Guild Wars

Chapter 604 - Nefarious Draco

Chapter 604 - Nefarious Draco

Roma smiled beautifully as she explained her changes. "Well, I decided to stick with what I had as well, changing very little. I did get some lovely new skills that are guaranteed to help me out of combat though."

Roma then pouted. "Unfortunately, I"m still unable to access the Rank 4 and Rank 5 skills for the Ultima Sunt bloodline. It didn"t seem to be an issue of energy, so I can only a.s.sume I"ll have to wait for Draco to reach that Rank."

Draco patted Roma on the back as he comforted her gently. "Don"t worry Roma, your current power is already good enough. If you become even more powerful wouldn"t you become more outstanding than me? Do you want me to wear panties and twerk for you if that happens?"

The Four Beauties" lips twitched at the thought. They all collectively blushed, realizing that what they were picturing was actually not so bad…

Draco"s b.a.l.l.s shriveled up as they sensed the incoming danger, fortunately one of his braincells just so happened to have returned that moment and quickly gave instruction to change the topic.

"My dear Hikari, what changes have you manifested this time? Please tell us now, while we"re ready as our hearts can only take so much shock!"

「Name: Hikari - Rank 5 Ancient Dragon

Level: 200

Exp: 0%

NPC Str: 100

NPC Dex: 100

NPC End: 100

NPC Int: 100

NPC Spr: 545 --> 570

NPC Cha: 100

NPC Lck: 100

Active Skills: White Light Healing, White Barrier, White Light Blessing, White Light Resurrection, White Light Negation.

Pa.s.sive Skills: Item Creation, Life Creation, Element Creation, Soul Creation (new) Aether Conversion, Special Dragobond.」

「White Light Healing – Active skill

Effect: Infuse an injured target with the holy light of purity, alleviating their pains and bringing them back to full health while fully restoring Mana and Stamina, Concentration, Focus, and Willpower using 20% --> 40% less Worldly Energy.

Cooldown: None

Autocast: Off」

「White Barrier – Active skill

Effect: Create a defensive barrier that reduces all forms of damage by 80%--> 90% and restores 50%--> 60% of that damage as health to the target of this skill. Can cover up to 8 --> 12 targets at Rank 5.

Duration: 20 seconds --> 25 seconds.

Cooldown: 15 seconds --> 10 seconds.」

「White Light Blessing – Active skill

Effect: Infuse a target with the holy light of purity, granting them strength and power. All their stats are temporarily s.e.xtupled, and so are their Defense, Damage, and Resistances using 20% --> 40% less Worldly Energy.

Cooldown: None

Autocast: Off」

「White Light Resurrection – Active skill

Effect: Infuse a pa.s.sed soul with new life, bringing them back from the dead in perfect condition and in their prime, regardless of distance from the caster using 20% --> 40% less Worldly Energy.

Cooldown: None

Autocast: Off」

「White Light Negation – Active skill

Effect: Channel the light of purity and perfection into a target, granting them the ability to ignore all limiters and effects. For the duration of this skill, all their skills possess no cooldowns and uses 40% less Worldly Energy.

Note: Does not affect items and equipment.

Cooldown: None

Autocast: Off」

「Item Creation – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: You are able to create up to semi-large --> large items with ambient Worldly Energy.」

「Life Creation – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: You are able to create medium --> semi-large living organisms with ambient Worldly Energy.」

「Element Creation – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: You are able to create small --> medium quant.i.ties of any or all elements with ambient Worldly Energy.」

「Soul Creation – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: You are able to create a small soul of any type with ambient Worldly Energy.」

「Aether Conversion – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: You are able to convert Worldly Energy to Aetheric Energy at a rate of 1 crystal per quarter-hour. Crystals vary in quality and are always above the medium --> high rank.」

「Special Dragobond – Pa.s.sive skill

Rank: ???


Pa.s.sive 1 - Supreme Compatibility: Copulation between the two Dragons tied by this skill will always conceive a child.

Pa.s.sive 2 - Stats Link: Both Dragons tied by this skill are able to exchange stat points with each other freely if they are within the same Area Zone.

Pa.s.sive 3 - Perfect Synergy: The two Dragons are able to display 400% --> 500% of their respective Draconic prowess in combat.

Pa.s.sive 4 - Link: The two Dragons are able to tell the location of each other and reach the side of one another at will.」

All eyes fell on Hikari as she explained. "Most of my energy was drained by White Light Negation, as I focused on reducing the cost down. It was originally only supposed to go down by 20%, but I managed to it up to 40%. Now, it will be much easier for me to use it."

Hikari pondered for a bit. "I"d say if it was just you four, I could maintain it for 5 minutes at most if I have an uninterrupted supply of Worldly Energy."

The four of them shook greatly. Draco roared with all his strength: "Enough! It is enough! 5 minutes is definitely more than enough!!"

f.u.c.k, five minutes for all of them to not have any cooldowns.

Just what kind of scene would that be?

Eva, Zaine, and Roma couldn"t help but s.h.i.+ver in fear at the thought, especially Roma who had so many powerful skills thanks to her Mystic Arts.

Without a cooldown, she could ma.s.sacre an entire empire in 5 minutes if she went all out. All of them could, but not as horribly as Roma who had despair-inducing skills.

Hikari was startled by Draco"s roar, but realized that they were all looking at her with pa.s.sion, as usual. Hikari could only lament inwardly, wis.h.i.+ng she could be average and not so spectacular!

(Author"s Note: This is why you have to protect your innocent daughters. Hanging around hooligans can corrupt them!)

However, everyone"s mood"s mood soured when they remembered that going forward the only one of the Four Beauties who would be able to accompany Draco would be Eva.

While one might think that having the chance to spend some alone time with Draco would make her happy, she was extremely fond of the time the entire family spent together, and the current her was not as selfish as Riveting Night who would have rejoiced at this secretly.

Zaine suddenly lit up. "Right, I was about to say, we haven"t checked the growth of our items since we got them. It came to mind when I wanted to dispense of the experience we gained."

Draco nodded with surprise. That was wight, just like how items become stronger in a players" hands with each Rank they climbed, the same held true for NPCs.

Eva smiled with interest. "Lets see them then."

「Succubi"s Claw – Gauntlets (2)

Rank: Legendary

Durability: 1,000,000/1,000,000


Pa.s.sive 1 – Swiftness: When wearing this item, the user"s attack speed is increased by 150% --> 250% when attacking unarmed.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Rip and Tear: The claws of this item offer an extra 300% --> 500% damage increase and a 30%--> 50% chance to deal fatal damage to any point of a foe.

Active 1 – Fury Swipes: After activating this skill, the user attacks a single target rapidly and ferociously, dealing automatic fatal damage to any foe per swipe. Cooldown: 3 minutes --> 1.5 minutes.

Description: An item made by a new Grandmaster for his succubus wife"s enjoyment, these gauntlets have yet to make any legends in the world.」

「Succubi Boots – Boots (2)

Rank: Legendary

Durability: 1,000,000/1,000,000

Pa.s.sive 1 – Footwork: This item contains the footwork techniques of the blacksmithing master who created it, allowing its user to cast such techniques at will.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Speedster: The movement speed of the user is boosted by 200% --> 400% when using any movement technique.

Active 1 – Ultimate Kick: Activate this skill to jump up into the air and utilize the force of gravity to smash down with a great kick upon foes, dealing 400% --> 600% unarmed damage. Cooldown: 1 minute --> 40 seconds.

Description: An item made by a new Grandmaster for his succubus wife"s enjoyment, these boots have yet to make any legends in the world.」

「Witch"s Broom – Staff

Rank: Legendary

Durability: 1,000,000/1,000,000


Pa.s.sive 1 – Intensity: When casting any of the Mystic Arts, the power of the spell is increased by 400% --> 600%.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Flight: The user is able to use this staff to fly by sitting on it and channeling Mystic Energy.

Active 1 – Ultra Cast: When activated, this skill allows the user to entered a hyperactive state where they can s.e.xta-cast any Mystic Arts spells. Cooldown: 5 minutes --> 3 minutes.

Description: An item made by a new Grandmaster for his witch wife"s enjoyment, this staff has yet to make any legends in the world.」

「Witch"s Bracelet – Ornamental Item

Rank: Legendary

Durability: 1,000,000/1,000,000


Pa.s.sive 1 – Soul Stealer: This item has the ability to steal all souls within the area of 100km --> 300km around the user and can be turned off at will.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Soul Purifier: All souls captured and stored by this item undergo purification, allowing them to be used for any purposes by those in the know.

Active 1 – Soul Condenser: Activating this skill allows the user to condense multiple souls together into a higher grade at will. Cooldown: none.

Description: An item made by a new Grandmaster for his witch wife"s enjoyment, this bracelet has yet to make any legends in the world.」

「Dragoness" Circlet – Ornamental Item

Rank: Legendary

Durability: 1,000,000/1,000,000


Pa.s.sive 1 – Perfect Concealment: While wearing this circlet, the user will be able to suppress their true Source Origin and make it appear to be that of a half-human, half-dragon hybrid.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Channeling: The user is able to transform into their true form and use their abilities perfectly despite being concealed and altered.

Active 1 – Concentration: Activating this skill allows the user to concentrate their power while transformed, achieving the effect of boosting their prowess by more than 300% --> 500%. Cooldown: 10 minutes --> 8 minutes.

Description: An item made by a new Grandmaster for his Dragoness wife"s enjoyment, this circlet has yet to make any legends in the world.」

「Energy Converter – Unique Item (Hikari)

Rank: Divine


Pa.s.sive 1 – External Conversion: Convert ambient energies from one type to another with no penalties to quality and no wastage. Speed depends on Spirit x 3.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Internal Conversion: Convert selected energies from one type to another with no penalties to quality and no wastage. Speed depends on Spirit x 3.

Active 1 – Instant Conversion: Convert all energy selected from one attribute to another instantly. Cooldown: 1 day --> 20 hours.

Active 2 – Self-Conversion: Convert energy within a target from one attribute to another instantly. Cooldown: 1 day --> 20 hours.

Description: This is the first tool the Refinement G.o.d ever made to support their unique Tradeskill and has an unparalleled history in the lineage of Tradeskills. Its value is immeasurable to all species.」

「Intelligence Booster – Ornamental Item (Zaine)

Rank: Epic


Pa.s.sive 1 – Psychic Enhancement: All psychic related skills and techniques are enhanced by 20% --> 30%, and use 30% --> 40% less resources.

Active 1 – Overbearing Wave: Activating this skill allows the user to condense their mind energy greatly and release it as a huge wave that incapacitates all enemies within 3 --> 5 miles. Cooldown: 2 days --> 1 day.

Description: This focus crystal was condensed through the purification and sublimation of the psychic ability of a young Intelligence Sentinel. Since the target had not yet reached the height of his power, the item too possess the ability to grow further.

Further abilities can be unlocked by sacrificing experience points. 0% of 30000% needed to upgrade to Legendary Rank.」

「Purefire – Fusion item (Hikari)

Rank: Legendary


Pa.s.sive 1 – Clear Mind: All status effects relating to the mind and soul are unconditionally resisted.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Clear Body: All status effects relating to the body are unconditionally resisted.

Active 1 – Heartfire: Expel all the negativity in a target"s heart and body, bringing about perfect mental and physical stability. Cooldown: 1 day --> 20 hours.

Description: This is a flame that was birthed due to the presence of purity, a legendary mystic flame born from the power of the soul. Ranked number 2 out of the Great Ten Mystic Flames.」

「Divinefire – Fusion item (Hikari)

Rank: Divine


Pa.s.sive 1 – Holy Flames: The user is able to channel the holiest flames freely. Depending on their race and cla.s.s, the holy flames may manifest different uses.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Divine Privilege: The user is exempt from all forms of arbitration, questioning, and interference by parties mortal or divine.

Active 1 – Purify: Using the Divine Flame, cleanse any target or item of any and all impurities, bringing it to its perfect state. Cooldown: 30 minutes --> 10 minutes.

Active 2 – Law: With the Divine Flame, forcefully comprehend a Divine Law permanently. Cooldown: 3 months --> 1 month.

Description: This is a flame that was birthed due to the presence of Divinity, a legendary mystic flame born from the power of the G.o.ds. Ranked number 1 out of the Great Ten Mystic Flames.」

(Author"s Note: Yes, I see the plothole too. This, kids, is why you don"t make dumba.s.s decisions to go on hiatus. This is totally due to my negligence and carelessness, because the Purefire came first in chapter 206 and the Divine Fire much later.)

I won"t try and bulls.h.i.+t you with some explanation in the story as to how Hikari alone can do it, imma just keep it real and admit the mistake. Right now, consider it a retcon that Hikari can use both of them for now. It will be transferred to Draco"s Angel wife later on.)

"Not bad, these items should prove useful going forward. I"ll make sure to upgrade them or make Divine version of them when I become a G.o.d in each of my Tradeskills." Draco promised as he rubbed his hands.

"Hehehe, now that you lovely ladies have reached Rank 5, don"t you think a celebration is in order?" Draco suggested with an evil smile.

Suddenly, the Four Beauties felt like something was not right. They playfully tried to flee, but discovered that they had been apported to a new location on the island in the void.

It was a huge black manor that was carved in Demonic, Devilish, and Draconic symbols!

They had appeared in a huge bedroom with a combination of a blood pool, a dragon"s nest, a heavenly cloud, and an evil altar. When the Four Beauties took in the design, their lips couldn"t help but tremble.

"That"s right my lovelies, I have been planning this for a long, long time. It wasn"t until recently that I finally gained the ability to do this, but it should suffice for the first step in truly domesticating you four unruly G.o.ddesses!" Draco proclaimed from behind them in an insidious voice.

When they turned to look at him, their faces changed greatly. Draco burned all his bloodline energy to open three black portals. From the leftmost one came the Dark Angel/Devil version of himself who looked too handsome to be human, even to the point of being beautiful.

From the rightmost portal came a slightly buff yet slim version of Draco with red skin and two horns on either side of his head. The centermost portal released the Black Dragon himself in all his might.

The three beings stood before the Four Beauties, gazing at them like how a wolf would sheep. Draco coughed a little blood due to the forced summoning which was beyond his limits, but the three fellows began draining energy from the Inner Universe to sustain themselves.

Even then, Draco still paid a continuous Bloodline Energy cost to keep them active. However, he unveiled an Angel"s Kiss potion, an epic consumable that he made which could recover Bloodline Energy in-game.

Upon drinking it, he was as good as new, and his grin widened.

"I have hundreds of those, so let"s make this fun, shall we?" Draco said.


A small shockwave occurred as the Horned Demon Clone blasted forward and pa.s.sed through the Four Beauties before re-appearing beside the Draco clones casually.

In his hands were four sets of garments which he tossed to the side. A breeze blew in the room, forcing the Four Beauties to look down and see that they had been completely stripped naked!

Their blood-boiling bodies were on full display, side by side to each other. Zaine and Hikari"s full, large b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Roma and Eva"s perky, round b.r.e.a.s.t.s…

Amitabha, fellow daiost, this sight has allowed me to achieve the peak of the Dao. I shall now pay a visit to G.o.ddess Pamela to pay my respects. ??

The back view would probably be far better than this, but it was not what the focus was on. The moment their clothes were taken off, it was as if a signal had been shot.

The four Draco clones struck immediately, not even giving their targets time to realize their situation. The Horned Demon grabbed Roma while moving so fast that he left afterimages, kidnapping the "poor" witch and descending into the blood pool with her, before laying her open for the world to see.

The Dark Angel simply apported beside Zaine and captured her, before apporting here over to the Evil Altar where she was thrust down with her face into the negative energy foci with her a.s.s up.

The Black Dragon simply grabbed Hikari with ease, carrying her over to the Dragon"s nest as he tore off her Dragoness Circlet, revealing Hikari"s White Dragon body which was trembling slightly.

With evil eyes the Black Dragon mounted Hikari roughly, making the White Dragoness experience something she had never before in her life.

Finally, the original Draco gazed at Eva calmly as he walked forth. The Celestial Beauty realized that she was cornered and tried to plead, but such a thing was futile before the Handsome Devil.

She was unceremoniously captured and carried up to the heavenly cloud, where the status of the duo was obscured from those down below.

As if in sync, the four clones began violating the Four Beauties powerfully, soiling the G.o.ddess that almost 2.3 billion men on Earth were dreaming about every night.

What a tragedy!