Guild Wars

Chapter 520 - Third Ascension Ceremony 1

Chapter 520 - Third Ascension Ceremony 1

Once they adopted these two forms in particular, the entire Field Zone trembled. Draco had morphed into his Black Dragon form, which was identical to the one that took the form of his soul. His size was huge, more than three times the size of a large barn.

Eva though, had changed into a blazing Dragon of Light. She wasn"t truly a Dragon like Draco, but rather pure Light Energy that took the shape of a Dragon, so there were physiological and fundamental differences between the two.

However, that did not matter in this case. What mattered was the raw power they both wielded that caused the area to shake. Draco smirked as he shared a look with Eva, the White-Haired Duo pouncing on the almost half-dead Sand King.

They synchronized their attacks perfectly, Draco using his Destruction Claw while Eva used her Hand of Light. These two simple attacks of their respective forms struck the Sand King and blasted a hole into the earth.

Destruction Energy and Light Energy (used offensively) were actually very similar. Destruction Energy destroyed the target from an atomic perspective, wiping something out completely and fully, regardless of how it was constructed.

Meanwhile, Light Energy was a fast and piercing form of energy that disintegrated the target due to its extreme speed, its sharp edges, and its extreme heat condensed to a point. It was not as efficient as Destruction Energy for sure, nevertheless, it was the closest second.

The mixture of the two caused great agony and damage to the Sand King which was thras.h.i.+ng about in the dirt. Despite this, it tried to get up and finally fight back, since Draco and Eva had stopped summoning any extra forms to hinder its movement.


Effect: Call forth a storm of gritty sand that blinds, weakens, and damages all enemies caught within its 1,000-meter area of effect.

Duration: 30 seconds

Cooldown: 5 Minutes.」

What the Sand King needed to do now was create a buffer that could allow it to break off the fight and retreat to lick its wounds. It had realized that although these two were dangerous and had many means, they were actually super weak.

Its earlier panic had faded away once it had begun calculating the best way to punish these two rats for daring to try and harm it. It burned with cold fury at the thought of the abuse it had suffered, and had decided that it would kill these two and go out to kill every humanoid it could.

The White-Haired Duo saw the incoming Sandstorm and smirked. Immediately, they flapped their wings and ascended higher, gazing down at the Sand King with mockery.

The Sand King was left speechless but did not bother. As long as the storm could cover its form, it would be invisible to these two and be able to dig underground successfully.

Unfortunately, this was a beautiful thought on paper, but actually quite impossible in real life. For that to happen, Draco and Eva would need to be foolish and braindead, which they weren"t - well, at least one of them wasn"t - and they needed to lack long-range AOEs… which they didn"t either.

Draco opened his maw to conjure a black Orb of Destruction, while Eva did the same for a white Orb of Light. Once they had finished gathering enough of their respective energy, they fired the orbs towards the location of the Sand King who was now covered by the Sandstorm and about to dig underground.

If they were on the ground, its Seismic Sensation skill would be enough to let it know where its targets were, allowing it to butcher them while they could do nothing to fight back.

Flying targets were immune to this battle style. The two orbs landed on the body of the already battered Sand King which had burrowed its upper body into the sand while its tail and back legs had still been above ground.

Immediately, the two orbs merged and exploded, causing a small-scale light show of black and white that was separated in the middle to occur. This naturally dispelled the Sandstorm skill allowing the two "dragons" to see the effects of their skill.

They took a deep breath when they saw the state of the Sand King. The poor thing was shrieking weakly as it crawled in the ground with its upper body and… that was it. That was all that was left, an upper body.

Its tail and back legs were gone, and a charred midsection with glowing black and white energies was what prevented it from bleeding out. Its eyes had become murky with pain and it was practically unconscious.

Their attacks had reduced its health by almost 10 million despite the various suppressions, which wasn"t too surprising when one considered that two Rank 1 Orbs of Destruction back then had been sufficient to permanently terraform an entire Field Zone.

They noticed that the Sand King had been hit with a terrible slew of status effects that ensured its HP would drain by huge amounts per second unless it could heal itself.

Alas, it would take almost 5 minutes for that to happen. After all, even if it was egregiously injured, it was still a Rank 5 Elite monster.

Draco and Eva even knew that should they be foolish enough to leave, it might even find a way to start healing itself. Given the way it was struggling to crawl towards one of its pre-made holes, clearly, it had something that could help it down below.

From there, they held it in between their claws as they endlessly blasted it their Destruction Claw/Hand of Light combo. Anything else might harm the other since they did not yet possess full immunity to their soulmate"s element.

The Sand King just dangled between them continually being struck by these agonizing attacks until it eventually died in a terrible way, its body disintegrating fully. Items dropped down on the Field Zone below to which Draco and Eva gave a cursory glance before ignoring them.

The monster had died just in time, as less than a second later, they both returned to their human forms and allocated the necessary experience and points to the necessary places, informed Deployed Soldier of what happened, and left.

At this time, the ones watching Guild Video Chat were left speechless. They had joined in to watch an arrogant Rank 5 Elite monster getting taught a lesson by their Guildmaster and the first Vice-Guildmaster, perhaps even learning something in the process... so why did it feel like they had watched a poor 10-year-old boy get bullied by a gang of miscreants?

"Well, there you have it folks. Our Guildmaster and Lady Boss showed unparalleled skill and decisiveness in taking down a Rank 5 Field Boss, a whole 3 Ranks above them! Crazy!" The one hosting the video commented eventually, waking up everyone else from their stupor.

s.h.i.+t, they almost forgot! There was a 3 Rank gap and yet their leaders had dealt with the monster so brutally they even felt pity for it! This was the surest indicator of the superiority of the Guild Master and the Lady Boss!

"Hahaha, our Guildmaster is the strongest! Our Lady Boss is the strongest as well!"

"Such a powerful duo. Just how can Umbra fall?"

"This guild is lit as h.e.l.l homie, I ain"t neva gon leave."

"This video should be saved in the Guild Archives, so we can look back later on and remind ourselves that these two were OP from the start!"

"Great idea!"



Seeing that everyone was in consensus, the host saved the video and sent a copy to everyone even the duo in question. There was no need to hide it from them, as they had likely been aware of this fellow"s presence from the beginning.

The host then spoke. "Alright, since we have viewed this battle, we can be considered to be bonded by fate. As such, I shall now twerk on livestream for UPs, please make it rain for This Daddy!"

Immediately the fellow began shaking that booty that his mama had given him, and the video chat exploded. It wasn"t that they were not expecting this, members of Umbra did sillier things with each other in private, but in public, they were cold and aloof.

Immediately tips began raining down. 20% were from men who were trying to support a homie through his hustle and the rest from the females on the stream, even though most had red faces.

What could they say, the fellow was skilled at shaking his booty and who of either s.e.x didn"t like a good booty shake?


a.n.a.lyzing player cla.s.s… Done. Player detected to possess a Divine Cla.s.s, generating Rank up scenario and possible cla.s.s developments… Done.

Display Rank 3 Cla.s.s?

Y/N 」

Draco had selected yes.

「Abyssal Prime (Rank 3) – Cla.s.s

Rank: Divine

Success Chance: 99%」

Draco and Eva each noticed that this was the first time that their success chance had dropped from the previous 100%. They would have to be extremely careful then, not allowing themselves to make even the slightest mistake at any point, otherwise they would be barred from trying again for a while.

「System to Player Announcement


All skills might go through unexpected changes due to this cla.s.s not being supported by the system! Also, all gathered experience will be converted upon Rank up!

Are you sure you wish to proceed?

Y/N 」

Draco had already seen this during his first Rank Up after the cla.s.s change. Since he had chosen to proceed back then, why would he possibly stop now? As such, he naturally selected yes.

The next moment he appeared within the strange s.p.a.ce that housed his three Inheritances and their avatars once more.

It was a pitch-black world with a darkness so deep that it looked tangible. Within this darkness was a round platform-like area that was lit up slightly by an intangible source.

The ground was a cyan color and within this circular area were three different columns of statues.

The leftmost column had the motif of a handsome, androgynous man whose looks were supreme under heaven. He had two amazing, black angelic wings and he wore Draco"s futuristic-like armor when he transformed into his Devil Form.

Behind him were various other statues, numbering fifty. Draco could see the aspects of the Devil Race, including Lilith, Asmodeus, Mephistopheles, and Djinn.

The rightmost column had a statue of a thick, robust man with endless muscles coating his body, yet he remained somewhat slim. His skin was a deep red color and two horns existed on his forehead.

He had long hair that reached his waist, and his bearing was perfect for speedy combat. His lower region was only covered by a skirt-like ancient Greek warrior"s belt that was scaly in nature.

Behind him were many ugly and monstrous statues. Right behind him though, were 9 prominent statues that were all styled after a level of h.e.l.l, from Limbo down to Treachery, while behind them were the statues of the Four Hors.e.m.e.n.

Behind the Four Hors.e.m.e.n were the statues of Baphomet, Abaddon, Archon, Baal, Dagon, Ifrit, and some others.

In the center column was a large Black Dragon"s statue. His scales glowed in the dim light and his red eyes were almost life-like. His wings were unfurled and his mouth was open in a powerful roar, as if he was displaying his might to the world.

Behind him were many statues, depicting Nuwa, Quetzalcoatl, Jormangundr, Orochi, Ouroboros, and co. There were no lesser snakes, only the total array of G.o.d Serpents of myth and legend.

Actually, it was quite unfortunate that Draco could not summon any of these fellows to the battle before, but neither he nor Eva"s forms had the ability to do this. It was kind of fair, since the G.o.d Serpents especially were super broken and if they were allowed to come out, they could really shake things up.

When Draco appeared, the avatar statues were still kneeling towards him just as they had been when he left. As for the three main statues though, they remained silent and gazed at him after coming to life once more.

「System to Player Announcement

Beginning Abyssal Prime Rank Up (3) Procedure. Standby.」

「Abyssal Prime – Divine Rank Up (3) Procedure

Description: You have the n.o.blest of bloodlines, as well as half the Origin Essence of an alternate universe and as such, you have the right to forge your own path as the one and only Abyssal Prime. Clear the objective to complete this procedure.

Rewards: Divine Cla.s.s - Abyssal Prime (Rank 3)」

「System to Player Announcement

The objective of the Abyssal Prime Rank Up (3) Procedure has been set. Player Draco must complete the third ascension ceremony to clear this task.」

Draco already knew what it would say, so he only spared a cursory glance. Instead, he focused on the three fellows who were gazing at him with different emotions.

The Black Dragon watched him silently and coldly, the Horned Demon gazed at him cruelly, like he was mere prey while the Dark Angel smiled mysteriously and glanced at Draco with a playful look.

So basically, one was aloof and watching the proceedings without any interest, another was planning to kill him and take over as the primogenitor, while one wanted to manipulate him and turn him into a puppet primogenitor.

Draco sighed. This certainly fit the nature of his Inheritances, and he could only lament that Lucifer had left him these three fellows. Since Eva had a more pleasant bloodline, she would likely have an easier time.

Whatever the case, Draco had to decide how to tackle subduing these three. In his opinion, the best method would be to first get the support of the strongest which was the Black Dragon, and then use that as a springboard to subdue the other two.

As such, Draco walked over to the Black Dragon and stopped in an area right before him. The Dragon lowered his eyes to gaze at Draco, also bringing his snout right down to Draco"s face.

If he wanted to become the new primogenitor, all he had to do was snap up Draco and chew the fellow to bits, and endless power and glory could be his. This sparked a wave of greed and temptation in the Black Dragon"s heart.

However, Draco simply folded his arms and sat down with his legs crossed. With an amused expression, he goaded the fellow. "Come on, if you think you"d be able to control me and my bloodline through such a shabby medium, you"re free to try."

This taunt infuriated the arrogant Black Dragon, especially since the Dark Angel and Horned Demon by the side were laughing openly. Clearly, they were trying to provoke its anger to attack Draco so they could see what would happen if he did, but the Black Dragon was not so rash.

Instead of flaring up, it rather quickly calmed down and gazed at Draco with disdain. Draco enjoyed this look despite everything and continued speaking.

"Ah, your first limitation. You cannot speak, can you? Your second limitation, you cannot move from your pedestal. I see you"ve adapted to them but do you know who slapped them onto you?"

"It was me." Draco revealed with a toothy grin.

The three Inheritances shared a look before bursting out into silent laughter. It looked like they had heard the biggest joke of the century this time, and likely though this fellow was planning to amuse them into submission.

If he continued clowning around like this, they just might consider submitting, pfff-hahaha!

Draco was not bothered by the ridicule, instead he continued speaking casually and with a strange smile on his face like he couldn"t wait to see something happen.

"Don"t believe it? Why, you think the AI was the one that slammed such restrictions down on you? Preventing you from acting in this digital world?" Draco looked at them strangely.

"Don"t tell me you guys are really that stupid?"

Immediately, the laughter cut off as the three gazed at Draco solemnly, wondering what the h.e.l.l he was getting at.

"Let me ask you something. When I came here the first time and the second time, did this realm disappear and reconstruct itself or did it stay intact?" Draco asked seriously.

The three Inheritances paused, unable to speak they just nodded to answer him. They were curious as to what he was getting at, so they decided to feed him the necessary materials to reach his conclusion.

Draco opened his hands in an "ah, you see what I mean" gesture. "This realm is not one generated or controlled by the AI, it"s something that exists in my bloodline that the AI only taps into."

Draco tapped his head. "Just like my soul s.p.a.ce. In there, Clarent was able to exist, wasn"t he? My bloodline source was also trapped there and was reflected in the game, was it not? The Eyes of Caelo were slowly breaking the seal down, but only in the game world. When I went to the real one, it and Clarent disappeared, no?"

The Black Dragon and Horned Demon were confused as to what he was getting at, but the Dark Angel had a pensive expression. With his IQ and mental faculties, he was beginning to see the outline of Draco"s argument, which made his expression change with horror.

"My point is simply this; In the case of my soul s.p.a.ce or this bloodline s.p.a.ce, both of them exist in me in the real world and are simply projected here. While the AI can affect my soul s.p.a.ce like placing Clarent within or using the Eyes of Caelo to help, it can"t overwrite the rules of my soul s.p.a.ce and keep its actions permanent."

Draco folded his arms with a cryptic smile. "When I log out, everything returns to the default. And so I have one more question that should help you understand the gist of what I am getting at."

"When I log out, are you still aware? Are you able to speak? And are you able to move?"

"Or is everything still like this… perhaps, the default?"