Guild Wars

Chapter 641 - The Raid 7

Chapter 641 - The Raid 7

Draco pointed to his head. "Get a feel for it. Wherever my mind touches, everything within becomes my property."

Aside from Kiran, Essence Stalker, Tunder Power, and Cobra who had already unlocked it, the other core members felt that it was a difficult concept to grasp.

The continuous intense battles they had with the Avatar had given them more progress towards unlocking Control than any fight they had been in since the time they had joined the game.

They felt like they were in some sort of strange domain, like they were idly floating at sea, or lying on the back and waves were pa.s.sing over them.

The first thing that pa.s.sed through their minds was: "So the Void of Perfection is emitted in a wave light form, not in a single continuous stream that"s frozen in place?"

Upon making that realization, 70% of the various members" eyes shone as the area around them trembled, strange energy radiating from their skulls that was creeping outward slowly.

Just through that one realization, so many members of Umbra had unlocked the Void of Perfection! This was an unprecedented achievement in both timelines!

These were the elites of Umbra, around a thousand or so men and women who were made up of 2% which were Core members, 25% Expert members, 70% Advanced members, and 3% were non-Umbra members.

Right now, all the core, expert, and most advanced members had grasped the Void of Perfection. The others were on the cusp, just needing a small push to do so.

Draco grinned. "Within this range, it doesn"t matter whether you"re a bug, an element, a young master, or a walking DBZ reference, you are my b.i.t.c.h. I control you, your life, your death, and especially your perception."

Draco casually drew a horizontal line in the air with his finger. Immediately, the heads of all those who had comprehended the Void of Perfection rolled off their necks, leaving behind only those who were close.

Draco then condensed his Void of Perfection around them, bathing them in their essence and letting them feel the intensity without harming them. It was similar to a hot and steamy s.e.x session, where you were infinitely close but could not seem to reach the limit.

The moment you changed position and the intensity increased, you"d find yourself exploding like a firecracker at 12 am. The same thing happened to these remaining members of Umbra.

Their Void of Perfection exploded out one by one as their eyes glazed over in understanding.

Control was different. It was just like the Horned Demon"s True Body, or the Psychic ability of the Dark Angel Inheritance. It was a bloodline technique, not something that was created from nothing.

As such, one only needed to fulfill certain criteria to unlock it, and once they did, the information hidden within their bloodline would be released, merging with a person"s nerves and subconscious which allowed them to control it.

It was just like activating new hardware, by downloading and installing the drivers for it. The new bloodline ability was the hardware piece and the information fed to your subconscious the drivers.

You – the user – wouldn"t really know how it works. All you would know, or care about, is that it does work, and that you only needed to perform a simple set of actions to get the hardware to work, whereas the complex calculations and whatnot would be handled by the driver which was communicating with the hardware.

Basically, once you unlocked the Void of Perfection or Body of G.o.dliness you would instinctively know how to use it. Otherwise, how could the real Draco and Eva be peering into the atomic and quantum realm the moment they broke through, or s.h.i.+ft about their body ma.s.s?

Seeing as how he got everyone to unlock the Void of Perfection, Draco was satisfied. He then cast a glance at the non-members of Umbra among the lot.

He first gazed at the younglings of the Lucifer Lineage, who were trembling when looking him. Ever since the Raid had begun, they had run to hide with Loving Aunt as they couldn"t move a muscle under his bloodline suppression.

It was hard not to just fall to their knees and scream out in praise of his awe and majesty, but Loving Aunt had warned them beforehand not to act strangely if they were to meet him.

Draco had forced them to come back out for this stage as he wanted to train them too, but separately.

"Hmph, Aunt Fyre claims you"re the elites of this generation, but I don"t see anything much in you. None of you are worth even half of Essence Stalker, much less Kiran. Tras.h.!.+" Draco remarked with derision.

The five paled when they heard his words as they had a far more potent effect than even if their parents had been the ones to chide them. He was their prodigy, the best of their clan since the Lineage had first been established!

"However, that is why I"m here. I will give these fellows of my guild some downtime in the death zone to come to terms with their newly unlocked abilities. As for you lot, I will not beat you into shape." Draco stated coldly, before making a grab.

Immediately, the five were pulled closer to him without even being able to resist. He then grabbed the one with the Horned Demon Inheritance, Lucian, and punched him square in the gut.

Unfortunately for the lad, his usual immense strength and resilience didn"t help him as he bent over, releasing a thick volume of gastric juice and all the air in his lungs.

He fell to his knees with bloodshot eyes, his entire body trembling with pain as he used both hands to clutch his gut. Draco loomed over him coldly and tasked.

"I"m in my human form, using nothing from my Bloodline Energy. I only used Control to augment my strength, yet I beat you, a bloodline user."

Draco crouched to Lucian"s level with a skeptical expression. "Are you sure, you"re a prodigy? I don"t think so. Take that pain and remember it, you"ll get more of it when Aunt Fyre brings you over to Umbra."

He then casually stomped on Lucian"s head, bursting it like a watermelon that was. .h.i.t with a stick at full force. As his brain matter and blood splattered on the four remaining girls. They trembled terribly as they could not even muster the will to scream.

Draco looked around the stadium. "Hm, maybe talking about all this before such a crowd isn"t wise, but I have a way to deal with it anyway. Still, better to be safe by handling your actual training when you join my guild."

His eyes then settled on them. Draco smiled gently as he stretched out a hand and clenched his fist. Immediately, the heads of the four girls also exploded as their bodies crumpled to the ground while spurting volumes of blood.

Draco then focused on a certain person who had tried to fight him initially but was now glaring at him with hatred as he sweated buckets.

Ao Potian.

"Well, well, if it isn"t a Shangtian knockoff. Come here to investigate where your clan member has gone?" Draco taunted with a wide grin.

Potian raised his fists into a fighting position as he spoke as toughly as he could. "b.a.s.t.a.r.d, where is my cousin?! What have you Lucifer trash done with him?"

Draco began walking over to Potian normally as he shrugged. "Oh, I dunno. How about you beat it out of me? Isn"t that what young masters like you love to do, hmmm?"

Draco suddenly disappeared and reappeared right in front of Potian casually patting his left shoulder. "…however, I"m quite certain that he won"t agree to leave with you, even if you begged him."

Draco patted the shoulder a few more times as if comforting Potian before turning to walk away calmly.

Potian"s eyes became slightly red as he roared. "What the h.e.l.l does that even mean? What have you done to him?"

"Well, think of it like this. Would a comatose or emergency treatment patient want you to unplug them from their life support?" Draco answered lazily as he continued walking away.

Potian"s heart thumped as horror filled his mind. He understood that they must have tortured his cousin to the point where his regeneration alone had become unable to save him. It could recover the flesh of his brain, but the mind would depend on other things.

They had likely turned his cousin into a vegetative idiot!

How dare they?!

This was something only he and his cousin, as well as others from his Lineage, were allowed to do!!! They had broken many women especially in their hometown of Beijing, known as the top young masters of the state.

Which Jade Beauty over there hadn"t been turned into their c.o.c.k slaves, willing or not? Those from the top families could only look on in pain, unable to do anything as their "martial arts" masters would die in one hit from the weakest Lineage member.

Even the current Martial Alliance"s Supreme Leader was from one of their branch clans, and yet Ao Shangtian had played his daughter to death, but there was nothing he could do.

This duo had thoroughly terrorized China and created a bad example for others to follow, as most of the other rich young lads had copied them, thinking that this was the way to go.

Now that Ao Potian was hearing that something similar had been done to one of them, he was indignant and enraged. Men of their caliber should never be subjected to what they do to others!

It was like treating a c.o.c.kroach like it was a human! Those sub-humans were like monkeys to them, the Lineage members with proper human blood! How dare they be seen on the same level?

"YOU DESERVE TO DIE!!" Potian roared with madness as he rushed forward to strike Draco.

He eventually hit the fellow in the back of his head, channeling all his power to blast it open and get some semblance of revenge before he reported this to his family!

Then, they would descend on this fellow and everyone he loved, ruining them in the most horrific ways possible and broadcasting it for the world to see!

As Potian"s madness-infused mind kept dreaming up terrible scenarios, he began to notice that something was wrong. Draco was not even fazed by his punch, and his body felt incredibly weak at the moment.


That was all Potian could say before his body exploded like a bomb had detonated within him. Draco continued walking, not paying him any mind as the fellow was already dead from the moment he had patted his shoulder.

Everything afterward had just been the "cause" taking place. The "effect" had already occurred, so the "cause" needed to play out fully for the "action" to be completed.

Soon, the entire group resp.a.w.ned, the core members who has grasped the Void of Perfection looking slightly settled. Draco then covered them in his own Void of Perfection and edited the flow of light to make it seem like he was slaughtering them.

Rather, he made them all sit cross-legged, even his 5 clan juniors, and began teaching them the intricacies of the Void of Perfection, how to use it, and how to reach Tier 2 Control and above.

When he explained about pure human DNA, most were shocked, but not that much. Almost every member of Umbra who had interacted with Draco in real life or had been moved to live in their castle in the Central Country knew about Supernatural, the Lineages, and more.

That was how fellows like Fitter were able to drag Essence into the game as he knew his buddy emulated some of the abilities a Lineage member should.

Draco spent 3 hours lecturing the fellows in his Void of Perfection that alerted outside perception. So to onlookers, Draco was continually stomping heads, bas.h.i.+ng skulls, and whatnot.

Meanwhile, the actual fellows were listening with rapt attention as their horizons were broadened.

"… and it is imperative that you reach Tier 2 Control by the end of this round, or it will be literally impossible to kill me in the subsequent rounds. With a Demon, Devil, or Dragon, it will be FAR too powerful to die even if we spent 6,000 days here." Draco informed honestly.

He then slapped his thighs and rose to his feet. "With Tier 2 Control, you can put up a good fight with 1000-ish of you and clear my transformed forms in a few tens of rounds. Despite my OP bloodline, nearly a thousand Control Masters is NOT a joke. I can a.s.sure you that I will fight seriously, but the difficulty of this Raid will turn from "impossible" to "hard" if you all achieve Tier 2 Control."

Draco wasn"t exaggerating. Literally, the him who had become the number 1 player and could slaughter thousands of players had been a Tier 2 Control master back then. s.h.i.+t, he had even beat Eva who had Tier 2 Control AND a bloodline.

Control may seem like it paled next to the OP bloodline, but it did not. It was literally the ability that had allowed the Original Human race to dominate every other species.

f.u.c.k, the very species they had dominated were split onto the various bloodlines that Draco and co had! The only thing that made them special was that they had combined so many powerful bloodlines into one, allowing them to access power beyond what made sense.

Draco then gestured to them to stand up. "You are now in the False Tier 1 realm. To reach True Tier 1, much less Tier 2, you will have to unlock the Body of G.o.dliness."

Draco sighed. "This one is in some ways easier. You"re gonna have to suffer through A LOT of pain in the next few hours but I am going to enjoy dis.h.i.+ng it out, that I won"t lie. The entire time, I will cast debuffs on you that will increase your sensations. Feel the pain or pleasure, and revel in it, use it to feel your body and take control of it."

Draco spread his arms out. "There"s a reason why it"s called "Control". Through the Void of Perfection, you take control of your mind and your surroundings. Through the Body of G.o.dliness, you take control of your body and your power."

"Through intense stress on the mind by trying to fight me, a foe so far above your level, you will able to push your mental abilities to the brink and expand them from your body to create a domain around you using brainwaves. This also had some help from me."

"Now, through intense stress on the body, you are going to seize back full control of your body from your subconscious, and all your conscious mind to manipulate your body down to the finest details. To do that, we need to pressure your subconscious with so much stimuli that you can wrest control from it."

"Any questions?" Draco asked kindly.

All of them shared a look and sighed internally. Looks like in order to become stronger, they were going to get their a.s.s beat really hard this time.

As such, they were not in the mood to waste time, wanting to get it over a done with. After all, even if it would be painful, it couldn"t be worse than anything felt so far… right?

Soon, they would regret this, wis.h.i.+ng they had asked every foolish question under the sun to prevent the pain that could come next.

Draco was like a tireless machine of horror, using his abilities to appear before any of them, striking them in places where it would hurt them most, never enough to make them blackout, and never hitting the same spot twice.

He was like an afterimage, everyone at once. Within his Void of Perfection at Tier 4 (The avatar had not been able to interface with the main body ever since the real Draco had set out on his Unique Quest, so his powers had not updated) he was as he said, their G.o.d.

They, regardless of whatever Bill of Rights and Four Score and 15 years, were his b.i.t.c.hes, their freedom stripped away like those lovely concentration camps in the "Dragon" country.

Look, only one of two things was gonna occur here. Either they unlocked the Body of G.o.dliness or they continued suffering until they did. Since most of them were in the Central Country anyway, they had pods in the Purgatory game lobby.

Otherwise, they would have long been logged out after the kind of intense stress they had undergone. Even Draco had not undergone that much stress when he had the Virtua Helmet.

They were literally condensing what should have happened over years into 1 day. This was protagonist levels of breaking the balance, and usually, only protagonists could afford to pay the price.

However, Draco was so OP that even the fart he sent towards his subordinates made them protagonists too, with a hefty amount of plot armor. Look, if you were to wear the Origin item "Veteran ReadNovelFull Reader"s", you would be able to see that the members of Umbra wore hefty layers of plot armor.

According to the Anonymous Devil x Mao MiaoMiao scale, the core members had level 20 plot armor, the expert members level 15, the advanced members level 10 and the basic members level 5.

(Author"s Note: if you enjoy Guild Wars, go and read Villain Cultivator. Extremely good s.h.i.+t, it has my 5 stars recommendation.)

Just to be clear, level 5 plot armor was what the famous protagonist of DBZ had, and they could literally revive people from death with a wis.h.!.+

As for if you were foolish enough to place those on one of the Morningstar clan members, your would read level 2,000 plot armor.

If you put these on one of the three NPCs Beauties, your would begin to crack and read level 5,000 plot armor.

If your brain shut down, and every inch of your cells was set to "idiot" mode, and you happened to train those precious, expensive, and supremely rare on Draco or Eva…

You would calmly pull them off and crush them in your first, gritting your teeth as you roared.