Guild Wars

Chapter 532 - The First Floor 1

Chapter 532 - The First Floor 1

Draco noticed that he had appeared in a slightly worn room in a small wooden cottage. There was a single bed, a table, and some utensils in the corner. It very much reminded Draco of his own situation in the previous timeline before he had started to earn money in Darkrow. It was clear that whoever lived here was not exactly well off.

Draco noticed that the Dragorugio armor was no longer part of his party and that his swords, as well as the rest of his inventory, had disappeared. At the moment, he found himself wearing a peasant"s linen garb which was faded after having been washed countless times.

Just as he was confused, Draco saw a system prompt appear before him.

「The First Floor – Divine Quest

Description: The village of Ironwood is a dainty countryside homestead with many good-natured people. The j.a.pichi Bandits have recently set their eyes on the village and have been hara.s.sing the people for protection money. Find a way to drive them away to protect the village of Ironwood.

Limitation 1: Your previous equipment/skills/spells/abilities/t.i.tles have been sealed.

Limitation 2: You have been reset to level 1.

Provision 1: A unique set of skills can be acquired through skill-/spellbooks or practice.

Provision 2: A special talent is generated to a.s.sist the player.

Provision 3: Enemies are far easier to kill.

Draco breathed out deeply. The first floor seemed to be designed to test a person"s adaptability and wisdom. Rather than relying on unique skills or brute force, one would have to utilize the tools given to them to alleviate this problem.

Seeing as this was just the first floor, which should most likely be the easiest to ease trial takers into how things worked, they were not asked to directly kill a dragon to save a princess, but started them off by having to deal with some local bandits.

Take note, it specified that one would just have to drove them away, not kill or eradicate them.

With enough clever means, this should be achievable while not getting the villagers involved and possibly harmed in the crossfire, which was likely how the top three got so many points.

However, to be sure, Draco called out his women, especially his 10,000 IQ big booty s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s, Zaine. Once the Four Beauties appeared, they too were in coa.r.s.e linen dresses that hugged their bodies tightly.

Zaine and Hikari especially had almost half their showing. Eva and Roma had more svelte forms, but their curves were far sharper, making their s.e.xiness also quite intense.

They were quite surprised to find themselves looking like this. However, they soon focused on Draco who was watching them with a daze as his linen pants were forming their own Pythagoras Theorem due to the tent.

Zaine and Eva smiled naughtily, Hikari blushed deeply but looked interested and Roma rubbed her hands with excitement. Soon, the four forgot why they were summoned here as they approached Draco on the single bed.

For the next hour, strange sounds emerged from this cottage, which "luckily" was located in the outskirts of the village, otherwise many people would have been left embarra.s.sed by the things going on in there.

In a heap lay Eva, Zaine, Roma, and Hikari who were panting heavily, their bodies stained with white and their crotches leaking copious amounts of it. Their linen dresses were even more wretched and incomplete after their actions, so they might as well walk n.a.k.e.d.

However, after realizing this problem, Draco had asked Verita, the former head maid of the Rank 7 Castle, to show them some nice clothes with no stats. Since that did not count as equipment but just clothing, they were able to wear it.

In the meantime, after their collective l.u.s.t had been sated, the group had begun dissecting the quests, their rules, and limitations as well as provisions.

After some experimentation, Zaine summed up what they had discovered:

"Firstly, this should be a small world auto-generated by this tower, which is quite impressive. It has robbed us of most things we have acc.u.mulated so far, even racial skills."

"In Draco"s case, he cannot access his Subjective Magic, his overpowered cla.s.s pa.s.sives, his transformation skills, nor any of his equipment-based skills from Dragorugio or Fragarach."

"However, he has retained access to his Control, Bloodline Techniques, and those he has created for his weapons."

Zaine smiled winningly. "So, all we need to do is get you a pair of st.u.r.dy swords within the rules of this quest."

"Eva"s case seems to be similar to Draco"s. Without the Divine Cla.s.s she cannot access the forms it would have granted her, nor the divine skills/spells she had learned, yet she still has access to her Control, her Bloodline Techniques, and most importantly, her Inner Sun. The latter should boost her light and fire-based abilities, so that should be your focus, Eva."

"In my case, while my physical charm from being born s.e.xy had remained and I can feel my psychic abilities, I can"t do much except Telekinesis right now."

"Roma has lost all her Ultima Sunt abilities, but she can still use her Mystic Arts up to Rank 3 level by manually casting them, although it seems to burden her body and takes longer at the moment."

"Err, Hikari should still retain her invincibility and absurd defense, but her healing abilities should be gone. I guess Hikari only has her State of Being, so it"s imperative we get her up to speed as soon as possible."

Zaine finished the a.n.a.lysis, which made the others nod. Even Hikari wasn"t bothered that she was rendered almost useless, as she knew it was only temporary. After constant positive reinforcement from her beloved sister wives, she had begun to accept that she was truly OP.

Draco then checked his character menu, while Eva, Zaine, Roma and Hikari did same upon being prompted by the s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s.

「Name: Draco

Cla.s.s: None

Health: 100

Mana: 100

Stamina: 100

Exp: 0%

Power: 1

Speed: 1

Magic: 1

Skills: None

Talent: Sword Soul.」

「Name: Riveting Night

Cla.s.s: None

Health: 100

Stamina: 100

Level: 1

Exp: 0%

Power: 1

Speed: 1

Magic: 1

Skills: None

Talent: Halo of Light.」

「Name: Zaine

Health: 100

Mana: 100

Stamina: 100

Level: 1

Exp: 0%

Power: 1

Speed: 1

Magic: 1

Skills: None

Talent: Mind Mastery.」

「Name: Roma

Cla.s.s: None

Health: 100

Mana: 100

Stamina: 100

Level: 1

Exp: 0%

Power: 1

Speed: 1

Magic: 1

Skills: None

Talent: Mana Sensitivity.」

「Name: Hikari

Cla.s.s: None

Health: 10,000

Mana: 100

Stamina: 100

Level: 1

Exp: 0%

Power: 1

Speed: 1

Magic: 1

Skills: None

Talent: Aura of Benevolence.」

From what they could see, the stats had been reduced to three, Power which most likely encompa.s.sed Strength and Endurance, Speed instead of Dexterity, and Magic which most likely unified Intelligence and Spirit.

Since everyone started out with the same amount, they all had equivalent stats except Hikari, who had a hundred times the health of the average person at the same level due to her const.i.tution.

As had been stated in Provision 2, each of them acquired unique talents.

Draco"s Sword Soul allowed him to perfectly use any type of blade weapon, Eva"s Halo of Light made any of her attacks that used the Light element 50% stronger, Zaine"s Mind Mastery allowed her to use her psychic abilities without draining her stamina or mana, Roma"s Mana Sensitivity helped her absorb external mana to fuel her Mystic Arts and Hikari"s Aura of Benevolence, which made her healing abilities 30% more potent.

Draco then led the group out of the cottage and into the heart of Ironwood Village. It was quite bustling despite its size and various residents went about their daily lives in peace. From hunters, to gatherers, to tailors, to blacksmiths, everyone was busy working on their own thing.

Draco noticed that the villagers gazed at their group strangely, especially seeing such a handsome fellow being followed by four beautiful women who looked out of place wearing fine cotton clothes instead of the patched linen most peasants here wore.

Soon, a young lad rushed over and greeted Draco, then ogled the four beautiful big sisters behind him. The p.u.b.escent boy was mesmerized by their gentle smiles, until Draco lightly chopped the lad on the head, making him squat down.

"Well, what"s the hurry?" Draco asked with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Right! Uncle Draco, the Village Chief told me to inform you that the Royal Cla.s.sists have arrived in our village and are opening cla.s.s-a.s.sessing missions for those who are capable! As the village"s most talented youth, you should hurry over this instant!" The lad reported in a rush, occasionally peeking at Eva and co with a blush.

Draco was intrigued by this. It seemed that the tower had prepared a path for trial takers to follow. This lad"s main purpose seemed to be to rush over and inform everyone of this once one left the cottage.

They would then head to the location in question and pa.s.s whatever tests necessary to acquire a cla.s.s, for without it, it was unlikely one could learn skills in this world. As this was likely the capital one needed to beat back the bandits, it was a crucial event.

Draco rose to his feet and thanked the lad before heading over with Eva and co.

As long as they could acquire, everything else should be a breeze with the five of them here. Where others had to complete such challenges themselves, Draco had his family here to help him.

Was this cheating? Perhaps in a way, but if they wanted to complain the other trial takers were free to acquire Inner Worlds of their own!

Soon, they reached a small encampment set up just outside the village where some fancy tents had been lined up, with some elite soldiers guarding them. Outside the largest tent, a queue of many young men and women from the village had already formed, their faces taut with excitement and worry about this cla.s.s issue.

Draco and the Four Beauties joined the line patiently, waiting for their turn just as anyone else would. They still attracted the attention of all those here for sure, but they were used to it.

Soon enough, it was their turn to enter the tent. Draco entered and saw that there was a small orb in the center, with two cloaked women on either side of it, their faces concealed as they gazed at the newcomers.

When they saw Draco enter, their bodies shook a little, but returned to normal soon after, yet Draco did not miss it. He smiled amicably as he moved to stand before the orb.

The lady on the left spoke in a raspy voice as she instructed him. "Place your hand on the orb."

Draco did so immediately. It immediately went go through a slew of colors, until a resplendent black color appeared with the image of two crossed swords within.

This led to great shock among everyone in the tent, even the guards. Draco though, watched them silently with a smile and waited for them to interpret the meaning of this for him.

The lady on the right spoke next, her voice also disguised for whatever reason. "Black-Grade Sword Talent. Recommended Starter Quest: Swordmaster."

The lady on the left seemed hesitant about this but didn"t date to challenge her compatriot so openly. As such, Draco soon received a prompt in front of him.

「Swordmaster – Starter Quest

Description: Kill 30 Schweinehunde and the Schweineführer.

Stage 1: Enter the Schweinehöhle.

Rewards: Swordmaster (Advanced Cla.s.s), Starter C.h.e.s.t (Advanced Cla.s.s), 1,000 gold.」

Just before Draco could ask, one of the guards stepped forth and answered the question that had formed in his mind. "Now that you have received the Starter Quest, please head one tent to the right, which is the Information Tent. There, you will find out more about your task and in general."

Draco obeyed and exited, deciding to wait outside for Eva and co to finish their own a.s.sessments.

Upon entry, Eva"s beauty floored most of the guards, and they almost fell to their knees. The two ladies especially trembled hard, but managed to keep their composure with ease.

Eva noticed this response and smiled inwardly. After all, she and Draco intentionally activated their Dark Angel/Celestial Maiden Inheritances slightly ever since they came to this floor in order to fish for some easy advantages.

They were outputting at just 1%, but that alone was enough to garner such reactions, making Eva satisfied. She was then given the same instructions, and she followed them obediently.

When she placed her hand on the orb, the color that came was a pure white with a Spear of Holy Light radiating within. This caused a stronger reaction than when Draco"s own talent was revealed, and Eva took note of this.

After deliberation, the lady on the right spoke. "White-Grade Light Magic Talent. Recommended Starter Quest: Light Sage."

「Light Sage – Starter Quest

Description: Kill 70 Skeleton Warriors and the Skeleton King.

Stage 1: Enter the Ancient Battlefield.

Rewards: Light Sage (Master Cla.s.s), Starter C.h.e.s.t (Master Cla.s.s), 5,000 gold.」

This verdict made the lady on the left exclaim under her breath, and the stoic guards who had been forced to shame themselves twice already were made to do so again, as they understood the implications of not only giving this cla.s.s, but if Eva succeeded and acquired it.

Eva was then told to head to the Information Tent, however, she too merely went outside and proceeded to wait with Draco.

Zaine"s presence was a direct effect, tents formed on the guards" pants regardless of how stoic they had been, and even the hardened of the two ladies could be seen pressing on their robes.

There was nothing to be ashamed of here, this reaction to Zaine was natural. Rather, not reacting would mean that one had a serious physiological problem or that they had unique tastes.

Zaine placed her hand on the orb, which flashed an orange color and had the symbol of a brain floating within. This didn"t cause plain shock, but pleasant surprise.

"Orange-Grade Psychic Talent. Recommended Starter Quest: Psylord."

「Psylord – Starter Quest

Description: Kill 10 Telecrabs and the Crustacean Mindlord.

Stage 1: Enter the Sea of Thought.

Rewards: Psylord (Intermediate Cla.s.s), Starter C.h.e.s.t (Intermediate Cla.s.s), 500 gold.」

The lady on the left had no complaints this time. Roma came in and also went through the same process as before. The orb lit up with an orange light and had the symbol of a bubbling cauldron within.

"Orange-Grade Mystic Talent. Recommended Starter Quest: Witch."

「Witch – Starter Quest

Description: Kill 10 Netherdrakes and the Viper.

Stage 1: Enter the Scourge.

Rewards: Witch (Intermediate Cla.s.s), Starter C.h.e.s.t (Intermediate Cla.s.s), 500 gold.」

Finally, here was Hikari, who had the orb flash with a white light. In the center was a symbol of a staff radiating a gentle light.

"White-Grade Curative Talent. Recommended Starter Quest: Holy Saintess."

「Holy Saintess – Starter Quest

Description: Heal any ally from below 50% HP 70 times and save an ally from impending death.

Stage 1: Find a party.

Rewards: Holy Saintess (Master Cla.s.s), Starter C.h.e.s.t (Master Cla.s.s), 5,000 gold.」

After this, Draco and the group shared info about their experience and their a.s.signed Starter Quests before moving to the information tent. There, they saw the queue here was not as great since most had directly rushed out to complete their quests rather than get bored by endless exposition.

Unfortunately, since a rather das.h.i.+ng and handsome fellow loved exposition, others would have to swallow their unhappiness and absorb the information as it was. (Editor"s Note: Thanks for calling me das.h.i.+ng and handsome, feel free to also add modest!)

In the Information Tent, Draco and the Four Beauties were hosted by a man wearing a scholar"s robe. He was just one of the many in here, but he had quickly rushed over to serve them after seeing the Four Beauties.

"Greetings, what would you like to know?" The scholar asked with a f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y deepened voice.

"Please educate us on everything about this. From Cla.s.s Quests, to how Talents are ranked, to what kinds of exist, their rankings and what we can do after completing our Starter Quests." Eva requested genially.

Enthused to be asked by Eva, which was something the Evil Duo had schemed telepathically, the fellow answered without finding it strange that residents of this world knew absolutely nothing of all of this.

"Cla.s.s Quests are the Divine Mandate issued by the G.o.ds to grant mortals the ability to protect themselves and help others. This Divine Mandate manifests as the Divine Right given to royal families of this world, who then send their descendants far and wide to empower the people for free."

Draco and Eva shared a look. It was easy enough to understand that the "G.o.ds" was once again the AI, the cla.s.s system a mechanic with a natural organic background and those two cloaked ladies were royal princesses or the like?

"Talents are Ranked by color scheme. From Green to Blue, Purple, Golden, Orange, Black, and finally White. If there is anything above that, then we have yet to discover it."

"As for the kinds of, you can categorize them into three kinds. Combat, Support, and Trade Those who have a Combat cla.s.s are blessed with martial power and grow stronger by slaying monsters. Those who acquire Support use their powers to constantly help others and become stronger by doing so. Lastly, Trade are able to manifest their creative power, and the more they craft the stronger they become."

"The ranking of follows a strict terminology and hierarchy system. There are Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master These are related to the colors of their Talent. Those with Green, Blue, and Purple Talents acquire Novice, Golden and Orange acquire Intermediate"

"Black Talents acquire Advanced and White acquired Master However, people with these two are rare and their Starter Quests are usually so absurdly difficult that it"s impossible to complete."

The scholar then smiled at the dumbfounded group. "Did that satisfy you?"

Swallowing heavily, Draco nodded. He smiled shakily and asked. "Right, how do we get weapons to complete our Starter Quests?"

The scholar laughed and led them out of the tent and pointed to a caravan that was set up like a shop nearby. "Just head over to the quartermaster and report the color of your Talent as well as the location of your Starter Quest and he will hand you the necessary items to clear it."