Guild Wars

Chapter 500 - The Rank Above Origin and Aurora?

Chapter 500 - The Rank Above Origin and Aurora?

The name was a little cheesy for sure, but it definitely captured its purpose. This was not a universe for the nor was it one Draco was going to open for Umbra, no it was a private s.p.a.ce created for himself and his immediate family only.

The party exited the super mini small universe with smiles on their faces, excited for what the future had in store for them. Draco exited the Anomaly Realm and summoned all his concubines and their kids to the foyer.

When they arrived, Draco realized he had quite a big family. From the original 28 concubines including Verita, there were an additional 15 from the Treasury, giving him almost 50 when he included the Four Beauties.

Most like Ophie were in the latter stages of their pregnancy while Natasha had only recently been seeded, so she was yet to show any changes.

Draco smiled at all of them. "My beloved women, I have finally carved out a perfect sanctuary for our Morningstar Clan, a place where you all shall be able to live happy and fulfilling lives with our children."

They mostly looked excited and curious due to Draco"s words. After all, they had no idea what exactly he was talking about, but if it was any better than this amazing Aether Hall, it had to be grand.

Draco did not waste a second further and created a portal behind them. The ladies all gazed into the now lush island surrounded by void with marvel before entering one by one as prompted.

They were all shocked when they felt the quality of energy. It was like their bodies were being cleaned from all filth, bathing in the purest air this world had to offer. The humans felt it a lot less, but races like the half-naga Potera, the half-wood elf Eisha or the half-fae Chisa felt euphoric.

They legitimately let out pleased m.o.a.ns, their bodies curling up in pleasure. It was nothing s.e.x.u.a.l, more like the feeling of being tired and sweaty after a long day and finally getting the chance to soak in their tub filled with perfect temperature water.

Draco smiled at their reactions and spoke. "As you can see, I have created a super mini small universe for us to enjoy. Right now, I want you all to tell me what you want for your residences so I can create them for you."

This snapped the ladies out of their trance as they excitedly crowded around Draco and placed their orders. The fellow listened and nodded, proceeding to gather endless amounts of energy within the world and shape them into the desired forms.

Draco could already do stuff like this with super mini small worlds, but they were impermanent and could not be taken out. However, the residences and amenities he created now were truly in existence.

Many manors and villas sprung up, some with swing pools, lakes, swamps, and even an energy pool for the half-fae. Everybody had their home crafted the way they wanted, and rushed over to settle in.

Draco turned to his Four Beauties, who smiled. "Well, what do you guys want?"

Even though they could make it themselves, they didn"t want to sn.o.b Draco"s good intentions, so they described what they wanted.

Hikari got a large Dragonperch that reached a few kilometers into the sky, with a large enough s.p.a.ce to support her dragon family.

Zaine went for a dark castle that was gothic in nature. It gave ominous tones of evil and horror to all who looked at it.

Roma chose a broken-down cottage in the middle of a swamp. The house glowed with a green light, making one feel like if they got near, they would experience some of the worst eldritch horrors known to man.

Eva chose a white palace surrounded with clouds and light, with a moat and a bridge. Crossing that bridge would make one feel as if they had left the mortal world and entered heaven.

As for Draco, he didn"t bother to make anything for himself.

Hehe, if he wanted to sleep, he could just barge in and sleep with any of his women, so one could say that he had plenty of beds available.

Seeing that all members of his large family were satisfied, Draco got on with his next task, which was just as important as this one.

It was time to empower the Seed of Yggdrasil!

Eva took the seed from her inventory and handed it to Draco, while Draco himself removed the only Origin Crystal he had on his person. He then pressed it near the seed and waited for the necessary prompt.

「System to Player Announcement

Detected Origin Energy Source and Unique Item Receptacle. It is possible to fuse both items and increase the potential and power of the latter greatly. Proceed?」

In the next moment, the Origin Crystal and seedling floated away from his palms and hovered in the air above him. Lights flashed in the air as the Origin Energy from the crystals flowed out like thunder into the seedling that began to spin crazily.

The process was not as thunderous as with the Etz Chaim Seedling that had turned into the Universe Seedling, but it was still potent enough that it frightened everyone in the Morningstar World.

Eventually, the fusion came to an end as the renewed Seed of Yggdrasil fell into his palm, though there were some changes.

For one…

「Seed of the Cosmic Tree – Consumable

Effects: This is the Cosmic Tree, able to connect multiple universes together when planted in one realm.」

Draco was not too shocked as he had expected a fundamental change like this after what had happened to the Etz Chaim Seedling.

However, it didn"t stop him from being excited, for he knew his prospects had greatly changed! Previously the seed would have only allowed him to connect worlds, so he could connect his resource pocket worlds as well as the ones created by any Advanced Spatial Creation Device.

This was already great and would have allowed him to s.h.i.+ft between locations quickly since his Inner Universe would be the source realm. This included places like the Anomaly Realm or even the Treasury should he need that small world again.

However, things had greatly expanded. He could now connect whole universe to his Cosmic Tree.

Yes, this meant exactly what one might think, he could essentially connect entire sections of the game, allowing him to go back and forth from each one!

Sci-Fi universe, Superhero universe, the Racing universe, Xianxia universe, and the current Western Fantasy!

Though he would likely have to find a Void Pa.s.s or reach the level cap to go there, the fact that the option was still there for him to return to even let select people use his world as a nexus truly excited him!

This opened great paths forward for Draco and he would be a fool not to use it!

「System to Player Announcement

Detected fusion item. A merger will be performed in order to validate owners.h.i.+p. Proceed?」

Draco naturally took it a step further and merged the Seed of the Cosmic Tree to himself, feeling almost no pain compared to the wicked and cruel Universe Seedling that had g.a.n.g.b.a.n.ged his guts.

He had expected something to sprout, but was shocked when there was an explosion in the center of his super mini small universe. The shapes of two different gigantic trees seemed to clash in midair, shaking the foundations of the entire realm.

Draco paled as he was confused about the circ.u.mstances until the system, popped up once more.

「System to Player Announcement

Detected Universe Tree and Cosmic Tree presence within the same realm. Due to clashes of power, both items cannot exist separately and must be fused together to maintain stability. Proceed?」

"DO ITTTTT!" Draco roared as he felt the very earth cracking beneath his feet.

He quickly entered his Devil Form and used his mind to gather all his clan members above him, creating a psychic platform for them to stand on.

As one could expect, their faces had turned pale as they had been checking out their new cribs at one moment and had experienced something akin to the end of the world at the next.

When they saw Draco had saved them and brought them to what seemed like safety, they calmed down and noticed the cause of all this. The two trees that were like projections in the air stopped fighting and tangled their roots as well as branches together, slowly fusing.

Draco"s face was solemn. With his Devil Form active, his mind was able to work at great speeds and deduce the cause and effect of what was happening. It was something he should have guessed, but would never have expected.

Oxymoronic, but true.

He forgot that the description of the Etz Chaim Seedling stated that it would sprout a World Tree in his body, creating a super mini small world.

Like the world in which he met Flora, who was the one who had gifted him the seed in the first place, the tree was the center of the world, and everything expanded from it as the source.

However, after being infused with an Origin Crystal, it had upgraded into the Universe Seedling and the World Tree was no longer mentioned. It was likely that the World Tree had fused to become the entire island in the void they were standing on.

This solved the mystery as to why there was an indication of there being 1 plant in the world and why Draco had been unable to see it. In fact, if he had upgraded the universe by one stage, Draco was sure it would have popped up, or at least sprouted slightly.

Still, there would not have been any problem initially Draco had used the original Seed of Yggdrasil. It was merely a Legendary Tree that could be suppressed by the Universe Tree in the small world.

However, it too had been upgraded with an Origin Crystal and had become a Cosmic Tree. The Universe Tree was a foundational/creation element existence while the Cosmic Tree was an expansive/s.p.a.ce element existence so their natures were not in sync.

Hence, they had clashed.

Now, Draco was fusing them and he could only hope the resultant creation was beneficial and not something that inherited the bad characteristics of both items.

It didn"t take long for the process to complete as Draco floated there. Eventually, his Devil Form came to an end and his wives slowly landed on the ground behind him, gazing with awe at the huge projection before them.

The Universe Tree had resembled a strong oak with more leaves than branches, while the Cosmic Tree had resembled a beech tree that had thick branches extending in different directions.

The combination of both was almost like a lovely maple tree with multicolored leaves. The projection settled in the air and eventually dropped down into the world by materializing itself, smack dab in the center.

Draco walked over to it while the others trailed behind him, feeling the pure rush of energy and purity that came from the tree before them. Draco naturally a.n.a.lyzed it to see what had happened to it then the entire small world.

「Eternal Tree – Unique Item

Rank: Eternal

Durability: MAX


Pa.s.sive 1 – Throughout Time: The Eternal Tree exists forever and exists permanently. It is Everlasting.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Throughout s.p.a.ce: The Eternal Tree can reach anywhere and everywhere. It is Omnipresent.

Pa.s.sive 3 – This Is My World: The Eternal Tree fortifies its connected sub-universe with its properties. The universe in question becomes indestructible.

Pa.s.sive 4 – Create: With the Eternal Tree as a foundation, the sub-universe can be expanded indefinitely.

Pa.s.sive 5 – Connect: With the Eternal Tree as a foundation, the sub-universe can be connected and detached from any world or universe the user has come across.

Pa.s.sive 6 – Generate: With the Eternal tree as a foundation, energy to sustain the sub-universe will be infinite.

Description: This is an existence that far the bounds of what should globally exist, something that forcibly breaks the pre-established limits set upon the world… because it stands above it! Its limits, its power, and its potential simply cannot be gauged or measured by any reasonable standard, and its goals are also a mystery that can never be solved…」


Author"s Notes: After being forced by you fellows to pause my beloved Guild Wars, an act which I never wanted to do, I managed to fight back and eventually muster the means to write more even as I was being suppressed.

I have cleared my debt of reaching chapter 500, but is this the end? No.

The truth is, on the 1st of June 2021, the beginning of the next month, Guild Wars will be officially coming out of hiatus.

Here are some things that will change/occur;

- 2k word chaps are increased back to 3k, which was the style pre chapter 250.

- Release rate is only 1 a day. More is impossible unless one of you generous lads makes me. I also don"t write on weekends due to the increase in workload.

- There will be priv of up to 10 chapters. Show me your sport by buying even the minimum tier. The failure of GW to rank on win-win was one of the reasons I lost hope in the novel.

- Powerstones. You can use fastpa.s.s or coins, but the least you can do is give me powerstones. If you"ve made it this far into GW, you know it deserves it the most.

- I"ll be updating a new cover for the novel, and I will at some point add a misc chapter for character designs, those we have the art for anyway.

That"s it. Make some noise, set the date, and get ready. You can even speed things up by spending coins on these chapters or stocking up ahead of time for the priv ma.s.s release.