Guild Wars

Chapter 748 (2/2) Prelude To Disaster

Chapter 748 (2/2) Prelude To Disaster

The Kaiju roared when it sensed the aura of Draco and Eva, its bloodline instincts leading it to feel a great hatred and anger towards the two, as it delved into its memories from its ancestor who had been bullied by these cutesy fellows.

After years of being bullied, they had had enough! All they had ever wanted to do was destroy human property and increase property damage so that their accountants back home could have a job to do.

Why were these wicked Magical Girls always standing in their way?!

"Magical Girl of Light… Eva! I am here!" Eva began doing some cute poses enthusiastically, totally getting into the vibe. With her already supreme beauty, she was the eye candy that no one deserved, but everyone craved.

"Fighting evil by moonlight,

Winning love by daylight,

Never running from a real fight,

I am the one named Eva the Celestial!"

Eva finished her dynamic poses with a bright glow of light emerging from her, making all bystanders feel the need to bow and wors.h.i.+p, while the Kaiju jumped back in fear from her raw power.

"Wow, what a powerful Magical Girl affinity! We may have found a true gem this time!" The cute voice from the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p exclaimed with happiness.

"M-magical Boy of D-darkness… Draco! I wish I was dead…" Draco began doing some cute poses against his will by force, showing off his boyish b.u.m and doing all sorts of twerking moves which would have looked cute on a girl, made Draco want to die.

What even killed his soul was that the crowd reacted far stronger to him that Eva.

"Fighting evil by moonlight,

Winning love by daylight,

Never running from a real fight,

I am the one named Draco the Abyssal!"

Draco finished his dynamic poses which were nowhere as fluid as Eva who had been more than willing to follow the script, yet the Kaiju roared and directly fled, while the crowd practically fainted from awe.

"What a powerful Magical Boy! His cuteness, s.e.xiness and deliberately suppressed underage vibes are off the charts! We may have found our next Magical Girl champion!!" The girl in the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p shouted with excitement, which made Draco pale even more.

Just in time, the floor began to decompose because they had already achieved the goal of repelling the Kaiju. It had fled due to Draco"s might as a magical boy.

?Congratulations on completing: Tower of Babylon Forty-First Floor

Time elapsed: 0:12:45

Objectives complete: All

a.s.sessment: EX+


45,000 Score Points

1 Treasure Selection Reward - Peak Gold Grade?

Draco just stood there in their castle, a dull expression in his eyes, while Eva was giddy. She was currently scrolling through all the footage she had captured of Draco transforming and posing.

She couldn"t wait to share them with the rest of the Four Beauties!

"No, I can" take it anymore! My life is over! I don"t wanna live anymore!" Draco roared as he took out his sword and prepared to plunge it into himself.

Eva"s face changed as she grabbed Draco"s hands and then locked him into an hold that prevented him from moving his limbs.

"Let go, Eva! This is my destiny!" Draco bellowed while struggling.

"Motherf.u.c.ker, if you die, who is going to expand my v.a.g.i.n.a to the size of the moon?!" Eva roared back, shocking Draco.

"E-Eva… I had no idea…" Draco stuttered as he stopped struggling, his face softening.

"I wanted to tell you my secret dream later… but since now is a good time, it"s fine for you to know." Eva sighed as she released Draco and blushed.

Draco touched her shoulders gently. "Haaa, Eva, if you wanted me to ruin your p.u.s.s.y beyond compare, all you had to do was ask. I would be happy to turn you into a cripple."

Eva seemed touched by this, and her voice softened. "Will you really?"

"I promise on the thiccness of Zaine"s a.s.s, I will."

Zaine, who was currently bending over while playing with her beloved son, felt a strange heat on her b.u.m which resembled two moons in the position she was in.

"I felt something strange… hm." She murmured, but ignored it and continued kissing Loki while tickling him, which her son truly enjoyed.

Eva seemed pleased by the pledge. "Then after we leave the Tower… okay?"

Draco nodded until he realized that that meant continuing the Magical Girl floors. He wanted to throw a tantrum again, but looking at Eva"s bright and hopeful eyes, he decided against it.

"Fine, let"s… let"s continue then." Draco said this as blood welled in his throat, but he swallowed it back, vowing to finish this particular set in record time.

Eva nodded gently, but her eyes glinted.

"Hehe, more content for me!"

Draco and Eva entered floor 42, where they were now on the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p they had seen before, surrounded by a few boys and girls their age who had bright and honest outlooks.

"Greetings, new recruits, I"m Sophias, the Magic Girl commander!" A lovely young miss with golden frilly locks in Magic Girl garb greeted the Evil Duo with enthusiasm.

"h.e.l.lo Sophias, I"m Eva and this is my boyfriend, Draco." Eva introduced the two with a smile while Draco was doing his best not to bury all these Magical Girls under the weight of his Destruction Energy.

"Wow, already a couple! No wonder your synergy is so high! You already have experienced the power of love and justice!" Sophias exclaimed with awe, and the other Magical Girls and Boys around seemed to be greatly moved.

Draco wanted to vomit.

"Well, now that we have you here, I need to brief you on the methods and ways of a Magical Girl, as well as how we fight." Sophias said with a smile.

?The Forty-Second Floor – Divine Quest

Description: Welcome to the heart of j.a.pan, Tokyo! This bustling city is as normal as possible on a daily basis, expect from when otherworld beasts called the Kaiju attack cities and destroy property (more than human life for some reason). However, a group of special underage and overly cutesy yet s.e.xualized girls have pledged to fight these beats on your behalf! Just another normal day in Tokyo!

After fighting off the Kaiju, it is now time to understand the role you have been chosen for! Embrace the true nature of a Magical Girl! Transform!

Limitation 1: There is no Worldly Energy or Mana in this mundane world, only technology and depression.

Limitation 2: You may retreat from the floor at any time, but upon re-entry, you would have to resume from the exact situation you were in at the time.

Limitation 3: You cannot use any cla.s.s based skills or abilities, as well as your equipment.

Limitation 4: You can only use the power of a Magical Girl while in this world.

Provision 1: This world is a world of kindness and justice, with cartoonish elements. The death rate is low, and you will be given significant plot armor as long as you act the part.

Provision 2: You may freely use any healing items and consumables in your Inventory.

Provision 3: You can use any and all of your Tradeskills at will.

Provision 4: You have a team of allies and a advantage over enemy forces in this world. Use your resources well!

Rewards: Score Points, 1 Gold-Tier Reward Selection.?

Draco ignored the floor details, as he suddenly got an idea. "Erm, is it possible to recommended two more fellows to become Magical Girls?"

"Oh, you have someone in mind? We welcome all newcomers, but it"s hard to say whether they would succeed." Sophias seemed interested in who Draco would bring.

Draco smiled filthily, waving his hand as two portals opened beside them. "Hehe, even if it doesn"t work, I"ll make it work."



Two ominous and evil laughters emerged from the portals that made the hairs of the Magical Girls and Boys stand on end. They felt as if two great Kaijus were about to land on them, and lo and behold, out came Qiong Qi and Clarent.

The Magical Girls and Boys paled, not believing what they were seeing.

"Aren"t those two Kaijus?!" Sophias asked Draco with anger.

"Hm? Of course not. They"re my best buddies. How could you even refer to them as such?!" Draco gasped with indignation.

"Such a racist group. I can"t believe you a.s.sociate with them." Qiong Qi quickly played along.

However, Clarent was not as excited, since he understood the situation from Draco"s memories he had read about the real world.

"Aren"t those f.u.c.king Magical Girls. What are we doing here?" Clarent whispered suspiciously.

The Magical Girls paused when they realized Qiong Qi and Clarent were not crazy nor damaging stuff, and Qiong Qi"s words especially made them panic.

"No, no, we are so sorry! We thought you were Kaijus because you look like them!" Sophias gave an honest answer, which of course made things worse.

"Wow, so you judge those who are Kaijus based on looks and not their actions? Very good, what a great bunch!" Qiong Qi raged.

"I used to think becoming a Magical Girl was a great thing, but I"ve changed my mind. I"ll also make sure to relay what I experienced here to the world so that they may know the truth of their protectors." Draco added coldly as he turned around.

Eva just watched by the side with interest. She enjoyed posturing like a Magical Girl as this body"s original thoughtstream, young girl Eva, had enjoyed these shows during her childhood.

Still, there was no need to go out of her way for them, she was looking forward to the chaos Draco was causing, as it would surely spice up their misadventures.

Clarent though, began to backstep as he felt something brewing that he did NOT like.