Guild Wars

Chapter 693 - The Merlin Lineage

Chapter 693 - The Merlin Lineage

Misery raised a hand. "Stop, stop! I can"t deal with this situation sober! I need a drink…" 

Justin Davis, who had been standing by the side all this while, removed a bottle of high quality rum from his personal stash, which was immediately swiped away by Miz faster than lightning. 

The fellow popped the cork and downed the entire bottle in one go, making everyone near and far gaze at him in horror. Seeing this, Kiran finally understood why Sublime had called him Unlce "Drunk b.a.s.t.a.r.d". 

When done, Miz casually tossed the bottle aside and sighed with pleasure, before releasing a loud burp as his cheeks flushed slightly. 

"Meh, one bottle is only enough to get me tipsy, but I can work with this." Miz complained as he looked over to Justin who shook his head, indicating he wouldn"t give him another. As such, he turned to the two blondies, who remained silent. 

"Sigh, just what is it with Walter and his descendants? He was born in the generation that was supposed to inbreed, yet he found himself a wife from another Lineage. On the other hand, his own children chose to inbreed, when they were supposed to cross breed." 

"I understand how he might have been unaware, but what about you, Little Princess? Don"t tell me your Daddy issues are so severe that you chose to ignore the semblance to Walter? Is this supposed to be some great irony, or do all of you just get off on defying the Lineage"s rules?" Misery asked coldly. 

Kiran gritted his teeth and spoke up. "Technically, we are not wrong. I am of the Buddha Lineage and she is of the Merlin Lineage, so there"s no harm done!" 

Kiran suddenly fell to his knees and coughed blood, as Misery had struck him on his head with a light knock. Kiran was shocked at his power, because he had the Buddha Lineage"s n.o.ble Energy Inheritance. 

It was strange for this fellow to make him suffer so much with just a light knock. Just how strong was this Misery guy? 

Miz himself seemed miffed at this sort of reaction, then scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, I just wanted to thwack you lightly, but it"s been so long I forgot my own strength. Whatever, the point is, you brats should not try to play smart with me." 

"The same blood runs through both of your veins no matter how you try to spin it, and there are genetics similarities between you due to sharing the same parent. That makes it inbreeding in my book." 

Sublime gritted her teeth and raised her head. "Uncle, don"t be a hypocrite! Why are you suddenly talking like you are an enforcer of our Lineage? I know you always hated those methods and rules, so why are you using them to suppress us?!" 

Misery gazed at Sublime quietly for a while before sighing. "I need more rum…" 

He folded his arms and smiled at Sublime. "You"re right, Little Princess, I hate our Lineage and its methodology. When I was around 15 to 16 years old, a great upheaval occurred. The top three Lineages had each sp.a.w.ned a prodigy so great it was as if the Ancestors had come back." 

"The problem here is that two of those Lineages are tightly tied together, while the other is our de facto dictator. Feeling threatened by the number disparity, they gathered all of those old fogies who had say in the Lineages and somehow convinced them that the rise of two innocent babies would lead to all our deaths." 

"Around half agreed, whereas the other half disagreed. I never understood those who agreed. Our Ancestors were gone, so why the h.e.l.l did we have to continue fighting their war? If those two would really be as strong as the Ancestors, shouldn"t we use this chance to make up with the two Lineages and prosper?" 

"Naturally, I was thoroughly on the side that disagreed, but back then I was a kid then, so my opinion wasn"t taken seriously. More importantly, the alliance leader"s Lineage was in a serious panic." 

Misery"s face darkened. "They were terrified of the consequence of those two brats growing up, to an insane extent. It was as if they were frothing at the mouth with madness, but within their heads. That is the only was I can justify their actions after that." 

"They sent hit squads to kill all those of the various Lineages who had dared to disagree. Although they denied that those were their men, at most saying those were some radicals, everyone knew what was happening. My own youth was the only reason I was spared. They fortunately believed us kids to be brainwashed enough to listen to those fogies." 

"What"s more those with a significant say were easily dealt with, because no one had ever expected them to go that far. We were rounded up and forced to put pressure on the two Lineages to hand over at least one of the kids to "restore balance"." 

Misery paused here. "Anyway, what happened next is not important, but the fact that only the fellows who were willing to bootlick that alliance leader"s Lineage were left alive was the first strike in my heart against our Lineage." 

"The second occurred during the fiasco surrounding your own father." 

Miz then gestured to Kiran. "Brat, I was there when that crucial battle occurred. I went against my own people to help Walter in the fight, yet I was unable to protect your mother. She was killed by the Little Princess" grandfather. After all, he was furious that what should have been his daughter"s was taken by her. He was the one who dealt the killing blow." 

Kiran s.h.i.+vered while Sublime"s heart sunk deeply. 

Misery watched their reactions and smiled. 

"I seem a bit cruel, don"t I? Revealing all this right away when you were happy and ignorant before? In most dramas, I would have decided to either tell only one of you or keep it a secret, but hehe… I f.u.c.king hate dramas." 

"Reality is not so cute and cliche. It"s better to lay the raw facts down early so you two can decide your future before you reach a point of no return, where no decision you can make remains a good one." Misery concluded with a shrug. 

He then reached his hand out to point at the open cabins in the room waiting for them to lie in and enter the game. 

"Anyway, don"t do it now. Not in front of me, at least. You should enter the game and have a face to face talk about it, to decide what you"re gonna do. You can decide anything, but I will tell you now that you will make things worse if you continue your s.e.xual relations. That must absolutely be cut off henceforth." Misery stated neutrally. 

"… do we not have a choice?" Sublime asked bitterly. 

Misery chuckled slightly. "Of course you do, it"s all in your hands. Feel free to ignore everything I said and continue your relations.h.i.+p pretending nothing happened, but the consequences will be yours to bear, Little Princess." 

Misery rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, this is why I hate not being drunk. I was planning to be softer about it, but being just tipsy made me go so hard. Meh, whatever." 

Misery gazed at Kiran. "What did she call you again? Protagonist Haircut? Ha. Well, you are my nephew and henceforth, you can always rely on me to pull you out of any troubles you are in." 

Kiran was surprised by Misery"s frank promise, but bowed with grat.i.tude. From that thwack alone, he knew that Misery could beat him, even if he activated his n.o.ble Energy. 

Misery rubbed his nose. "Right, you must know nothing about your Merlin Lineage abilities, so let me explain." 

"The Merlin Lineage is a part of the Advisor"s cla.s.s of Lineages because our Ancestor was able to place two complete Inheritances within our bloodline, which we would inherit depending on our circ.u.mstances." 

"For the Merlin Lineage, our two Inheritances are the Magus Inheritance and the Knight Inheritance. The former allows you to use Bloodline Energy to cast various spells and manipulate the elements of the world,  while the latter allows you to use Bloodline Energy to strengthen your body step by step until you become like a superhuman." 

(Author"s Note: Without going into too much detail, you can take it that the Magus Inheritance and Knight Inheritance function similar to the same power system in WMW and all other wizard cultivation novels.) 

"There are ranks in each inheritance depending on your progression and talent. For the Magus Inheritance, you start from Apprentice Mage, to 1st Order Mage, 2nd Order Mage and so on till 9th Order. For the Knight Inheritance, you start from Apprentice Knight, to 1st Order Knight, 2nd Order Knight, and so on." 

Misery pointed to Mary. "This brat here is of the Magus Inheritance and her bloodline purity is 27%. She is already a 3rd Order Mage, which is quite powerful in our Lineage." 

Misery pointed to Kiran. "You though, have the Knight Inheritance in you just like Walter. As far as I can sense, the quality of your Merlin blood should within 13%-35%. It"s a high range because we need proper testing tools to be 100% sure." 

"As far as I can tell, you"re only a 2nd Order Knight. This is also not bad for your age, but your foundation is terrible. It"s like you simply bulldozed through without regard for your life." Misery explained with disgust. 

Kiran"s face changed. He remembered when he transformed into the Super Warrior 2 form, he had unlocked a stream of white energy that was carried by a mirage of an old white wizard stroking his beard. 

That white energy had felt like it was locked behind a barrier and was shattered open by him, granting him even greater power, enough that he could even go toe to toe with Essence for a few minutes. 

It turns out he had forcibly broken through using the n.o.ble Internal Energy as a stimulant, and since they used pods, it must have feedback to his real body. 

In fact, another problem had occurred. Ever since he had transformed back then, he had not heard from his mother, yet her Sarira remained lively and full of power. Kiran remembered he had shattered the dimensional wall of the game and some strange energy life forms had invaded his body, but they had been sucked into the Sarira. 

"Well, whatever. I"m here now, so I"ll teach you how to properly use your Merlin Lineage bloodline." Misery said with a casual wave of his hands. 

Turning to Mary, he said with a slightly dark expression. "Little Princess, now that I have found Walter"s son, it"s time for everything to come to a head. Both of you will come with me to Buckingham Palace, where we will resolve old grudges, once and for all." 

Kiran and Mary shared a look for the first time and nodded. They had long been overwhelmed by the events that had occurred today and were hoping that Uncle Drunk b.a.s.t.a.r.d could resolve everything for them. 

"Big ol" softie." Justin Davis teased by the side, knowing just how big this drunken b.a.s.t.a.r.d"s heart was. 

"Shut up." Misery muttered with irritation. 

He then strode over to one of the cabins and inspected it with interest before lying inside it. Seeing him, the other three also entered their cabins. Automatically, it closed and flooded with nan.o.bots, slowly putting the four of them to sleep as their minds were pulled elsewhere. 


「Brain scan initiating… please wait… 1%... 2%...3%...」 

「Brain scan complete.」 

「Welcome to Boundless! This world is governed by the unique AI hive mind of the GloryGore studios and for all intents and purposes…」 

「Would you like to initiate the tutorial? Y/N」 


「Please create your Boundless account.」 

「Username: GS Misery 

Pa.s.sword: ********** 

Account Status: Bound 

Package: Master」 

"Booty, here I come!"