Guild Wars

Chapter 530 - Boys vs Girls

Chapter 530 - Boys vs Girls

Draco left Vita Kingdom with the boys trailing behind him. He gazed at the land below them as they moved through the air using Clarent, who was weeping as he had been muzzled like a dog. It was apparent that the fellow was completely unwilling to act as a mount, but fate was a cruel mistress.

Even Qiong Qi was part of the group, and the fellow was gleefully prancing about on the dragon"s back. The lion kept jumping up and down while laughing, mocking Clarent for his back not being comfortable enough.

"Hahaha! Tras.h.!.+ What a poor service! Hahaha!"

Clarent, simple remained quiet. He waited until Qiong Qi jumped once more to suddenly make use of his Boost Trait to spontaneously increase his speed. This left the airborne lion floating in the air.

Qiong Qi still wore a smile on his face as he used his right paw to feel out below him. He then raised his head and gazed at the camera, a weak smile on his face. Immediately, gravity reactivated itself as the fellow plummeted towards the ground while screaming.

The players on the back of Clarent only saw his silhouette up until he disappeared from their eyes. However, they were all able to hear a huge whump sound, followed by the appearance of a dust cloud somewhere near where the lion must have landed.

Draco continued gazing forward as if he had not seen anything, so the others shared a glance, shrugged, and decided to follow their leader"s example.

Eventually, they arrived at the famous city Eva had once visited with the core members to purchase slaves, Wealth City.

This was the capital of the famous Avarice Kingdom, which was the starting point for many business-oriented players. It was the fastest among the player-affiliated cities that become an empire due to the investment of its local users.

Even now, it was drafting for the Kingdom War against the Santiago Kingdom, which was another business-oriented kingdom. Santiago was also rapidly drafting to respond, but it was not doing so well.

Well, Avarice Kingdom basically allowed players and NPCs to trade ANYTHING as long as they knew how to go about it, whereas Santiago was a purely "good" business-oriented society.

Also, Avarice Kingdom had far lower taxes. That was a deal-breaker for anyone who paid their own bills, so if the timeline didn"t stray, Avarice Kingdom would absolutely steamroll Santiago.

However, the poor timeline that was far too innocent for its own good was not aware that a calamity was approaching on the back of a dragon, coming to cause chaos, disruption, and mayhem all for amus.e.m.e.nt.

The people of Wealth City craned their necks in shock to see the Fire Dragon float above them. They had never seen one before, as the race was supposed to have gone extinct long ago, so they mistook him for an oversized drake or lizard-type beast rather than an actual dragon.

Clarent landed in the middle of the busy square, forcing people to make way for him. A group of city guards rushed over while sweating, their weapons raised in preparation for a fight.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" They shouted as they pointed the business end of their weapons towards the group of hooligans.

Draco and co glanced at them and jumped down from the back of Clarent, who puffed out a thick wad of smoke in unhappiness. The guards paled, thinking that these fellows were about to use Clarent to invade their city.

If that was the case, they were doomed!

However, before they could fight with their lives on the line to protect their families who lived in the city, Draco harrumphed and flung his arms.

"What kind of reception is this? Since when does the famed Wealth City treat its important guests this way? Preposterous!"

His tone and posture made the city guards freeze until their expressions became even worse. They realized that the city was facing a far worse calamity than a mere dragon invasion…

Draco pointed with his middle finger to one of the guards. "Quickly roll over here and act as our guide for the day, and I might let this matter go. Otherwise, don"t blame me for being rude!"

The chosen guard had a look of horror on his face, and quickly looked at his fellow patrolmen for help. However, his heart broke when he saw that they were all looking elsewhere as if the area around him was filled with poison.

Quickly, the young guard looked at his brother-in-law who was usually his handler, and protected him within the force, only to see that the fellow had given him a wide berth and was in the midst of tying his shoelaces with his head bowed.

They wore leather armor with boots, such footwear did not even have laces…

Before he could run, he felt a powerful hand on his shoulder. He turned to see a handsome fellow who wore tight leather armor and had a harp in hand. The fellow"s eyes glowed with a red light as he spoke darkly.

"Lead us to where the booty is, or your booty shall be forfeit."

The young fellows were shaking so much that he could only nod his head and lead the group towards the red-light area. However, Armonia patted the fellow"s shoulder and scoffed.

"If we were looking for, we could have thousands of them with ease. What we are looking for… is enlightenment." Armonia stated grandly.

"Hear, hear."

"A visionary."

"Truly a cultured man."

"Look, can I just go back and bang my gf, please?"

"Shut up, Fitter!"

Draco gazed at Armonia appreciatively well, as they were rivals, they shared many interests, and Armonia was also a man secretly searching for the truth of booty. Rambunctious put a hand over his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes at finding another brother.

Tunder and Essence had expressions of interest. They mostly spent their time seeking for their own interest like exploring and training, but they were healthy young men and not firewood.

They just had good self-control, but hehe, at the end of the day the tool between their legs wasn"t just for decoration.

What surprised the group was that the young guard seemed to understand what they meant and showed a devious expression.

"Well then, follow me." He said with a glint in his eyes that any man could understand.

He was about to take them to see a good show!

Eventually, the seven fellows were lined up on a wall, their arms folded and balancing their heads as they gazed beyond with a mesmerized expression.

From right to left was Tunder, Fitter, Essence, Armonia, Ramb.u.t.t, Draco, and the young guard whose name was Chris. They all had different personalities and backgrounds, but currently, they all shared the same naughty expression as they hung there.

Before them was a large bathhouse where around 30 beautiful women with the tightest curves were bathing. According to their guide, it was exclusive to the royal concubines, the queen and the princesses as well as some of their royal cousins that stayed in the palace.

Forget being the number one talent of Supernatural, the gigolo of the G.o.ddess of Luck, a Void Dragon, a Gadget Master, a Battle Bard of Booty, or the reincarnation of Lucifer, right now, these seven fellows had reverted to young boys binding over a peeping experience.

Alas, it was only a matter of time until one of the ladies in the pool happened to look over and discover the seven peeping toms who were having a "great" time filling their eyes with the good stuff.

Immediately, she did the right thing and launched an attack at them using magic. The rest of the ladies noticed this as they saw the commotion, to which the attacking la.s.s screamed.


Unfortunately for men in Boundless, women could directly lay down the pain if they caught you peeping instead of screaming out loud. As such, the fellows.h.i.+p of peepers quickly paled and bolted.

Draco grabbed Chris and flung the fellow over his shoulder. The six Umbra members ran using their feet without making use of any skills or technique. Their Guildmaster even suppressed his overpowered pa.s.sives to stay on par with them.

Arrows were fired and combat pets were sent after them, but it was like trying to catch smoke, These fellows were too good at this, showing that they were skilled.

… or was it rather a testimony to the fact that every lad had the inborn instinct to flee the guards after being caught peeping. Who knew?

Only Chris" eyes were red as he was crying. "Oh no, I might get kicked out of the city guard."

Draco simply laughed at his worries. "Forget about this s.h.i.+tty Wealth City! From now on, you"re joining my Vita Kingdom! A lad like you who knows the good stuff deserves to live a good life!"

Hearing this, Chris was baffled to find out that that he had just received the chance of a lifetime. Who hasn"t heard of Vita Kingdom"s reputation?

It was only now that he paid attention to their emblems. He nearly forgot how to breathe. Not only did five of them possess a golden emblem, but the one who was holding him had one that was as black as the night, s.h.i.+ning with an abyssal glow.

The difference between his and the others was that the Black Dragon seemed to be alive and roaring, while the matagama symbols surrounding it glowed with brilliance.

Chris began to laugh maniacally as the wind whirled past his ears. This was a tale he would even pa.s.s down to his future grandchildren. They might not believe it, but he would be able to truthfully claim, that he had taken out Umbra"s Guildmaster on a peeping session!

Eventually, the guards had to give up the chase as they could no longer track the criminals.

Wealth City had been thrown into chaos!


Eva gathered the girls and took them with Luxia towards s.h.i.+noka. Since that continent was like a playground for her, she loved coming over occasionally to see the better Amaterasu.

When they arrived in the Sun Empire, n.o.bunaga himself was the one to greet them. He was surprised to see that the G.o.ddess Alter was here with Immortal Adventurers, but knew better than to ask.

He was also curious as to where Hikari, Zaine, and Roma were, but that was not important. Eva instructed him to prepare the best lodging for them, which n.o.bunaga did.

The eight ladies marveled at the manor they were situated in. It had a special kind of hot spring that came from a natural source unlike the ones in super mini small worlds which were simulated by Worldly Energy.

They put their attention on this and were soon bathing within the hot water with towels wrapped around their bodies. This made for an interesting scene given their diverse looks, backgrounds, and personalities.

There was plenty of laughter as they chatted about various things. After exiting and wiping themselves down, they were given personalized yukatas.

Eva"s was white in color with a red sun in the middle, Sublime"s was a mixture of black and blue, Rina"s was scarlet red, Hera"s was a dull grey, Keira took a pure black yukata, Lucia took a lovely emerald color as her own, Jada had a maroon and cyan mix while Jade a cyan and maroon mix.

After that, they went to the dining room where they were served with endless delicacies, some of which they had never seen before and could not even finis.h.!.+ These lovely ladies stuffed their faces full, especially Jada who was acting like a hooligan.

In her mind, how many times could she eat like this? As such, she would eat enough to last until her next outing! One should not worry, her stomach had a special s.p.a.ce to store food for later!

Jade naturally gave her twin sister a wide berth and the rest of the ladies could only watch with slack jaws as Jada swallowed everything before them. Even Eva had not been aware that the pettanko had such a characteristic, although Draco did.

After the meal, they began discussing things like romantic experiences, s.e.x.u.a.l experiences and other girl"s stuff.

"Well, I"m still a v.i.r.g.i.n. Never kissed nor held hands." The short Hera admitted with her usual uninterested expression. In terms of behavior, she was just like Jade, a closed-off and introverted person.

"I"m also a v.i.r.g.i.n, I guess. I tried to hit on a couple of guys, but they were all scared off by my muscular body so I stopped putting in the effort, I guess." Keira reported with a bitter smile.

Ah, it should be noted that as Eva"s best friends, Hera, Keira, and Lucia were obviously j.a.panese or living in j.a.pan. In other countries, Keira - with her beauty and s.e.xy, toned body - would not have such problems, but in her current locale, her type was not the preference of most.

"Well, I was a v.i.r.g.i.n up until recently…" Lucia reported with a shy smile.

This made the eyes of all those seated here light up. Immediately, they pounced on poor Lucia and began interrogating her. Without any means of resistance, she could only cough up the information.

"W-Well, just like Hera I was helping Big Sis Sublime with some paperwork when I was approached by Silent Walker. He told me I looked familiar, and I also recognized him as the famous actor from all those recent blockbuster movies." Lucia began with a red face.

The other girls were listening with rapt attention, as if these words were like life and death to them.

"And he told me to come look for him after work. I was only partially interested because he was famous and handsome, so I originally might not have gone, but his confident smile and the way he said it that brooked no dissent kinda got me going, you know?"

As one, all the ladies nodded. They understood exactly what Lucia was talking about.

"So, I went and he took me on a grand date. We went seafaring, to various kingdoms to try different delicacies and even cleared a dungeon together. It was so much fun." Lucia recounted as her eyes shone.

The single and v.i.r.g.i.n ladies in the group showed envious expressions, as they could tell from Lucia"s countenance that it was truly a magical experience for her. When would such a thing happen for them too?

"And then when we came back, he smiled so charmingly and invited me to his quarters in the Aether Hall. I was going to refuse, but by then I don"t know what came over me. I knew exactly what would happen if I went, but a mixture of d.e.s.i.r.e, curiosity, and fear came over me."

"D.e.s.i.r.e because I found him really attractive and the idea of doing it wasn"t repulsive, curiosity because I have long heard about what s.e.x was like and wanted to experience it and fear because, well, I was scared he would dislike me if I turned him down."

Lucia lowered her head a little. "I mean, by that point, I was falling hard for him."

The girls shared a look and smiled among each other. Sublime then poked Lucia in the side and coaxed her. "And then?"

"Well… we did it. I know what you guys are going to ask… it was painful at first, but then it felt really good. It"s so good that words can"t even describe it." Lucia revealed with a slightly l.u.s.tful expression.

This made the v.i.r.g.i.ns and the single feel a pang of heat in their abdomens as they imagined how it would feel too. Only Eva was leisurely sipping her drink while nodding. S.e.x.u.a.l p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e was an intense sensation.

Regardless of s.e.x, chances were that once one tasted it, they would always seek out that p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. If s.e.x wasn"t as good for women as it was for men, as those silly men liked to believe, then those so-called s.l.u.ts and hoes wouldn"t exist.

Eva smiled slightly. She had learned a lot about the male mind and experience thanks to her recent melding with Draco, so she could easily compare the sensations Draco felt to what she felt and he could do the same.

Well, the truth of the matter was that women had a slightly better o.r.g.a.s.m, however, Eva would never reveal this secret.

"That sounds so nice… I wonder when I can do it too." Jada said jealously.

Eva gave her the side-eye. "I"m sure there are more than a few fellows even in our guild who has. .h.i.t on both you twins, but you"ve rejected them."

Eva glanced at Rina who had been uncomfortably silent all this while, lost in her fantasies. "And you too Rina, you probably have the single highest amount of suitors in our entire guild."

Eva poured more juice into her cup and smiled. "So why have the three of you not accepted any of them like Sister Lucia?"

"Errr…" Jada mumbled, then froze in horror. Jade and Rina also s.h.i.+vered, as they realized they had fallen into a trap. Keira, Hera, and Lucia were not aware of the intricacies of this matter, so they were confused, but Sublime smiled so evilly, like she was about to watch a good show.

"I-I…" Rina stammered out weakly.

"No need to be afraid, beat your c.h.e.s.t and say it. The reason you guys don"t find an interest in other men is because you d.e.s.i.r.e my Draco, right?" Eva asked calmly.

There was a spell of silence before Jade was the first one to agree. Rina then acknowledged her d.e.s.i.r.e next and Jada was the last, who only mumbled it out weakly.

"Hmm… well, it"s not impossible for me to allow him to spend some time with you s.e.x.u.a.lly." Eva began with a smile.

Jada, Jade, and Rina whipped their lowered heads up so fast that they actually took damage from that ranging from 20 to 100 points, but they could not care about it.

Right now, more than a Celestial Maiden, Eva looked like the Creator of the Universe to them and her words were the holy aria of the G.o.ds.

Hearing their thoughts, Eva was deeply amused and more sympathetic towards these poor girls that were done it by her soulmate who did not control his Dark Angel Inheritance properly, infecting these ladies with a sort of compulsion towards him.

That was why she eventually thought to use this chance to bring this matter up and find a resolution. She began stating her terms to the three ladies, to which despite many being harsh and making even Sublime blanch, the three in question simply agreed to everything without hesitation.

Eventually, the ladies went to bed and spent the next day shopping throughout the Sun Empire, cleaning out many interesting knickknacks and souvenirs for themselves. They spent one week in the empire living like queens before they finally returned to Vita Kingdom.