Guild Wars

Chapter 786: Defense of the Ancients 6

Chapter 786: Defense of the Ancients 6

The roar of the Gorgon was something both melodic and terrifying to the core. The Dark Knight was able to barely resist its effects with his 20% control over Draco"s bloodline, but Sigurd was like a leaf in the wind, blown about like a ragdoll. 

The tentacles of the Gorgon smashed over, aiming to render Sigurd into paste. He barely blocked with his lance, yet was still sent flying through thee trees by the side, spitting out a thick mouthful of blood. His HP was left with only a sliver, and he was about to be sent to resp.a.w.n again. 

The Gorgon roared and sent over its final attack to deal with him. 

The Dark Knight saw this and knew he could no longer afford to hold back. As such, he thrust his sword into the ground and went on all fours. His body rapidly expanded as his muscles bulked, his mouth elongated into a snout and horns grew from his head. 

Dragon Form! 

The Metal Dragon was born once more! With a lazy claw swipe, all the tentacles that had been sent out to smash Sigurd were cut in half, left squirming on the floor as if they still had life. 

The Gorgon screeched in pain and focused on its new fatal threat. The Metal Dragon did not seem as bothered, as it casually walked over and spat out a breath of metallic essence that contained destruction energy as well. 

The Gorgon formed a wall of tentacles to block this attack, as it wasn"t able to dodge in time. Immediately, it screeched in pain once more, its s.h.i.+eld was worn down brutally, creating holes in between. 

The unimpressed Metal Dragon simply threw a draconic punch, shattering the last of this pitiful defense and sending the Gorgon flying into one of the Sentinel"s creep making facilities nearby. The building lost 1/10th of its health, while the Gorgon was paralyzed for a split second. 

This time was enough to decide the battle as the Metal Dragon flapped its wings once and leapt over towards its defenseless target. It stomped on the poor creature brutally, screaming once more in delight as its claws dug into the Gorgon"s flesh. 

Pinned down, the Gorgon could only thrash and struggle, trying to beat the Metal Dragon that stood over it. It also desperately tried to use it skills to find an opening, but the had Metal Dragon coated itself with a s.h.i.+eld of metal and destruction energy that negated all effects. 

It simply sneered at the desperate Gorgon coldly as it opened its maw and began charging a breath of destruction energy. The Gorgon began to despair as it saw the end of its life at the hands of the enemy. 

At this time, a magic circles appeared by the side, which channeled for two seconds before apporting a very familiar figure over. 

The Metal Dragon stopped its actions and looked to the side with shock. Seeing Draco standing there, its heart skipped and beat, and it desperately retreated. 

Draco smiled widely as his sword was placed over his shoulder and then turned to the beaten up Gorgon. 

"You"ve done well. Go back to the fountain and rest well. When you see Shangtian beating up the others, just make sure to avoid any of them and do your own thing." Draco commanded. 

The Gorgon immediately split into the three sister, who were bruised and battered all over, looking quite lovely and pitiful. Stheno and Euryale bowed respectfully before Draco before disappearing into magic circles, while Medusa nodded and retreated. 

Draco then gazed at the Metal Dragon and Sigurd by the side, who had quaffed some potions to recover his HP. His eyes couldn"t help but narrow as his smile became thin. 

"Well, well, if it ain"t old brother Metal. Good to see you again after our last bout. Wanna repeat it again?" 

The Metal Dragon roared with anger. Even though the Dark Knight was usually steady, in his Dragon Form, he had the usual traits and habits of a True Dragon. As such, his pride spiked as he felt humiliated by the fact that he had retreated before Draco, not to mention that b.a.s.t.a.r.d taunting him. 

The Metal Dragon flapped its wings and went airborne. It immediately released a thick breath of metal and destruction towards Draco"s direction, aiming to bathe him in pain and despair. 

Draco laughed and concentrated energy in his legs as he burst into the air like a cannon, pa.s.sing through the breath with his sword cutting the way before him. He immediately appeared before a shocked Metal Dragon and spun in a 180 degree manner before striking the Metal Dragon on its horn, sending it flying to the ground and creating a crater. 

Sigurd watched with shock as Draco, a mere human, overpowered a True Dragon with raw strength alone. He couldn"t fathom what the heck was up with this., Even if Draco had a high strength value, the Dragon Form boosted the Dark Knight"s own Strength by 5.5 times! 

With him having 124 Strength before, it was now at 682 Strength! 

Just how much did Draco have to not only offset that, but overpower it?! 

In truth, Draco had less Strength than the Metal Dragon, but a 100 points too! However, his control of his strength was far greater than what the Metal Dragon could hope to match. After all, even if the floor and the tower AI prevented Draco from consciously using Control or his bloodline, their pa.s.sive enhancements were still there. 

It was easy to send a fellow like this flying with one hit using some tricks. 

Draco gracefully landed and waited for the dust to clear. It was then shown that the Dark Knight had been beaten back into his human form, and he could barely stand up as it were. Sigurd by the side tried to help him, but Draco wasn"t going to give them time to buddy up. 

"Goodbye faker and son of a b.i.t.c.h." 

Those were the last words both parties heard as Draco appeared behind them with his sword outstretched, a line appearing on both their bodies as they were split in half. 

「Battle Arena Announcement 

Draco has pwned The Dark Knight"s head for 250 gold!」 

「Battle Arena Announcement 

Draco has pwned Sigurd"s head for 250 gold!」 


「Battle Arena Announcement 

The Sentinel are OWNING!」 

After clearing them, he waited for the next batch of creeps to sp.a.w.n before going ahead with them. Soon enough, he cleared the second tower on the bottom lane and then the third and final tower. 

Without any scruples, he brutally destroyed the creep production facilities on this lane as well, giving the bottom lane mega creeps as well. 

Speaking of, Draco could see on the mini map that King and Ratchet were struggling to defend against the mega creeps, their advance halted around their second tower"s former location. They were moving ahead, as a lane with two heroes had enough firepower, but their progress was like a snail crawling. 

Sigurd and the Dark Knight should have an easier time in this regard thanks to the Dark Knight"s prowess, but it wouldn"t change much in the long run. Done with his nefarious deeds, Draco jungled through the dead forest on the Scourge"s territory before arriving in the area where the second tower of the mid-lane should have been. 

He checked the map and saw that his creeps were stuck at the mid-point of the lane since he left. Sighing, he rushed ahead to deal with the third tower once and for all. Previously, he had been interrupted by the cries for help from the two stooges, but after learning of the evils their brains had managed to conjure, he had rightly left them to Shangtian. W 

Draco cleared the creep production facilities from the third lane and officially granted the Sentinel Mega Creeps. 

「Battle Arena Announcement 

The Sentinel have destroyed all of The Scourge"s creep production facilities! The Sentinel now has Mega Creeps!」 

Satisfied with the evil he had wrought, Draco looked back. With a strange smile, he did not continue to push his victory and head into the throne area of the Scourge. Rather, Draco ran back towards the Sentinels Throne area with a glint in his eye. 

What, you thought he let Shangtian beat Qiong Qi and the other two because of some comedy gimmick? 

Haha, no. 

The plan had always been to take advantage of Shangtian"s stupidity to progress the match to a point where he could a.s.sure victory and then kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d once more. The Tower might be foolish enough to pop Draco"s archenemies in his face repeatedly, but Draco had to admit, being given the opportunity to own Shangtian in different settings was a great feeling. 

Not just that, but did you really think Draco would feel secure attacking the Scourge"s Throne when Shangtian was right in his fountain area? What if Shangtian woke up from his rage and decided that winning the match was better than beating up the stooges? 

Wouldn"t Draco be the biggest idiot, then? 

As such, Draco rushed over to his throne area to see that the place had been thoroughly ravaged. There were cracks everywhere and many of the various misc buildings were damaged severely, with dents in their bodies from the shape of three very specific fellows being rammed into them. 

Luckily, the Ancient Tree had remained unharmed… mostly. 

Draco walked over to the fountain area to see that Shangtian was currently lifting Qiong Qi by the scruff of his neck, half of the Divine Lion"s body was submerged in muddy water. Why, it reminded Draco of that scene where a midget racist alien emperor pulled out a spiky haired Son Wukong wannabe from the water of a slug race"s planet. 

Zhulong and Clarent lay down by the side, pools of blood around them as their battered and bruised bodies refused to move. Medusa and the Sentinels various supports simply huddled around the safety of the fountain while looking on, traumatized and fearful. 

Shangtian laughed uproariously as he took in the scene, his ego feeling satisfied at the proper amount of fear that was directed towards him. This was how things were supposed to be! The lesser species of the world were to fear him, the reincarnation of the greatest original Human, Pangu! 

Ptui, what Lucifer? What dog Amaterasu? One was just a loser and the other was his plaything. If it weren"t for some bulls.h.i.+t regression, would this dog Draco ever have been his match? No! 

Thinking like this, Shangtian"s eyes shone. He woke up from his rage and looked around, realizing that he was actually in the best position to do harm! 

He couldn"t help but sneer. Even when given so many advantages, Draco was still a boundless r.e.t.a.r.d who would actually leave his enemy in his homebase just because he had felt insulted. What a fool! 

Shangtian raised a fist and coated it with potent Bloodline Energy. He would first crush these three cretins to a pulp and then destroy that unprotected ancient. 

Shangtian then looked over towards the cowering Medusa with a dark light. After, he would celebrate by venting his l.u.s.t on that female in Draco"s team. As for whether she would agree or not, Shangtian never cared anyway. In his opinion, women were born into this world to be pressed under the likes of him, so it was her merit to get his attention. 

Just as he was about to punch the head of Qiong Qi off his shoulders, he heard a thunderous sound. Shangtian paused with shock as he turned to look at the mid-lane, in which Draco was rus.h.i.+ng over with a look of heroism and valiance on his face. 


Shangtian was dumbfounded, then he involuntarily released a wad of blood from his mouth as he dropped Qiong Qi, blocking a furious strike from Draco. He wanted to argue that he was being slandered and that it wasn"t true, but he was quickly suppressed by his rival"s raw power. 

Because of this, all the Sentinel support and Medusa looked at Shangtian with disdain and disgust, making him release yet another wad of blood.