Guild Wars

Chapter 548 - The Second Floor

Chapter 548 - The Second Floor

「The Second Floor – Divine Quest

Description: The village of Ironwood is a dainty countryside homestead with many good-natured people. The j.a.pichi Bandits who had previously been hara.s.sing the village have been driven away by you. However, the party that backed them is angry about this development and will soon make their vengeance known.

Limitation 1: Your previous equipment/skills/spells/abilities/t.i.tles have been sealed.

Limitation 2: You have been reset to level 1.

Provision 1: A unique set of skills can be acquired through skill-/spellbooks or practice.

Provision 2: A special talent is generated to a.s.sist the player.

Provision 3: Enemies are far easier to kill.

Provision 4: All equipment and abilities from the previous floor are carried over.

Rewards: Score Points, 1 Bronze-Tier Reward Selection.」

After reading what they had to do, the Five Monsters shared a look. Even as the villagers began to party and make merry, even gesturing for these heroes to join in the fun, the Morningstar Quintet simply smiled thinly and followed them.

The village soon got into the vibe of extreme craziness. Heaps of food were pa.s.sed around while many began drinking heavily. Soon, the place smelled of roast meat and alcohol, coupled with the noise, created an atmosphere of fun.

Many men came up to the Four Beauties to try and ask them for a dance or for some fun, but they all reused. In the village background, they were Draco"s sisters and not his wives, so it wasn"t the fault of these young men for coming forth.

Draco too was. .h.i.t up by many young girls who wanted some time with him, but he was busily stuffing his face with food. Eva and Zaine only ate slowly and gracefully, while Hikari also ate like Draco.

Well, at the end of the day, she was a dragon. No matter how beautifully and heavenly Hikari looked, she still did not have table manners in the traditional sense. Roma didn"t eat at all, as she was curious about the dances of these villagers.

Sensing her emotions, Draco smiled and c.a.r.e.s.sed her back gently. "Go ahead and dance Roma, don"t hold back on my account."

She was half gypsy and half Ultima Sunt sure, but she grew up as a Gypsy. Even though she largely stopped her dancing because she wanted to focus on her offensive abilities, it was still an integral part of her culture.

In fact, this urge in her became more prominent ever since her clan was revived, so Draco saw this as a good chance to get her to express himself. He wasn"t insecure or judgmental about these things.

Eva wanted to hide her face and keep it something special for him, but he didn"t see the need. He would rather have everyone look upon her and wors.h.i.+p her just as he did. Similarly, Zaine stopped seducing men by wearing overly s.e.xy dresses, but Draco didn"t mind if she charmed everyone.

He had forgiven Eva when he learned the truth and bonded with her, also forgave Zaine after she molested that girl from the Church of Light and their bond had also deepened.

After spending over 8 years in the depths of hatred because he thought he had been cheated on, Draco was just tired of being jealous over petty things. He didn"t have the energy to go through all that again, so he adopted a broad-minded stance.

Roma, who had been given a green light by Draco, was surprised and unsure. But as Eva nodded and encouraged her as well, she then stood up uncertainly and walked near the dance floor.

Upon seeing her come, many made way for her. Draco snapped his finger and gestured to the drummers to continue the beat and raise their volume as they had slowed down to admire Roma"s s.e.xy body.

Taking the cue from Draco, they picked the tune back up as they gazed at Roma with curiosity. Was this beauty going to dance? Hm, but she wasn"t yet knowledgeable in their traditional merry dance, was she?

Roma wasn"t, but she had been observing them. With her Pinnacle Insight that made her Intellect, Memory, and Talent 5 times better, she was easily able to notice the flow of the dance as well as the unique movements within.

As such, Roma began moving slowly. She was trying to merge her mental image of the dance flows with her body"s own movements. When learning a new dance, many people went through this, but they would never match the adaptability of a woman like Roma who was born with Flexibility.

At first, her movements were stale and a bit forced, but they became smoother and smoother as her movements increased in speed. By the time a few minutes pa.s.sed, Roma was moving so fluidly and powerfully that the original dancers were left ashamed.

However, more than that, all eyes were trained on Roma as her dance began to intoxicate the crowd. The dance itself wasn"t really s.e.x.u.a.l per se, just the usual waist shaking and swift turning dancing arts that were designed for women with nice forms, but when Roma did it… oh boy.

Everyone here had flushed cheeks, whether make female, a.d.u.l.t, or lad. They couldn"t tear their eyes away from Roma"s movements as various unholy thoughts coursed through their minds and their libidos burned with heat.

Hikari"s face was flushed as she lowered her head, unable to contain her increasing d.e.s.i.r.e from watching Roma, while Zaine watched on with glowing eyes. The s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s licked her lips and spoke in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

"Interesting. The lovely Roma I have been calling my sister can make me wet like this… good. I will have a taste of her when she is done for sure."

Eva watched on with a look of interest, her lips curled into an amused smile. Draco himself put down the food he was stuffing himself with and drunk a large mug of beer before sighing.

Then he gazed at his woman with a glint in his eye. "Seems like she is begging for another child, huh? Very well."

Roma was lost in her dance, enjoying the feeling of moving her body to the tempo of a beat. She slightly regretted getting rid of her Charm pa.s.sive skill, but at the same time knew that it was for the best, otherwise the effect on the crowd would be far worse than just this.

"Roma dear, come and sit here." Zaine patted a s.p.a.ce in between herself and Draco.

"That"s right my love, come and let me look at you." Draco also beckoned with a strange tone.

Immediately, Roma sensed danger and wanted to flee, but the s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s and incubus duo would not allow her to escape. Both their eyes glowed with a blue light as Roma"s body became rigid and walked into the valley of the shadow of death on its own.

Hikari gazed at Roma with pity, wis.h.i.+ng for her sister-wive to survive this calamity while Eva sniffed a mug of beer and showed a look of disdain.

The moment Roma sat in between the two devils, their hands went below the table and Roma"s face flushed. She made a weird sound and put her head on the table so no one could see what expression she was making, while Draco and Zaine shared a look and smiled evilly.

Roma could only be bullied in such a manner until it was around midnight and the party had largely died down. Most were intoxicated and had fallen into a coma or were sprawled around, asleep.

The only ones up were those like Draco and Zaine with Roma, those performing acts of a s.e.x.u.a.l nature in the darkness of the square in order to vent their pa.s.sions. However, Draco and Zaine finally let go of Roma at this point, their finger glistening with a sparkly fluid that left one feeling strange.

Draco and Zaine tasted it and had intoxicated expressions.

"This is high quality, oh my G.o.d!" Zaine exclaimed with shock.

Draco nodded and gazed at the slumped-over Roma who was breathing laboriously. "This is beyond what a normal humanoid female should produce, so it must be her Ultima Sunt side."

Eva grabbed Draco"s fingers and tasted it herself. Her eyes glittered with amazement. "We can literally bottle this up and sell it for hundreds of gold based on the taste alone you know?"

Thinking this, the three of them turned to watch the slumped over Roma who s.h.i.+vered with fear. Was she going to be milked of her "love juices" day-in and day-out from now on?!

Curious, Hikari also pestered Zaine for a taste and exclaimed once she had some. She looked at Roma with envy and said. "Sister Roma, you taste so good. If only I could taste as good as you."

Draco"s eyes lit up. "Actually, I have tasted each and every one of you at some point, and I can firmly say that none of you are weaker than Roma."

"Eva tastes like Sugar Water, and her fluid has effects like healing ailments and cleansing the mind. Hikari tastes like pineapple and also has similar effects to Eva. Zaine tastes like and her fluid makes you hornier by the second. As we all just felt, Roma tastes like Avocado and Honey mixed."

Draco then gazed at the four of them with an amused smile. "Hehe, should I tie you all up and start milking you day by day?"

Hikari and Roma showed panicked expressions, while Eva simply smiled suggestively. As for Zaine, she directly raised her leg and showed Draco her thin g-string.

"You can milk me anytime, Draco."" Zaine declared with a sultry tone.

Eva snickered and leaned forward. "Me too. Heh, it might be fun."

Draco"s eyes glittered as he smacked the table. "It"s a deal! We"ll open the Morningstar Clan Love Juice Bar. Our slogan: Pure Juice from the greatest beauties in the universe!"

The five shared looks before breaking out into laughter simultaneously. Draco slowed his chuckle as he turned to the darkness outside the square with a hint of ridicule on his face.

"Oi, you guys have waited long enough already. Just how patient can you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds be? Don"t you see we want to go and make more kids?"

Eva simply watched her fingernails with a cryptic smile while Zaine hummed with interest. Roma only tapped the air lightly, gathering a bit of mana into her fingertips while Hikari [perked up, an expression of alarm on her face.

When she saw that everyone was already aware, she too wore a nonchalant expression like she had realized from the very beginning.

Those who were still awake in the village were startled when a rain of arrows suddenly descended upon everyone in the square. In this darkness, it was hard to see individual arrows or hear them, but no one could miss that thunderous sound of hundreds of arrows tearing through the air in an arc, nor miss the sight of them coming from above with the moon as their backdrop.

Those who noticed screamed or roared in fear, which woke up the rest who were confused as to what was going on. Many were drunk as b.a.l.l.s when they pa.s.sed out, so it would take more than a few screams to get their brains working again so abruptly.

However, the arrow rain fell too fast for anyone to see what was going on. Just when it was about to turn the residents of Ironwood into pincus.h.i.+ons that leaked blood, a blue light erupted from where Draco sat that knocked away all the falling arrows with ease.

It was like a giant hand had just swatted a bunch of mosquitos away, shocking both the targets and the one who fired the shots. Both parties could only gape stupidly for a few seconds before the warriors of the village rose to their feet and roared out.

"Who is it?! Come out and fight!"

"G.o.ddammit, where is my weapon?!"

"Honey, where is my armor suit?! Where is my armor suit?!"

Draco watched the chaos ensue with a callous smile. He naturally cared little for these villagers, but it was a no-brainer that even a single life lost would affect his score points and rating at th end, so not a single villager could die.

Soon, the square was surrounded by over 200 men on horses with fine armor and gleaming weapons. The moment they emerged, the chaotic villagers became silent had someone had gripped their throats.

On the armor of the warriors was the symbol of a n.o.ble house that these villagers knew all too well. It was the Carva n.o.ble House, a Count-level family in which their barony fell under one of the Count"s sons who was awarded a Baron t.i.tle.

They were the overlords of their area, so when seeing that they were attacked by the troops, instead of arguing for themselves and trying to understand why, they rather became fearful and subdued.

This was despite the commoners outnumbering the troops by more than ten times. After all, for people like this, the caste system was like an iron law that had been branded into their souls.

To break the chains and revolt required intense stimuli, and this wasn"t strong enough believe it or not. From the troops that stood out at this time, one man who sat on an armored horse stepped forward with a cold expression.

"Where is the village chief! Bring him out here for me this instant!" He roared imperiously, his nose raised high into the air.

Immediately, the village chief who was an old man rushed over and got to his knees before the horse. "Y-Your Knightliness… Sir… what brings you to Ironwood?"

The Knight sneered. "You now know that you are to kneel before our royal house? Where was your backbone when you killed one of our men, huh?!"

The Village Chief raised his head, a look of pure bewilderment on his face. The other villagers also shared looks of dismay as they wondered why they were being accused of such an outlandish crime.

"This… my lord, you should know that mere peasants like us dare not even breathe too loudly in the presence of n.o.bles. None of us have the guts to even displease a n.o.ble, much less kill them." The Village Chief pointed out with a tone of pure confusion.

Both he and the villagers were not worried or fearful, but confused. They knew that a man like this should know this as well, it was factually impossible for any of them to dare kill a n.o.ble.

The Knight"s lips twitched as he realized this was true. Even his troops began lowering their weapons slightly as the logic was sound to them. It was an inescapable fact, so these were likely not their targets.

However, the Knight knew that he had to bull through because he was here on a mission. As such, he could only point a finger and say: "Sophistry! We found a group of our men killed in a ditch, and you even dare celebrate their demise?! Tell me, what punishment are you deserving for such a crime?!"

The Village Chief was even more confused. "Celebrating their demise…? Sir, the ones who were routed were the j.a.pichi bandits who have been pillaging us for months. We"ve made many reports to the Baron"s estate about this, you can check."

Zaine slapped her forehead with exasperation, closing her eyes in frustration from their stupidity. The Knight"s eyes s.h.i.+ned even as his expression became fierce.

"You dare to call soldiers under the House of Carva as bandits?! Slander! Treachery! Men, slay these cretins for their crimes!"

The Village Chief and the villagers panicked, not understanding why their honesty had been misconstrued so badly. As they saw the soldier knock their arrows once more, many cried out in horror for what would inevitably happen next.

However before any shot could be fired, a black light emerged from the corner of the square that collided silently with an area with many of the regiment"s archers standing. It exploded so silently that one would not even have noticed it if it weren"t for all eyes being on the soldiers.

When the dust settled, there was nothing left in that locale, not even ash. Even the ground was cleared, creating a small ditch as if someone had used a giant spoon to carve it out.

"What the…" The Knight murmured in shock.

… just what the h.e.l.l happened right now? His men were in formation there, about to fire a barrage of arrows into the hapless victims, yet the next moment they had disappeared completely, not even leaving a fart behind.

At this time, everyone could feel like the ambient light of the area was being swallowed, turning their heads in the direction where it came from. There they saw a group of five still seated casually as if nothing was going on.

The only male among them lifted a finger boredly and was manifesting a slowly growing black ball that was similar to what had just been fired out. Not only that, the Knight and his soldiers all felt horror as they gazed at the dark ball.

It felt like whatever that thing was, they should never allow it to come anywhere near them in any capacity. Despite this, Draco still tossed it out lazily, the ball colliding with another segment of the warriors as they too evaporated into a black light without even getting a chance to cry out.

Draco did not bother to speak or chat with these fellows as he manifested another ball slowly, his eyes locked on the Knight Leader himself, who was shaking and quivering in fear from this sight which he could not fathom or comprehend in the least.