while Korea may have won this match, he Kicked Bucket, had won something far greater!

Tenth match winner: Korea!

11th Match: France vs Turkey!

Cobra, Bella, and Young Duel climbed up the stage on the felt with their two other team members while the five from Turkey came up on the right. Both sides stared each other down, but for once the one willing to wave the white flag wasn"t France.

As soon as the match began, Bella summoned her shadow clones, who then spread out to attack the other members while she was backed up by Young Duel. The two of them alone were enough to clear the entirety of the Turkey team with ease.

Eleventh match winner: France!

12th Match: Germany vs Morocco!

The Germans fought against the Moroccans with everything they had. Both sides slinging spells, bombs, insults, and boxers at each other, trying everything to take the other party down.

Eventually, Morocco came out superior by the time the match time ended, with 2 fighters left to 1.

Twelfth match winner: Morocco!

13th Match: Italy vs Portugal!

Loving Aunt led the four youngsters of the Lucifer Lineage who were representing Italy onstage. The lads and were energetic, looking around with nefarious expressions like they couldn"t wait to cause trouble.

The Portuguese fighters came up onstage with trepidations, scared of Loving Aunt who had decimated everyone until the finals of the Individual Tournament. Her abilities were exaggerated for PvP, but even more so in a group format like this.

However, they were shocked to find that once the match began, Loving Aunt did not make a move. Rather it was the four youngsters under her who struck forth, using a variety of abilities ranging from transforming into a red-skinned brute, to summoning giant serpents and finally, telekinesis.

These weird abilities completely overcame the Portuguese team, slaughtering them down to a man within less than 30 seconds. The final fighter was soon casually cleared, sealing the win for the group.

Thirteenth match winner: Italy!

14th Match: Singapore vs Brazil!

The Singaporeans were a mixed bunch due to their largely cosmopolitan nature, but their team was solid. However, they had the misfortune of meeting the Brazilian team led by that nefarious crook, Dreary Traveler.

In the previous timeline, and at the start of this one, the fellow had been a quiet one who had only wanted to practice his necromancy in peace. However, after spending too much time in a certain guild, and especially after acquiring his Legendary Cla.s.s, he had revealed himself as a s.a.d.i.s.tic and evil fellow who enjoyed suffering to the point that some theorized some kind of family bond between him and Sublime Notion.

The Singaporeans tried to put up a fight, but it was futile. Dreary Traveler only had to open a portal to his Netherrealm and drown the opposition in undead warriors for the match to be won.

Seeing only bones left on the stage, the hearts of many trembled.

Fourteenth match winner: Brazil!

15th Match: Scotland vs South Africa!

Wee c.u.n.t energetically led the Scots into the stage. Despite what one would expect, the group seemed to be wearing a uniform!

…that is if one counted a set of green kilts as a uniform. Still, the Scots in the crowd roared with pride at seeing their national wear on valiant burly men.

The South Africans were greatly moved. They had to cover their eyes as the Scotsmen posed majestically, roaring in their hearts: "THEY"RE TOO FABULOUS!"

The ensuing battle was extremely tough. The Scotsmen fought like they were maddened bulls, while the South Africans fought like it was 1994 and they were still under apartheid.

Eventually, Wee c.u.n.t had to display his despicable side as he used his skill. This changed the scales of the battle immediately, leading Scotland to claim the win.

Fifteenth match winner: Scotland!

16th Match: England vs Ukraine!

Silent Walker held the hand of his babe, Lucia, as they climbed up the stage. Sublime skipped up the stage with her huge mounds bouncing crazily and tantalizing, followed by the valiant n.o.ble Soul who looked ready to fight against G.o.d and Happy Scholar who was calm.

Ukraine shockingly fielded mostly women to fight for them. The shocking part wasn"t their gender, but their beauty and their!

All of them were using ice-based and their facial beauty was above most of the female core members, but below the Four Beauties.

Silent Walker did not show any change of expression since Lucia was enough for him. Happy Scholar"s eyes glowed a little, while n.o.ble Soul scoffed. Sublime snickered and watched Kiran, only to see that the fellow had ignored the eye candy, staring only at her.

When they met eyes, Kiran blushed and looked away while folding his arms. This made Sublime excited deep down, but she outwardly smirked.

The battle soon began, but just because they were dealing with icy beauties didn"t mean that England would go soft, Silent Walker and n.o.ble Soul were especially ruthless.

Funny enough, Lucia and Sublime Notion were the gentle ones in their attacks, as well as Happy Scholar who had been hijacked by his little brother and decided to simp.

In the end, it had been impossible to beat the current number 1 team just with beauties. England won with disgusting ease.

Sixteenth match winner: England!

Now that the Round of 32 was done, the crowd was looking forward to the Round of 16 which should have hotter and more blood-boiling matches for them to enjoy.

Amber clapped her hands, bringing the crowd"s attention onto herself. "And now, we move onto the Round of 16! Here is the list of matches for those who progressed in the previous rounds!"

1st Match: China vs India

2nd Match: Central Country vs Poland

3rd Match: j.a.pan vs Ghana

4th Match: Russia vs Mexico

5th Match: Canada vs Korea

6th Match: France vs Morocco

7th Match: Italy vs Brazil

8th Match: Scotland vs England

With the matches announced, the tournament continued. The teams for the next match calmly climbed up the stage, their eyes filled with battle intent as they were not cowed by things like reputation or power.

Everyone was here to win! Losing was unacceptable!